In Arenac County Historical Society Assessment Rolls

Copyright 2013 – ACHS | Indexed July 8, 2013


Arenac Twp Assessment Roll 1921
Achenback, Eugene4
Adamoski, Joseph39
Andrick, Boney41
Angell, Sherman36
Arenac County17
Arenac County Poor Farm28
Au Sable Electric Company1, 3, 14, 20, 28, 35, 36, 41
Averil, Emily1
Baker, Etta C.13
Baker, James D.4
Bakie, David C.8, 24
Bakie, James P.10, 22
Bakie, John F.4
Bakie, John T.10
Barowski, Michel17
Bass, James5
Bates, H. M.13, 14
Bay City Dist. Campgrounds44
Bay Grange 59742
Beaton, Donald43
Beaudry, Harley46
Beaudry, Joseph47
Beaver, Adelide11
Bell, Alex2
Bell, Floyd2
Bellegrin, John22, 27
Bendzinski, Eddy40
Berry, William32, 34
Bever, Adelaide22
Blasykermog, Lynatz6
Blohm, Elmer2
Bochtel, Samuel D.16
Bokerity, Peter40
Bondy, Gabriel46
Brazin, John25
Brevard, Hamer47
Britten, John19, 20
Brown, Catherine15
Browski, Mike18
Bugh, Henry45
Campbell, William11
Carscallen and Gorie20
Carscallen, Ellen10
Cavanaugh, Philip40
Cerauage, Thomas4, 5
Ceulves, J. L.14
Chappal, John M.17
Chase, J. R.30
Church Property45
Ciegan, Frank18
Ciegan, Frank Jr.18
Coats, Preston B.25
Commings, Mrs.4
Cook, Jay13
Corniel, Frank45
Crandell, S. S.6
Curtis, Alice R.4, 12
Curtis, Jessie E.12
Curtis, W. C. and A. R.12
D & M R. R. Co.28
Davis, Stace48
Dawker, William4
Derben, Glen1
Devine, John12
Dickenson, N.31
Diskell, William5
Dorkirsh, Mike24
Dubil, Thomas38, 40
Duchack, Simon25
Dupki, Karl26
Duza, Alex40
Edmonds, Joseph40
Eromonousky, Stanily39
Felskie, Gustave13
Finly, William1
Forsyth, Alex6, 7, 31, 32, 33, 47
Fostin, William42
Fredrick, Emily9
Fulcher, Robert39
Furgeson, William Est.22
Gall, Adam2
Gasucity, Joseph39
Gendrow, Edward26
Genvas, Edward46
Gerescki, Frank38
Gillis, Edward1
Gleason, Edward12
Glover, Frank45
Glover, Owen30
Golumbuski, Frank26
Golumbuski, Josephine26
Goodchild, John10
Goodchild, William3
Gorie and Carscallen20
Grase, James19
Greanya, Arthur44, 47
Greanya, Bert46
Greanya, Elmer46
Greanya, Fred35
Greanya, Ray35
Greek, Anthony8
Green, Charles41
Green, Louis35
Griffin, M. J.1
Gruski, Frank25
Gusicki, Anthony24
Gusicki, Frank24
Hagley, Albert27, 36
Hagley, William27
Halden, C. R.25
Harder, James12
Harding, M. C.41, 43
Haris, Adelbert25
Harris, A. J.2
Harris, J. H.2
Hayes, Catherine37
Hayes, Joseph37
Heath, A .M.14
Heath, Charles A.4, 5, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 31
Henry, David18, 19
Hess, Henry3, 4
Hintermister, R.23, 24
Holdman, James16
Hoving, Michel and Rebel, Thomas18
Hutchison, George H.16
Idstram, Oscar12
Jennings, Mark42, 44
Johnson, Elizabeth19
Johnson, Emiel22
Johnson, James17, 30
Johnston, William39
Jose, Emily15
Jose, Leslie13
Jose, Percy13
Joyrviak, John J.13, 15
Jurek, Hernisz38
Kaven, George2
Keeley, William39
Kelsey, Eva E.42
Keltner, Eli34, 47
Kenny, Harry8
Kent, Andrew10, 31, 39
Kilimski, Jacob26
Kinch, Erwin36
Kinch, Stuart36
King, Mystel47
King, Ora47
Kinney, Jay28
Kinnus, John E.16
Korytoski, Frank40
Koshiba, Frank38
