Arenac County Image Digital Collection
Most of these images are only minimally identified. If you recognize any of the people, places, events or dates, please contact us. Your information and stories will help improve our archives for future generations.
Click on the photo to start a gallery. Navigate forward and backward manually. Photo captions/descriptions accompany the photos, and also are in PDF format accessed by the links below the galleries.

1885 Arenac Co Agricultural Society Booklet Cover
Cover of booklet available at 1st county fair during 7-8 Oct 1885. Booklet explains society constitution & bylaws & fair award premiums list. James J Decker, "Independent Print".
Documents (4)

1930s Look Back at Co Snowplowing
Article looking back at how county dealt with snow removal. Frank Castle (county road crew manager), Laurell Lemmer (state highways), Mert Rice (wing plow builder), Frank Nieman (plowman), Frank Mann (plowman). (Arenac County Independent)

1932 Mr & Mrs J D Williams 50th
1 Jun 1932. Married in Arenac Co c 1882. Mentioned: Mr & Mrs R W Butler (Detroit), Mr & Mrs George Parks (Bay City), Mr & Mrs Leon Odwin (Bay City). (Arenac County Independent)

1936 Tax Notice
hows property taxes had 4 years leeway to be paid before the land reverted to the state. Arenac Co Treasurer: C E Upton (Arenac County Independent)

1941 Arenac Co Board of Supervisors
23 Apr 1941. From left to right. Top/1st row: Asa Whiting & Walter E Bell for Standish Ward 3, A D Franklin for Moffatt Twp (new member), William V Baikie for Omer (new member), Henry Heinrich Jr for Sims Twp.
2nd row: Edward Bessinger for Au Gres (new member), David Brookins for Mason Twp, John J Gwisdala for Standish Ward 2, Julian Nowak for Arenac Twp (new member), William Perry for Au Gres Twp, Philip Campau for Deep River Twp.
3rd row: Joseph Kutz for Standish Ward 1 (new member), Horton Pomeroy for Adams Twp, William White for Turner Twp (new member), Julius Anderson for Whitney Twp (new member), Felix Meyette for Standish Twp (new member), Joseph Daniels for Clayton Twp (new member), Henry J Nehls for Lincoln Twp (board chairman). (Arenac County Independent)
2nd row: Edward Bessinger for Au Gres (new member), David Brookins for Mason Twp, John J Gwisdala for Standish Ward 2, Julian Nowak for Arenac Twp (new member), William Perry for Au Gres Twp, Philip Campau for Deep River Twp.
3rd row: Joseph Kutz for Standish Ward 1 (new member), Horton Pomeroy for Adams Twp, William White for Turner Twp (new member), Julius Anderson for Whitney Twp (new member), Felix Meyette for Standish Twp (new member), Joseph Daniels for Clayton Twp (new member), Henry J Nehls for Lincoln Twp (board chairman). (Arenac County Independent)

1944 Arenac Co Road Commission Officers
20 Dec 1944. James Daniels (comm), Earl H Foster (chair), Arthur C Warren (comm), John C Adams (super). Not shown: Mrs Wm Aldrich (bookkeeper), Mrs Harry Matuzak (asst bookkeeper). (Arenac County Independent)

1944 C A Warren & Son Holiday Ad
20 Dec 1944. Chuck Warren, buyer of livestock, cream & eggs. (Arenac County Independent)

1945 Released from Military Service
7 Aug 1945. By local Selective Service clerk Mrs Annis L Kentgens.
Alger: Wholley Geister.
Omer: William Frank Nowak, Arthur Edward Ross.
Standish: D[on]ald B Amley, Lyle Lamont Goheen, William Joseph Hagley, Clifford Adrain Kohn [listed twice], Raymond Lawrence LaLonde, Morrion Aaron Miller, Melvin Leonard Mueller, Donald La Verne Neiman, Eugene Martin Reinhart, Leonard Stanissewski, Robert Floyd Turner, Roger Bruce MacDonald (non-registrant).
Sterling: Kenne[t]h Claude Armstrong, Thurlow Orson Berry, William Egbert Hasty, Raymond Tony Kocot, Stanley Kozyra, John Stewart Seator, Dorothy Irene Hupp. Turner: Lloyd J Brigham (non-registrant).
Twining: Russel David Lashbrook (non-registrant). (Arenac County Independent)
Alger: Wholley Geister.
Omer: William Frank Nowak, Arthur Edward Ross.
Standish: D[on]ald B Amley, Lyle Lamont Goheen, William Joseph Hagley, Clifford Adrain Kohn [listed twice], Raymond Lawrence LaLonde, Morrion Aaron Miller, Melvin Leonard Mueller, Donald La Verne Neiman, Eugene Martin Reinhart, Leonard Stanissewski, Robert Floyd Turner, Roger Bruce MacDonald (non-registrant).
Sterling: Kenne[t]h Claude Armstrong, Thurlow Orson Berry, William Egbert Hasty, Raymond Tony Kocot, Stanley Kozyra, John Stewart Seator, Dorothy Irene Hupp. Turner: Lloyd J Brigham (non-registrant).
Twining: Russel David Lashbrook (non-registrant). (Arenac County Independent)

