City of Standish Digital Collection
Most of these images are only minimally identified. If you recognize any of the people, places, events or dates, please contact us. Your information and stories will help improve our archives for future generations.
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Documents (1)

1888 First Standish School
A "Do You Remember" item published circa 1924 in the Arenac County Independent. Class standing in front of school. Only individual identified is J J Decker (teacher & prior publisher of ACI). Names mentioned: Anthony Marlow, W C Gottenmyer, Ralph Smith, Wm Butler, W L Biskner.

1898 Letters Waiting at PO for Pickup
2 Dec 1898. Jos E Anderson, E & L Cooper, E C Cole, Miss Jenie Douns, Mary Gilardeau, J F Hardy & Sons, Annie Jewelius, Barney Mack, Frank McCunbey, S J Oakman, Francis Trudeau, Bertha Wagener, Ella Austin, E Christman, Henry Deshau, M Golden, John W Hatch, Alfred Herrick, Agness Laduke, Gaylord McCrory, Geo Nicholson, Addie L Smith, Wilber Wright, Oscar Winters. (Arenac County Independent)

1906 J S Elwell, Undertaker Ad
1 Mar 1906. Advertised as pioneer undertaker of Arenac County. (Arenac County Independent)

After 1907 Huckle's Automatic Stump Machine
Thomas William Huckle's patent application US34517505A was granted 08 Jan 1907. Huckle's patent may be found on Google Patents. (Arenac County Independent)

1912 Bill Welcome, City Drayman
From a "Do You Remember" circa 1924 Arenac County Independent item. Welcome guiding horse-drawn wagon of empty beer cases & kegs at intersection of Cedar & Main Sts. In street behind dray: G A Welcome (Standish) & Elmer (Mussy) Beebe (Flint). (Arenac County Independent)

1919 Miller's Bazaar Ad
13 Feb 1919. General store list of prices for patent medicines, drugs, spices, tea, laundry & hygiene soap cakes. (Arenac County Independent)

1919 Standish Boys Basketball Team
15 May 1919. Undefeated team. Reading from left. Top row: Floyd Arnold, Bert Howard, Earl Hasty. Bottom row: Clifford Bird (coach), Charles Molineaux, Will Ireland (captain), H Loomas. (Arenac County Independent)

1919 Standish Girls Basketball Team
15 May 1919. No team member identified. (Arenac County Independent)

1931 The Trading Post Grand Opening Ad
29 Apr 1931. Operated by the Standish Oil Company, this restaurant was an area attraction for decades until I-75 bypassed the city. Small cabins near the railroad tracks were rented as accommodations. The Trading Post Convenience Store of 2022 stands where the original log building Trading Post package liquor store was located. (Arenac County Independent)

1931 Arenac Co Independent Relocates
11 Nov 1931. Established in 1883, its motto originally was "Friend, Guide and Companion to All Good People.". (Arenac County Independent)

1935 Standish HS Football Team
27 Nov 1935. Reading from left. Top row: Herbert Lee, Kenneth Johnston, Ernest Courneya, Clare Brennon, Kenneth Neiman, Ellis Brinnon, Dwight Elwell (manager), Thoms Groodrich (asst coach), Budd Streeter. Center row: Ted Widmayer, Victor Galazin, Bill Martin, Harvey Mahoney, Steve Stelmach, Ralph Hamilton Albert Rynack, Chester Orr, Pat Kelly. Bottom row: Rudy Sztanyo, Ray Williams (coach), Luis Mueller (captain), Alex Stelmach, Lyle Orr, Edward Perlberg, Budd Hasselbring. (Arenac County Independent)

Circa 1937-38 New Standish Band Uniforms
"It was back on Dec 22, 1937, that the Standish band made its first appearance at Sterling-Standish basket ball game at the Sterling gym. And it was a proud group of youngsters who took the floor that evening. Not only were the youngsters proud, but their director Datus Moore, their parents and teachers, and the business and community people who aided in the purchase of the uniforms were also pleased with the showing made by the band in their new regalia. The uniforms of blue and gold combination and gold plumes and capes made a most outstanding appearance and have continued to be outstanding ever since..." See Caption/Description PDF link for list identifying band members.

