In Arenac County Historical Society Scrapbooks

Copyright 2008 – ACHS | Indexed November 23, 2008


Arenac Co Poor Board Vol 48 1930
Abbott, Dr. Frank165
Abbott, E. A.118
Abbott, E. G.113
Abbott, E. G.189
Abbott, F. E. M. D.120
Abbott, F. E. M. D.132
Abbott, F. E. M. D.172
Abbott, F. E. M. D.173
Abbott, F. E. M. D.176
Abbott, F. E. M. D.187
Abbott, F. E. M.D.65
Abbott, Frank E. M. D.152
Abbott, Frank, M. D72
Abbott, Frank, M. D.73
Abbott, Frank, M. D.170
Abbott's Pharmacy113
Abbott's Pharmacy118
Abbott's Pharmacy179
Abbott's Pharmacy184
Abbott's Pharmacy189
Adin, Tim142
Alexander, Nate30
Alexander, Nate30
Allen, Alfred150
Allen, Carl150
Allen, Carl167
Ames, Reta172
Amley, C. C.169
Anderson, Floyd162
Anderson, Isaac162
Angus, Arthur30
Badour, Agnes75
Badour, Celia30
Badour, Mary C.30
Basney, John135
Bassett, H.151
Beebe, Dr,176
Bell, Mrs. E. E.158
Bennett, Annie30
Bernard, Mary73
Bernard, Mary138
Bernthal, Otto178
Bissett, H. M.144
Bissett, H. M.153
Bissett, H. M.168
Black, Avis30
Black, Dr. Douglas160
Blumenthal, Harry88
Blumenthal, Harry175
Bolt, R.189
Bolt, Richard113
Bolt, RichardDeep River Township Supervisor170
Bordeau, F. J.80
Bordeau, F. J.97
Bordeau, F. J.115
Bordeau, F. J.158
Bordeau, F. J.182
Bordeau, F. J.182
Bordeau, F. J.183
Brabo, Frank42
Brabo, Frank64
Brabo, George30
Brown, Bessie30
Brown, Bessie84
Brown, Bessie91
Brown, Bill69
Brown, John98
Brown, John180
Brown, John181
Brown, John183
Brown, Mrs.127
Brown, Mrs. Mary83
Brown, Mrs. Mary181
Brown, Peter125
Brown, Peter135
Brundage, H. A.59
Brundage, H. A.60
Brundage, H. A.61
Bukowski, Sophia194
Burke, Basil30
Burns, Mrs. T. M.76
Burnside, Mabel30
Cabay, Mrs. David180
Cabay, Mrs. David182
Cabay, Mrs. Thomas80
Cameron, Charlotte172
Caruthers, George115
Chamberlain, O. T.78
Chamberlain, O. T.80
Chamberlain, O. T.81
Chamberlain, O. T.82
Chamberlain, O. T.83
Chamberlain, O. T.90
Chamberlain, O. T.97
Chamberlain, O. T.99
Chamberlain, O. T.100
Chamberlain, O. T.103
Chamberlain, O. T.104
Chamberlain, O. T.106
Chamberlain, O. T.180
Chamberlain, O. T.181
Chamberlain, O. T.182
Chamberlain, O. T.183
Chamberlain, O. T.79
Chamberlain, O. T.98
Chamberlain-Holmes-Jeffords Co.128
Chapman, Fred124
Chappell, Mrs.63
Childs, H.170
Childs, Hazel172
Childs, Willmena172
Christie, JohnSuperintendent of the Poor1
Christie, John5
Christie, JohnSuperintendent of the Poor16
Christie, John17
Christie, John18
Christie, John19
Christie, John20
Christie, JohnSuperintendent of the Poor22
Christie, John69
Christie, John M. D.31
Clark, WillisJustice of the Peace123
Clark, WillisJustice of the Peace135
Clark, Willis155
Clark, WillisJustice of the Peace158
Clark, WillisJustice of the Peace171
Clouston, Wm. R.45