1946 Notice to 10-year Plan Taxpayers
21 Aug 1945. Arenac Co Treasurer: C E Upton. (Arenac County Independent)

1946 People over 70
25 Sep 1946. Mrs David Rainsberger not included in list. (Arenac County Independent) See Captions/Descriptions PDF for listed names sorted by township/city.

1946 Children of families in Arenac Co
18 Dec 1946. Gary, Yvonne & Roger of Mr & Mrs E Valley (Standish); Patrick, Janet & Dale of Mr & Mrs W Thompson (Sterling); Francis, John, Pat & Bill of Mr & Mrs Francis Marx (Alger); Emery, Homer & Peba of Mr & Mrs J Norris (Twining). Names not supplied for children of Mr & Mrs C Walters (Omer), Mr & Mrs W Bruce (Twining) & Mr & Mrs E Bell (Twining). (Arenac County Independent)

1947 Youngsters in Arenac Co
29 Jan 1947. Judy, daughter of Mr & Mrs Bud Darby (Standish), John, son of Mr & Mrs Victor Koin (Maple Grove), unnamed daughter of Mr & Mrs W Nizer (Sterling), Donald, son of Mr & Mrs Ed Spycher (Standish), Beverly, daughter of Mr & Mrs H Knots (Standish), Lee, son of Mr & Mrs Lee Bergeron (Bentley). (Arenac County Independent)

1949 Baseball Champs, Northern Division, NEM League
All players on this team are from Arenac Co. Reading from left. Top row: Ervin Felsing, Harold Rowland, Patrick Erickson, Elmer Erickson, John Erickson, John Bollen.
Bottom row: Bernie Hill, Joe Roberts, Joe Martin, (), Pete Rescoe, Harold Delosh. (Arenac County Independent)
Bottom row: Bernie Hill, Joe Roberts, Joe Martin, (), Pete Rescoe, Harold Delosh. (Arenac County Independent)

1951 Arenac County Justices of the Peace
15 Aug 1951 Arenac County Justices of the Peace. (Arenac County Independent) See Caption/Description PDF link for list of JPs.

1952 Mar Children in Arenac Co
Ronald & Terry of Mr & J Janish (Twining); Dawne & Connie of Mr & Mrs K Baderow (Standish); 2 unnamed of Mr & Mrs E Janish (Twining); Phyllis & Lloyd of Mr & Mrs P Watts (Tawas City); Annette & Jerry of Mr & Mrs N McLean (Twining); Maron & David of Mr & Mrs R H Sturman (Saganing). (Arenac County Independent)

1954 Four Area Boys in Army Fort Knox
7 Apr 1954. Four Area Boys in Army Fort Knox. In the 3rd Armored Div (Spearhead). Pvt Carl E Dewald, son of Mr & Mrs Mike Dewald (Twining). Pvt Glenn L Holmes, son of Mrs Irene Holmes (Twining). Pvt Roger L King, son of Mr & Mrs Louis King (Standish). Pvt Michael C Myal (Omer). (Arenac County Independent)