Kowalski, Joe41
Krol, Joseph28, 36
Kroytkoski, Frank41
Langdon, Gordon43, 47
Langdon, Mary45
Lantz, Earl and Esty32, 33
Laport, Albany6
Lentz, William47, 48
Lincoln, Lansing E.22, 23
Littleton George26
Littleton, Joseph26
Littleton, Thomas H.26
Lockhart, William12
Lukisharly, Joseph24
Mann, James6, 7
Mansfield, T. H.8
Marshall, William1
Masters, Mrs.5
Maygau, Andrew7
Mcaesky, Alex6
McDonnell, Angus10, 13, 21, 28
McDowell, James1
McGurk, Robert20
McKay, G.H.16
McKay, Gilbert15
McKenzie, John D.25, 26
McKenzie, Steward26
McKinzie, William J.37
McLarty, J. A.2
McMann, William26
McSpaden, Alex35
McSpaden, John35, 43
Mead, Justis10
Menta, Autury38
Michigan Paving Brick Company9
Mitchell, Clark and Guy5
Mosciski, Amelia26
Mudge, David34, 35, 43, 44
Mudge, Hazen35
Mudham, Clara M.23
Muench, William29
Needham, Clara M.8, 9
Neiman, Charles39
Niel, Andrew15
Nowak, Frank32, 33, 47
Olrowski, Frank26
Olszewski, John25
Olszewski, Joseph37
Omer Mill and Elevator21
Oras, Steve41
Orr, J. W.2
Orr, W. J. trustee15
Osborn, M. E.30
Osborn, Morley E.35
Osborn, S. O.35
Osier, Eligh27
Otley, George H.30
Parent, Emily6, 10
Parent, Henry10
Parent, Joseph10
Parent, Nash6
Parker, Miles2, 3
Pauquett, Louis12
Payea, Bert32, 34
Payea, Joseph45
Payea, Mrs. J. F.41
Payne, Bert34
Pearsall, Frank33, 34
Peloski, Joseph37
Perkins, Philo C.6,9
Pestrue, Martin33
Pinkos, Adolph and Mary23
Polak, Frank25
Potewoski, Peter37
Pula, Frank26
Read, Bent12
Reid, Loland1
Ristainer, R. C.34
Rittenberg, Edward31, 32, 34
Roberts, S. L.17
Robinson, William1, 15
Roe, Charles46
Rogers, Ray47
Rossman, C. H.30
Rossman, G. H.19
Sabolski, Anthony25
Sanford, S. O.1
Saylor, G. C.8
Schlauger, Mrs. Stella15
Schram, Hattie27
Scrabot, John39
Serens, Gary35
Setlak, Albert37, 39
Setlak, Jacob40
Shaltz, William21
Shanahan, M. J.7
Sharp, Lee13
Shaw, Fred C.42
Shaw, Sarah35
Shirky, Charles48
Shurer, Isabelle19
Sivic, Michel40
Siviski, Henry39
Skroyenski, John27
Skrozuiski, John J.37
Sliwa, Albert35
Spangler, Zephins12
Stael, J. E. and Ross, Erl5
State of Michigan6, 15, 23, 24, 30, 42
Steep, Ernest16, 31
Steep, W. H.35
Steep, William H.31
Steut, Robert27
Stevens, Clyde9, 10
Stevenson, William34
Steveson, James28
Steveson, Wallace28
Stover, Joseph45
Stuart, John42, 46, 47, 48
Stunhart, Rudolph29
Stupka, John23
Sturma, Charles41
Symons, S. E.48
Takerezyk, Albert36
Taylor, Earl25, 38
Thompson, Mitchell1
Toncovick, Andrew9
Topp, William28, 29
Town Hall Lot20
Tremble, Louis32
Tremble, Theophilous32, 33
Tulloch, James23, 26
Tulloch, William26
Tyler, James W.5
Vannetter, E. D.34
Vincent, Florian22
Vincent, Fred L.17
Vincent, Tina19
Vrciga, Joseph40
Warren, Richard17
Warsvulek, Peter39
Wells, Arthur25, 27
White, John38
Willet, Alex48
Williams Bros.46
Williams, Arthur34
Williams, James46
Williams, Olive45
Willis, Edward15
Willson, Albert37
Wolf, Lehvis38
Wood, Celona A.23
Wood, Clara A.8, 24
Wyatt, Joseph35, 36
Wyatt, Maurice36
Wyatt, Thomas41
York, Rupert4, 12
Youngman, John41
Zavislock, Steven7