Cole, Lelura136
Cole-Jennings Mercantile Co.119
Cole-Jennings Mercantile Company167
Cole-Jennings Mercantile Company168
Conners, Harry E.26
Cournya, Peter166
Crandell, C. H.73
Crandell, C. H.192
Crandell, C. H.193
Crandell, C. H. M. D.137
Crandell, C. H. M. D.139
Crandell, C. H. M. D.173
Crandell, Dr. C. H.127
Crandell, Dr. C.H. M. D.122
Crandell, Wesley67
Crawford, P. A.86
Crocker, Theron32
Cummings, Floyd30
Cunningham, Geo.192
Cunningham, Mrs. George140
Cuttle, Charles115
Dale, Marie172
Davis, Martha57
Debrowski, Kazimer40
Demun, Rockwell48
DeWitt, Francis B.Arenac County Register of Deeds108
Dibble, Mary30
Dittenbirs, Henry121
Dodds, Mrs. John106
Donnelly Funeral Parlors2
Donnelly, John190
Donnelly, W. J.2
Dooley, James123
Dooley, JamesJustice of the Peace135
Dooley, James155
Dooly, JamesJustice of the Peace158
Dooly, JamesJustice of the Peace171
Douglas, Mrs. Wm.163
Duby, E. L.17
Duby, George134
Duby, George144
Duchering, Ira112
Dunn, Anthony58
Dunn, J. K.Judge Judge138
Dunn, J. W.Judge139
Dunn, J. W.Judgr140
Dunn, J. W.141
Dunn, J. W.Judge147
Dunn, J. W.185
Dunn, J. W.187
Dunn, J. W. Judge137
Dunn, John112
Dunn, John119
Dunn, John W.Probate Judge, Arenac County71
Dunn, John W.72
Dunn, John W.75
Dunn, John W.Judge136
Dunn, John W.Probate Judge154
Dunn, John W.165
Dunn, John W.Probate Court Judge177
Dunn, John W.Probate Judge194
Dunn, Judge John W.178
Dunn, Toney85
East Michigan Farmers Elevator Co.154
Edmonds, Mrs.108
Edmonds, Tom129
Farmers Hotel177
Fedders, John114
Fedders, John158
Felsky, Augustus136
Fillmore, W. L.61
Fillmore, W. L.62
Fisher, G. A.112
Fisher, R. L. M. D.65
Forshee, Clare66
Forshee, Claude2
Forshee, Claude46
Forshee, Claude49
Forshee, Claude53
Forshee, Claude67
Forshee, Claude68
Forsyth and Downer188
Forsyth and Downer190
Forsyth and Downer191
Forsyth and Downer192
Fox, Horatio157
Fox, John H.Adams Township Clerk152
Fox, John H.157
Francis, Smith and Lee193
Fredor, John142
Freeman, W. M.30
Fry, J. C.50
Fry, J. C.54
Fry, J. C.55
Fry, J. C.56
Fry, J. C.57
Fry, J. C.58
Fry, J. C.136
Fry, J. C. Justice of the Peace133
Fry, James C.33
Fry, James C.38
Gavrod, Mrs.182
Gawne, Mrs. Gladys154
Gawne, Mrs. Ivan55
Gee, James76
Gee, James86
Gee, James96
Gee, James96
Gee, James101
Gee, James101
Gee, James130
Gee, James148
Gee, James149
Gee, James191
Gee, Jim128
Gick, Mrs. Henry91
Gidley, W. R.34
Giser, James142
Glasure, Mrs. James194
Gleason, Dock50
Gleazer, Mrs.185
Good roe,113
Good roe,170
Goodman, ThomasChairman of the Board[blank]
Goodrich, Harry70
Goodrow, Glen172
Gordon, Blanche172
Gordon, R. M.172
Goste, Henry116
Graverod, Mrs.81
Graves, Phoebe30
Gravrod, Mrs.180
Greanya, Roy102
Gregg, Mrs. Wm.163
Gregg, Wm.156