1937 Two New Homes Built Recently
May 1937. Mentioned: Wm Welcome, A E Caldwell, Harry Lalone (Photo courtesy F R Downer for Arenac County Independent)

1937 Standish HS Varsity Basketball Team
Reading from left. Standing: Ray L Williams (superintendent), Dwight Elwell, Edward Perlberg, Kenneth Johston. Seated: Lyle Orr, Ernest Courneya, Edward Bukoski, Albert Rynack (captain), Victor Galazin, Herbert Lee, Bill Martin. Not shown: Tom Pavelka, Donald Raymond. Also mentioned: Reva Derby (girls team coach). (Arenac County Independent)

1938 New Fire Truck
29 Jun 1938 Headline was "Council Replaces Ancient Fire Fighting Apparatus With This New Truck". Article proclaims the vehicle from General Fire Truck Corporation of Detroit " the finest appearing piece of equipment of its kind in the country." (Arenac County Independent)

1939 New Standish Hospital
5 Jul 1939. This building stands in 2022 as the apartment building on the northwest corner of Cedar & Front Sts. (Arenac County Independent)

1940 Standish High School Jr Class Playlist
13 Mar 1940. Cast of "Speaking of Mix-Ups": Kenneth LaClair, Mary Milne, Betty Jo Cornish, Walter Tront, Maxine Patterson, Austin Rahl, Phyllis Gawne, Glen Ostrander, Margaret Peska, Joe Slabic, Charles Warren, Genevieve DeRosia, Floyd Brinnon, Jack Graves. (Arenac County Independent)

1940 Standish Livestock Auction Yards Ad
29 May 1940. Harold Hanchett, owner & manager. (Arenac County Independent)

1940 Michigan Bell Telephone Co Ad
9 Oct 1940. Informs of growth from 1900 (1 phone) to 1940 (375 phones). L H Tovatt, local exchange manager. (Arenac County Independent)

1942 Aviation Cadet Norman Payea
6 May 1942. Co D. Son of Captain Bert Payea of Standish. (Arenac County Independent)

1942 Ted Sanford in Military
6 May 1942. Stationed in India, military branch and rank not stated. Son of Mr & Mrs S H Sanford of Standish. (Arenac County Independent)

1942 Standish High School Top Students
Jun 1942. Dorothy Metevia, valedictorian & Phyllis Black, salutatorian. (Arenac County Independent)

1942 Jul 15 Pvt Frank Kroll
15 Jul 1942. Located at Camp Bowie, TX. Son of Mr & Mrs Joseph Kroll of Standish. Also mentioned: Pvt Wendell Chaltraw at Camp Pickett, VA (Arenac County Independent)

1942 Pvt Joe Olszewski
15 Jul 1942 Of Standish, stationed at Camp Walters, TX. (Arenac County Independent)

1942 Standish Cream Station Holiday Ad
23 Dec 1942. Henry Reno, proprietor. (Arenac County Independent)

1942 Suburban Mobil Oil Building
23 Dec 1942. The BP gas station now stands in this location in 2022, on US-23 just before the junction of M-76. (Arenac County Independent)

1943 Milkweed Pods for War Effort Ad
6 Oct 1943 ad stating need of 15 million pounds of "Ripe Milkweed Pods For Use in War Effort" to be dropped off at Northern Floral Co, Standish or Noggle's Store, Au Gres. Ad placed by War Hemp Industries, Inc, Milkweed Floss Division, Petosky, MI. US govt used milkweed floss as Kapok replacement in life preservers, aviator jackets and other flotation related items. (Arenac County Independent)

1944 Sol Marks Store Holiday Ad
20 Dec 1944. "The Tops in Christmas Gifts--Buy a Sixth Loan War Bond." (Arenac County Independent)

1945 Sgt Jack White
10 Jan 1945. State Bank of Standish "With the Service Boys" announcement of Mrs Jack White's husbands' safe arrival "somewhere in the South Pacific." (Arenac County Independent)

1946 City Coal Yards Announcement
21 Aug 1946. Major part of deliveries to be handled by John Arquette due to lack of help. (Arenac County Independent)

1947 Cedar St Snow Removal
4 men using tractor with front loader and dump truck for snow removal. Mentions Adam Mikol, Tommy Kopacaewski (on tractor), Andy Kopaczewski, Bob Savage (truck driver). (Photo courtesy Frank Whipple for Arenac County Independent and Omer Progress)

1951 District Basketball Champions
Front row: Bill Lentz, Bob Luecke, Willard Badour, Dari Weishuhn, Oliver Porter. Back row: Bob McCready, Keith Kennedy, John Perrin, Jim Mahoney, Pete Greenhoe (coach). (Arenac County Independent)

