In Arenac County Historical Society Land Records

Copyright 2009 – ACHS | Indexed June 8, 2009


Lincoln Twp Chattel Mortgage Records 1883-1905
Abby, C. B.18921
Adams, Burney18841
Allington, W. E.19931
Alun, Mary18921
Anderson, Joe18931
Anderson, Joseph18921
Anderson, Joseph18941
Anderson, Joseph and wife18951
Anderson, Rose18961
Angus, Peter M.18841
Ar__in, Edgar18951
Arenac County ____ Park Assn.18971
Arenac County Bank18961
Armstrong, A.189320
Armstrong, W. H.19001
Arrison, J. H.18831
Arrison, J. H.18931
Autin, E. N.18971
Ba__e_ck, E. W. 18918
Babcock, E. M.189610
Babe___, Luella189710
Bacon, James and wife18939
Baraga, Harold190311
Barager, Norrin190211
Barbeau, Jacob18939
Barbour, H. F.18959
Barbour, Judson18949
Barney, Peter189910
Barshaw, Richard18857
Bartran, Jacob189710
Bartraw, Jacob18928
Bartrow, Harry190010
Bashaw, Richard & Mali___ 18959
Baslseau, Jacob18918
Basnaw, Joseph18857
Basnaw, Joseph18888
Basnaw, Joseph18949
Basnaw, King18807
Basnaw, King18808
Basnaw, King18918
Basnaw, King18919
Basselt, H. C. R. and Co.18939
Bastran, Jacob18939
Bauer, Frank190211
Beach, Mr. N. G. and wife190210
Beasaw, Joseph18898
Beebe, Mr. & Mrs. W. A.190211
Beechem, David Edward18959
Bell, Geo.189910
Bell, Geo.190411
Bennett, Geo.18918
Bennett, George C.18928
Benson, Gust190110
Beseau, Joseph18857
Bidwell, S. W. and wife189710
Bidwell, Slultey W.18969
Bisconer, Chris and Lizzie190110
Biskner, M_.189910
Biskner, Wm.190211
Bism, Joseph190110
Black, Archibald18857
Black, Chris and wife18949
Blumenthal, Harry190411
Boreleu, Merritt190110
Brabant, Alex18887
Brabant, Joseph18888
Brabaud, Alex and wife18877
Brabaud, Joe and wife18877
Brabnay, Alex189710
Brabo, Alex18898
Brabo, Alex18928
Brabo, Alex18929
Brabo, Alex and wife18877
Brabo, Joseph18847
Brabraw, Alex189710
Brabraw, and wife189710
Brabunt, Merritt18908
Brabut, H. & wife18918
Bradley, John E.190311
Brannock, Geo.18928
Bren_____, E. J189910
Brin___, J. 18949
Brown, H M.189910
Brown, H. M.18918
Brown, H. M.18918
Brown, H. W.18929
Brown, H. W. and wife190211
Brown, Henry190411
Brown, Henry C.18907
Brown, James190110
Brown, S. E.189710
Brub___, Jacob 18908
Bulton, Will190110
Bunnor, Jos.190210
Butten, Geo. N.18939
Butten, Wm.18939
Button, Wm. Sr.190311
C____, James 190216
Caldwell, Alex188513
Caldwell, Alex189114
Caldwell, Chas.188113
Caldwell, Emma189314
Caldwell, Geo.188113
Caldwell, J and wife189214
Caldwell, James188213
Caldwell, James189314
Caldwell, James189715
Caldwell, James190016
Caldwell, James and Mary189614
Caldwell, Jas.189615
Caldwell, Jas.190317
Caldwell, Joseph189916
Caldwell, Robt.189615
Caldwell, Robt.190016
Caldwell, Robt.190317
Caldwell, Robt. and wife189614
Caldwell, W. and A.188013
Caldwell, Wm.189314
Caldwell, Wm.189715
Caldwell, Wm. and wife Susan189615
Cam pau, Maggie189614
Cameron, Peter190317
Car!stein, N. B. Co.189414
Cardinell, Joe190317
Cardinell, Joseph189515
Cardinell, Joseph190116
Carelton, John189815
Carpenter, L. B.190216
Carpenter, V. B.190417
Carroll, Kete189615
Cassidy, Geo.189715
Ch________, Charles188513
Cha__ell, F. and wife S.188513
Chal___, Noah190216
Chappell, John190016
Chappell, John190317
Chartrand, Mose189314
Cheeny, Wm.190317
