The Story of Standish and its People, 1876-1976 by Allan McCready
In Arenac County Historical Society Publications
Copyright 2001 – Doris Demet | Indexed 2001
The Story of Standish and its People, 1876-1976 by Allan McCready. Reprint 1976. 108 pages plus illustrations. “The purpose of this story is to preserve the names of the men and to mention their part in the building of our fair city of Standish. I grew up with many of those who were responsible for the city’s growth, lived and worked with them during more than half the century covered herein. Being curious and keeping a diary [has] helped me to supply many of the dates. [H]aving worked with some of those who were early settlers has been a big help in supplying names and occupations of many who otherwise may have been forgotten.” – Allan Mc Cready [author]
This copy [of the index is] contributed for use in the Arenac County MIGenWeb Project. USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations.
no | Pages |
Adrian, Webster | 65 |
Aikens, James | 64 |
Alard, A S | 64 |
Albrecht, Gloria | 54 |
Alexander, Mr and Mrs | 9 |
Allen, Edgar | 64 |
Alsgaard, John | 59, 80, 93 |
Angers, Eugene | 28, 93 |
Angers, Pamfield | 24 |
Angus, Lillian | 28 |
Angus, Lilly | 63 |
Angus, Miss | 63 |
Angus, Peter M | 28 |
Ardis, Dr and Mrs | 63 |
Ardis, Emberson R | 20, 63 |
Armstrong, Edward | 41 |
Arnold, Arthur | 65 |
Arnold, Floyd | 65 |
Arnold, Helen | 65 |
Arnold, Wm | 20, 65 |
Austin, J | 65 |
Avery, Francis | 64 |
Bachleda, Frank | 33 |
Bacon, Johana | 106 |
Baike, James P | 64 |
Balcer, | 53 |
Baldwin, Harry | 58 |
Baliff, Royal | 54 |
Bayes, Bill | 66 |
Bayes, John | 66 |
Beaton, Donald | 63 |
Beaton, Jim | 63 |
Bebe, Russell | 66 |
Bell, E E | 64 |
Bell, Walter E | 52 |
Bernthol, | 42, 48 |
Bernthol, Mr | 63 |
Bernthol, Otto | 28, 53, 101 |
Berryman, John | 105 |
Bessinger, Mr | 60 |
Betgig, Peter | 29 |
Bethel, Claude | 51 |
Beutler, Hervey | 20 |
Bird, Clifford | 66 |
Bird, Ernie | 63 |
Bird, H A | 50 |
Biskner, William | 102 |
Biskner, Wm | 63 |
Black, Avis | 50, 64 |
Black, Douglas | 101, 107 |
Blain, Alexander | 67 |
Blair, Coulson | 64 |
Blakely, Alice | 63 |
Blakely, James | 41 |
Blakely, James Lloyd | 65 |
Blumenthol, Harry | 41, 59, 63 |
Blumenthol, Sam | 66 |
Bodine, John | 71 |
Bollinger, C Wm | 106 |
Bolt, Edith | 66, 88 |
Bolt, Helen | 66 |
Bolt, Richard | 65 |
Borgiola, Edmond | 20, 54 |
Bragg, Eugene | 106 |
Branch, Mr | 34 |
Brannick, Maynard | 62, 86 |
Bratfish, John | 33 |