1955 Arenac Co Normal Grads
Reading from left. Back row: Wilma Jean Cole (Prescott), Opal S[ny]der (Sterling), Margaret Turland (Selkirk), Beverly Lennon (Gladwin), Elaine Felske (Twining), Colleen Fegan (Prescott), Mary Jane Hinkley (Turner).
Middle row: Freida Schlese (Gladwin), Lorraine Pintoski (Standish), Elaine Wright (Au Gres), LaVern Dittenber (Au Gres), Donna Dewald (Turner), Sally McLaren (West Branch).
Front row: Jean Fritz (Selkirk), Barbara Levandoski (Standish), Jane Lushnat (Twining), Joan Lushnat (Twining), Betty Wilson (Bentley). (Photo courtesy of Whipple Photo Service, Arenac County Independent)
Middle row: Freida Schlese (Gladwin), Lorraine Pintoski (Standish), Elaine Wright (Au Gres), LaVern Dittenber (Au Gres), Donna Dewald (Turner), Sally McLaren (West Branch).
Front row: Jean Fritz (Selkirk), Barbara Levandoski (Standish), Jane Lushnat (Twining), Joan Lushnat (Twining), Betty Wilson (Bentley). (Photo courtesy of Whipple Photo Service, Arenac County Independent)

1955 Three Pvts in 6th Armored Div, Fort Leonard Wood
23 Feb 1955. Pvt George E Wainwright, son of Mr & Mrs Fred Wainwright (Turner). Pvt James R Bruce, son of Mr & Mrs Wesley Bruce (Twining). Pvt Harold D Poole, son of Mr & Mrs Ithamer (Sterling). (Arenac County Independent)

1959 NEM American Division Champs
Reading from left. Front row: George Pestrue, Joe Trombley, Bob Blacnk, Jack Grier, Francis Romanik, Hank Charbonneau (manager), Don DeShano.
Back row: Kenny VanHorn, Jim Grier, Tom LaClair, Jack Miller, Art Raymond, Cletus Vallad, Harold Vallad, Don Stodolak, Tony Plachta, Kenny Schmidt.
Sitting in front: Ron Raymond (bat boy). (Arenac County Independent)
Back row: Kenny VanHorn, Jim Grier, Tom LaClair, Jack Miller, Art Raymond, Cletus Vallad, Harold Vallad, Don Stodolak, Tony Plachta, Kenny Schmidt.
Sitting in front: Ron Raymond (bat boy). (Arenac County Independent)
News Clippings (20)

1887 Samuel Harrison & Mary Maria Johnson Wedding Photo
Samuel & Mary married 24 July 1887 in Bay City, Bay Co, MI. (Photo courtesy by Diana Catlin)
![B/N 1891-1905 Mrs Will Mor[?] & Baby B/N 1891-1905 Mrs Will Mor[?] & Baby](
B/N 1891-1905 Mrs Will Mor[?] & Baby
Photo from glass negative. Original envelope has “Mabel” written on it, negative itself “Mrs. Will Mor[?]ver & Baby." If you have info to help identify this photo, please contact ACHS.

1904 First Arenac Co Normal Class
Reading from left. Back row: Amy Cahill, Lulu Nicklass Martin, Paul Kroske, Miss Gail Knight (teacher), Genevieve Britton, Shirley Holden, Clarrice McKenzie.
Front row: Edna Class, Morley E. Osborne (Co Comm), Mr. Broecker (Super), Willard Crandell, Lulu Palmer Houghteling.
Front row: Edna Class, Morley E. Osborne (Co Comm), Mr. Broecker (Super), Willard Crandell, Lulu Palmer Houghteling.

1907 Mrs Diantha Whitman Family
26 Oct 1907. Mrs Diantha Whitman Family. With 9 grandchildren. Handwritten captions read: "Mrs. Diantha Whitman & grandchildren" and "Oct 26-1907"

After 1911 The "John R. Stover"
Tied at village of Arenac dock on Saginaw Bay. Date unknown. The tug boat was registered with Canadian companies and was in service 1911-54.

1920 "The Haley Creek Gang"
Reading from left. Leland Corp, Helen Haley, Gertrude Kerin, Clifford Corp, Earl Keeney.

1923 Percy Doyle
In Standish baseball uniform leading against his automobile. Label reads: -1923- Percy Doyle - 30 yrs. old. Born in 1892. U.S. Mail sign in windshield, Percy hauled mail in Sterling area for years; 1923 license plate Standish uniform Donated by Jeanette Wubbena, 3-11-89"

1924 Arenac Co Normal School Grads
3 men & 2 women. Identified: Roy B Holland (left) & Rolland Roe (right).

1926 Arenac Co Normal Students
29 Apr 1926. Students on their way to the Central State Teachers College, Mt Pleasant annual Michigan all-student 2-day event. The order in which students appear in the photo is unknown but they are Mrs () Reist, Miss () Marwick, Edna Federspiel, Lela Shepard, Gwen Flowers, Alice Aymer, Doris Badour, Bernice Spencer, Sylvia Harvey, Lenora Walters, Edith Lasure, Zeta Yarger, Clarice Littleton, Elva Hassler, Charles Lentz, Judge Elwell, George Franks, Leonard Neiman, Alice Persall. Stanley Titalebam and Tom Shannon chauffeured. Event held on Thurs & Friday with banquet, speakers & afternoon tea. Students visited area schools.

