In Arenac County Historical Society Land Records
Copyright 2012 – ACHS | Indexed April 30, 2012
Mason Twp Chattel Mortgage Records 1919
Name | Debtor/Debtee | Page |
_______, David | Mortgagee | 14 |
A. H. Wells and Co. | Mortgagee | 41 |
Able, Karol | Mortgagor | 2 |
Advance Thresher Co. | Mortgagee | 26 |
Anderson, Isaac | Mortgagee | 29, 56 |
Anderson, Isaac & Marvin, Wm. | Mortgagor | 2 |
Arbuckle Ryan Co. | Mortgagee | 56 |
Arenac Exchange Bank | Mortgagee | 30 |
Armstead, Chris | Mortgagor | 2 |
Armstead, Mary | Mortgagee | 2 |
Arnold, Mrs. Julia & Arnold, Charley | Mortgagor | 2 |
Arnold,Charles | Mortgagor | 2 |
Austin, George | Mortgagor | 2 |
Averil, Charles | Mortgagee | 7 |
Averill, Elmer & Charles | Mortgagor | 2 |
Averill, G. H. | Mortgagor | 2 |
Averill, George and Emma | Mortgagor | 2 |
Averill, R. J. | Mortgagor | 2 |
Averill, Robert | Mortgagor | 2 |
Babcock, Thos. | Mortgagor | 6 |
Baikie, John | Mortgagee | 48 |
Balen, Fanney R. S. | Mortgagee | 27 |
Balen, James | Mortgagee | 28 |
Banson & Bullock | Mortgagee | 1 |
Barber, James | Mortgagor | 6, 7 |
Barber, Mary | Mortgagor | 7 |
Barnhart & Spindler Bros. | Mortgagee | 47 |
Baurshaw, John | Mortgagee | 51 |
Baxter, A. | Mortgagor | 3 |
Baxter, Alex and Cyncie | Mortgagor | 45 |
Baxter, Alex and wife | Mortgagor | 5 |
Baxter, Alexander | Mortgagor | 1, 4, 5 |
Beaton, John | Mortgagee | 2, 30, 51 |
Beaushaw, John | Mortgagor | 5, 6 |
Beausjay, John | Mortgagee | 25 |
Belknap, Joseph | Mortgagee | 51 |
Bell, Alexander | Mortgagee | 46 |
Bergquist, Gus | Mortgagee | 28, 43, 50, 55 |
Bidwell, Clation | Mortgagor | 7 |
Bidwell, S.W. | Mortgagor | 3, 4 |
Bidwell, Stulleyer | Mortgagor | 3 |
Birch, Henry | Mortgagee | 31 |
Black, Andrew | Mortgagee | 44 |
Black, Frank | Mortgagor | 5 |
Black, John | Mortgagor, Mortgagee | 3, 9 |
Bradley, W. H. | Mortgagee | 56 |
Bradley, William | Mortgagee | 4, 27, 50, 52 |
Bratfisch, Albert | Mortgagee | 32 |
Briggs, Carnie | Mortgagor | 6 |
Briggs, Charles | Mortgagor | 5 |
Brookins, Charles | Mortgagor | 5 |
Brookins, Charles and Annie | Mortgagor | 5 |
Brooks and Squires | Mortgagee | 10, 34, 48, 54 |
Brown, A. N. | Mortgagor | 6 |
Brown, Alfred | Mortgagor | 7 |
Brown, Peter | Mortgagor | 6 |
Bruce, David | Mortgagee | 27 |
Bruce, James | Mortgagor,Mortgagee | 3, 4, 5, 10 |
Brusso, Ed | Mortgagor | 4 |
Brusso, Ed and Rosy | Mortgagor | 4 |
Brusso, Mrs. Edward | Mortgagor | 4 |
Buchanan, G. W. and wife | Mortgagor | 3 |
Bundscho, M. J. | Mortgagor | 6 |
Bundscho, N. J. | Mortgagor | 6 |
Cain, W. H. | Mortgagee | 11 |
Calvin, S. L. | Mortgagee | 5 |