Bratfish, John, Mr and Mrs | 28 |
Brennin, Wayne | 48 |
Buckstin, Alfred | 106 |
Burr, Lettie | 65 |
Burr, Ralph | 27 |
Burr, Ralph J | 65 |
Butler, Wm | 64 |
Butrick, Austin | 72 |
Butrick, Ben | 72 |
Butz, Sylvester J | 64 |
Callahan, Richard | 107 |
Cameron, Donald | 71 |
Cameron, Jesse | 71 |
Campbell, Alfred | 60 |
Cardinal, Byron | 68 |
Cardinal, Byron W | 34 |
Cardinal, Frank | 68 |
Cardinal, Marion | 107 |
Carpenter, Eugene | 106 |
Carpenter, Mr | 70 |
Carruthers, Grant | 67 |
Carruthers, Grant, Mrs | 27 |
Carruthers, Jesse | 67 |
Carruthers, Victor | 66 |
Cassidy, Gladys | 68 |
Chaltraw, Louis | 88 |
Chaltraw, Lous | 52, 66 |
Chamberlain, Elsie | 90 |
Chamberlain, H A | 43, 44 |
Chamberlian, Harvey A | 21, 67 |
Chamberlian, Mr | 8 |
Chaplin, Charlie | 32 |
Charluss, Viola | 28 |
Clairmont, | 67 |
Clairmont, Jesse | 67 |
Cline, Jim | 55 |
Cole, Lucille | 92 |
Collier, Joe, Mr and Mrs | 101 |
Collier, Joseph | 71 |
Colombe, Leonard | 101 |
Conrad, Delia | 68 |
Conrad, Frank | 68, 80 |
Cooley, Bert | 79 |
Corniel, Neta | 77 |
Cornish, George | 102 |
Cournyea, Emma | 71 |
Cournyea, Ernest | 66 |
Cournyea, John | 71 |
Crandell, C H | 41, 67 |
Crandell, Roy | 21, 68 |
Crandell, Roy J | 79 |
Crawfore, P A | 64 |
Crook, Chalres, Mrs | 66 |
Crosley, | 37 |
Cross, Mr | 66 |
Crusoe, Robinson | 72 |
Cummings, Mrs | 68 |
Cummings, Robert | 68 |
Cummings, S L | 66 |
Curbin, Mr and Mrs | 70 |
Cuthertson, Blanch | 34 |
Cuttle, Charles | 28, 29 |
Cuttle, George | 68 |
Cuttlel, | 10 |
Daughtery, Bill | 70 |
Daughtery, Florence | 27, 68 |
Daughtery, Harry | 63 |
Daughtery, Robert | 69 |
Decker, James | 15, 23 |
Defoe, | 81 |
DeForest, | 37 |
Demo, David | 69 |
Demo, David, Mrs | 24 |
Demo, Kathryn | 70, 83 |
Demo, Rudolph | 68 |
DePalma, Ralph | 48 |
Devine, Mr | 107 |
DeWitt, Francis | 68 |
Diamond, Beth | 66 |
Diamond, Eva | 66 |
Diamond, Harry | 66, 69 |
Dimple, Dolly | 79 |
Ditmer, J | 70 |
Doblee, Doc | 58 |
Doddrich, Miss | 80 |
Dodds, Nugent | 47 |
Dolbee, Dr | 70 |
Dolbee, M K | 70 |
Donahue, Archie | 58 |
Donnelly, John Sr | 70 |
Donnelly, Mary | 33 |
Downer, | 43 |
Downer, Fred | 12, 13, 51, 70 |
Downer, Fred R | 69 |
Downer, Mrs | 70 |
Duby, Arthur | 70 |
Duckering, Inna | 69 |
Duckering, Thomas | 69 |
Dudek, Andy | 69 |
Dudek, Lottie | 34 |
Dudley, Don | 58 |
Dufort, Bernard | 102 |
DuFort, Henry | 63, 69 |
Dufort, Pauline | 55 |
Dumond, Frank | 70 |
Dumond, Mrs | 41 |
Dunn, | 69 |
Dunn, Dr and Mrs | 45 |
Dunn, J W | 23 |