Chemier, Abraham and Sophie189614
Chu___ell, Sarah D. 188513
Clam____, Chas. 190417
Clark, C. P.189715
Clark, C. P.190216
Clark, C. P.190317
Clark, J. F. and Hattie189815
Class, Wm. T. and Mary A.189614
Cle___, D___fin 189113
Coda, Wm. and wife189514
Cole, Mal189715
Cole, Mat190216
Coli, Mathia189815
Colville, Alex and wife188613
Compeau, Jos. and wife189314
Conrad, Joseph189815
Coun___aw, Michael 189214
Coupan, Joseph189214
Coupea and wife189213
Courney, Remey189915
Courney, Remu190116
Cousenaw, Joe190217
Cousineau, Joe190317
Cousineau, Joseph189715
Cousineau, Michael189615
Cousman, Joseph189615
Coususean, Joseph189113
Cramer, Alonzo189214
Csego, F. E.190716
Cuer___ys, Albert 189113
Culbert, T. W.190317
Currey, Edger18918
Currey, Edger189114
Cusman, Mike189013
D_____, N. 189219
D__an, Chas. 189219
Dank, Elizabeth & Geo. A.189320
Dank, Geo. H.189319
Dankard, H.190221
Dankert, Herman189520
Davis, Jas____ 188419
De_____, Rock 189019
Dean, David189920
Debo, Clement & wife189420
Decaro, Eli188419
Decker, J. J.189219
Decker, James J.189720
Decker, William188619
Demond, Louis188119
Demun, Rockwell189220
Derick, John189019
Derosia, Chas.189314
Dickson, Mathew & wife189420
Dickson, Matthew189320
Dillman, John190121
Dillman, Mrs. John190121
Dillon, Edward188119
Do__, Fred 189920
Dobson, James188919
Dobson, John189019
Dodds, John189520
Dodds, John and Mary189420
Doly, Jay189720
Dorn, Silas188719
Doty, Jay189119
Dougherty, John189320
Dougherty, John and wife188719
Dougherty, Mary189720
Dougherty, W. A.189820
Dougherty, William188619
Dougherty, Wm. A.189320
Dow, F. F.190020
Down, J. H. and wife190121
Downs, John190020
Doyle, Wm.188719
Du__on, J. E. C. & Mary 189119
Duick, John & Mary189420
Dumas, Nicholas189220
Dumon, David190221
Dumon, Rockwell190321
Dumond, Joseph190020
Dun, Edmund J.188419
Dunn, John189019
Dupey, Fred190121
Dupey, Joseph190121
Dupey, Thra_____ 190121
Ellsworth, H. E. & T. Williams189425
Elwell, F. P.190025
Elwell, J. S.188625
Fallon, Harry189828
Fasher, Joseph190429
Fay, J. C.190429
Ferns, Thos, & Cynthia189928
Fisher, Jab.190228
Fisher, Joseph190329
Fisher, Joseph190764
Fisher, Joseph & Rose190128
Flaws and Golden189527
Forbes, Wm.190128
Fox, Louis189327
Fox, Louis190128
Fox, Lucas189327
Fox, Milton188927
Fox, Milton and wife189527
Fr____, Herman 189127
Frances, Mary A.190329
Frances, W. J.190329
Francis, N. J.190328
Francis, Wm.189227
Francis, Wm. J.190028
Frede, Herman189127
French, A.189828
French, Alonzo189828
French, Alonzo190329
French, Alonzo D. & wife189427
French, Alphonse189828
French, L.190228
Fry, James C.189427
Ga_oux, Frank 18918
Gage, Olonzo188537
Ganley, George189437
Gartner, Joseph189037
Gashaw, Thos. C.189237
Gaufell, Frank189137
Gawne, Czeus & wife189337
Gettinger, Wm.189637
Gillelaud, Wm. & James189938
Glidden, Geo. W.188937
Golden, C. E.190738
Golenmyer, Wm. & wife189537
Gorllner, Joseph188437
Gorton, Ira & wife189938
Goupell, T______ 189837
Goyer, Edward189437
Goyer, S.B.189637
Gracuceson, C_ynil189237
Grandmaison, Adolphus189437
Grashaw, Thos.189737
Green, James190238
Gregory, Frank188037
Grew, C. G.188537
Grier, George189838
Griffith, S. T.190738
Grigg, Arthur189437
Groat, J. M.188537