Canana, E. C. | Mortgagor | 9 |
Carcallen, Geo. | Mortgagee | 32 |
Carow, Peter | Mortgagor | 10, 11 |
Carpenter and wife | Mortgagor | 10 |
Carpenter, Charles | Mortgagor | 9 |
Carpenter, Geo. | Mortgagor | 8, 9, 19 |
Carpenter, Geo. & Delilah | Mortgagor | 8 |
Carpenter, Geo. and Julia | Mortgagor | 10 |
Carpenter, Geo. and wife | Mortgagor | 10 |
Carpenter, George | Mortgagor | 8 |
Carscallen, Geo. | Mortgagee | 52 |
Chapple, Charles | Mortgagee | 46 |
Chatterson, Nelson | Mortgagor, Mortgagee | 1, 8, 34, 42 |
Church, Albert | Mortgagor | 11 |
Ciny, Geo. | Mortgagor | 9 |
Clark, Charles and Martha | Mortgagor | 10 |
Cliff, W. H. | Mortgagee | 19 |
Clouston, W. R. | Mortgagee | 41 |
Clukey, Mary Jane | Mortgagee | 29 |
Cochran, John | Mortgagee | 1 |
Corey, Geo and Estella | Mortgagor | 8 |
Corey, Geo. | Mortgagor | 9, 10 |
Corey, Geo. and wife | Mortgagor | 10 |
Corey, J. W. | Mortgagor | 8 |
Corey, John | Mortgagor | 8 |
Cornbellm, J. | Mortgagee | 22 |
Corry, Geo. | Mortgagee | 15, 55 |
Cory, George | Mortgagor,Mortgagee | 10,54 |
Covey, Geo. | Mortgagor | 44 |
Cowell, Lewis | Mortgagor | 10 |
Cowell, Wm. | Mortgagee | 25 |
Crandell, Lewis | Mortgagee | 12 |
Crego, Jud | Mortgagor | 9 |
Cummins, Farren | Mortgagor | 10 |
Curry, Geo. | Mortgagor | 9 |
Curtis, Mrs. Charles | Mortgagee | 33 |
David, Fanny | Mortgagee | 9 |
David, Zac | Mortgagee | 9, 3, 25, 28, 33, 37, 43, 44, 48, 52, 55 |
David, Zachariah | Mortgagee | 53 |
David, Zack | Mortgagee | 2, 5, 12, 30, 33 |
David, Zack and Greenzan | Mortgagee | 30 |
Davis, Emeline | Mortgagee | 8 |
Davis, Jerome | Mortgagee | 27 |
Davis, W. T. & R. E. | Mortgagee | 17, 28, 42, 43, 44 |
Dawker, Charles | Mortgagor | 12 |
Dawker, Fred | Mortgagor | 13 |
Day, H. G. | Mortgagor | 12 |
Day, Hugh | Mortgagor | 12, 13 |
Deacon, Richard | Mortgagor | 13 |
Decker, Fred | Mortgagor | 12 |
Deering Harvester Co. | Mortgagee | 2, 15 |
Deford, Ambros | Mortgagor | 13 |
Deford, Nelson | Mortgagee | 25, 29 |
Dennis, Thomas | Mortgagor | 12, 13 |
Dennis, Thomas and David | Mortgagor | 12, 13 |
Depeal, M. | Mortgagor | 12 |
Derosic, J. C. | Mortgagee | 30 |
Detweiler, W. E. | Mortgagor | 13 |
Dockham, John | Mortgagee | 10 |
Dooley, James | Mortgagee | 7 |
Eaton, W. N. | Mortgagee | 4 |
Edgerton, Geo. | Mortgagor | 14 |
Edmunds, Isaac | Mortgagor | 14 |
Edson, James | Mortgagee | 43 |
Egerton, George and wife | Mortgagor | 15 |
Embrekin and Brother | Mortgagor | 16 |
Emmons, E. J. | Mortgagor | 15, 16 |
Entrekin, Ralph | Mortgagor | 15 |
Eseltine, Charles | Mortgagor | 16 |
Eymer, Frank | Mortgagor | 14 |
Eymer, George | Mortgagor,Mortgagee | 10, 14, 38 |
