In Arenac County Historical Society Assessment Rolls

Copyright 2008 – ACHS | Indexed March 18, 2008


Twining Assessment Roll 1923
Barker, N. C.13
Burnside Land Company1
Campbell, Geo. - Groceries, Etc.24
Campbell, Geo. - Store1
Clayton, E.18
Consumer Power Co.12
Consumer Power Company1
Consumers Power Company2
Consumers Power Company3
Consumers Power Company16
Day, Mrs. Medlinda3
Day, Mrs. Melinda5
DuCaf, Fred - Cigars, Tobacco, Etc.24
Eddy, John17
Edgerton, Mrs. Jennie17
Elevator Company1
Etherington, H.3
Etherington, H.17
Etherington, H.18
Finerty, J. J.6
Fisher, C.4
Forshee, Claud9
Forshee, Claud29A
Forshee, Claud29C
Forshee, Claud - Variety Goods and Etc.24
Gee, James8
Gee, James11
Geiger, Simon6
Gettle, Mrs. Ida4
Hamilton, Robt.6
Henning - Dredger24
Henning, Geo.7
Henning, Geo.7
Hewitt, Geo.20
Hollister, Asa7
Hollister, G. H.4
Hollister, G. H.5
Hollister, G. H.16
Hollister, G. H.29A
Houser, Fred7
I.O.O.F. Hall17
Jaynes, Frank18
Jaynes, Mrs. Robert8
Kisner Estate3
Lammy, S. and W.22
Lammy, W. & S.13
Lammy, W. & S.14
Lammy, W. and S.10
Lammy, Wm.5
Lammy, Wm.29A
LeRoux, Mrs. William - Hotel1
LeRoux, William1
LeRoux, Wm.9
LeRoux, Wm. - Hardware24
Lilliburg, Wm.2
Lincoln, Wm.9
Marble - Dredger24
Marble, Howard1
Marble, Howard11
March, Mrs. Hannah4
Mathus, C.8
McCready, John15
McCready, Mrs. Ella16
Michigan Sugar Company2
Miller, Marlin8
Miller, Martin7
Miller, Martin14
Moat, G. B. - Drugs24
Munro, James15
Munroe, Mrs. Wm.20
Newton, L. W.29A
Newton, Lewis13
Newton, Lewis - Cigars, Tobacco Etc.24
Ostrander, Robt.16
Pihaylic, Amke22
Pool, Bert13
Randall, H.11
Reese, Mrs.2
Reid, Clarence17
Reid, James7
Reid, James12
Reid, John7
Rhyndress, Robt.9
Robison, Wm.8
Rogers, Sidney3
Russell, _. 7
Sanford, S. O.2
Sanford, S. O.8
Sanford, S. O.20
Sanford, S. O. - Auto Accessories24
Sanford, S. Jr.3
Schramm, Chas.19
Schramm, Chas.20
Seymore, Clarence - Store9
Seymore, Clarence, - General Merchandise24
Sindo, Wm.14
Sites, Andrew8
Smith, Mrs. Ellen8
Spencer, Grove - Groceries24
Spencer, Grover9
Stevens, F. J.17
Thurber, Mrs.17
Townsend, A. H.1
Twining Bank5
Twining Bank6
Twining Bank13
Twining Bank15
Twining Bank16
Twining Bank - Cash and Papers24
Twining Elevator Company - Stock24
Twining Oil Company - Oil and Tanks24
VanCycle, Ruben18
Warrant and Certificate29A
Warren, Frank19
Warren, Frank21
Weinburg, Sam - General Merchandise24
Weinburg, Sam - Store9
Wideman, Mrs.6
Wideman, Mrs.10
Wilson, Archie4
Young, Ed4
Young, Perry3
Young, Perry4