In Arenac County Historical Society Assessment Rolls

Copyright 2009 – ACHS | Indexed June 8, 2009


Au Gres Twp Assessment Roll 1900
Adsit, Betsey11
Armstrong, Thom.2
Badour, Albert36
Badour, Ellen36
Badour, Joe34
Ballen, James29
Ballen, James33
Ballen, James36
Ballen, James40
Ballen, James D.38
Ballen, James D.41
Billings, A. G.8
Billings, E. G.9
Bissitt, H.42
Cabe, Jacob13
Carson, Mrs.22
Cloutier, John37
Cole and Grimore12
Cole, E.G.12
Cole, E.G.28
Commons, Mrs. Wm.17
Corning, J. S.37
Corning, J. S.38
Crawford, J.36
Crawford, Joe30
Crockett, F.10
Crockett, G.11
Darand, Alec36
Davis, Martin41
Davis, Martin41
Day, E. B.14
Day, Sauinus28
Dier, Louis38
Dier, Louis41
Dier, Louis41
Dougherty, Char.9
Dougherty, Thom.13
Duby, L.2
Duby, Louis9
Duby, Louis48
Durand, F.43
Eastman, A.38
Elliott, Arthur14
Elliott, Arthur15
Elson, Mike37
Ferguson, Geo.2
Ferguson, Geo.7
Franks, Dan36
Freeland, A.16
Freeland, Henry2
French, Wm.2
Gafford, Lottie23
Gamble, John37
Gamble, John38
Gardner, Peter42
Garvey, Dennis8
Gases, H. M.34
Gates and Collins3
Gates and Collins30
Gates and Collins33
Gates and Collins34
Gates and Collins39
Gates and Collins42
Grimore, James6
Grimore, James19
Grimore, James28
Grimore, James29
Grimore, James35
Grimore, James37
Gross, Joe11
Haman, Mrs.24
Haman, Mrs.39
Hammond, Thom.5
Harold, Holtz38
Harrington, Chas.17
Hayer, Mrs.31
Heatly, Mrs.26
Hemingway, J.1
Hemingway, J.42
Hemingway, Jason36
Hemingway, L.42
Hemstreet, Emma17
Henning, Gus33
Herman, Gus34
Herman, Gus36
Hill, W. A.27
Hill, W. A.43
Hitz, Leonard37
Hoxie, John5
Hoxie, Lyman5
Jacob, A.25
Johnson, John33
Kent, Andrew6
Knight, A.38
Lake, Oron38
Lentz, John33
Lileberg, Wm.4
Lileberg, Wm.5
Loggers Boom Co.2
Loggers Boom Co.9
Loggers Boom Co.34
Loggers Boom Co.36
Mackin, W.33
Mackin, Wm.11
Marsh, Harry22
McCourt, Davis34
McDonald, A.39
McDonald, A.40
McDonald, D.B.8
McDonald, Kent41
McDougall, A.33
McDougall, A.41
McDougall, Malcolm38
McHough, Pat30
McHough, Pat34
McReague, Char.38
Monroe, A. C.5
Monroe, A. C.40
Moore, Florence5
Moore, J. J.4
Moore, J. X.5
Mrasek, A.29
Mudge, Mary18
Mudge, Uri18
Myers, Christ34
Neeley, Robt.38
Neeley, Robt.39
Neeley, Robt.41
Noggle, F. D.26
Oakes, E. W.23
Packard, A.29
Packard, S. A.29
Packard, S. W.37
Patterson, Wm.16
Perry, Dan39
Perry, Levi39
Perry, R_os33
Petty, Doc21
Pommerville, Chas.37
Proulx, Gilbert8
Proulx, Gilbert9
Proulx, Gilbert36
Proulx, Joe9
Proulx, Leo23
Proulx, Louis27
Ravanaugh, Gerry21
Reid, Henry25
Reid, Henry38
Reynolds, Harvey37
Richards, A.24
Richards, Sister20
Riffle Boom Co.39
Riffle Boom Co.40
Riffle Boom Co.41
Ring, John21
Ritchie, L.26
Rodgers, Mrs.31
Rodgers, Mrs.32
Roy, James8
Roy, John2
Ryland, John36
Ryland, John43
Sage, H. W.1
Sage, H. W.2
Sage, H. W.3
Sage, H. W.4
Sage, H. W.5
Sage, H. W.7
Sage, H. W.32
Sage, H. W.33
Sage, H. W.36
Sage, H. W.39
Sage, H. W.42
Saunders, Thom35
Sch_son, S. D. 8
Schultz, W.8
Selle, Chas.42
Selle, Christ34
Selle, Henry37
Seymour, L.34
Sharpe, W.7
Sherley, P.8
Smith and Co.6
Smith and Co.31
Smith, Christ30
Smith, Geo.6
Snider, Louis8
Souvigny, Louis20
Souvigny, Louis29
Sproule Bros.2
Sproule, Herb11
Sproule, Rob27
Sterling Mfg. Co.10
Sterling, W. C.34
Stoddard, John L.17
Stoddard, John L.38
Swanson, Chas.37
Tailor, Alisha41
Thompson, Chas.7
Thornthon, Wm.8
Thornton, Sarah13
Townsend, A. H.21
Townsend, A. H.30
Tuttle, John22
Ullman, Harry41
Urnstead, Henry30
Urnstead, Jess30
Walker Estate30
Warren, Herb38
Warren, True37
Wellman, Henry38
Wetmore, H.35
Wheeler, A.10
Wheeler, A.43