The Story of Standish and its People, 1876-1976 by Allan McCready

In Arenac County Historical Society Publications

Copyright 2001 – Doris Demet | Indexed 2001

The Story of Standish and its People, 1876-1976 by Allan McCready. Reprint 1976. 108 pages plus illustrations. “The purpose of this story is to preserve the names of the men and to mention their part in the building of our fair city of Standish. I grew up with many of those who were responsible for the city’s growth, lived and worked with them during more than half the century covered herein. Being curious and keeping a diary [has] helped me to supply many of the dates. [H]aving worked with some of those who were early settlers has been a big help in supplying names and occupations of many who otherwise may have been forgotten.” – Allan Mc Cready [author]

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Story of Standish & its People
Adrian, Webster65
Aikens, James64
Alard, A S64
Albrecht, Gloria54
Alexander, Mr and Mrs9
Allen, Edgar64
Alsgaard, John59, 80, 93
Angers, Eugene28, 93
Angers, Pamfield24
Angus, Lillian28
Angus, Lilly63
Angus, Miss63
Angus, Peter M28
Ardis, Dr and Mrs63
Ardis, Emberson R20, 63
Armstrong, Edward41
Arnold, Arthur65
Arnold, Floyd65
Arnold, Helen65
Arnold, Wm20, 65
Austin, J65
Avery, Francis64
Bachleda, Frank33
Bacon, Johana106
Baike, James P64
Balcer, 53
Baldwin, Harry58
Baliff, Royal54
Bayes, Bill66
Bayes, John66
Beaton, Donald63
Beaton, Jim63
Bebe, Russell66
Bell, E E64
Bell, Walter E52
Bernthol, 42, 48
Bernthol, Mr63
Bernthol, Otto28, 53, 101
Berryman, John105
Bessinger, Mr60
Betgig, Peter29
Bethel, Claude51
Beutler, Hervey20
Bird, Clifford66
Bird, Ernie63
Bird, H A50
Biskner, William102
Biskner, Wm63
Black, Avis50, 64
Black, Douglas101, 107
Blain, Alexander67
Blair, Coulson64
Blakely, Alice63
Blakely, James41
Blakely, James Lloyd65
Blumenthol, Harry41, 59, 63
Blumenthol, Sam66
Bodine, John71
Bollinger, C Wm106
Bolt, Edith66, 88
Bolt, Helen66
Bolt, Richard65
Borgiola, Edmond20, 54
Bragg, Eugene106
Branch, Mr34
Brannick, Maynard62, 86
Bratfish, John33
Bratfish, John, Mr and Mrs28
Brennin, Wayne48
Buckstin, Alfred106
Burr, Lettie65
Burr, Ralph27
Burr, Ralph J65
Butler, Wm64
Butrick, Austin72
Butrick, Ben72
Butz, Sylvester J64
Callahan, Richard107
Cameron, Donald71
Cameron, Jesse71
Campbell, Alfred60
Cardinal, Byron68
Cardinal, Byron W34
Cardinal, Frank68
Cardinal, Marion107
Carpenter, Eugene106
Carpenter, Mr70
Carruthers, Grant67
Carruthers, Grant, Mrs27
Carruthers, Jesse67
Carruthers, Victor66
Cassidy, Gladys68
Chaltraw, Louis88
Chaltraw, Lous52, 66
Chamberlain, Elsie90