Gregg, Wm.163
Greggs, Wm.145
Greggs, Wm.146
Griffeth, Mary Day177
Griffith, Mary D.71
Griffiths, Mary75
Griffiths, Mrs. Mary158
Gunn, R. P. M. D.3
Gunn, R. P. M. D.9
Gunn, Robert P. M. D.17
Gunn, Robert P. M. D.20
Gunn, Robert P. M. D.21
Gwisdala, J. J.Notary Public111
Hall, Gilbert193
Harding, Margaret J.26
Harris, Mrs. Del186
Haslip, James125
Haslip, James146
Haslip, JamesHealth Officer171
Haslip, JamesHealth Officer174
Haslip, James R.123
Haslip, James R.155
Haslip, James R.158
Haslip, Mr. James135
Hasty, E. A.24
Hasty, E. A., M. D.4
Hasty, Julia74
Hasty, Mrs. W. H.158
Hasty, William H.Arenac County Sheriff158
Hasty, William, Sheriff42
Hasty, William, Sheriff43
Hasty, Willie157
Hasty, Wm.Arenac County Sheriff74
Hasty, Wm.192
Henderson, Eliza J.139
Henderson, John147
Henderson, Mrs.147
Henry, Elijah90
Henry, John78
Herman, August150
Herman, August167
Herman, Lucille112
Herstons, Jake121
Hertzberg, Mrs.187
Hewitt, S___ 157
Hibner, Mary38
Hildring__, B. J94
Hinkley, Jessie30
Holden and Fry44
Holder and Fry36
Holland, B. S.63
Holland, B. S.64
Holland, B. S.186
Holland, Bert88
Hollister, G. H.County Surveyor, Civil Engineer177
Howard, C. C51
Howard, C. C.111
Howard, C. C.Coroner133
Howard, C. O.38
Howard, C. O.45
Howard, Clayton C.48
Howard, J. C. & Sons2
Hudson, Belle72
Hull, Guy157
Isaac, Jim104
J. C. Howard and Son37
J. C. Howard and Son40
J. C. Howard and Son70
J. C. Howard and SonFurniture and Undertaking95
Jacobs, Mrs. Pete88
Jacobs, Peter50
James, Emerson30
James, Julia79
Jaynes, J.155
Jaynes, J___96
Jaynes, J_____149
Jaynes, J______148
Johannes, Jake116
Johnson, Ed160
Johnson, Jim169
Johnson, W. P.126
Jones Family109
Jones Family110
Jones, Eva172
Jones, J.170
Jones, Mr.91
Jones, Mrs.83
Jones, Mrs.105
Jones, Mrs. C. A.87
Jones, Mrs. Ida92
Jones, William37
Jury, Mrs. Al___iah49
Keller and Co.114
Keller and Co.129
Kerr, Myrtle70
Klenk, Bertha172
Klenk, John172
Knickerbocker, Nellie30
Knowles, George30
Knowles, George30
Koelsch, Peter161
Kolszar, Joe132
Kozel, Joseph95
Kozel, Joseph152
Kozial, Mr.94
Krwash, Margaret44
Krzyak, Rose41
LaBarge, E. C.Clerk, Standish Township166
Ladies of the Maccabees138
LaLonde, Corileius137
Lambert, Chas.43
Lamore, Antone110
Larice, Wm.145
Laux, Mr.128
Lee, Joe85
Legut, Sophia178
Leiber, Nick Jr.125
Lenahan, Dr. Walter25
Lenehan, Walter22
Lerner, David, M. D.28
Lerner, Dr. David15
LeRoux, W.146
LeRoux, W.Health Officer156
LeRoux, Wm.163
Lincoln, Irvin E.67
Louks, Geo.96
Loux, George101
M______, Frank172
M______ing, C. E.26
Maggar, Julia30
Malvey, Dr. Kenneth16
Malvey, Kenneth, M. D.6
Mann, Jennie30
Manning, K. L.148
Marks, Sol.185
Marsh, Ella51
Marsh, Gertrude52
Marsh, Laurence52