Dunn, Jack | 45 |
Dunn, John W | 69 |
Dunn, Judge | 72 |
Dunnell, Jack | 102 |
Durbin, Glenn | 70 |
Durbin, Ruth | 70 |
Durfee, E N | 19 |
Durfee, N | 70 |
Dworek, Adel | 101 |
Dystnat, Dr | 106 |
Elder, Agnes | 72 |
Elder, Mrs | 72 |
Elwell, Arthur | 70 |
Elwell, Frank | 107 |
Elwell, John | 71 |
Elwell, John Sharp | 72 |
Elwell, Mae | 71 |
Emerson, | 7 |
Emerson, Nelson C | 74 |
Fales, Bert | 33, 74 |
Favor, Mr | 72 |
Field, John | 58 |
Filmore, Berniece | 83 |
Filmore, Fred | 72 |
Filmore, William H | 72 |
Fish, David D | 72 |
Fish, Mr | 72 |
Fisher, Dr | 42 |
Fisher, R L | 41, 67 |
Flaws, James Jr | 74 |
Flaws, James Sr | 74 |
Flynn, Felix | 53 |
Forsyth, | 42, 43 |
Forsyth, Alex | 15, 26, 30, 74 |
Forsyth, Amanda | 74 |
Forsyth, Iva | 68 |
Forsyth, Jessie | 74 |
Forsyth, Mr and Mrs | 12, 13 |
Forsyth, Robert | 24, 53, 70, 94 |
Forsyth, Robert | 105 |
Forsyth, Robert M | 74 |
Forsyth, William | 74 |
Forsyth, Wm | 26, 27, 43, 44 |
Forward, Austin | 72 |
Fox, Louis | 74 |
Fox, Owen | 45, 74 |
Frances, Charles | 72 |
Fredet, August | 74 |
Frost, Ben | 45 |
Frost, Mr | 45 |
Fry, J C | 34, 72 |
Fry, Mr | 72 |
Fuller, Leon | 106 |
Gage, John | 74 |
Gale, Jim | 101 |
Gammon, Ray | 77 |
Gawel, | 60 |
Gawne, Etta | 27 |
Gehman, G R | 106 |
Gehman, J R | 62, 98 |
Gibbon, Thomas | 36 |
Gibbon, Tom | 78 |
Gibbons, | 9 |
Gidley, John | 41, 74, 77 |
Gidley, William | 74 |
Gilbert, Dr | 107 |
Glasure, Faye | 77 |
Glasure, George | 21 |
Glasure, James | 77 |
Glasure, Mr | 77 |
Goheen, Peter | 60 |
Good, Arlene | 77 |
Good, Ben | 77 |
Goodman, | 45 |
Goodman, Thomas | 41 |
Goodrich, Mr | 27, 80 |
Gottenmeyer, Edward | 74 |
Gottenmeyer, W C | 28, 74 |
Grashaw, A T | 78 |
Grashaw, Mr and Mrs | 78 |
Graves, Anna | 77 |
Graves, Jack | 77 |
Graves, John | 64 |
Graves, S H | 42 |
Graves, Smith | 42, 64 |
Graves, Smith H | 77 |
Greanya, Hazel | 77 |
Greanya, Henry | 77, 101 |
Greanya, Mr | 8 |
Greanya, Neta, Mrs | 27 |
Greanya, Rugh | 107 |
Gregory, W A | 106 |
Grier, Geo, Mr and Mrs | 27 |
Grier, George | 27, 41, 77 |
Grier, Lizzie | 27, 77 |
Groat, Mr | 107 |
Grosbeck, Governor | 72 |
Guest, Bud | 62 |
Guild, Grace | 27 |
Gulvas, Edward | 102 |
Gulvas, Leonard, Mr and Mrs | 58 |
Gunn, Dr | 70 |
Gunn, R P | 50, 67 |
Gurd, George | 77 |
Gurda, Mr | 32 |
Gutcher, Jim | 29 |
Gwisdala, Aloisis | 29 |
Gwisdala, John | 29, 77, 96 |
Haas, Louise | 83 |
Haas, Stanley | 68 |
Haddix, Lee | 68, 80 |
Hageman, Fred | 41 |
Hageman, Mr | 41 |
Halcro, Carrie | 91 |