1951 Barber Shop Prices Meeting
22 Aug 1951. For barbershops: Swede's (Standish), Weishuhn's (Standish), Thoms' (Standish), Chaltraw's (Standish), Franklin's (Sterling), Major's (Sterling), Morgan's (Twining), Wilson's (Turner), Hill's (Au Gres). (Arenac County Independent)

1953 Standish High School Grads
See Caption/Description PDF link for list of teachers and students. (Photo courtesy Whipple Photo for Arenac County Independent)

1953 Cub Scout Honor Court
4 Mar 1953. Reading from left. Back row: Bob Kolevar (den chief), Leonard Ireland, Ronnie Hart, Lloyd Server, Tommy Hart, Bill Page, Tommy Dowler, Herbie Wright, David Wade, Henry Senske (den chief). Front row: Lyle Orr, Wayne Penneck, Douglas Koin, Curt Rice, Tommy Nowak, Eugene Senske, Douglas Potts, Andy Straub, David Kolevar. Also mentioned: Dr Malcolm Dolbee, Bill Lyon (cubmaster). (Arenac County Independent)

1954 Martin & Mary (Passmore) Jarvis 50th
31 Mar 1954. Married 11 Apr 1904 at Methodist parsonage by Rev Dystant. Lived at Jarvis Center before moving to Standish. Parent of Ervin D (Saginaw), Ernest R (Midland) & Ruth (Jarvis) Dancer (Sanford). (Arenac County Independent)

1958 Nov Arenac Central JV Conference Co-champs
Co-champions with Tawas Area JV. Sterling and Standish school districts merged to become the Standish-Sterling school district in 1958. The students had been given the choice of school name and they voted for “Arenac Central” but within a year their choice was over-ruled and the school was name Standish-Sterling Central High School. (Arenac County Independent) See Caption/Description PDF link for list of teachers and students.

1971 Standish High School Chemistry Class
On field trip to Whipple Studio. Reading from left. Walter Nowak (instructor), Richard Proul[?], Jerry Koelsch, Doris Peters, Berry Varty, Noami Poole, Peggy Ardis, Marry Drinkwine, Lois Patterson, Lorraine Clairmont, Marilyn Kelly, Dorthea Badour, Geraldine Prell. Also mentioned: Frank Whipple. (Photo courtesy Frank Whipple for Arenac County Independent and Omer Progress)
News clippings (42)

1908 Halloween Street Scene
10 men standing near or on wagonloads of sticks?/canes?/reeds? that are spilled onto the dirt street. Store signs for Webber & Bernthall, H Bl[?] Dry [Goods] & J E Gilber[?] Dentist. Caption says "Hallowene at Standish 1908.”

Circa 1912(?) Standish High School
3 children in front of building. (Photo courtesy of John Cuthbertson)

1912-15 Helen Greanya
Composite of Helen's graduation photo and class calling card insert with photo of her at age 15.

1914 Early Dirt Track Racers
3 motorcyclists racing in front crowd lining both sides of track. Grandstand in background appears to be full of people. Caption says "A Mile a Minute at Race Course Standish Mich."

1915 Standish Businessmen
From left to right. Ralph (Nut) Burr who had a plumbing business, Roy Crandell, Chick (Clayton) Howard the funeral director, John Milne, Will Forsyth who owned the Temple Theater, County Clerk Asa Whiting.

1915 House at 220 N Main St
Wood house with 5 women & children posing in front beside fence. Reading from left: Eleanor M. Dubay (13), Verna M Vater (3), Lottie M (Dubay) Vater (30), Leonard E Vater (4), Anna E (Hampton) Dubay (61). (Photo courtesy of Elenor Dubay's son Donald F. Crower)

1915 Standish High School Graduates
Back row: () Russell (superintendent), () Wubbena, Ellen Lawrence, Edith Little, Grace Wubbena, Oza LaBarge, Robert Molineaux, Ruth Kellar, Wally Bosback.
Middle row: Hazel Hasty, Florence Dougherty, Doris Grier, Margaret Bolt, Faith LaBarge.
Front row: Edith Bolt, Gertrude Grier, Grace Kiley, Art Milne, Anna Winchester, "Babe" Vogel, Wilma Keeley.
Middle row: Hazel Hasty, Florence Dougherty, Doris Grier, Margaret Bolt, Faith LaBarge.
Front row: Edith Bolt, Gertrude Grier, Grace Kiley, Art Milne, Anna Winchester, "Babe" Vogel, Wilma Keeley.

