In Arenac County Historical Society Assessment Rolls

Copyright 2013 – ACHS | Indexed February 19, 2013


Arenac Twp Assessment Roll 1920
Ackenbach, Eugene4
Adamski, Joseph38
Alley, William45
Andreck, Barney40
Angell, Blanch35
Angell, Sherman35
Arenac County17
Arenac County Poor Farm28
Arnold, William H. and Perlah, Frank25
Au Sable Electric Co.1, 3, 14, 20, 28, 34, 35, 40
Averill, Emily1
Averill, George1
Baikie, David C.8, 24
Baikie, Etta C.13
Baikie, James P.4, 10, 22
Baikie, John L.4, 10
Bakeritz, Peter39
Barr, James5
Bates, H.M.13
Bay City Dist. F. M.43
Bay Grange N. 59741
Beamley, Joseph46
Beaton, Donald C.42
Beaver, Adelide11, 22
Bechtel,Samuel D.16
Bell, Alex2
Bell, Edward E.37
Bellegrin, John22, 27
Bendey, Gabriel45
Bendzinski, Eddy39
Berry, William31, 33
Blasykermicg, Lynatz6
Blehm, Elenor2
Bowsaski, Michael17, 18
Brandt, P. J.39
Branerd, H.46
Brazen, John25
Britton, John19, 20
Brown, Catherine15
Bugh, Henry D.44
Campbell, William11
Carrell, William26
Carscallan, Catherine17
Carscallen, Ellen10
Carscallen, Gorrie20
Cavenaugh, Philip39
Chaffee, John M.17
Chase, J. R.29
Chase, Lesley P.29
Ciegan, Frank18
Coats, Preston25
Cook, Jay13
Cranage, Thomas4, 5
Crandall, S. S.6
Culver, J. L.13, 14
Cummings, Mrs.4
Curry, William38
Curtis, Alice R.4, 12
Curtis, Jesse E.12
Curtis, William C.12
Curtis, William C. and A. R.12
D.& M. R. R. Co.28
Davis, George E.46
Davis, Stace47
Deaine, John12
Derkirsh, Mike24
Dickenson, N.30
Diskell, William5
Dowker, William4
Dubie, Thomas37
Dubil, Thomas39
Dudick, Simian37
Dupka, Karl26
Duza, Alex39
Edmunds, Joseph39
Elwood, John26
Falska, Gustave13
Forsyth, Alex6, 7, 30, 31, 32, 46
Fostin, William41
Frederick, Emily9
Fulcher, Robert38
Furgeson, William N.22
Gall, Adam2
Gasiceity, Joseph38
Gendron, Edward26
Gillis, Edward1
Ginns, Edward45
Gleason, Edmond12
Glover, Owen S.29
Glovier, Frank44
Golumbaski, Josephine26
Gonya, Elmer45
Goodchild, John10
Goodchild, William3
Grase, James19
Greanya, Arthur43, 46
Greanya, Burt45
Greanya, Elmer46
Greanya, Fred34, 45
Greanya, Joseph45
Greanya, Ray34
Greek, Anthony8
Green, Louis34
Griffin, M. J.1
Gruski, Frank37
Guiski, Frank24, 25
Gusiciki, Anthony24
Hagley, Albert27, 35
Hagley, William27
Haldeman, James16
Harder, James12
Hardiing, M. B.42
Harding, M. C.22, 40
Harris, Adelbert25
Harris, James2
Harris, William2
Hayes, Catherine36
Hayes, Joseph36
Heath, A. M.14
Heath, Charles A.4, 5, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 30
Henry, David18, 19
Hess, Henry3
Hintermeister, R.23, 24
Holden, C. R.25
Hutchinson, George H.16
Idstrom, Bocar12
Jayniak, John15
Jayniak, John13, 15
Jennings, Mark41, 43
Johnson, Elizabeth19
Johnson, Emiel22
Johnson, James S.29
Johnston, Harvey38
Johnston, James S.17
Johnston, William H. A.38
Jose, Emily15
Jose, Leslie13
Jose, Perry13
Jureck, Kazemiere37
Kaven, George D.2
Keeley, William38
Kelsey, Eva E.41
Keltner, Eli33, 46
Kenny, Harvey8
Kent, A.29
Kent, Andrew10, 30
Kent, Robert27
Kinch, Stuart35
King, Aric45
King, Mystel46
King, Ora46
Kinmane, John E.16
Kinney, Jay28
Kolinski, Jacob26
Komryowski, Joseph38
Koshiba, Frank37
Krazeiski, John J.36
Krjewski, John27
Krol, Joseph35
Kroytkoski, F. and M.39
Kroytkoski, Frank40
Kroytkoski, Major and Lalene40