Eymer, K. | Mortgagee | 37, 44 |
Eymer, Kate | Mortgagee | 14 |
Eymer, Myron | Mortgagor | 14 |
Eymer, W. D. | Mortgagor | 15, 16 |
Eymer, W. H. | Mortgagee | 33 |
Eymer, W. M. | Mortgagor | 15 |
Eymer, Wm. | Mortgagor | 14, 16 |
Farr, Frank | Mortgagor | 18 |
Ferrington, Thos. | Mortgagee | 47 |
Fitzpatrick, Ed | Mortgagor | 17 |
Fitzpatrick, Edward | Mortgagor | 18 |
Foster, Arthur | Mortgagor | 18 |
Fox, C. R. | Mortgagee | 17 |
Fox, Wm. | Mortgagor | 17 |
Francis, Chas. | Mortgagee | 44 |
Frank & Chambers | Mortgagee | 19 |
Frank & Eymer | Mortgagee | 23 |
Frank, John J. | Mortgagee | 5 |
Fritts, Ella | Mortgagor | 17 |
Fritts, Irwin | Mortgagor | 17 |
Fritts, Irwin and wife | Mortgagor | 17 |
Fritts, R. A. | Mortgagor | 17 |
Fritz, Irvin | Mortgagor | 18 |
Frizzle, Henry | Mortgagor | 17, 18 |
Frizzle, James | Mortgagor | 17 |
Fry, Edward | Mortgagee | 48 |
Gardner and Wilson | Mortgagee | 31, 46, 49 |
Gilkey, Coleman | Mortgagor | 19 |
Gilkey, Laurel | Mortgagor | 19 |
Girling, George | Mortgagor | 19 |
Glasure, James | Mortgagor,Mortgagee | 17 |
Gordon, James | Mortgagee | 12, 19 |
Gordon, Wilson L. | Mortgagee | 1 |
Gorrie, Agnes | Mortgagee | 55 |
Gregg, James | Mortgagor | 19 |
Gregg, Thos. | Mortgagee | 25 |
Grosvent, Geo. | Mortgagee | 20, 37 |
Gunham, Angus | Mortgagee | 32 |
Gustin Merrill Co. | Mortgagee | 1 |
H. Zeran and Co. | Mortgagee | 17, 29 |
Hanlin, Peter | Mortgagee | 27 |
Harman, C. H. | Mortgagor | 20 |
Harmon, Chester | Mortgagor | 20 |
Harmon, Chester & Cena | Mortgagor | 21 |
Harriman Wagon and Co. | Mortgagee | 30 |
Harrington, Chas. | Mortgagee | 2 |
Harris, Luman | Mortgagor | 21 |
Harris, Luman and Francis | Mortgagor | 21 |
Harrison Wagon Co. | Mortgagee | 6 |
Hartman, Chester and wife | Mortgagor | 21 |
Hartwick, Charles | Mortgagee | 17, 49 |
Hartwick, David | Mortgagor | 21 |
Hartwick, Peter | Mortgagor | 20, 21 |
Henry Zeran and Co. | Mortgagee | 4, 9, 12, 13, 14, 17, 28, 28, 29, 33, 37, 44, 48, 50, 53, 54 |
Heriman, Christopher | Mortgagor | 20 |
Hettinger, J. B. | Mortgagee | 14 |
Hettinger, Jas. | Mortgagor,Mortgagee | 20, 53 |
Hinkley and Co. | Mortgagee | 30 |
Hollister, Geo. | Mortgagee | 47 |
Holmes, James | Mortgagor | 21 |
Houghtaling, Harlo | Mortgagee | 37 |
Hull, C. J. | Mortgagee | 32 |
Hull, Mary | Mortgagee | 56 |
Hull, Mrs. C. J. | Mortgagee | 38 |
Hull, Rebecca | Mortgagee | 15, 49 |
Hull, Samuel | Mortgagee | 5, 8, 18 |
Hull, T. A. | Mortgagee | 6, 10, 15, 32, 40, 46, 48, 54 |
Hull, Thomas | Mortgagee | 3, 5 |
Irvine, Fritz | Mortgagee | 45 |
J. H. Larkin and Co. | Mortgagee | 3, 8, 37 |