Grovingbergh, W. N.188537
Grun, Jas.190738
Guilford, U. M.188237
Haas, Theadin190144
Halan, Peter190144
Halcro, Peter189643
Halcro, Peter190345
Hall, Alfred189643
Hall, Alfred189944
Hall, Alfred & Martha Jean189443
Hall, Egbert189443
Hall, Martha190044
Hamilton, C. L.190144
Hamilton, G. B.190245
Hamilton, G. B.190345
Hamilton, G. B. & wife190044
Hamilton, Geo. B.187343
Hamilton, J. B & wife189843
Hardwood, T. R.190144
Harlen, Wm.190144
Harleu, James189643
Harmon, Geo.188343
Harrington, H. N.189944
Harris, Mrs. Mary188343
Hartman, Fred189643
Hartman, Fred190144
Harwood, Thos.190245
Has_ier, James190345
Has_ier, Wm.190345
Hasl__, James190245
Hasli_, James190244
Hass, Theadore190244
Hass, Theadore190245
Heally, J. E.190044
Henderson, Benjamin189543
Henderson, D. C.189543
Hi_ll, Sanford & wife 189943
Hill, Alfred & wife190345
Hoffstedt, Otto188543
Holden, Howard189368
Hollister, Orson & Esther189944
Houbler, S. R.189743
Howell, Horace189843
Hoyt, Russell189643
Huber Geo. & Anna190044
Huber, George & Snyder, Allen189443
Hull, Sanford190044
Hull, Sanford190245
Hull, Sanford190445
Hull, Thomas A.188443
Hull, William190044
Hutchins, Alonzo189143
Hutchins, Stephen189243
Installment Furniture Co.189749
Ireland, Nelson188349
Jackson, M.190153
Jermeay, Levi190553
Johnson, Chas.190153
Johnson, H. W. & wife189953
Johnson, James & Rosa190053
Johnson, John190353
Jones, Hiram T.188753
Jones, Mrs. Hiram190053
K_____, George190260
K__sen, Ernest190260
K_erfer, M. & Harah190069
Kalle, Wm.189359
Karrise, J. G.189859
Kasterer, Benjamin189859
Keefer, John189859
Keefer, M. & Harriet190059
Kelly, W. D. & son189459
KIng, Felix189459
King, Ignace189159
King, Wm.188959
Kn___, William190460
Knight, A____ & John 189859
Kodus, John G.189859
Koelsch, Phillip190159
Koelsch, Phillip190260
Kraus, George189459
Kraus, John G.189559
Krause, Ernest189959
Krause, Ernest190264
Krause, Frederick189959
Krause, James & wife189759
Kroske, Wm.190059
Kroskie, Wm.189859
Kusterer, B.189459
L__y, Jul.188763
La__cym, Leon190264
La_areyec, John190365
Labross, Noah189964
Laforge, Le____ & wife189363
Lafrance Louis & Adlin189964
Lafrance, Louis189763
Lafroner, Gust and Mrs.190265
Lalone, Joseph189563
Lamoria, Paul189663
Laneux, Frank S.189263
Lar____, Bert & wife190465
Larame, _ Jr. 190264
Larane, Frank189864
Larou, Frank188363
Larue, Mary188563
Lasaw, Frank & wife189763
Lasore, Frank190365
Lasoux, Frank189063
Lawrence, Albert189263
Lawrence, Albert189964
Lawrence, Albert190365
Lawrence, Albert190465
Lawrence, Frank189964
Lawrence, Frank & wife190365
Lawrence, Jno. & Albert189263
Lawrence, John189864
Lawrence, John190365
Lawrence, John190365
Lawrence, John & wife189964
Lawrence, Louis189964
Lawrence, Maud189864
Lawson, U.190164
Le__T, Wm.190164
Len__t, Wm.190264
Leroux, Frank & wife188763
LeRoy Bros.189663
Leroy, Sam and Chas.189763
Light, Phila189163
Lis__, Ed___ 190365
Lis__, Ernst & wife190365
Littan, Samuel189314
L'Nerault, H.188263
Locke, Jas. S.189563
Logan, E.L. 190365
Logan, Peter190264
Logan, Peter190365
Lomas, Elias190465
Lucas, John & wife190465
M______, H.189268
Ma_ss__, Gu & wife189268
Major, Moses188367
Major, Moses189068
Major, Wm.189268
Malrow & Co.188567
