In Arenac County Historical Society Publications

Copyright 2013 – ACHS | Indexed April 3, 2013

1883 to 1983 – Arenac County Centennial One Hundred Years of Growth – Road Tour Guide Through Historic Arenac County by Arenac County Centennial Committee. Reprint 1983. Small 12-page booklet, packed with lots of history. Arenac County map in center.


Arenac Co Centennial Rd Tour Guide 1883-1983
Adams Township10
Alexander, Edwin F.10
Alexander, Mary5
Alger6, 9
Alger & Alpena Railroad11
Alger Department Store4
Alger, Russell A.11
American Legion4
Arenac7, 9
Arenac County Courthouse, Former5
Arenac County Fairgrounds2
Arenac County Independent2
Arenac County Museum2, 8
Arenac County Veterans of Foreign Wars2
Arenac Pines9
Arnold's Hardware8
AuGres7, 9, 11
AuGres Boom7, 12
AuGres River7, 10
Balten Family4
Bay City11
Beardsley, Randolph6
Bergeron Sr., Ernest L.10
Big Charity Island Lighthouse12
Big Creek Drain7
Blumenthal, Sam4
Bossback Family4
Bowen Dam upstream from first Pinnacle Bridge12
Brick Sidewalk5, 8
Bridge Street Bridge12
Burgeois, Gus11
Cedar Creek10
Cedar Creek Drain7
Chamberlain, E. H.10
Chamberlain, Harvey9
Charity Islands7
Chimenti, Carl11
Clothing Store4
Clusten House5
Clusten, William R.5
Clyde6, 9
Colombe Farm3
Community Building5
Csicsilla, Michael5
Culver6, 9
Culver, Alvin N.9
D & M Railroad8, 6, 9, 10
Dam at the "Cut" of the Rifle River12
Dam on the Middle Branch of Pine River12
Daniels, Luther3
Davis, Martin & Mike6
Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Will9
Davis, R.6
Deep River9
Deep River Township11
Delano School8
Delano Settlement9
Delano, Ezra9
DeRosia, Leo5
Detroit and Mackinac Railroad6, 7, 11
Detroit, Bay City and Alpena Railroad4, 11
Donnelly, Bill & Ruth6
Dryer, Gus6
Duck Lake7
Dunham4, 6, 9, 10
East Branch AuGres River7
Ennes, Cal4
Ernst, Vivian4
Federspiel, Jake11
First Presbyterian Church2
Fisher, Raymond4
Fisk, Toris Sr.6
Foot Bridge11
Forsyth, Robert4
Franklin Trail12
Freeburn, Bruce4
Goodroe Farm4
Goodroe, Edna9
Goodroe, John9
Gorrie, George5
Grace Episcopal Church2
Grange Hall10
Granton6, 9
Greanyea, Artie6
Grimore Boom12
Grosvent Home3
Gunn, Doctor4
Harmon City7, 9, 12
Haskins, T. L.9
Hertzberg farm3
Hertzberg, Edna3
Hill, William8
Hoobler Settlement6, 9
Hoobler, Mr.9
Hoover Hill10
Hull Home3
Hull, Dr.3
Indian Church5
Indian Church and School10
Indian Marker8
IOOF Hall8
J, S, & L (Jackson, Lansing, Saginaw)11
Judson, W. H.10
Junction of Deep River and Wyatt Roads12
Jungman, John9
Kelly, George8
Knights of Columbus Hall2
Kusey Garage3
Lake Huron & Southwestern11
Lentz Family5
Lentz, Frank6
Lentz, George6
Lentz, John10
Lentz, William6
Leonard Farm3
Leonard, Stirling and Goldine3
Limestead9, 11, 12
Mahoney sawmill10
Mansfield Creek6, 10, 11
Maple Ridge6
Marsh House4
Marsh, Laurison4
Marx, Sol4
Mary Alexander House5
Mary Sagatoo Home5
Masonic Lodge5
McHugh House5
McHugh, Lawrence5
Melita6, 9
Methodist Church4, 8
Metiva, Marlin5
Michigan Central Railroad4, 6, 9, 10, 11
Michigan Paving Company5
Middle Branch Pine River6
Mill Pond9, 12
Mill Reserve4
Moffatt6, 10
Moffatt Township10
Moore's Junction6, 10
Morehouse Family4
Morehouse, Henry L.4
Morgan Antique Shop5
Murphy and Dore Farm9
Murphy Home3
Murphy, Pat3
North Branch Pine River6
Norton Family3
Nouvel, Fr. Henry, S. J.8
Odeland Settlement7
Ogden6, 10
Old Bank8
Old Kelly Home8
Old Pine River10
Old Standish Hospital4
Old Turner7, 10
Omer10, 11, 12
Omer Masonic Lodge2
Original Pinnacle Bridge11
Ortmans6, 10
Payne, Ben6
Payne, Ed6
Pine River9, 10
Pine River Boom7, 12
Pine River School5
Pine River Store5
Pinnacle Park12
Point AuGres8
Post Office4
Powell, Jim12
Power Dam at Omer3
Presbyterian Church10
Price, Joe10
Pumpkin Center6, 10
Quinn6, 10
Railroad Bridge6
Randall, Hanna10
Rifle Boom7
Rifle River6, 7, 10, 11
Rifle River Boom12
Rifle River Camp10, 12
Rifle River Mills7, 10
Rifle River R. R. Bridge11
S. S. Central2
Saganing Boom12
Saganing Creek6
Saganing Indian Mission2
Saganing River10
Sagatoo, Mary5
Sagatoo, Peter5
Sanders, Margaret3
Santiago7, 10, 12
Santiago De Cuba10
Savering Creek [Saverine Creek]6
Schlanger, Harry4
Selle farm3
Selle, Henry3
Shearer6, 10, 12
Shoe, Guy5
Shoults, Robert3
Smogy Home4
South Branch Pine River6
Spencer's Market4
Sproule House8
St. John's Congregational Church8
St. Mark's Catholic Church8
Standish9, 12
Standish Chamber of Commerce2
Standish Elementary2
Standish Hardware4
Standish Kiwanis2
Standish Township10
Sterling Bridge12
Sterling Truck Trail6
Stodolak, Paul5
Strohauer, Tim4
Symons Farm3
Symons, Walt and Helen3
The Chamberlin House5
The Cut7
The Depot4, 8
The Jail8
The Norn House4
The Park4
Trombley's Auto Parts12
Turner, Joe10
Twining7, 10
Twining, Fred L.8
Umstead7, 11, 12
United Methodist Church8
Valley House4
Vinegar Hill7, 11
Weishuhn, Charles10
Wells Creek6, 11
White, Charley6
White's Canoe Livery12
Whiting Home3
Whitney Drain7
Whitney Township Park9, 12
William Bros.6
William Lentz Home5
William Smith Home3
Wilson, Fannye3
Winnie, George9
Wise, Ed6
Wood Shop8
Worth6, 9