Chamberlain, H A43, 44
Chamberlian, Harvey A21, 67
Chamberlian, Mr8
Chaplin, Charlie32
Charluss, Viola28
Clairmont, 67
Clairmont, Jesse67
Cline, Jim55
Cole, Lucille92
Collier, Joe, Mr and Mrs101
Collier, Joseph71
Colombe, Leonard101
Conrad, Delia68
Conrad, Frank68, 80
Cooley, Bert79
Corniel, Neta77
Cornish, George102
Cournyea, Emma71
Cournyea, Ernest66
Cournyea, John71
Crandell, C H41, 67
Crandell, Roy21, 68
Crandell, Roy J79
Crawfore, P A64
Crook, Chalres, Mrs66
Crosley, 37
Cross, Mr66
Crusoe, Robinson72
Cummings, Mrs68
Cummings, Robert68
Cummings, S L66
Curbin, Mr and Mrs70
Cuthertson, Blanch34
Cuttle, Charles28, 29
Cuttle, George68
Cuttlel, 10
Daughtery, Bill70
Daughtery, Florence27, 68
Daughtery, Harry63
Daughtery, Robert69
Decker, James15, 23
Defoe, 81
DeForest, 37
Demo, David69
Demo, David, Mrs24
Demo, Kathryn70, 83
Demo, Rudolph68
DePalma, Ralph48
Devine, Mr107
DeWitt, Francis68
Diamond, Beth66
Diamond, Eva66
Diamond, Harry66, 69
Dimple, Dolly79
Ditmer, J70
Doblee, Doc58
Doddrich, Miss80
Dodds, Nugent47
Dolbee, Dr70
Dolbee, M K70
Donahue, Archie58
Donnelly, John Sr70
Donnelly, Mary33
Downer, 43
Downer, Fred12, 13, 51, 70
Downer, Fred R69
Downer, Mrs70
Duby, Arthur70
Duckering, Inna69
Duckering, Thomas69
Dudek, Andy69
Dudek, Lottie34
Dudley, Don58
Dufort, Bernard102
DuFort, Henry63, 69
Dufort, Pauline55
Dumond, Frank70
Dumond, Mrs41
Dunn, 69
Dunn, Dr and Mrs45
Dunn, J W23
Dunn, Jack45
Dunn, John W69
Dunn, Judge72
Dunnell, Jack102
Durbin, Glenn70
Durbin, Ruth70
Durfee, E N19
Durfee, N70
Dworek, Adel101
Dystnat, Dr106
Elder, Agnes72
Elder, Mrs72
Elwell, Arthur70
Elwell, Frank107
Elwell, John71
Elwell, John Sharp72
Elwell, Mae71
Emerson, 7
Emerson, Nelson C74
Fales, Bert33, 74
Favor, Mr72
Field, John58
Filmore, Berniece83
Filmore, Fred72
Filmore, William H72
Fish, David D72
Fish, Mr72
Fisher, Dr42
Fisher, R L41, 67
Flaws, James Jr74
Flaws, James Sr74
Flynn, Felix53
Forsyth, 42, 43
Forsyth, Alex15, 26, 30, 74
Forsyth, Amanda74
Forsyth, Iva68
Forsyth, Jessie74
Forsyth, Mr and Mrs12, 13
Forsyth, Robert24, 53, 70, 94
Forsyth, Robert105
Forsyth, Robert M74
Forsyth, William74
Forsyth, Wm26, 27, 43, 44
Forward, Austin72
Fox, Louis74
Fox, Owen45, 74
Frances, Charles72
Fredet, August74
Frost, Ben45
Frost, Mr45
Fry, J C34, 72
Fry, Mr72
Fuller, Leon106
Gage, John74
Gale, Jim101
Gammon, Ray77
Gawel, 60
Gawne, Etta27
Gehman, G R106
Gehman, J R62, 98
Gibbon, Thomas36
Gibbon, Tom78
Gibbons, 9
Gidley, John41, 74, 77
Gidley, William74
Gilbert, Dr107
Glasure, Faye77
Glasure, George21
Glasure, James77
Glasure, Mr77
Goheen, Peter60
Good, Arlene77
Good, Ben77