Halcro, J J | 78 |
Halcro, Joe | 30, 78 |
Halcro, Peter | 78 |
Hall, | 42 |
Hall, C F | 19, 27, 38, 52 |
Hall, Fred C | 79 |
Hall, Leonard | 79 |
Hamm, Mr | 107 |
Hammond, C E | 107 |
Hanes, Tony | 80 |
Hanson, Hugh | 33 |
Harding, M C | 103 |
Harding, Margaret | 103 |
Harding, Nona | 103 |
Hardy, Herman | 79 |
Hardy, Lee | 79 |
Harrison, Jimmy | 26, 79 |
Hart, George | 48 |
Hartman, Mrs | 80 |
Hartman, Seeley | 80 |
Hartwick, Marian | 80 |
Harvey, Lloyd | 79 |
Hasselbring, Ben | 66, 80, 89 |
Hastings, Hazel | 67 |
Hasty, Earl | 78 |
Hasty, Henry | 33, 78 |
Hayes, Amy | 79 |
Hayes, Ralph | 79 |
Hayes, Sanford E | 79 |
Henderson, Ben J | 68 |
Henderson, Ben, Mrs | 27 |
Henderson, Benjamin J | 79 |
Henderson, Frank Jr | 56 |
Herman, Lena | 59, 60 |
Hermanson, Clariece | 15 |
Hermason, John | 81 |
Hibner, Henry | 45, 78 |
Hock, Kenneth | 55 |
Hodges, Mr and Mrs | 78 |
Holden, Mr Mr Douglas Charlie Joe | 107 |
Hollister, Bing | 64 |
Honey, | 80 |
Honey, J C | 22, 80 |
Horner, | 91 |
Horton, | 107 |
Howard, | 27, 34, 78, 107 |
Howard, Clayton C | 78, 107 |
Hutton, Ben | 107 |
Ireland, | 49 |
Ireland, Andy | 69 |
Ireland, Lennie | 93 |
Ireland, Loenard | 81 |
Ireland, Louis | 69 |
Ireland, Minnie | 81 |
Ireland, Nelson | 23, 26 |
Ireland, William | 80 |
Isac, | 7 |
James, | 7 |
Jankowski, Avis | 81 |
Jankowski, John | 81 |
Jarvis, Harold | 30 |
Jarvis, Martin | 64, 83 |
Jarvis, Mary | 64, 83 |
Jodway, | 10 |
Johnson, Anna | 106 |
Johnson, Harvey | 83 |
Johnson, Leland | 81, 95, 105 |
Johnson, Oakely | 30 |
Jones, Casey K | 83 |
Jones, Fred | 83 |
Jones, Lyle | 83 |
Judd, C L | 15, 30 |
Judd, J L | 15 |
Kaby, | 7 |
Keller, | 28, 44 |
Keller, Fred V | 84 |
Keller, Ruth | 84 |
Kellogg, Grorge | 84 |
Kelly, Harry | 102 |
Kelly, Harry F | 54 |
Kelly, Mitch | 102 |
Kent, Atwater | 37 |
Keppin, Louis | 63 |
Keppin, Louise | 101 |
Keppin, Miss | 63 |
Kercinski, John | 34 |
Kettering, Charles | 38 |
Keyes, Eugene | 55 |
Kiley, Cornelious | 81 |
Kiley, Dennis | 81 |
Kiley, Edward | 81 |
Kiley, Emmet | 81 |
Kiley, Emmet, Mr and Mrs | 23 |
Kiley, Frank | 23 |
Kiley, Grace | 83 |
Kiley, Lawrence | 81 |
Kiley, Mary | 24 |
Kiley, Mary | 101 |
Kiley, Michael | 81, 82 |
Kiley, Theresa | 83 |
Kilmer, Orson | 84 |
Kilpatrick, Charles | 84 |
Kimberlin, W S | 27 |
Kinch, Stewart | 103 |
King, Maynard | 105 |
Klonowski, John | 34 |
Knight, Ernest | 84 |
Kohn, Ray | 82 |
Kollin, | 95 |
Kollin, Charles | 41 |
Kollin, Charlie | 105 |
Kollin, Gladys | 81,105 |
Kollin, Mae | 105 |