Emma L. Ervin Standish HS ring 1917-18
Emma Lenora Ervin had her senior year at Standish High School 1917-18. She later graduated from Arenac County Normal and taught in the county schools. Photos contributed by Jennie Williams, granddaughter of Emma Lenora (Ervin) Howse.

Circa 1918 Military Group at Depot
20 unidentified men in circa WWI uniform, holding flags. Depot and gazebo in background.

1918 Cuthbertson–Harrison Farm
House & barn. Appears to be field on lawn in front of picket fence. (Photo courtesy of John Cuthbertson)

1918-19 Standish Boys Basketball Team
The team that was not defeated during the entire season. Reading from left. Top row: Floyd Arnold, Bert Howard, Earl Hasty. Bottom row: Clifford Bird (coach), Charles Molineaux, Will Ireland (captain), H Loomas.

Circa 1920s Welcome Garage
Several early cars in vicinity, residential area in background. Store sign advertises lunch, ice cream & [?] drinks. Distinctive staggered brick building was purchased in 1925 by Austin G Buttrick & a partner to become the Forward's company.

Circa 1920s Welcome Garage Wrecker
Wrecker truck towing car garage area. Distinctive staggered brick building with signs for ladies rest room, air & water. Handwritten caption reads "Eqquiped to Handle Wrecks." Austin G Buttrick & a partner bought the business in 1925 and turned it into the Forward's company.

Circa 1924 Oakland 6-54 Auto at Welcome Garage
Oakland Motor Car Company sedan with selling points advertised on the top, windshield & body. Signs for vulcanizing, Mobiloils, Red Crown gasoline, & service for Packard, Oakland & Chevrolet.

1930s Standish High School
Circa early 1930s. Brick building with 6-over-6 windows, crenelated towers at entranceway. 5 women standing in foreground, group of individuals at school entrance.

Circa 1946 Ireland Auto
It's suggested this photo shows first tractor delivery that arrived in Standish WWII.

1947-48 Standish High School Girls Basketball Team
Reading from left. Top row: Cecelia Beaton, Marjorie Dew, Margaret Lentz, Gladys Upton, Mrs Amos Butler (coach), Cleda Sharpe, Evelyn Gulvas, Alice Shaffer.
Bottom row: Doris Peters, Lorraine Butler, Lois Patterson, Elaine Raymond, Lorraine Clairmont, Marie Shannon, Rosilyn Shannon, Marilyn Shannon.
Bottom row: Doris Peters, Lorraine Butler, Lois Patterson, Elaine Raymond, Lorraine Clairmont, Marie Shannon, Rosilyn Shannon, Marilyn Shannon.

1948 Standish High School Boys Baseball Team
From 1948 yearbook. Reading from left. Front row: Gilbert Trombley, Jack Grier, Carl Waidelich, Dick Florence, Jim Flaws, Dick Proulx, Bill Lentz, John Brooks, Louis Sadlak.
Back row: Walter Nowak (coach), Milton Kemp, Joe Husak, Jerry Golembieski, Cletus Vallad, Dale Metivia, Jim Swaffield, Leland Johnson, Mike Kiley, Jack Swartz, Bob Kraus.
Back row: Walter Nowak (coach), Milton Kemp, Joe Husak, Jerry Golembieski, Cletus Vallad, Dale Metivia, Jim Swaffield, Leland Johnson, Mike Kiley, Jack Swartz, Bob Kraus.

1948 Standish High School Boys Tennis Team
Reading from left. Front row: Bob McCready, Richard Rosick, James Butler, Herman Bratfish, Dennis Sharp.
Back row: Walter Nowak(coach), Clifford Corp, Sam Krause, Danny Converse, Dick Proulx, Mike Kiley, Jim Swaffield.
Back row: Walter Nowak(coach), Clifford Corp, Sam Krause, Danny Converse, Dick Proulx, Mike Kiley, Jim Swaffield.

1948 Standish High School Forensic Team
From the yearbook. Reading from left. Front row: Richard Hoyt, Jerry Golembieski, John Krawsczyk, Jack Grier.
Back row: Mr Borgioli, Doris Peters, Francis Bednarszyk, Helen Allen, Grace Allen, Art Pula, Tom Shannon, Joyce Yeager. Absent: Richard Cardinal.
Back row: Mr Borgioli, Doris Peters, Francis Bednarszyk, Helen Allen, Grace Allen, Art Pula, Tom Shannon, Joyce Yeager. Absent: Richard Cardinal.