J. W. Brotherton and Co. | Mortgagee | 27 |
Jackman, Anthony | Mortgagee | 49 |
Jackson, Anthony | Mortgagee | 27, 30, 33, 45 |
Jacobs, Henry | Mortgagor,Mortgagee | 22, 23 |
Johnson, Joseph | Mortgagor | 22 |
Jones, Alonzo | Mortgagor | 22 |
Jones, E. | Mortgagor | 22 |
Kaiser, Florian | Mortgagee | 4, 8, 9, 33, 51 |
Karl, Alel | Mortgagor | 23 |
Kear, Wm. | Mortgagor | 23 |
Keeler, George | Mortgagor | 23, 24 |
Keeler, Samuel | Mortgagor | 23 |
Keeler, Samuel & Caroline | Mortgagor | 23 |
Keller & Co. | Mortgagee | 19 |
Ker---, John | Mortgagor | 23 |
Kerr, Edward | Mortgagor | 24 |
Knickerbocker, Frank | Mortgagor | 23 |
Knight, Elisabeth | Mortgagee | 19, 21, 51 |
Knight, Eugene | Mortgagee | 20 |
Knight, Geo. | Mortgagee | 20, 38, 51 |
Kohn, Joseph | Mortgagor | 23 |
Labonty, Peter | Mortgagor | 25, 26 |
Labonty, Tom | Mortgagor | 26 |
LaGrant, Dora | Mortgagor,Mortgagee | 6, 25, 31 |
Lagrant, Lewis | Mortgagor | 25 |
Lanska, Joe | Mortgagor | 26 |
Laurence, Fred | Mortgagor | 25 |
Laurence, Gerard | Mortgagor | 25 |
Laurence, John | Mortgagor | 25 |
Lawlance, Gerard | Mortgagor | 26 |
Lawlance, Gerard & Deacon, R. | Mortgagor | 26 |
Lawrence, John R. | Mortgagor | 1 |
LeForce, William | Mortgagee | 13 |
Lewis, Geo. | Mortgagee | 25 |
Macauley, A. | Mortgagor | 27 |
Macauley, Rev. John | Mortgagee | 43 |
MacCready, John | Mortgagee | 4 |
Macklem, Philip | Mortgagor | 27 |
MacMillan, Alex | Mortgagor | 30 |
Macomber, C. H. | Mortgagee | 6, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 32, 35, 38, 39, 48 |
Macomber, H. | Mortgagee | 15 |
Maltby Brotherton & Co. | Mortgagee | 1, 14, 27 |
March, John | Mortgagee | 2 |
Markle, Wm. | Mortgagor | 32 |
Markle, Wm. & Thompson, Ross | Mortgagor | 32 |
Marston, John | Mortgagee | 4 |
Martin, Will | Mortgagee | 10 |
Marvin, Albert | Mortgagor | 30, 31 |
Marvin, Ezra | Mortgagor | 31 |
Marvin, F. | Mortgagor | 32 |
Marvin, Frank | Mortgagor | 29, 32 |
Marvin, Frank and wife | Mortgagor | 29 |
Marvin, Philip | Mortgagor | 29 |
Marvin, Wm. | Mortgagor | 29, 30, 32 |
Marvin, Wm. & Anderson, Isaac | Mortgagor | 31 |
Masten, Geo. | Mortgagor | 28 |
McArthur, Mal | Mortgagor | 28 |
McAuley, Rev. John | Mortgagee | 3 |
McCanna, Cornelius | Mortgagor | 28, 29 |
McCloy, John | Mortgagor | 30 |
McCool, Mrs. C. | Mortgagee | 6, 21, 24 |
McCormick Machine Harvesting Co. | Mortgagee | 21, 29 |
McCready, John | Mortgagee | 29 |
McDonald, Archey | Mortgagor | 31 |
McDonald, Peter | Mortgagee | 31 |
McDonell, Angus | Mortgagee | 52 |
McDougal, Harry | Mortgagor | 32 |
McDougal, John | Mortgagor | 28 |
McDougal, John and Ellen | Mortgagor | 29 |