1935-36 Arenac Co Normal Training Class
Reading from left. Front/1st row: Virgil Metiva, Michael Kiley, Jack Weibel, Frances Kiley, Bob Orr, Don Metiva, Philip Foco, Richard Cardinal.
2nd row: Bob Scott, Victoria Kutz, Lois Weishuhn, Donna Beutler, Alice Chaltraw, Agnes LaBrosse, Gladys Raymond, Betty Sanch, Marilyn Sanch, Leonard Chaltraw.
3rd row: Virginia Thom, Evelyn LaBrosse, (), Dorothy Gage, Madeline Cardinal, Dorothy Couraya, Geraldine Kiley, () Raymond, () Kiley, () Willett, Mary Lou Shannon.
4th row: Margie Scott, Elvin LaBrosse, Harvie Beutler, Allen Perlburg, Henry LaBrosse, David Bleys, Wilford LaBrasse, Miss Mary Marwick.
2nd row: Bob Scott, Victoria Kutz, Lois Weishuhn, Donna Beutler, Alice Chaltraw, Agnes LaBrosse, Gladys Raymond, Betty Sanch, Marilyn Sanch, Leonard Chaltraw.
3rd row: Virginia Thom, Evelyn LaBrosse, (), Dorothy Gage, Madeline Cardinal, Dorothy Couraya, Geraldine Kiley, () Raymond, () Kiley, () Willett, Mary Lou Shannon.
4th row: Margie Scott, Elvin LaBrosse, Harvie Beutler, Allen Perlburg, Henry LaBrosse, David Bleys, Wilford LaBrasse, Miss Mary Marwick.

1940 Arenac County Normal Class
Reading from left. Front/1st row: Gladys Hagley (Standish), Margaret Adams (Sterling), Joan E Berry (Sterling), Zelda Sheppard (Standish), Imogene Gray (Sterling).
2nd row: Fern Tennis (Turner), Margaret Proulx (Au Gres), Esther Baker, (Sterling), Rachel Humerickhouse (Omer), Agnes Serens (Omer), Isabel Black – (Standish), Melvin Seder (Twining).
Back/3rd row: Blanche Sullivan (Omer), Hilda Van Horn (Omer), Elizabeth Prohaske (Sterling), Clifford March (Twining), Allene LaLone (Standish), Floyd Locke (Twining). Absent: Ruth Bergeron (Sterling), Eve Charnoske (Alger).
2nd row: Fern Tennis (Turner), Margaret Proulx (Au Gres), Esther Baker, (Sterling), Rachel Humerickhouse (Omer), Agnes Serens (Omer), Isabel Black – (Standish), Melvin Seder (Twining).
Back/3rd row: Blanche Sullivan (Omer), Hilda Van Horn (Omer), Elizabeth Prohaske (Sterling), Clifford March (Twining), Allene LaLone (Standish), Floyd Locke (Twining). Absent: Ruth Bergeron (Sterling), Eve Charnoske (Alger).

Circa 1942 William Martin Jr, Yeoman 1st Class
Arenac County's First WWII Casualty, William died 15 Sep 1942. He was aboard the aircraft carrier USS Wasp southeast of San Cristobal Island when it was hit by Japanese submarine torpedoes.

1951 Arenac Co Normal Class
Reading from left. Back row/1st: Jacqueline Musselman, Patricia A Wilson, Julius Kusey, Lyle Parker, Keith Chapman, Richard Kohn.
2nd row: Alice Shaffer, Ruth E Mohr, Verla M Corey, Patricia Surmann, Bernice Bratfish.
3rd row: Dorothy Ross, Marriel Childs, Wanda J Frank, Mary Jane Brewer, Donelda M [Hartwick], Thelma Duby. Seated: Elaine Raymond, Bruce V Gibbons, George Viele, Phyllis Shepard, Evelyn Forro, Ida Bentley.
2nd row: Alice Shaffer, Ruth E Mohr, Verla M Corey, Patricia Surmann, Bernice Bratfish.
3rd row: Dorothy Ross, Marriel Childs, Wanda J Frank, Mary Jane Brewer, Donelda M [Hartwick], Thelma Duby. Seated: Elaine Raymond, Bruce V Gibbons, George Viele, Phyllis Shepard, Evelyn Forro, Ida Bentley.