1950s Standard Oil Parade Wagon
Label reads: 1950's Arenac County Fairgrounds Burton Palmer driving wagon. Team owned by Ivan Diffon of West Branch. Ivan's son in seat with Burton. Au Gres Accordion Band playing.

1950 Standish High School Class
Reading from left to right. Top/1st row: Charles S Kraus, Shirley Sivier, Marriel Childs, Leo Oeffner, Dolores Pintoski, Leo N Lahar, Peggy B Myal, Phyllis Vander Ploeg, Cletus J Vallad, Marcella I Gulvas, Evelyn S Gulvas, Clifford Corp.
2nd row: John P Swartz, Richard Rosick, Rosilyn G Shannon, James Butler, Connie E Gulvas, James Grunder, Arthur Tucholski, Marilyn C Shannon, Dale Metiva, Marjorie Dew, James Flaws, John Brooks.
3rd row: John L Krawczyk, Mary Adamski, Raymond Draus, Sylvester Beaton, Dorothy J Ross, Bruce L Gibbons.
4th row: Richard Kohn, Mary Anne Cardinal, Richard E Rokosz, Bernard J Senske, Berneice Bratfisch, Harry Baldwin (faculty), David Walsh (faculty), Alice Shaffer, Art Pula, Jerry Golembieski, Lorraine T Metiva, John Greir.
Bottom/5th row (faculty): Audrey Strouf, Grace Nisse, Thomas Pierson, Walter Nowak (principal), E H Borgioli (superintendent), Raymond Mudge, Ruth E Grunder, Helen Clark, Kenneth Greenhoe, David Lindsay.
2nd row: John P Swartz, Richard Rosick, Rosilyn G Shannon, James Butler, Connie E Gulvas, James Grunder, Arthur Tucholski, Marilyn C Shannon, Dale Metiva, Marjorie Dew, James Flaws, John Brooks.
3rd row: John L Krawczyk, Mary Adamski, Raymond Draus, Sylvester Beaton, Dorothy J Ross, Bruce L Gibbons.
4th row: Richard Kohn, Mary Anne Cardinal, Richard E Rokosz, Bernard J Senske, Berneice Bratfisch, Harry Baldwin (faculty), David Walsh (faculty), Alice Shaffer, Art Pula, Jerry Golembieski, Lorraine T Metiva, John Greir.
Bottom/5th row (faculty): Audrey Strouf, Grace Nisse, Thomas Pierson, Walter Nowak (principal), E H Borgioli (superintendent), Raymond Mudge, Ruth E Grunder, Helen Clark, Kenneth Greenhoe, David Lindsay.

1952 Standish High School Jr Class
Reading from left. Front/1st row: Darlene DuFort, Lois Baum, Mary Ellen Smith, Eleanor Schultz, Jean Peltier, Helen Leucke, Lyle Schmitt, Mary Lou Boudoin, Willard Badour, Jim Mahoney, Lila Shaffer, Darwin Metiva, Marlene Anderson.
2nd row: Patricia Prosser (advisor), Ruth Mae Nigl, Janeen Lewis, Darl[ene?] Kennedy, Grace Locke, Eileen Bowlsby, Betty Jeskey, Delina Neid, Margaret Scheal, Virginia L[ogas?], Marilyn Rohn, Virginia Dubiel, Harry Baldwin (advisor).
Back/3rd row: Betty Rulason, Frank Williams, Robert Johnson, Alethea Shoe, J[ean?] Childs, Florence Poole, Oliver Porter, Joyce Koin, Eugene Raynak, Ronald Proulx, Leo Marlowe, George Barshaw.
2nd row: Patricia Prosser (advisor), Ruth Mae Nigl, Janeen Lewis, Darl[ene?] Kennedy, Grace Locke, Eileen Bowlsby, Betty Jeskey, Delina Neid, Margaret Scheal, Virginia L[ogas?], Marilyn Rohn, Virginia Dubiel, Harry Baldwin (advisor).
Back/3rd row: Betty Rulason, Frank Williams, Robert Johnson, Alethea Shoe, J[ean?] Childs, Florence Poole, Oliver Porter, Joyce Koin, Eugene Raynak, Ronald Proulx, Leo Marlowe, George Barshaw.