Martin, JosephSuperintendent of the Poor16
Martin, Joseph17
Martin, Joseph18
Martin, Joseph19
Martin, Joseph20
Martin, Joseph30
Martin, Joseph193
Masten, J.Health Officer149
Mc___, Thomas157
McDougal, Angus134
McDowell, A. S.146
McDowell, Albert S, M. D.Supervisor of Whitney Township124
McDowell, Albert S, M. D.171
McLarty, Mrs.80
McMannus, J. J. M. D.23
McManus, J. J. M. D.7
McManus, J.J. M. D.31
McManus. J. J. M. D.31
McMillan, Mrs. A.149
McNaughton, G. P. M. D.193
Mead, J. K.Pharmacist87
Miew, Hulda172
Miller, Duncan30
Moat, G. B.163
Moat, G. B.164
Moffatt, ____ M. D173
Morgan, Alick A.Clerk of Mason Township123
Moses, Nancy36
Mueller, L.193
Mueller, Louis192
Murray, Martha30
Navidonski, Agnes30
Nichols, Wm.76
Noonday, Amos84
Noonday, David99
Noonday, David180
Nuttall, W. R.30
Olex Children178
Olex, Anna178
Olin, Dr.194
Omer Telephone Co.30
Ord, Bert154
Orr, Chester30
Orr, George165
Osterhout, Newton C.51
Packard, S. W.53
Packard, S. W.66
Packard, S. W.67
Packard, S. W.68
Packard, S. W.134
Packard, S. W.151
Packard, S. W.153
Packard, S. W.168
Page, Dr.87
Page, R.39
Page, R.40
Page, R.41
Page, R.50
Page, R.54
Page, R.r56
Page, R.57
Page, R.58
Page, R.173
Page, R. Superintendent of the Poor109
Page, RobertSuperintendent of the Poor22
Page, Robert70
Page, Robert85
Page, RobertSuperintendent of the Poor Board91
Page, RobertSuperintendent of the Poor94
Page, RobertSuperintendent of the Poor105
Page, RobertSuperintendent of the Poor110
Page, Robt.Superintendent of the Poor1
Page, Robt.5
Page, Robt. M. D.31
Peaslee, V. R.46
Peaslee, V. R.47
Peets, A.162
Petty, Dr, J. R.144
Petty, Dr. J. R.13
Petty, Dr. J. R.116
Petty, Dr. J. R.121
Petty, Dr. J. R.134
Petty, Dr. J. R.150
Petty, Dr. J. R.151
Petty, J. R, M. D.168
Petty, J. R. Dr.71
Petty, J. R. M. D.65
Petty, J. R. M. D.75
Petty, J. R. M. D.173
Petty, J. R.M. D.167
Petty, John R. M. D.18
Plant, Margaret30
Pomeroy, Horton59
Pomeroy, Horton60
Pomeroy, Horton157
Pomeroy, Horton179
Pomerville, Mrs. Albert30
Pomerville, Wm.30
Pommerville, Albert153
Price, B. J.65
Price, B. J.67
Price, B. J.106
Prince, E. O.106
Proulx, Gilbert134
Proulx, Olive30
Proulx, Peter48
Proulx, Peter141
Proulx, PeterHealth Officer, Lincoln Township142
Proulx, Peter161
Proulx, Peter188
Randall, H.77
Randall, H.117
Ranga, Andrew42
Ranga, Andrew43
Ranga, Andy44
Rashotte, Peter166
Rayu_o, George44
Recat, J.142
Redmond, Bertha172
Reese, Mrs.77
Reese, Mrs.117
Regula__ts, John P. 44
Restainer, John30
Rockafellow, Clarissa Emma61
Rockafellow, H. E.59
Rockafellow, Henry Elias60
Rockafellow, Mrs. H. E.62
Rodak, John30
Roder, John56
Rongo, A.133
Roth, Charles30
Russell, E. L.174
Rutherford, Richard107
Ryckman, Lydia Rosetta Valentine111