Manchester, Bert & wife189368
Marlow, A.188167
Marlow, Anthony188967
Marlow, J__.188767
Martin, R. H.189969
Martin, Safitt188467
Masfilius, Oscar A.189768
Maslon, Robert190169
Mason, Lizzie190069
Mason, R.190170
Mason, W. H.190069
McAllister, James189568
McC___y, Frank 188667
McCarthy, Wm.189568
McCasey, M___s 190370
McClellan, John190170
McClellan, Thomas190270
McClulen, John190069
McCordough, John190370
McCormick, Bernard189368
McCormick, Bernard189869
McCoulough, Geo.190169
McCrory, Frank188767
McCrory, Frank189268
McCrow, Frank188667
McCullen, John189768
McDonald, A.188167
McGovern, Pat190370
McGurk, Robt.188467
McLean, ________-ula 190270
McLean, Duncan190169
McLean, Duncan190270
McMichael, Fred & Jane190169
McQueen, Hugh18918
McQueen, Hugh188867
McQueen, Hugh189068
McQueen, Hugh189869
McQueen, Hugh190270
McQueen, Thomas188567
Meeker, John189568
Meissner, Geo.189468
Melroy, Frank189068
Mi__, Ju___ 190470
Michael, W.190269
Middleton, P. & wife188467
Miller, Albert189869
Miller, Albert190270
Miller, Ernest189368
Miller, Erney190270
Miller, F. W.189869
Miller, Ferdinand189969
Miller, Gregory188867
Miller, Harvey189268
Miller, Harvey190370
Miller, Sarah190069
Mister, H. & wife189368
Mitard, Wm.189869
Mixter, H.189869
Moore, Elija189568
Moore, Marshal188067
Morgan, S. Q. & wife189268
Mosher, Eli190069
Moshier, James189969
Murlow, A.189068
Muscott, Pete189268
Musiol, Ludwig189568
Musselman, Wm.189869
Muzzleman, W.189768
Myers, John189768
Myers, John189869
National Cash Reg. Co.189373
Near, R. W.190273
Nee__, R. W. 190473
Nelson, Jno. & wife189273
Neyle, Alois190273
Nicholson, Nelson190173
Nizzer, Chas.189673
Northrop, Geo.189973
Norton, John189573
Norton, John & William189573
Norton, Robert188773
Nufast, William & wife189873
Oakley, B. B.189477
O'Keefe, John189677
Olmstead, J. J.188177
Olmstead, J. J.189778
Olmstead, T, G.18918
Osborne, M. E.190378
Osien, Eli & Julia J.190078
Ouillette, Louis190178
Ouillette, Mary190178
Owens, N. H. & Lottie190078
Owrus, W. H. & wife189878
Palmer, James190082
Palmer, L____ & ____ 189881
Palmer, Lillian & Louise190282
Palmer, Thos.190082
Palmer, Wm.189581
Palmer, Wm.190082
Palusen, Thos.189781
Parker, Harvey & Fred188181
Parker, M. F.190082
Parker, M. G.189181
Parker, Mrs. Arvilla189381
Pat__ner, Jas. 190382
Patterson, Jas.190382
Paulie, John189681
Payne, John & wife189981
Peditt, G. W.190282
Pelin, Isaac188081
Pelky, Fred188081
Pellett, Jas. W.190182
Perlberg & Stolf189781
Perlberg, Julius189781
Perlby, Sl___ 189781
Pettel, G. W.190082
Pettel, James190082
Polley, John189881
Pomeroy, W. H.189381
Potter, Samuel189981
Potter, Samuel190682
Pr___, Josephine 189881
Ranchor, Joseph188891
Rancont, J.189314
Rancour( John189591
Randal, J. C.189591
Rankin, Barbara A.189692
Rankin, John A. & Co.189592
Rauconn, John190392
Raymond, Jerome189592
Reagh, Albert199591
Reagh, Albert189992
Real, Jas.18918
Real, Jos. & wife189291
Reed, David A.189992
Reeves, Leon & Reeves, Arthur189992
Reevis, M___ B. 189692
Reid, Alex1901122
Reid, Alex & West, Thos.189792
Rele, Matilda189291
Reno, Martin189291
Reve, Joseph189091
Reystein, Jno.189291
Richards, C. W.189792
Richards, L. W.189091
Richardson, D. W.188891