Kollin, Mr | 81 |
Kollin, Myrtle | 105 |
Kopazewski, Andrew | 61 |
Kozlow, John | 60 |
Kozlow, Nick | 60 |
Krueger, Paul | 81 |
Kucera, John | 85, 86 |
Kutz, Joseph | 42, 43 |
Kutz, Mrs | 42 |
LaBarge, Mr | 8 |
Labon, Agnice | 82 |
Laborne, | 69 |
Labory, Eugene P | 82 |
LaBrosee, Oza | 19, 83 |
LaBrosse, Margaret | 83 |
LaClair, Laura | 83 |
LaClair, Mr | 8 |
Lalone, Harry | 101 |
Lalone, Mary | 101 |
Lamont, Kenneth | 83 |
Lamont, Larry | 83 |
Lamson, Wm | 37, 83 |
Lanski, John | 96 |
LaPort, Alfred | 105 |
LaRoque, Leon | 29 |
LaRoque, Leon, Mr and Mrs | 9 |
LaRoque, Leon, Mrs | 52 |
Larson, Earl | 33, 55, 63 |
Larson, Earl, Mr and Mrs | 28 |
LaVound, Fred | 27 |
Lazurewski, Joseph | 96 |
Lee, | 41, 42 |
Lee, Floyd | 78 |
Lee, Floyd D | 96 |
Lee, Oscar | 96 |
Lees, James | 106 |
Lenehan, Clema | 59 |
Lentz, Charles | 84 |
Lentz, Frank | 9, 83 |
Lentz, Harold | 19 |
Lentz, William | 84 |
Lentz, Wm | 9 |
Lentz, Wm C | 44, 83 |
Levan, J W | 106 |
LeVert, David | 96 |
LeVert, Joe | 59, 63 |
Lewis, | 55 |
Lewis, Fred | 106 |
Liggett, Louis K | 24, 26 |
Little, Frank | 21, 94 |
Little, Lloyd | 21, 27, 83 |
Littleton, Clariece | 81 |
Littleton, Joseph | 81 |
Littleton, Lottie | 71, 81 |
Lonsberry, C | 28 |
Lonsberry, C, Mrs | 24 |
Lonsberry, Mr | 24 |
Lovejoy, W C | 106 |
Lovell, Kathleen | 96 |
Lucas, Ethel | 100 |
Luecke, Helen | 84 |
Luecke, Herbert | 84 |
Lyon, Miss | 30 |
Macaulay, Malcalm | 100 |
MacDonald, George, Mr and Mrs | 48 |
MacDonald, Hugh | 15, 96 |
MacDonald, Miss | 30 |
Macvicar, J M | 94 |
Macvicar, James | 100 |
Mahoney, Harvey | 48 |
Mahoney, Mr | 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 |
Major, Betty Ann | 100 |
Major, E | 100 |
Major, Ervin | 34.37, 100 |
Major, Ethel | 100 |
Major, Lois | 100 |
Major, Mr | 38, 69, 86 |
Major, Wanda | 100 |
Maples, Ed | 28 |
Marks, Sol | 42, 43, 66 |
Marphelous, Oscar | 96 |
Martin, | 28, 44, 55 |
Martin, Jessie | 91 |
Martin, Joe | 34 |
Martin, Joseph | 21, 96 |
Martin, Joseph, Mrs | 27 |
Martin, William | 84 |
Martin, Wm | 28 |
Marwick, James | 100 |
Marwick, Margaret | 100 |
Marwick, Mary | 59, 60 |
Marwick, Tessie | 100 |
Maxon, Mr and Mrs | 101 |
Mayde, Professor | 45 |
McCready, | 23 |
McCready, Allen | 98 |
McCready, Archie | 64 |
McCready, Harry | 98 |
McCready, John | 49 |
McCready, Phyllis | 98 |
McCready, Ralph | 98,100 |
McCready, Violet | 27 |
McCurdy, Mr | 28 |
McGowan, Mr | 48 |
McIntosh, James D | 98 |
McLean, David | 96 |
McNair, D C | 64 |