Goodman, 45
Goodman, Thomas41
Goodrich, Mr27, 80
Gottenmeyer, Edward74
Gottenmeyer, W C28, 74
Grashaw, A T78
Grashaw, Mr and Mrs78
Graves, Anna77
Graves, Jack77
Graves, John64
Graves, S H42
Graves, Smith42, 64
Graves, Smith H77
Greanya, Hazel77
Greanya, Henry77, 101
Greanya, Mr8
Greanya, Neta, Mrs27
Greanya, Rugh107
Gregory, W A106
Grier, Geo, Mr and Mrs27
Grier, George27, 41, 77
Grier, Lizzie27, 77
Groat, Mr107
Grosbeck, Governor72
Guest, Bud62
Guild, Grace27
Gulvas, Edward102
Gulvas, Leonard, Mr and Mrs58
Gunn, Dr70
Gunn, R P50, 67
Gurd, George77
Gurda, Mr32
Gutcher, Jim29
Gwisdala, Aloisis29
Gwisdala, John29, 77, 96
Haas, Louise83
Haas, Stanley68
Haddix, Lee68, 80
Hageman, Fred41
Hageman, Mr41
Halcro, Carrie91
Halcro, J J78
Halcro, Joe30, 78
Halcro, Peter78
Hall, 42
Hall, C F19, 27, 38, 52
Hall, Fred C79
Hall, Leonard79
Hamm, Mr107
Hammond, C E107
Hanes, Tony80
Hanson, Hugh33
Harding, M C103
Harding, Margaret103
Harding, Nona103
Hardy, Herman79
Hardy, Lee79
Harrison, Jimmy26, 79
Hart, George48
Hartman, Mrs80
Hartman, Seeley80
Hartwick, Marian80
Harvey, Lloyd79
Hasselbring, Ben66, 80, 89
Hastings, Hazel67
Hasty, Earl78
Hasty, Henry33, 78
Hayes, Amy79
Hayes, Ralph79
Hayes, Sanford E79
Henderson, Ben J68
Henderson, Ben, Mrs27
Henderson, Benjamin J79
Henderson, Frank Jr56
Herman, Lena59, 60
Hermanson, Clariece15
Hermason, John81
Hibner, Henry45, 78
Hock, Kenneth55
Hodges, Mr and Mrs78
Holden, Mr Mr Douglas Charlie Joe107
Hollister, Bing64
Honey, 80
Honey, J C22, 80
Horner, 91
Horton, 107
Howard, 27, 34, 78, 107
Howard, Clayton C78, 107
Hutton, Ben107
Ireland, 49
Ireland, Andy69
Ireland, Lennie93
Ireland, Loenard81
Ireland, Louis69
Ireland, Minnie81
Ireland, Nelson23, 26
Ireland, William80
Isac, 7
James, 7
Jankowski, Avis81
Jankowski, John81
Jarvis, Harold30
Jarvis, Martin64, 83
Jarvis, Mary64, 83
Jodway, 10
Johnson, Anna106
Johnson, Harvey83
Johnson, Leland81, 95, 105
Johnson, Oakely30
Jones, Casey K83
Jones, Fred83
Jones, Lyle83
Judd, C L15, 30
Judd, J L15
Kaby, 7
Keller, 28, 44
Keller, Fred V84
Keller, Ruth84
Kellogg, Grorge84
Kelly, Harry102
Kelly, Harry F54
Kelly, Mitch102
Kent, Atwater37
Keppin, Louis63
Keppin, Louise101
Keppin, Miss63
Kercinski, John34
Kettering, Charles38
Keyes, Eugene55
Kiley, Cornelious81
Kiley, Dennis81
Kiley, Edward81
Kiley, Emmet81
Kiley, Emmet, Mr and Mrs23
Kiley, Frank23
Kiley, Grace83
Kiley, Lawrence81
Kiley, Mary24
Kiley, Mary101
Kiley, Michael81, 82
Kiley, Theresa83
Kilmer, Orson84
Kilpatrick, Charles84
Kimberlin, W S27
Kinch, Stewart103
King, Maynard105
Klonowski, John34
Knight, Ernest84
Kohn, Ray82
Kollin, 95
Kollin, Charles41