1952 Standish School Faculty
Top/1st row: Edmond Borgioli (superintendent), Walter Nowak (principal, science), Harry T Baldwin (industrial arts, applied math), Raymond Mudge (social studies).
2nd row: Kenneth Greenhoe (math, physics, coach), David Lindsay (music), David Walsh (8th grade, commercial math, coach), Ruth E Grunder (English, library).
3rd row: Mary Louise Gundrum (vocal music), Grace Nisse (art), Bettie Jean Hunt (commerce, girls coach), Donald Sedestrom (civics, English, journalism).
Bottom/4th row: Virginia Irish (home ec), Patricia Prosser (English, Latin), Gale Bolthouse (7th grade, coach), Alfred Chambers (7th grade, algebra).
2nd row: Kenneth Greenhoe (math, physics, coach), David Lindsay (music), David Walsh (8th grade, commercial math, coach), Ruth E Grunder (English, library).
3rd row: Mary Louise Gundrum (vocal music), Grace Nisse (art), Bettie Jean Hunt (commerce, girls coach), Donald Sedestrom (civics, English, journalism).
Bottom/4th row: Virginia Irish (home ec), Patricia Prosser (English, Latin), Gale Bolthouse (7th grade, coach), Alfred Chambers (7th grade, algebra).

1957 Arenac Co Normal Graduates
Reading from left. Seated: Theresa Strelecki, Audrey Dillon, Nell Ostrander, Marilyn Meihls, Carol Gibson, Kathleen Kiley, Elaine Gregg.
Middle row: Mildred Bell, Helen Vickey, June Badgerow, Ennis Willet, Joyce Pierson, Betty LaFave, Sally Rood.
Back row: Alfreda Lasure, Mina McCredy, Jane Cummings, Charles Anderson, Garwood Bronson, Lyle Reinhart.
Not present: Marilyn Tomaszewski.
Middle row: Mildred Bell, Helen Vickey, June Badgerow, Ennis Willet, Joyce Pierson, Betty LaFave, Sally Rood.
Back row: Alfreda Lasure, Mina McCredy, Jane Cummings, Charles Anderson, Garwood Bronson, Lyle Reinhart.
Not present: Marilyn Tomaszewski.

1957 Standish High School Class
Top/1st row: Carol Bessinger, Robert Gage, Jean Zibble, Roger Mudge, Mary Ann Lentz (treasurer), Michael Walker (president), Peter Lamont (vp), Margaret Vater (secretery), Kenneth Schmidt, Janis Fisher, Ronald Schultz, Sadie [Lance?].
2nd row: Ray Dew, Joan Tesarz, James Potts, Catherine Nigl, Richard Treichel, Gertrude Whipple, Monica Yantz, Eugene King, Elaine Neuman, Michael Beltnick, Dorothy Peterman, Albert Greni[---].
3rd row: Eleanor Johnston, Karl Voss, Elaine Johnston, Ronald North, Neil Kiley, Nancy DuFort, Ronald Umphrey, Carol Badour.
4th row: Karen Troxell, Robert Wenkel, Anne Kiley, Walter Kowalszyk Lonny Pelton, Dorothy Serens, Francis Prohaska, Betty Nigl.
5th row: Dorothy Dubiel, Margaret La Clair, Barbara Pestrue, Robert O'Brien, Richard Uhlmann (faculty), Richard Figg (faculty), Joseph Colby (superindent), Wallace Schnetzler (principal), Joseph Mucci (faculty), Raymond Mudge (faculty), Lola Mc Cready, Noreen Werth, Margaret Peters.
Bottom/6th row *faculty*: Frank Lewis, Joan Reid, Maynard King, Mary Dennis, Keith Saxton, Jill Storer, John Phillips, Sarah Smith, Kenneth Greenhoe, Kathleen Pierce, George Stover, Stella Daniels, Robert St[one?].
2nd row: Ray Dew, Joan Tesarz, James Potts, Catherine Nigl, Richard Treichel, Gertrude Whipple, Monica Yantz, Eugene King, Elaine Neuman, Michael Beltnick, Dorothy Peterman, Albert Greni[---].
3rd row: Eleanor Johnston, Karl Voss, Elaine Johnston, Ronald North, Neil Kiley, Nancy DuFort, Ronald Umphrey, Carol Badour.
4th row: Karen Troxell, Robert Wenkel, Anne Kiley, Walter Kowalszyk Lonny Pelton, Dorothy Serens, Francis Prohaska, Betty Nigl.
5th row: Dorothy Dubiel, Margaret La Clair, Barbara Pestrue, Robert O'Brien, Richard Uhlmann (faculty), Richard Figg (faculty), Joseph Colby (superindent), Wallace Schnetzler (principal), Joseph Mucci (faculty), Raymond Mudge (faculty), Lola Mc Cready, Noreen Werth, Margaret Peters.
Bottom/6th row *faculty*: Frank Lewis, Joan Reid, Maynard King, Mary Dennis, Keith Saxton, Jill Storer, John Phillips, Sarah Smith, Kenneth Greenhoe, Kathleen Pierce, George Stover, Stella Daniels, Robert St[one?].

