Village of Turner Digital Collection
Most of these images are only minimally identified. If you recognize any of the people, places, events or dates, please contact us. Your information and stories will help improve our archives for future generations.
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1937 Turner Baseball Club
Northeastern Michigan League champions. Reading from left. Top row: Walter Nowak, Simon Gingerich, Perry Bills, Andy Newton, Irvin Reichle, Lawrence "Lefty" Gardner, Gar Burnside, Harvey Webster
Bottom row: Jerome Wilson, Pat Kelly, Fremont "Nig" Norris, F W Whitehouse (manager), Owen Reid, Harold Heatley, Walter Whitehouse, Otto Rahl. (Arenac County Independent)
Bottom row: Jerome Wilson, Pat Kelly, Fremont "Nig" Norris, F W Whitehouse (manager), Owen Reid, Harold Heatley, Walter Whitehouse, Otto Rahl. (Arenac County Independent)

1941 Staebler Family 4 Generations
1 Jan 1941. From left: Mrs Fred Vance (Flint), Mrs William Staebler (Turner) holding infant Richard Dale Vance (Flint), Mrs Elmer Britt (Turner). (Arenac County Independent)

1942 Pvt Robert Knowles
6 May 1942. Son of Mr & Mrs Dave Knowles of Turner. (Arenac County Independent)
News clippings (10)

Circa 1900 Fulton-Dougherty Connection?
2 women, 2 men posed. None identified. J E Allen (studio) Photo from Margaret Fulton-Dougherty (1864-1948), Huron Co, ON collection.

1920 Turner Street Scene
Businesses along dirt street, cars parked along sidewalks. Man crossing street in background near over-street banner advertising Arenac Co Fair. Readable signs for "Garage" & "Red [Crown] Gas[oline]."

Circa 1922-23 Humerickhouse Hog Butchering
Reading from left. Thelma Irvin, Maude Shenefield, Lorene Irvin, Lola Humerickhouse holding Rachel, Earl Humerickhouse, Solomon Humerickhouse, Roland Humerickhouse (in front of Solomon), Albert Humerickhouse, Oliver Humerickhouse. (Photo creator Ford Shenefield, donated by Rachel Weishuhn)

Turner Coronet Band (Date unknown)
16 men & children, 7 for whom names are supplied but individual not identified by order: George Kelly, Harry Schliep, Fred Whitehouse, Gus Fehuer, Floyd Schaffer, Joe Collins, Christ Oder.

Hotel Turner (Date unknown)
Over 30 unidentified women, men & children seated & standing in front of the wooden building that has 3 chimneys.

Viele Families Gathered (Date unknown)
27 men, women & children. Clearly identified is the front row children from left: George Viele, Coral Jane Viele, Beverly Viele, Harrison Viele, Bernie Viele.
Named but not identified: Peck Snyder, Charles Brookins, (), Ben Viele, Hazel Viele, Grandma Viele, George Peters, Evelyn Viele, Verne Snyder, Jennie Burnside.
Named but not identified: Peck Snyder, Charles Brookins, (), Ben Viele, Hazel Viele, Grandma Viele, George Peters, Evelyn Viele, Verne Snyder, Jennie Burnside.
Photos (10)
Postcards (4)