Kollin, Charlie105
Kollin, Gladys81,105
Kollin, Mae105
Kollin, Mr81
Kollin, Myrtle105
Kopazewski, Andrew61
Kozlow, John60
Kozlow, Nick60
Krueger, Paul81
Kucera, John85, 86
Kutz, Joseph42, 43
Kutz, Mrs42
LaBarge, Mr8
Labon, Agnice82
Laborne, 69
Labory, Eugene P82
LaBrosee, Oza19, 83
LaBrosse, Margaret83
LaClair, Laura83
LaClair, Mr8
Lalone, Harry101
Lalone, Mary101
Lamont, Kenneth83
Lamont, Larry83
Lamson, Wm37, 83
Lanski, John96
LaPort, Alfred105
LaRoque, Leon29
LaRoque, Leon, Mr and Mrs9
LaRoque, Leon, Mrs52
Larson, Earl33, 55, 63
Larson, Earl, Mr and Mrs28
LaVound, Fred27
Lazurewski, Joseph96
Lee, 41, 42
Lee, Floyd78
Lee, Floyd D96
Lee, Oscar96
Lees, James106
Lenehan, Clema59
Lentz, Charles84
Lentz, Frank9, 83
Lentz, Harold19
Lentz, William84
Lentz, Wm9
Lentz, Wm C44, 83
Levan, J W106
LeVert, David96
LeVert, Joe59, 63
Lewis, 55
Lewis, Fred106
Liggett, Louis K24, 26
Little, Frank21, 94
Little, Lloyd21, 27, 83
Littleton, Clariece81
Littleton, Joseph81
Littleton, Lottie71, 81
Lonsberry, C28
Lonsberry, C, Mrs24
Lonsberry, Mr24
Lovejoy, W C106
Lovell, Kathleen96
Lucas, Ethel100
Luecke, Helen84
Luecke, Herbert84
Lyon, Miss30
Macaulay, Malcalm100
MacDonald, George, Mr and Mrs48
MacDonald, Hugh15, 96
MacDonald, Miss30
Macvicar, J M94
Macvicar, James100
Mahoney, Harvey48
Mahoney, Mr5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Major, Betty Ann100
Major, E100
Major, Ervin34.37, 100
Major, Ethel100
Major, Lois100
Major, Mr38, 69, 86
Major, Wanda100
Maples, Ed28
Marks, Sol42, 43, 66
Marphelous, Oscar96
Martin, 28, 44, 55
Martin, Jessie91
Martin, Joe34
Martin, Joseph21, 96
Martin, Joseph, Mrs27
Martin, William84
Martin, Wm28
Marwick, James100
Marwick, Margaret100
Marwick, Mary59, 60
Marwick, Tessie100
Maxon, Mr and Mrs101
Mayde, Professor45
McCready, 23
McCready, Allen98
McCready, Archie64
McCready, Harry98
McCready, John49
McCready, Phyllis98
McCready, Ralph98,100
McCready, Violet27
McCurdy, Mr28
McGowan, Mr48
McIntosh, James D98
McLean, David96
McNair, D C64
McNaughton, G P98
McQuory, Hugh86
Meaney, James101
Menzer, Fred27
Metevia, Daniel96
Metzler, Jim33
Meyer, Harry23
Meyers, Harry74, 85
Miller, 48
Miller, Fred72
Miller, P M98
Miller, Richard53
Milne, Alice65
Milne, Arthur21
Milne, John63
Milne, Joy68
Milne, Lizzie50
Milne, T L42, 65, 74
Milne, Thomas Jr96
Milne, Thomas Sr96
Milne, Tom65
Molineau, Mr74
Moor, Mr78
Moore, Datis51
Moore, James C78
Mosher, Maude23
Mudge, Gladys63
Mueller, Emaline48, 63, 96
Mueller, Louis63
Mueller, Louis, Mrs27
Mueller, Marrian96
Mueller, Melvin48, 63, 71, 96
Nader, Ralph45
Nan, William A74
Narater, Arthur107
Near, Charles86