LaFort, Albany6
Langdon, Gordon B.42, 44
Lentz, Earl and Esty31, 32
Lentz, Esty32
Lentz, Frank46
Lentz, William46, 47
Lincoln, Lansing E.22, 23
Littleton, George26
Littleton, Joseph26
Littleton, Thomas H.26
Lockhart, William12
Lukesharly, Joseph24
Manchester, Thomas38
Mann, James6, 7
Mansfield, T. H.8
Marshall, William1
Masters, Mrs.5
Mavesky, Alex6
Mayjar, Andrew7
McDonell, A. W.21
McDonell, Angus28
McDonnell, Angus W.13
McDonnell, James1, 10
McGurk, Robert20
McKay, Gilbert15
McKay, J. H.16
McKinnzie, Stuart26
McKinzie, John25, 26
McKinzie, William J.36
McLartz, J. A.2
McMann, William26
McSpaden, Alex34
McSpaden, John42, 34
Mead, Justin K.10
Merta, Anthony37
Michigan Paving Brick Co.9
Mitchel, Clark and Guy5
Moscieki, Emilie26
Mudge, David33, 34, 43, 42
Mudge, Hazen34
Muench, William28
Mungy, Luke40
Needham, Clara M.8, 9, 23
Neiman, Charles38
Niel, Andrew15
Nowak, Frank31, 32, 46
Oatley, George H.29
Olszewski, John25
Olszewski, Joseph36
Olszowski, Frank26
Omer Mill and Elevator Company21
Oras, Steve40
Orm, Georg26
Orr, J. W.2
Orr, William J. trustee15
Osborn, M. E.29
Osborn, Manley E.34
Osborn, S. O.34
Osier, Elijh27
Owner Unknown15, 23
Parent, Emily6, 10
Parent, Henry10
Parent, Joseph10
Parent, Nat6
Parent, Toussant J.6
Parker, Miles2, 3
Paufette, Louis12
Payea, Bert31, 32, 33
Payea, Joseph44
Payea, Joseph F.40
Payea, Mrs. J. G.40
Pearsall, Frank32, 33
Pearsall, William33
Perkins, Philo C.6, 9
Permial, Frank44
Pestrue, Martin31, 32
Pinkas, Adolph and Mary23
Potovoski, Peter36
Pula, Frank26
Rae, Charles45
Rassman, C. H.29
Reed, Burt12
Reed, Leland1
Restainer, R. C.33
Rittenburg, Edward30, 31, 33
Roberts, S. L.17
Robinson, William1, 15
Rossman, C. H.19
Saboloski, Anthony25
Sanford, S. O.1
Sayler, G. C.8
Schlanger, Stella15
Schram, Hattie27
Schram, John27
Schultz, Otto and Emma28
Scrabat, John38
Serens, Gay34
Setlak, Albert36, 38
Setlak, Jacob39
Sevic, Michael39
Shannehan, M. J.7
Sharp, Leo N.13
Shaw, Fred C.41
Shaw, Sarah34
Shirky, Charles47
Shultz, William F.21
Skirla, Edwin4
Skirla, John4
Sliva, Albert34
Spangler, Zephius12
St. Clair, Howard34
Stace, Joseph36
Stahl, J. E. and Rous, Earl5
Stapka, John23
State of Michigan6, 15, 23, 24, 29, 41
Steep, Ernest16, 30
Steep, William H.30, 33, 34
Steinhardt, Rudolph28
Stevens, Clyde9, 10
Steveson, Wallace28
Steveson, William33
Stover, Joseph44
Stuart, John41, 45, 46, 47
Stuma, Charles40
Susiki, Henry38
Symans, S. E.47
Symore, J. B.29
Takerczyk, Albert35
Tapp, William28
Tayler, Earl25, 37
Tayler, Hiram37
Taylor, Frank36
Thildy, John18
Thompson, Mitchel1
Tomcavic, Andrew9
Town Hall Lot20
Tremble, Louis31
Tremble, Theophilus31, 32
Tulloch, James26
Tulloch, William26
Tullock, James23
Tyler, James W.5
Upton, Claud E.36
Upton, Eugene36
Uraiga, Joseph39
Vannetta, E. D.33
Vincent, Florian22
Vincent, Fred L.17
Vincent, Tena and Isabella18
Warren, Richard17
Wells, Arthur H.27, 37
Wells, Mrs.27
White, John36, 37
Willet, Alex47
Williams Brs.45
Williams, Arthur33
Williams, James45
Williams, Olive44
Willis, Edmond15
Wills, Arthur25
Wilson, Albert36
Wolf, Chris37
Wood, Clara A.8, 23, 24
Wyatt, Joseph34, 35
Wyatt, Maurice35
Wyatt, Thomas40
York, Rupert E.4, 12
Youngman, John40
Zavislack, Steain7