Standish Township Digital Image Collection
Most of these images are only minimally identified. If you recognize any of the people, places, events or dates, please contact us. Your information and stories will help improve our archives for future generations.
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1933 Gibson School, Standish Twp, Dist 2 Update
(Arenac County Independent) See Caption/Description PDF link for list of teachers and students.

1933 Pine River School, Standish Twp, Dist 1 Update
(Arenac County Independent) See Caption/Description PDF link for list of teachers and students.

1933 Saganing School, Standish Twp, Dist 3 FRL Update
(Arenac County Independent) See Caption/Description PDF link for list of teachers and students.

1942 Pvt Albert Meyette
6 May 1942. Enlisted in Medical Corps. Son of Mr & Mrs Felix Meyette of Saganing. (Arenac County Independent)

1946 Colombe Cattle Disbursement Ad
7 Aug 1946. Cattle disbursement auction at Leonard Colombe's Pine River area farm. "I Am Unable to Milk, I Am Forced to Sell My Entire Herd of Dairy Cattle." (Arenac County Independent)

1946 Pine River Grocery Holiday Ad
18 Dec 1946. Mr & Mrs Arthur Derasha of Pine River. (Arenac County Independent)

1955 Pine River Tavern Grand Opening Ad
11 May 1955. Pete & Betty Madaj. Music by Lloyd Grocholski Orchestra. (Arenac County Independent)

1980 Old Stagecoach Stop Razed
9 Jan 1980. Saganing Store from 1840s-50s is said to have been built by John Allen on property purchased from Mrs Sagatoo. Steve & Joanne Suchosolksi. An 1897 schedule found stated the stage left Standish 10:30 am, reaching Omer by noon and Au Gres by 3:00 pm. The post office was located at the store for many years. (Arenac County Independent)
News clippings (9)

1936 Pine River Baseball Club
Reading from left. Standing: Adam Haiser, Charles Mahoney, Bud Gulvas, Henry Marentette, Ken Mahoney, Tom Greanya, (), Ray Bellan.
Sitting: Mynard Miller, Joe Greanya, Leonard Gulvas, Leonard Fiddler, Aloys Gulvas, (Alphonce Pachodlik?). (Photo courtesy Isabel (Miller) Andreck)
Sitting: Mynard Miller, Joe Greanya, Leonard Gulvas, Leonard Fiddler, Aloys Gulvas, (Alphonce Pachodlik?). (Photo courtesy Isabel (Miller) Andreck)

1954 Saganing School Class
22 Apr 1954. Reading from left. Top/1st row: Mary Lee Foco, Betty James, Richard Fouchae, Pat Bennett, Cecil Issac.
2nd row: Marie James, Roger Valley, Agnes Bennett, Bruce Webster, Lawrence Burke, Mrs Moffet (teacher).
3rd row: Sharon Gibson, Carol Houghteling, Bob Milne, Yvonne Valley, Gary Valley.
Bottom/4th row: Carolyn Sobieray, Russell Bennett, Donna Mae Easton, Tom Webster, Wayne Foco.
2nd row: Marie James, Roger Valley, Agnes Bennett, Bruce Webster, Lawrence Burke, Mrs Moffet (teacher).
3rd row: Sharon Gibson, Carol Houghteling, Bob Milne, Yvonne Valley, Gary Valley.
Bottom/4th row: Carolyn Sobieray, Russell Bennett, Donna Mae Easton, Tom Webster, Wayne Foco.

Five Standish Twp families (Date unknown)
9 children, 13 men & 8 women from the Bordeau, Gendron, Lafave, Drinkwine & Little families. None identified.
Photos (8)
No Postcards