Nedwash, 7
Neeley, Fred27
Nehls, Alma83
Nesbit, Stephen61
Nevin, G T48
Nevin, Gordon48
Nimo, Dr86
Nizer, William86
Noffsinger, Owen60
Norn, Mr50
North, O P17
North, Oscar P19, 86
Nowak, Walter58
Nuttall, R100
Nuttall, Ralph101
Oakley, Henry101
Oats, Jack T27
OBrien, Elinor62
OBrien, Harold48
OBrien, Mr100
Oetting, 95
Oetting, Freda87
Oetting, Marie27, 87
Oetting, Minnie27, 86
OKeefe, Dennis87
OKeefe, S J33, 70
OKeefe, Sylvester72, 80, 87
Orr, Bob58
Orr, Chester70
Orr, Johnson44, 87
Orr, Johnson, Mrs27
Otterkert, Mr101
Otto, 7
Page, James90, 101, 103
Page, Mr85
Page, Robert13, 30, 101
Parie, Ernest105
Parker, M F70
Pavalka, Ernie66
Pavalka, Frank66
Payea, Bert45
Payea, Frank30
Payea, Mr and Mrs30
Payea, Mrs103
Payea, Richard103
Payea, Richard, Mr and Mrs50
Pearsal, Newton103
Pearsal, Sylvia103
Peelin, Minnie101
Pekruel, Fred103
Pelton, Jim80
Pendhayn, Joe30
Perlberg, Alyn23, 53, 85
Perlberg, Edward23, 85
Perlberg, Floyd23, 24, 44, 85, 100
Perlberg, Julius85
Perlberg, Mrs23
Pero, John88, 101
Perrin, Everett105
Perrin, Gertrude105
Perrin, John101
Pesture, Martin44
Pesture, Martio103
Peters, 7
Peters, Eliza Bagegaqua26
Peters, Mrs27
Petri, Julia27
Petri, Lizzie27
Petri, Mrs105
Piaskowski, Father34
Pickford, Mary32
Pomeroy, Beulah, Mrs27
Pomeroy, Henry27, 32, 33, 44, 47
Pomeroy, Mr32, 33
Pomeroy, W N30, 32
Poole, Burton103
Poole, Everett103
Poole, Martha74
Porter, John101
Pratt, Mr105
Priestly, John34
Proulx, Lena102
Proulx, Leo59, 63
Rady, Mary Jane94
Rancourt, Leslie95
Rancourt, Leslie (Pat)80
Rancourt, Tenehas95
Randall, Jerman95
Ranke, Robert106
Rankin, John95
Ransome, John94
Rapple, Gorgana59
Rashotte, 9
Raymond, Irene95
Raymond, Lawrence95
Redger, Scott101
Reeves, 45
Reeves, Adolph41,85
Reeves, Alice83
Reeves, Mr72
Reeves, Thelma83
Reid, Robert81, 95, 105
Rice, Dan106
Rifenberg, William80, 100
Riffenberg, Mary100
Rikert, Adolph95
Riley, Clifton, Mr and Mrs59
Rity, Berth82
Rohlf, Morris80
Rohn, Theodore103
Rolf, Eva95
Rolf, Morris95
Rosen, Clarence92
Rowe, Marvin106
Rubin, Bruce106
Rupp, Ernest48
Ryland, John21, 94
Ryland, John, Mrs34
Ryland, Lillian95
Ryland, Viloa34
Ryland, Vinna95
Rynak, John95
Sachodolski, Steve60
Sager, Violet74
Sanders, Dale106
Sanford, Sam93
Sanford, Seymour93
Savage, R O88
Savage, Robert O78, 107
Schalanger, Harry66
Scheorpf, C M51, 52
Schillinger, George105
Schnetxler, Wallace20
Schoerpf, Leola83
Scott, Harry28
Seator, 23, 42
Seator, John70, 74
Seator, John A44, 93
Seator, M98
Seeney, Fred92
Selkirk, Alexander72
Senski, B J28, 44
Senski, Benjamin J93
Senski, Henry80, 95
Senski, Johnson44
Senski, Marie83
Server, 21, 48