Sagatoo, Mrs. Thomas97
Salmon, Bert123
Sande!, Geo. J.106
Sanford, Mr. S. 0.164
Saunders, Tom151
Saunders, Tom168
Savage, William J.126
Schlagel, Philip121
Schultz, D. C.34
Selle, HarveySuperintendent of the Poor1
Selle, HemSuperintendent of the Poor22
Selle, Henry5
Selle, Henry31
Selle, Henry32
Selle, HenrySuperintendent of the Poor92
Selle, Mr. H.63
Selleck, J. D.143
Selleck, J. D.161
Shaffer, EdgarChairman of the Board2
Shaffer, John49
Shaw, Joe142
Shirkey, Mrs.93
Shotwell, Wm.65
Shotwell, Wm.106
Sibley, Jos.124
Simard, Adelard M. D.31
Sinn, William172
Sloan, J. H.Livery177
Smith, D. T, M. D.31
Smith, D. T. M. D.173
Smith, D. T., M. D.7
Smith, D.T. M. D.23
Smith, D.T. M. D.31
Smith, D.T. M.D.65
Smith, D.T. M.D.139
Smith, David T. M. D.19
Smith, Dr. D. T.1
Smith, Dr. D.T.133
Smith, Geo. L.118
Smith, Geo. L.120
Smith, Geo. L.189
Smith, Mrs. H. G.138
Smith, P. J.169
Snyder, Peck128
Spencer, _. D.106
Spencer, L. D.34
Spencer, L. D.65
Sproule, R. L.150
Sproule, R. L.167
Squires, Milo J.26
Stabler, Wm. M.18
Stacy, Geo. J.106
Staebler, Wm. J.Superintendent of the Poor16
Staebler, Wm. M.19
Staebler, Wm. M.20
Staley, Dr. H. 0.14
Standish Board of Commerce65
Stanley, Rosane141
Stasak, Joseph30
Stover, Joe186
Strohauer, T.176
Sullivan Family159
Sullivan, Rob.148
Suresco, Simon30
Swartz, GuyCircuit Judge133
Sweet, Irwin C. M. D.27
Symons, Wm. R.162
Tarter, C. S. M. D.5
Tarter, C. S. M. D.8
Tarter, C. S. M. D.10
Tarter, C. S. M. D.11
Tarter, C. S. M. D.20
Tarter, C. S., M. D.4
Tarter, C. S., M. D.9
Templin, Raymond30
Templin, W. C.Moffatt Township Supervisor184
Thaut, Alex144
Thurber, Mrs.86
Thurber, Mrs.130
Townsend, A. H.156
Tremble, Eloiser30
Tremble, Nancy30
Trim, Ebenezer45
Trotter, Mrs. Phil (Lydia)171
Trotter, Philip158
Trotter, Phillip123
Turner Elevator Co.130
Vincent, F. L.111
Warren, Dr. E. C.93
Warren, F. A.131
Warren, F. A.155
Webster, Thomas. E.116
Webster, Thos. E. Clerk of Whitney Township124
Weishuhn, Chester125
Whineherter, Mrs. Anna108
Whiting, AsaArenac County Clerk29
Whiting, Asa52
Whiting, Asa53
Whiting, Asa66
Whiting, Asa68
Whiting, Asa128
Whiting, AsaClerk of the Board2
Whitman, M. J.125
Wienberg's Store86
Willet, Gilbert153
Willett, Alex150
Willett, Alex167
Willett, G. J.134
Willett, Gilbert144
Willett, Gilbert151
Willett, Gilbert168
Willett, Mrs. Alice119
William, David100
William, Henry103
Williams, David106
Williams, David181
Wilmot, George30
Wilson, Dr. J. J.145
Wilson, Dr. J. J.146
Wilson, Dr. J. J.158
Wilson, Dr. J. J.163
Winchester, Mrs. Alex129
Woodbury, Christiana47
Woodbury, Christinia46
Woods, Mrs.50
Woods,______Mrs. 63
Wubbena, Charles30
Wyborn, Frank176
Young, C. C.Director of Laboratories172
Zaja, Mary107