McNaughton, G P | 98 |
McQuory, Hugh | 86 |
Meaney, James | 101 |
Menzer, Fred | 27 |
Metevia, Daniel | 96 |
Metzler, Jim | 33 |
Meyer, Harry | 23 |
Meyers, Harry | 74, 85 |
Miller, | 48 |
Miller, Fred | 72 |
Miller, P M | 98 |
Miller, Richard | 53 |
Milne, Alice | 65 |
Milne, Arthur | 21 |
Milne, John | 63 |
Milne, Joy | 68 |
Milne, Lizzie | 50 |
Milne, T L | 42, 65, 74 |
Milne, Thomas Jr | 96 |
Milne, Thomas Sr | 96 |
Milne, Tom | 65 |
Molineau, Mr | 74 |
Moor, Mr | 78 |
Moore, Datis | 51 |
Moore, James C | 78 |
Mosher, Maude | 23 |
Mudge, Gladys | 63 |
Mueller, Emaline | 48, 63, 96 |
Mueller, Louis | 63 |
Mueller, Louis, Mrs | 27 |
Mueller, Marrian | 96 |
Mueller, Melvin | 48, 63, 71, 96 |
Nader, Ralph | 45 |
Nan, William A | 74 |
Narater, Arthur | 107 |
Near, Charles | 86 |
Nedwash, | 7 |
Neeley, Fred | 27 |
Nehls, Alma | 83 |
Nesbit, Stephen | 61 |
Nevin, G T | 48 |
Nevin, Gordon | 48 |
Nimo, Dr | 86 |
Nizer, William | 86 |
Noffsinger, Owen | 60 |
Norn, Mr | 50 |
North, O P | 17 |
North, Oscar P | 19, 86 |
Nowak, Walter | 58 |
Nuttall, R | 100 |
Nuttall, Ralph | 101 |
Oakley, Henry | 101 |
Oats, Jack T | 27 |
OBrien, Elinor | 62 |
OBrien, Harold | 48 |
OBrien, Mr | 100 |
Oetting, | 95 |
Oetting, Freda | 87 |
Oetting, Marie | 27, 87 |
Oetting, Minnie | 27, 86 |
OKeefe, Dennis | 87 |
OKeefe, S J | 33, 70 |
OKeefe, Sylvester | 72, 80, 87 |
Orr, Bob | 58 |
Orr, Chester | 70 |
Orr, Johnson | 44, 87 |
Orr, Johnson, Mrs | 27 |
Otterkert, Mr | 101 |
Otto, | 7 |
Page, James | 90, 101, 103 |
Page, Mr | 85 |
Page, Robert | 13, 30, 101 |
Parie, Ernest | 105 |
Parker, M F | 70 |
Pavalka, Ernie | 66 |
Pavalka, Frank | 66 |
Payea, Bert | 45 |
Payea, Frank | 30 |
Payea, Mr and Mrs | 30 |
Payea, Mrs | 103 |
Payea, Richard | 103 |
Payea, Richard, Mr and Mrs | 50 |
Pearsal, Newton | 103 |
Pearsal, Sylvia | 103 |
Peelin, Minnie | 101 |
Pekruel, Fred | 103 |
Pelton, Jim | 80 |
Pendhayn, Joe | 30 |
Perlberg, Alyn | 23, 53, 85 |
Perlberg, Edward | 23, 85 |
Perlberg, Floyd | 23, 24, 44, 85, 100 |
Perlberg, Julius | 85 |
Perlberg, Mrs | 23 |
Pero, John | 88, 101 |
Perrin, Everett | 105 |
Perrin, Gertrude | 105 |
Perrin, John | 101 |
Pesture, Martin | 44 |
Pesture, Martio | 103 |
Peters, | 7 |
Peters, Eliza Bagegaqua | 26 |
Peters, Mrs | 27 |
Petri, Julia | 27 |
Petri, Lizzie | 27 |
Petri, Mrs | 105 |
Piaskowski, Father | 34 |
Pickford, Mary | 32 |
Pomeroy, Beulah, Mrs | 27 |
Pomeroy, Henry | 27, 32, 33, 44, 47 |
Pomeroy, Mr | 32, 33 |
Pomeroy, W N | 30, 32 |