Richart, Chas.190292
Riel, Joseph189291
Roberts, Elias189491
Roeder, Otto190292
Root, A. W.188391
Rosenburger, Samuel189992
Ross & Gregory188391
Rouse, Ernest189892
Rustch, George18969
Sabin, Goyea18918
Sch______, Jno.189297
Schaik, Cyrus189397
Schank, Frank190099
Schin___, John189898
Schir____, John 189898
Schorsen, John1898105
Schoven, John189999
Schultz, Chas.18918
Schultz, Chas. and wife189798
Schwerin, H. S.189497
Schwerin, Henry189999
Schwerin, Henry & wife189598
Schwinne, John & wife189497
Schymer, John189999
Seeney, Fred190299
Selliel, H. R.190499
Selliel, Jay190499
Semore, Ben and wife188997
Senne, Fred and Chas. R.189497
Server, Fred189597
Seymon, Alfred189197
Shanahan, Nicholas190399
Shank, James189798
Shannon, Ira & Lucy A.189397
Shask, John189698
Shaulk, J. S.189698
Shaw, Alb__ 189698
Shaw, Joe189597
Shaw, Joseph190399
Sheeney, Abraham189598
Shelling, Geo. N.189397
Shillinger, Geo.188597
Shipman, Geo.189197
Slayer, A. and wife188997
Sly, A. C.189597
Smith, James189197
Smith, James189798
Smith, James190299
Smith, James and wife188897
Smith, Jos. and wife190499
Smith, Lizzie189999
Smith, Mrs. Lizzie190399
Smith, W. A.190099
Smith, William A.188697
Smith, Wm. A.189297
Sn__les, Louisa 189999
Snider, Allen189999
Snow, M. D.189998
Snyder & Down190199
Snyder, Allen190099
Sonsmith, Louie190399
Spencer, Geo.188197
Sperry, Fred190299
St. John, Nitolin188197
St. Peter, Louis189999
St. Peters, Olive189999
Standish Electric and Mfg.189698
Standish Mfg. Co.189297
Standish, Diane189598
Standish, M. C.189698
Straight, Wm.189397
Sullivan, Dave189698
Summins, Wm.189598
Surene, Fred and Charlie189497
Suth__ and Louria189998
Sweet, Chas.189497
Synder & Hubner Co.189497
T___ney, Jas. & wife1891105
Telfer, A. W.1896100
The St. Con__ Board18918
Thomas, Frank1893105
Tibbels, Edgar1900105
Tibbels, Maggie1901105
Toler, Walter1893105
Tolfer, David1899100
Toms and Ba___y1899105
Toms, C. E.1897105
Trim, Julia1898105
Trim, Moses1892105
Trim, Moses 1890100
Vance, Alex1903117
Vancor, Mike1898118
Vancourt, Mike and wife1891118
Vauer, Alexander1901117
Vauline, Albert1900117
Visnaw, Fred1894117
Wa_t__, W. E. 1901122
Wagner, John190325
Wagner, John1901122
Wagwood, J. A. & wife1898122
Waites, Jerry1901122
Waldie, William1890121
Walk, Louis W.1882121
Walker, Henry1891121
Walworth, Joseph1895121
Warren, Andrew and Fred1896121
Warren, E. C.1892121
Warren, Ezra1896121
Weldon, James1899122
Welles, A. H. Co.1895121
Wengall, Herman1898122
West, G. A. Reid1892121
West, Josephine1901122
West, Nelson1892121
West, Tho__ar 1893121
West, Thomas1898122
West, Thomas & Reid, Alex1894121
West, Thomas and wife189698
West, Thos.1901122
Wey, Ignatius1892121
Wheeler, D. W.1903122
Wheeler, Duncan1896121
Whorl, Tunnie1890121
Williams, Chas.1900122
Williams, Chas. and wife1903122
Williams, David1891121
Williams, Thom. & Beebe, W.1893121
Willson, William1895121
Wilson, John1879121
Wilson, S. W. & Mathilda1901122
Wilson, Swan1901122
Wilson, Wm.1892121
Wilt, Jas. and wife1900122
Winkle, August1894121
Wormsley, Ward1882121
Worthly, L. L.1895121
Wright, Geo.1898122
Wubbena, Ja_1903122
Wubbena, John1890121
Wurzak, Herman1897122
Young, Ida1902130
Young, S. H.1902130