McDougal, John and wife | Mortgagor | 29, 31 |
McEachren, Daniel | Mortgagor | 1 |
McEachren, Daniel & Sarah | Mortgagor | 27 |
McHough, Lawrence | Mortgagee | 28 |
McKay, Maggie and Hugh | Mortgagor | 12 |
McKenzie, Luther | Mortgagee | 39 |
McLean, Rosa | Mortgagor | 31 |
McMillan, Alex | Mortgagor | 31, 32 |
McMillan, John | Mortgagor, Mortgagee | 1, 20, 27, 28, 29 |
McMillan, John and wife | Mortgagor | 31 |
McMillan, Margaret | Mortgagor,Mortgagee | 28, 29, 30 |
McMillan, R. | Mortgagee | 43 |
McMillan, Roderick | Mortgagor, Mortgagee | 1, 6, 29, 43 |
McMullen, John | Mortgagee | 8 |
McMullen, M. A. | Mortgagee | 42 |
McMullin, John | Mortgagor | 27, 28 |
McMullin, Margaret | Mortgagee | 20 |
McMullin, Miles | Mortgagee | 27 |
McMullin, Roderick | Mortgagor | 27 |
Meikle, James | Mortgagee | 12 |
Menzer, Fred | Mortgagor,Mortgagee | 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25, 26, 30, 31, 38, 39, 40, 41, 46, 47, 48, 56 |
Menzer, Ralph | Mortgagee | 15 |
Mills, Chas. | Mortgagor | 1 |
Mills, J. B. | Mortgagee | 29, 31, 32, 39, 40, 46, 47, 48, 55, 56 |
Milman, James | Mortgagor | 30 |
Milmine, Andrew | Mortgagor | 31, 32 |
Milmine, Charles | Mortgagor | 30, 31 |
Minnesota Thresher Manufacturing Company | Mortgagee | 13 |
Misener, Clayton | Mortgagor | 32 |
Misener, Clayton and wife | Mortgagor | 32 |
Mittie, Geo. | Mortgagor,Mortgagee | 28, 48 |
Monroe, Wm. | Mortgagor | 29, 32 |
Moody, Geo. | Mortgagor | 30 |
Moore, Thos. | Mortgagee | 25 |
Morley, Samuel | Mortgagor | 31 |
Morse, Mrs. Geo. | Mortgagee | 23 |
Munro, Geo. | Mortgagor | 30 |
Munro, Wm. | Mortgagor | 31 |
Neal, Andrew | Mortgagor | 34 |
Neal, Andrew and wife | Mortgagor | 34 |
Neil, Andrew | Mortgagor,Mortgagee | 34, 35 |
Neil, Andrew and wife | Mortgagor | 34 |
Neil, Mary | Mortgagor | 34 |
Neil, Wm. | Mortgagor | 35 |
Nichols, Wm. | Mortgagor | 35 |
Nichols, Wm. & Nichols, Albina | Mortgagor | 34 |
Nims, Dave | Mortgagor | 33 |
Nixon, Alex | Mortgagor,Mortgagee | 9, 20, 31, 33, 34, 35, 37, 50 |
Nixon, Alex & Jenie | Mortgagor | 33 |
Nixon, Alex and wife | Mortgagor | 33 |
Nixon, Alexander | Mortgagee | 21, 37, 45 |
Nixon, Wm. Sr. | Mortgagee | 33 |
Noble Sleeper and Co. | Mortgagee | 17 |
Norn, James | Mortgagee | 31 |
Norris, Daniel & Stalker, James | Mortgagor | 34 |
Norris, Paul | Mortgagee | 33 |
Northwestern Manufacturing and Car Company | Mortgagee | 13 |
Olmstead, Geo. | Mortgagor | 36 |
Page, Robert | Mortgagee | 12, 13, 29, 32, 41 |
Palmateer, Simon | Mortgagor | 37, 39 |
Palmateer, Simon and wife | Mortgagor | 37 |
Parkens, Wm. and Florence | Mortgagor | 38 |