Poole, Burton | 103 |
Poole, Everett | 103 |
Poole, Martha | 74 |
Porter, John | 101 |
Pratt, Mr | 105 |
Priestly, John | 34 |
Proulx, Lena | 102 |
Proulx, Leo | 59, 63 |
Rady, Mary Jane | 94 |
Rancourt, Leslie | 95 |
Rancourt, Leslie (Pat) | 80 |
Rancourt, Tenehas | 95 |
Randall, Jerman | 95 |
Ranke, Robert | 106 |
Rankin, John | 95 |
Ransome, John | 94 |
Rapple, Gorgana | 59 |
Rashotte, | 9 |
Raymond, Irene | 95 |
Raymond, Lawrence | 95 |
Redger, Scott | 101 |
Reeves, | 45 |
Reeves, Adolph | 41,85 |
Reeves, Alice | 83 |
Reeves, Mr | 72 |
Reeves, Thelma | 83 |
Reid, Robert | 81, 95, 105 |
Rice, Dan | 106 |
Rifenberg, William | 80, 100 |
Riffenberg, Mary | 100 |
Rikert, Adolph | 95 |
Riley, Clifton, Mr and Mrs | 59 |
Rity, Berth | 82 |
Rohlf, Morris | 80 |
Rohn, Theodore | 103 |
Rolf, Eva | 95 |
Rolf, Morris | 95 |
Rosen, Clarence | 92 |
Rowe, Marvin | 106 |
Rubin, Bruce | 106 |
Rupp, Ernest | 48 |
Ryland, John | 21, 94 |
Ryland, John, Mrs | 34 |
Ryland, Lillian | 95 |
Ryland, Viloa | 34 |
Ryland, Vinna | 95 |
Rynak, John | 95 |
Sachodolski, Steve | 60 |
Sager, Violet | 74 |
Sanders, Dale | 106 |
Sanford, Sam | 93 |
Sanford, Seymour | 93 |
Savage, R O | 88 |
Savage, Robert O | 78, 107 |
Schalanger, Harry | 66 |
Scheorpf, C M | 51, 52 |
Schillinger, George | 105 |
Schnetxler, Wallace | 20 |
Schoerpf, Leola | 83 |
Scott, Harry | 28 |
Seator, | 23, 42 |
Seator, John | 70, 74 |
Seator, John A | 44, 93 |
Seator, M | 98 |
Seeney, Fred | 92 |
Selkirk, Alexander | 72 |
Senski, B J | 28, 44 |
Senski, Benjamin J | 93 |
Senski, Henry | 80, 95 |
Senski, Johnson | 44 |
Senski, Marie | 83 |
Server, | 21, 48 |
Server, Edith | 27 |
Severence, Mr | 34 |
Seymour, Harry | 91 |
Shannon, Clariece | 55 |
Shannon, Jack | 80, 93 |
Shannon, Marilyn | 81 |
Shannon, Martin | 51, 93 |
Shannon, Thomas | 81 |
Shaw, Alfred, Jr | 38 |
Shaw, Fred | 92 |
Shaw, James | 28 |
Shawans, | 7 |
Shaylor, Jim | 65 |
Shearer, Charlie | 93 |
Shearer, Harry | 93 |
Shearer, Maple | 93 |
Shepherd, Stella | 102 |
Shimmons, Charles | 93 |
Shook, John | 92 |
Shugg, David | 106 |
Shurlow, R J | 48 |
Shurlow, Ross | 92 |
Sikocski, Lottie | 69 |
Sikorski, S J | 34 |
Simard, Adelard | 92 |
Sirko, Joe | 33 |
Sivier, Bert | 94 |
Sivier, Grant | 94 |
Sivier, John | 21, 53, 94 |
Smith, C D | 56 |
Smith, Charlotte | 92 |
Smith, Frances | 72, 74 |
Smith, Francis | 41, 42 |
Smith, Henry | 92 |
Smith, Henry G | 13 |
Smith, Mr | 8 |
Snow, Claude | 27 |
Snow, M D | 36, 90, 93 |
Spence, Parley, Mrs | 24 |