1957 County Normal's Graduates
The last class of Arenac Co Normal School. Reading from left. Front row: Theresa Strelecki, Audrey Dillon, Nell Ostrander, Marilyn Meihls, Carol Gibson, Kathleen Kiley, Elaine Gregg.
Middle row: Mildred Bell, Helen Vickey, June Badgerow, Enos Willett, Joyce Pierson, Betty LaFave, Sally Rood.
Back row: Alfreda Lasure, Mina McCready, Jane Cummings, Charles Anderson, Garwood Bronson, Lyle Reinhart.
Middle row: Mildred Bell, Helen Vickey, June Badgerow, Enos Willett, Joyce Pierson, Betty LaFave, Sally Rood.
Back row: Alfreda Lasure, Mina McCready, Jane Cummings, Charles Anderson, Garwood Bronson, Lyle Reinhart.

Horse Team Pulling Logging Skidder (Date unknown)
5 men standing atop large load of logs, one driving horse team pulling skidder. 2 men leaning against load. (Photo courtesy Jeff Clement)

Barn Framing (Date unknown)
Gathering at unknown location. Over 100 unidentified men, women and children around and seated on various parts of the frame.

Arenac County Courthouse (Date unknown)
3-story red brick building. Cluster of people on sidewalk, car on street beside building, gazebo at left, building in background. The structure was referred to as the Old Red Court House and was replaced with the courthouse standing as of 2022.

Early Tractor Model (Date unknown)
2 men leaning against the tractor. It's been suggested the tractor is probably belted to a threshing machine.

Arenac Co Farm Group (Date unknown)
6 men, 3 women, 1 girl standing in yard in front of house with 3 boys sitting on post and rail fence. Individuals unidentified.

Grain Crew (Date unknown)
17 men on or near grain wagon or holding horses, 3 children on horseback. Back of photo lists names with no individual identification: Laurene Milne (South Branch), Ernie Crego (north of Prescott), Art Latter (near Hale), Billy Grandfellow (Curtisvile), John Deford (R #1 Twining).

Arenac Co Lumber Camp (Date unknown)
Approx 45 unidentified individuals (men, women and 3 children) posing in winter scene with 5 horses and equipment behind log and board building.

Log-drivers (Date unknown)
9 men with pike poles on lashed logs in river. Log piles & buildings in background.

Moving Logs Big Wheel (Date unknown)
2 men alongside shafts of cart hitched to horse team. Big wheel skidders allowed year-round logging whereas previously logs could be moved only on the frozen ground of winter.

Peter Herbert (Date unknown)
Posed photo of 2 men standing, 1 seated. Herbert (b 19 Jul 1891) is standing on the right. (Photo courtesy of Herbert's grandnephew Lyle Finkle Jr)

Pine River Sucker Run (Date unknown)
Aerial view of section of Pine River with people lining the serpentine banks as far as the eye can see.

Social Gathering? (Date unknown)
21 women & children posing on steps & in front of white building. Writing on back indicates location may be Moores Junction or Jarvis Center. Reading from left.
Back/4th row: Mrs Moore, Mrs Lawrence, Evelyn Holmes, Ruth Hess, Jennie Lawrence.
3rd row: Gladys Wilson, Lilly Hull, Hazel Fisk, Harold Fox, Floyd Hull.
2nd row: () Rambush, Mabel Fisk, Jane Cook, Katie Rambush, Marion Wilson, Bud Hull.
Front/1st row: Lois Utter, Louie Wilson, Eleanor Hanggi, Phyllis Hanggi, Ione Cook.
Back/4th row: Mrs Moore, Mrs Lawrence, Evelyn Holmes, Ruth Hess, Jennie Lawrence.
3rd row: Gladys Wilson, Lilly Hull, Hazel Fisk, Harold Fox, Floyd Hull.
2nd row: () Rambush, Mabel Fisk, Jane Cook, Katie Rambush, Marion Wilson, Bud Hull.
Front/1st row: Lois Utter, Louie Wilson, Eleanor Hanggi, Phyllis Hanggi, Ione Cook.
Photos (37)
Postcards (2)