Parkin, W. | Mortgagor | 38 |
Parkin, Wm. | Mortgagor | 38, 39, 40 |
Parkin, Wm. and wife | Mortgagor | 38 |
Patterson, C. A. | Mortgagor | 37, 38, 39 |
Patterson, Chas. | Mortgagor | 37 |
Peaslee, Geo. | Mortgagor | 39, 40 |
Peaslee, V. K. | Mortgagor | 39 |
Peets, Andrew | Mortgagee | 11 |
Perry, Alvinza | Mortgagor | 37 |
Perry, Alvinza | Mortgagee | 51 |
Perry, Chas. | Mortgagor | 37, 44 |
Perry, Vin | Mortgagee | 14 |
Pettit, Francis | Mortgagor | 39, 40 |
Pettit, Francis and wife | Mortgagor | 40 |
Phillips, Robt. | Mortgagor | 38, 40 |
Picket, Sam | Mortgagee | 28 |
Poole, Benjamin | Mortgagee | 19, 44 |
Poole, Charles and wife | Mortgagor | 38 |
Potter, Warren | Mortgagee | 2 |
Powell, David | Mortgagor | 38 |
Prescott, C.H. | Mortgagee | 10, 15 |
Proctor, Wm. | Mortgagor | 37, 38, 39 |
Raymer, Charles | Mortgagee | 12, 13 |
Reed, John | Mortgagor | 41 |
Reichstein, John | Mortgagee | 2 |
Reid, Robert | Mortgagee | 46 |
Restiner, John | Mortgagor | 41 |
Restiner, M | Mortgagor | 41 |
Rice, Fred | Mortgagee | 54 |
Roberts, Charles | Mortgagor | 41 |
Roberts, Geo. | Mortgagee | 51 |
Robins and Birtonshaw Co. | Mortgagee | 14 |
Robinson & Burten--- | Mortgagee | 42 |
Robinson, Geo. | Mortgagor, Mortgagee | 41, 45 |
Rosenthal, Sam | Mortgagee | 31 |
Salmon, Bruce | Mortgagor | 46 |
Salmon, Jacob | Mortgagor | 42, 43, 44 |
Salmon, Manuel | Mortgagor | 43, 44, 46 |
Sanborn, Mrs. K. | Mortgagee | 23 |
Sanborn, Rebecca | Mortgagee | 45 |
Sanbourn, Mrs. | Mortgagee | 49 |
Sanbourne, J. E. | Mortgagor | 42, 43 |
Sanbourne, James | Mortgagor | 43 |
Sanbourne, James E. | Mortgagee | 42 |
Sanbourne, Jas. | Mortgagee | 18, 50, 51 |
Sanburne, Jos. | Mortgagee | 8 |
Sandburn, J. E. | Mortgagee | 23, 42 |
Sandburn, Rebecca | Mortgagee | 23 |
Schooly, Wm. | Mortgagor | 44 |
Scott, Abram | Mortgagor, Mortgagee | 20, 25, 42, 43, 44, 48, 51, 52 |
Scott, Martha | Mortgagee | 12, 42 |
Scully, James | Mortgagee | 4 |
Sheffer, Joseph | Mortgagee | 17 |
Shetter, K. | Mortgagee | 2 |
Shettler, R. | Mortgagee | 45 |
Shimmioz, Charles | Mortgagee | 17 |
Shimmons, Charles | Mortgagee | 21, 38, 39, 45, 55 |
Simmons, Caleb | Mortgagee | 27 |
Simms, Joseph | Mortgagor | 42 |
Singer Manufacturing Co. | Mortgagee | 42, 50 |
Singer, William | Mortgagor | 1, 42, 44, 45 |
Sischo, Andrew | Mortgagor | 45 |
Sischo, Dan | Mortgagor | 47 |
Sischo, Horace | Mortgagor | 46 |
Skettler, R. | Mortgagee | 34 |
Skimmons, Charles | Mortgagee | 30 |
Slatker | Mortgagee | 23 |
Sloat, John | Mortgagee | 38 |
Smalley, J. S. | Mortgagee | 3, 34, 43, 45 |
Smalley, James | Mortgagee | 10, 46 |