Sperry, J B | 91 |
St Clair, Howard | 91 |
St Clair, Nellie | 91 |
St Pears, Paddy | 91 |
Staley, Hugh A | 30 |
Steinhurst, Mr | 32 |
Stensurd, E G | 55 |
Stevenson, Dorothy | 34 |
Stodolak, Jacob, Mr and Mrs | 9 |
Stone, Mable | 61 |
Stone, Rev | 106 |
Story, Ralph | 34 |
Stoutenberg, Albert Sr | 92 |
Strauss, A M | 100 |
Strauss, Andres M | 94 |
Streeter, Carrie | 63 |
Sursaw, Russell | 106 |
Swaffield, Carrie | 65, 83 |
Swaffield, Earl | 92 |
Swaffield, Harold | 92 |
Swaffield, Walter | 92 |
Sweet, I C | 61 |
Tarter, C S | 67 |
Taylor, Hiram | 91 |
Tenney, James | 91 |
Thomas, William | 91 |
Thompson, J J | 78 |
Thoms, Carrie | 91 |
Thoms, Wm, Mrs | 27 |
Thorlo, Pauline | 102 |
Thorner, Joseph | 45 |
Tipple, Charles | 90 |
Tong, Bud, Mr and Mrs | 9 |
Tongs, Sud, Mrs | 27 |
Toothacre, Dr | 91 |
Tovat, Louis | 90 |
Tovatt, Louis, Mr and Mrs | 27 |
Townsend, A H | 64 |
Trichel, Leon | 100 |
Tuchker, Floyd | 100 |
Turfus, James | 90 |
Unger, Cletus | 90, 102 |
Upton, Claude | 47, 90, 106, 107 |
Upton, Gladys | 101 |
Upton, Harvey | 107 |
Utter, Rose | 15 |
Utter, William | 90 |
Vater, Nan | 72 |
Vater, Robert | 90 |
View, Sarah | 46 |
Vincent, Fredrick | 45 |
Vogel, Elsie | 68 |
Vogel, Oscar | 90 |
Wahaleski, Martin | 85 |
Waidelich, W O | 55 |
Walker, Harley | 48 |
Walking, Thomas | 89 |
Walters, Charles | 21, 88 |
Walters, Mr and Mrs | 21 |
Warren, E C | 67, 86, 98 |
Weaver, Charlie | 74 |
Weaver, Chas | 32 |
Weaver, Donna | 27 |
Weaver, Emma | 27 |
Weaver, Helen (Arnold) | 65 |
Weaver, N B | 26, 78 |
Weaver, Newton B | 87 |
Weaver, Tom | 65 |
Weible, J O | 81 |
Weible, J O, Mrs | 27 |
Weidelek, Mrs | 101 |
Weishuhn, Henry | 66, 88 |
Weishuhn, Richard | 53, 66, 74, 78, 88 |
Welcome, G A | 44, 87, 100 |
Welcome, Gordon | 37, 88 |
Welcome, Marie | 15 |
Wells, A H | 87 |
Wendt, Otto | 85 |
Wheeler, Arthur | 89,100 |
Wheeler, Duncan | 89 |
Wheeler, Ottis | 89 |
Whipple, Frank | 89 |
White, Geraldine | 105 |
White, Thomas | 89 |
Whiting, Asa | 32, 88 |
Willett, Alvie | 88 |
Williams, | 7 |
Williams, Leonard | 66 |
Williams, Mennen G | 56 |
Williams, Ray | 20 |
Williams, Tom | 66, 88 |
Willitte, Arthur | 88 |
Wilson, Mr and Mrs | 41 |
Wilson, Robert | 106 |
Wiltse, Bob | 86 |
Winkle, Anna | 63 |
Winslow, Maurice | 89, 90 |
Wood, George | 19 |
Woolhiser, David | 89 |
Woznicki, Bishop | 61 |
Woznicki, Stephen | 34 |
Wubbena, Grace | 94 |
Wubbena, John | 85 |
Wyatt, Arthur | 70 |
Wyatt, Willard | 27 |
Wycoff, Leola | 84 |
York, | 7 |