1935-36 Standish School Grades 2-3
Reading from left. Top/4th row: Val Kozlow, Bill Neiman, Burton Palmer, Eddie Duwarski, Ward Hill, Bob Turner.
3rd row: Ronald King, Joe Kutz, Laverne Neiman, Miss Stewart (teacher), Jack Carnish, Jack Cardinal, Edward Kiley.
2nd row: Daryle Kelly, () Bordiu, Ida Bissonette, Virginia Johannes, Marion Cardinal, Edna McConnell, Jenny Bisareck, Leona Folcik, Mary Lou Senski, Bob Swartz, Leonard Raynack.
Bottom/1st row: Violet Metiva, Phyllis McCready, Helen Henis, Patsy Kilpatrick, Norma Kilpatrick, Lorna Ross, Verna Bisreck, Noel Ann Carruthers, Jean Kahn.
3rd row: Ronald King, Joe Kutz, Laverne Neiman, Miss Stewart (teacher), Jack Carnish, Jack Cardinal, Edward Kiley.
2nd row: Daryle Kelly, () Bordiu, Ida Bissonette, Virginia Johannes, Marion Cardinal, Edna McConnell, Jenny Bisareck, Leona Folcik, Mary Lou Senski, Bob Swartz, Leonard Raynack.
Bottom/1st row: Violet Metiva, Phyllis McCready, Helen Henis, Patsy Kilpatrick, Norma Kilpatrick, Lorna Ross, Verna Bisreck, Noel Ann Carruthers, Jean Kahn.

1958 Kiwanis Kapers "Oklahoma"
Marvin Rowe & Marcelle Smith, both of Standish, singing on stage. Label reads: "Marvin Rowe Marcelle Smith 1958 Kiwanis Kapers Songs from "Oklahoma"

1965-66 Standish-Sterling Elementary Grade 4
Top/1st row: David Sweet, ().
2nd row: (), (), Miss Armstrong, Jerry White, Irene Reid.
3rd row: Frank Seder, Leta Klenk, (), [Kathy Daniels?], John Maday, (), ().
4th row: (), [Rick Borushko?], Irene Gordon, (), (), Sid Wolfgan[g], ().
Bottom/5th row: Laurie Nagy, [Connie Shepard?], (), Debra Prohaska, [Ron Almy?], Nancy Stagray. (Additional names suggested by Cindy (Fales) Trombley)
2nd row: (), (), Miss Armstrong, Jerry White, Irene Reid.
3rd row: Frank Seder, Leta Klenk, (), [Kathy Daniels?], John Maday, (), ().
4th row: (), [Rick Borushko?], Irene Gordon, (), (), Sid Wolfgan[g], ().
Bottom/5th row: Laurie Nagy, [Connie Shepard?], (), Debra Prohaska, [Ron Almy?], Nancy Stagray. (Additional names suggested by Cindy (Fales) Trombley)

2005 Polar Express at Depot
5-6 Oct 2005. Steam locomotive Pere Marquette 1225 alongside back of depot, the first steam passenger train to pull into Standish Depot since circa 1955. Locomotive was in October 1941 by Lima Locomotive Works of Lima OH & was retired/donated in 1957 to MSU. It currently resides in Owosso at the Steam Railroading Institute as part of the National Register of Historic Structures. The locomotive's blueprints were prototype for the Warner Bros film "The Polar Express."