Smart and Co. | Mortgagee | 38 |
Smith, Fred | Mortgagee | 3 |
Smith, Fred and Mary | Mortgagor | 45 |
Smith, Henry | Mortgagee | 3, 9 |
Smith, Henry M. | Mortgagor | 1 |
Smith, James | Mortgagor,Mortgagee | 2, 42, 43, 44, 46 |
Smith, James and wife | Mortgagor | 45 |
Smith, Mary | Mortgagee | 23 |
Smith, W.H. & Rooney, Pat | Mortgagor | 42 |
Smith, William | Mortgagor | 2 |
Snowdy, James | Mortgagee | 14 |
Soloman, Manuel | Mortgagor | 45 |
Soloman, Marvin and Jennie | Mortgagor | 45 |
Squire & Sterling Mercantile | Mortgagee | 21, 34, 39, 49, 55 |
Srigley, Arthur and wife | Mortgagor | 46 |
Staley, Marvin | Mortgagor | 46 |
Stalker, Elijah | Mortgagor | 43 |
Stalker, Fred | Mortgagor | 46 |
Stalker, Hiram | Mortgagor | 45, 46 |
Stalker, Hiram, James, & Smith, James | Mortgagor | 45 |
Stalker, James | Mortgagor | 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 |
Stalkerm Fred | Mortgagor | 46 |
Standish Bank | Mortgagee | 2 |
Stephens, Allen | Mortgagor | 44 |
Steven, T. J. | Mortgagor | 47 |
Stevens, Benj. | Mortgagee | 26 |
Stevens, F. J. | Mortgagee | 6 |
Stevens, F. L. | Mortgagee | 6 |
Stevens, Jane | Mortgagor | 47 |
Stevens, Mrs. Jane | Mortgagee | 16 |
Stevens, Mrs. K. S. | Mortgagor | 47 |
Stewart, Thomas | Mortgagee | 8 |
Stewart, W. F. | Mortgagor | 46 |
Stiehl, Henry | Mortgagee | 39 |
Stone, Anthony | Mortgagee | 48 |
Strong, Robert | Mortgagor | 46, 47 |
Sugden, John | Mortgagor,Mortgagee | 21, 47 |
Sugden, John & Maggie | Mortgagor | 47 |
Swainston, Richard | Mortgagor | 43 |
Swalley, J. | Mortgagee | 20 |
Swalley, Jas. | Mortgagee | 20, 29 |
Tahack, Wm. | Mortgagee | 54 |
Tahark, Wm. | Mortgagee | 53 |
Taylor, W. H. | Mortgagor | 48 |
Taylor, Wm. | Mortgagor | 48 |
The Harrison Wagon Co. | Mortgagee | 41 |
The Sugarland Co. | Mortgagee | 35 |
Thice, Augustus | Mortgagor | 48 |
Thies, Augustus | Mortgagor | 48 |
Thompson, Charles | Mortgagee | 25 |
Thompson, John | Mortgagor | 48 |
Thompson, Ross | Mortgagor | 48 |
Thompson, Ross and wife | Mortgagor | 48 |
Thompson, Roy | Mortgagor | 48 |
Tice, Augustus | Mortgagor | 48 |
Tice, Augustus and wife | Mortgagor | 48 |
Tice, Hirahm and wife | Mortgagor | 48 |
Toner, James | Mortgagee | 16 |
Treasurer of the Township | Mortgagee | 1 |
Trend, Mr & Mrs Joseph | Mortgagor | 48 |
Trustees of the Free Methodist Church | Mortgagee | 21 |
Twining, F. L. | Mortgagee | 7, 12, 46 |
Twining, Fred | Mortgagee | 5, 6, 15, 30, 31, 32, 38, 47, 55 |
VanAntwerp, P. | Mortgagee | 50 |
Vanderlip, Billy | Mortgagor | 50 |
Vanderlip, Frank | Mortgagor, Mortgagee | 32, 49, 50 |
Vanderlip, Frank and wife | Mortgagor | 50 |