Server, Edith27
Severence, Mr34
Seymour, Harry91
Shannon, Clariece55
Shannon, Jack80, 93
Shannon, Marilyn81
Shannon, Martin51, 93
Shannon, Thomas81
Shaw, Alfred, Jr38
Shaw, Fred92
Shaw, James28
Shawans, 7
Shaylor, Jim65
Shearer, Charlie93
Shearer, Harry93
Shearer, Maple93
Shepherd, Stella102
Shimmons, Charles93
Shook, John92
Shugg, David106
Shurlow, R J48
Shurlow, Ross92
Sikocski, Lottie69
Sikorski, S J34
Simard, Adelard92
Sirko, Joe33
Sivier, Bert94
Sivier, Grant94
Sivier, John21, 53, 94
Smith, C D56
Smith, Charlotte92
Smith, Frances72, 74
Smith, Francis41, 42
Smith, Henry92
Smith, Henry G13
Smith, Mr8
Snow, Claude27
Snow, M D36, 90, 93
Spence, Parley, Mrs24
Sperry, J B91
St Clair, Howard91
St Clair, Nellie91
St Pears, Paddy91
Staley, Hugh A30
Steinhurst, Mr32
Stensurd, E G55
Stevenson, Dorothy34
Stodolak, Jacob, Mr and Mrs9
Stone, Mable61
Stone, Rev106
Story, Ralph34
Stoutenberg, Albert Sr92
Strauss, A M100
Strauss, Andres M94
Streeter, Carrie63
Sursaw, Russell106
Swaffield, Carrie65, 83
Swaffield, Earl92
Swaffield, Harold92
Swaffield, Walter92
Sweet, I C61
Tarter, C S67
Taylor, Hiram91
Tenney, James91
Thomas, William91
Thompson, J J78
Thoms, Carrie91
Thoms, Wm, Mrs27
Thorlo, Pauline102
Thorner, Joseph45
Tipple, Charles90
Tong, Bud, Mr and Mrs9
Tongs, Sud, Mrs27
Toothacre, Dr91
Tovat, Louis90
Tovatt, Louis, Mr and Mrs27
Townsend, A H64
Trichel, Leon100
Tuchker, Floyd100
Turfus, James90
Unger, Cletus90, 102
Upton, Claude47, 90, 106, 107
Upton, Gladys101
Upton, Harvey107
Utter, Rose15
Utter, William90
Vater, Nan72
Vater, Robert90
View, Sarah46
Vincent, Fredrick45
Vogel, Elsie68
Vogel, Oscar90
Wahaleski, Martin85
Waidelich, W O55
Walker, Harley48
Walking, Thomas89
Walters, Charles21, 88
Walters, Mr and Mrs21
Warren, E C67, 86, 98
Weaver, Charlie74
Weaver, Chas32
Weaver, Donna27
Weaver, Emma27
Weaver, Helen (Arnold)65
Weaver, N B26, 78
Weaver, Newton B87
Weaver, Tom65
Weible, J O81
Weible, J O, Mrs27
Weidelek, Mrs101
Weishuhn, Henry66, 88
Weishuhn, Richard53, 66, 74, 78, 88
Welcome, G A44, 87, 100
Welcome, Gordon37, 88
Welcome, Marie15
Wells, A H87
Wendt, Otto85
Wheeler, Arthur89,100
Wheeler, Duncan89
Wheeler, Ottis89
Whipple, Frank89
White, Geraldine105
White, Thomas89
Whiting, Asa32, 88
Willett, Alvie88
Williams, 7
Williams, Leonard66
Williams, Mennen G56
Williams, Ray20
Williams, Tom66, 88
Willitte, Arthur88
Wilson, Mr and Mrs41
Wilson, Robert106
Wiltse, Bob86
Winkle, Anna63
Winslow, Maurice89, 90
Wood, George19
Woolhiser, David89
Woznicki, Bishop61
Woznicki, Stephen34
Wubbena, Grace94
Wubbena, John85
Wyatt, Arthur70
Wyatt, Willard27
Wycoff, Leola84
York, 7