First Buick in Standish (Date unknown)
Order of identity unknown. Back seat: Blanche Cuthbertson & Eliza Harrison. Front seat: Jim Harrison & Jim Cuthbertson. Auto appears to be in front of photography shop. (Photo courtesy of John Cuthbertson)

Arlan's Garage Mechanics (Date unknown).
9 men standing in garage interior with car in background. Only man identified is Fritz Perkul standing 3rd from right. (Photo courtesy of Jim Perkul)

Arlan's Garage Interior (Date unknown)
Man behind counter, man at counter with another man & woman further in room. Tractor partially shown on right. (Photo courtesy of Jim Perkul)

"Bossenbergers Man is Coming" (Date unknown)
Photo of man seated in cart hitched to ox in front of depot with man standing beside cart, 5 men in left background. Sign on drivers box displays "Bossenbergers Man is Coming." Handwritten caption says "Automobile Competition Standish Mich."

Ox Team vs Buick (Date unknown)
Metal bridge with 2 men standing in cart hitched to team of oxen beside a Buick with 2 male passengers. None identified. Handwritten caption: "Automobile Competition Standish".

St John the Baptist Catholic Church & Parsonage (Date unknown)
Two wood buildings with picket fence along sidewalk. Woman in white standing on sidewalk near church. (Photo courtesy of John Cuthbertson)

St John the Baptist Standish Catholic Church & Parsonage (Date unknown)
From across muddy street. (Photo courtesy of John Cuthbertson)

Standish Depot Gazebo (Date unknown)
Photo facing east into town of early 20c scene containing cars, men & women.

Early Cedar St Scene (Date unknown)
Facing east. Horse-drawn vehicles and people. Hotel Ryland, Keller & Co, W B [?] Dry Goods are identifiable. Unidentified drug store and dentist. This is the same location as img-standish-yyyy-early-cedar-st-01.jpg but not crowded. (Photo courtesy of John Cuthbertson)

Early Cedar St Scene (Date unknown)
Facing east. Street lined both sides with horse-drawn vehicles and people. Hotel Ryland, Keller & Co, W B [?] Dry Goods are identifiable. Unidentified drug store and dentist. This is the same location as img-standish-yyyy-early-cedar-st-02.jpg but crowded. (Photo courtesy of John Cuthbertson)

Hall's Bean & Grain Elevator Mill (Date unknown)
Wood building, showing porch with 3 men standing on it and an overhang on same side of building. Building to the right with barrels, a wagon and large pile of what appears to be wood construction debris. (Photo courtesy of John Cuthbertson)

MI Central Depot (Date unknown)
Shows front and right side of building. Town buildings in background. Handwritten caption says "M C Depot Standish."

Michigan Central Train Snowplow (Date unknown)
Steam engine pushing the railroad snowplow in Standish.

Old County Courthouse (Date unknown)
Label reads: This was a red brick building that housed all county operations through 1954.

Standish High (?) School Class (Date unknown)
Standish High (?) School Class (Date unknown). The photo is labeled as being the high school but the majority of individuals in the photo are young children. Over 100 unidentified men, women & children posed in front wooden building, in the windows and on a fence. Arenac County Normal classes were first held here. Anyone with history of this photo please contact ACHS.

Standish Street Scene (Date unknown)
Man in cart hitched to ox with man & woman standing nearby on dirt street. 2 men on boardwalk in front of store advertising watches & clocks. Peter [Walters?] Harness Shop sign over one store, W M Pom[eroy?] on another with a 3rd store name unreadable.
Photos (55)

1907 Standish Court House
Brick building with arched window, bell tower. Very early auto in front, man walking on sidewalk. “K J Grenyea. Court House. Standish, Mich.”

Circa 1912 Standish Ward School
The first Standish high school, it eventually became the County Normal School. (Photo courtesy of John Cuthbertson)

1930s-40s Summer Trail Inn
Original brick building with gothic peaked entrance. 2 men at side of building, 3 cars parked in front. Captioned: "Summer Trail Inn, Standish, Mich. 3692[?]"

Circa 1948 Greyhound Post House
Ranch style building with background of tall trees. Buses at side. House with car on left. Back of card: "For FINE FOOD stop at a GREYHOUND POST HOUSE. This attractive POST HOUSE at Standish, Michigan, is one of the many which are conveniently located from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from Canada to New Mexico for your comfort." Genuine Curiteich, publisher.

1960s Forward’s Restaurant
Sporting Goods & Shell Station. Car parked alongside store with man in front of car.

Campground (Date unknown)
Cars, camper, buildings in area that appears to be near water. Caption says "Camp Grounds, Standish, Michigan [8?]"

MI Central Inspection Train (Date unknown)
Train with man, woman & children at trackside. Caption says "M C inspection train at Standish, Mich."
Postcards (10)