Vanderlip, Wm. | Mortgagor | 49, 50 |
Vanderlip, Wm. and wife | Mortgagor | 49, 50 |
Vanderwoort, Minnie and Wm. | Mortgagor | 50 |
Vanrickle, Wellington | Mortgagor | 50 |
Vansickle, J. F. | Mortgagor | 49 |
Vie, Andrew and Smith, H. M. | Mortgagor | 33 |
Vogalie, Chris | Mortgagee | 5 |
Vogelei, Nichols | Mortgagee | 45 |
Vogelir, Nichols | Mortgagee | 23 |
Walker, James | Mortgagee | 34, 36 |
Walker, John | Mortgagee | 24 |
Walker, Peter | Mortgagee | 52 |
Ward, Chas. | Mortgagor,Mortgagee | 2, 42 |
Ward, Chas. | Mortgagee | [blank] |
Warder, Bushnell and Glessner Co. | Mortgagee | 5, 19, 35, 54, 56 |
Weaver, N. B. | Mortgagee | 41 |
Weinberg, E. | Mortgagee | 5, 38 |
Weishuhn, Henry | Mortgagor | 51, 52, 53, 54, 56 |
Weishuhn, Henry and Maria | Mortgagor | 52 |
Weishuhn, Henry and wife | Mortgagor | 51, 53 |
Weishuhn, Isaac | Mortgagor,Mortgagee | 54, 55 |
Weishuhn, James | Mortgagor | 52, 54, 55, 56 |
Weishuhn, James and Anna | Mortgagor | 52 |
Weishuhn, James and wife | Mortgagor | 51 |
Weishuhn, Jas. and wife | Mortgagor | 53 |
Weishuhn, Peter | Mortgagor | 55 |
Weishuhn, Richard | Mortgagor, Mortgagee | 51, 53, 54, 55, 56 |
Weishuhn, Richard and Corrie | Mortgagor | 56 |
Weishuhn, Richard and wife | Mortgagor | 52, 53, 55 |
Weitzel, Fred | Mortgagee | 34 |
Weitzel, Fredik | Mortgagee | 14 |
Weitzel, Fredrek | Mortgagee | 17 |
Wells, A. G. | Mortgagee | 45 |
Wells, Arthur | Mortgagee | 45 |
Wetmore, Chas. | Mortgagee | 30 |
Wezdeiver Bros. | Mortgagee | 48 |
Wheeler and Green | Mortgagee | 33 |
Wheeler, Arnot | Mortgagee | 14 |
Whiple, Thomas | Mortgagee | 1 |
Whipple, Martha | Mortgagee | 33 |
Whiting, Zeno | Mortgagor | 54, 56 |
Wideman, Joseph | Mortgagee | 46 |
Wilcox, Eugene | Mortgagor | 51 |
Wilkins, A. L. | Mortgagee | 19 |
William, James | Mortgagee | 41 |
Williams, Alfred | Mortgagor | 55 |
Willids, Ira | Mortgagor | 54 |
Willis, Joseph | Mortgagor, Mortgagee | 22, 52, 54 |
Willis, Joseph, Willis, Art & Weishuhn, Isaac | Mortgagor | 54 |
Wilson, Abram | Mortgagor | 53, 54, 55, 56 |
Wilson, Abram & Wilson, Augusta | Mortgagor | 55 |
Wilson, John | Mortgagee | 3, 42 |
Wilson, Thomas | Mortgagor | 56 |
Winans, Elizabeth | Mortgagee | 12, 13 |
Witte, Anna | Mortgagee | 28 |
Wood, Walter | Mortgagee | 21 |
Woodard, Loran | Mortgagor,Mortgagee | 45, 56 |
Woodcock, Geo. | Mortgagee | 42 |
Young and Boneman | Mortgagee | 15 |
Young and Kourmau | Mortgagee | 15 |
Youngman, Joseph | Mortgagee | 28 |
Zack, David | Mortgagee | 12, 14, 22, 23 |
Zeran & David | Mortgagee | 9, 10, 15, 41, 46 |
Zeran, Henry | Mortgagee | 3, 8 |
Zuran, Henry | Mortgagee | 9, 19 |