In Arenac County Historical Society Publications

Copyright 2006 – ACHS | Indexed November 16, 2006

First Families of Standish Township. Reprint 1974. 32 pages. This book covers the first families to settle in this area that was already inhabited by a large Native American population. Lots of family names and pictures.


First Families of Standish Twp
Abare, Bettie16
Ackerman, Chet22
Ackerman, David22
Ackerman, Tammy22
Ackerman, Theresa22
Adamczyk, Annabelle14
Adamczyk, Carol14
Adamczyk, Joseph14
Adamczyk, Robert14
Adams, Donald19
Adrian family15
Adrian, Helen15
Aguirre, Angie22
Aguirre, Fernando13
Aguirre, Jane22
Aikens, Barbara9
Aikens, Cathy9
Aikens, Connie9
Aikens, Herbert9, 28
Aikens, Jerry9
Aikens, Linda9
Aikens, Mary9
Aikens, Ralph9
Aikens, Thomas9
Akey, Mathilda22
Alexander, Mary3
Alexander, Wallace W19
Alger Bar25
Allen, Alice4
Allen, Alice6
Allen, Clarence31
Allen, Frank4, 6
Allen, Harry6, 31
Allen, Roy6
Allen, Sadie6
Amley, Clayton J28
Amley, Donald28
Amley, Joe14
Amley, Leonard28
Amley, Spencer28
Ancel, Janet15
Ancel, Judy15
Ancel, Lyle15
Ancel, Robert15
Anderson, Albin23
Anderson, Alex23
Andrews, Jim4
Andrzejewski, Robert26
Anga, Dennis13
Angers, Louise20
Angus, Peter M3
Arbuckle, Gordon13
Archambeau, Alice14
Arenac Township3
Armstrong, Alice6, 29
Armstrong, Beatrice6
Armstrong, Eulah6, 29
Armstrong, George6, 10, 28, 29
Armstrong, George A6
Armstrong, Gertie31
Armstrong, Gertrude6, 27
Armstrong, Hazel6, 10.31
Armstrong, Iva6
Armstrong, John T6
Armstrong, Laura6
Armstrong, Mary10, 13
Armstrong, Thomas R6
Armstrong, Tina6
Arquette, Cecelia26
Arquette, Clara20
Arquette, Leo28, 29
Arquette, Marie29
Asam, Gus26
Asam, Katherine26
Autocanaby, Andrew25
Avery, Dwane8
Avery, Harlan8
Avery, Myra8
Avery, Wilbert8
Babb, Carol18
Badgerows, Ervin14
Badour, Carol26
Badour, Cleo14
Bagnell, Andrea18
Baikie, Bruce25
Baikie, Dunchan25
Baikie, Michael25
Baikie, Nancy25
Baikie, Sally25
Baikie, Susan25
Bailor, Robert28
Baker, Annie12
Baker, Delphine27
Baker, Margie27
Baker, Selma27
Balazer, Patricia9
Barber, William11
Barshaw, ?30
Barshaw, Amos6, 20
Barshaw, Anna6
Barshaw, Bernie30
Barshaw, Bill30
Barshaw, Bryan6
Barshaw, Clifford8
Barshaw, D J7
Barshaw, Daniel7
Barshaw, Darren7
Barshaw, Dennis6
Barshaw, Douglas7
Barshaw, Emily6, 20
Barshaw, Gayle6
Barshaw, George6, 20
Barshaw, John8
Barshaw, Kim6
Barshaw, Marie8
Barshaw, Medie8
Barshaw, Nellie30
Barshaw, Randall6
Barshaw, Richard6
Barshaw, Robert6
Barshaw, Rochelle6
Barshaw, Roxanne7
Barshaw, Shelly26
Barshaw, Tami6
Barshaw, Teri6
Barshaw, Todd6
Bashaw, Judith22
Bauer, Ann7
Bauer, Bob11
Bauer, Carl7
Bauer, Christine25
Bauer, Ernest7, 11
Bauer, Frank7, 31
Bauer, Frank Jr7
Bauer, Frieda7, 9
Bauer, Grant11
Bauer, Joe7
Bauer, John25
Bauer, Joyce11
Bauer, Julie25
Bauer, Lena7
Bauer, Marie7
Bauer, Mary9
Bauer, Matilda7
Bauer, Neal11
Bauer, Olga7
Bauer, Shirley7
Bauer, William7
Baum, Lois26
Baushe, Nellie17
Bear Track Inn22
Beardsley, Bob27
Beardsley, Brent7
Beardsley, Dick27, 28
Beardsley, Evelyn7
Beardsley, George7
Beardsley, Glen7, 28
Beardsley, Harriet7
Beardsley, John7
Beardsley, Kenneth7, 14
Beardsley, Mary7
Beardsley, Melissa7
Beardsley, Michele7
Beardsley, Randall7
Beardsley, Richard7
Beardsley, Richard Jr7
Beardsley, Robert7
Beardsley, Virginia7
Beaudoin, Grace26
Beaudoin, Shirley8
Beausoleil, Marguerite21
Bedore, Louise14
Beechum, Chris26
Beechum, Craig26
Beechum, David26
Beechum, Douglas26
Beechum, Wayne26
Belanger, Mabel9
Belchak, Charles17
Bellor, Ernie7
Bellor, Ethel5
Bells, Fred5
Bells, Walter5
Belton, Pauline18
Bennett, (teacher)3
Bennett, Clare17
Bermudez, Lorenzo14
Berthiaume, Nedda12
Berthiaumes garage5
Berthiuame, Dawn24
Berthiuame, Elric24
Berthiuame, Elric24
Berthiuame, Larry24
Berthiuame, Leo24
Berthiuame, Loretta24
Berthiuame, Lyle24
Berthivame, Charlotte24
Besaw, Elgimay3
Besaw, Thelma3
Bingham, Kay25
Bishop, Gene12
Biskner, Adeline7
Biskner, Albert7
Biskner, Alex7
Biskner, Anna7
Biskner, Armin7
Biskner, Beverly7
Biskner, Bill7
Biskner, Carl7, 12, 28
Biskner, Carol7
Biskner, Catalia7
Biskner, Charles7, 8
Biskner, Danny7
Biskner, Edward7, 8
Biskner, Elizabeth7, 10
Biskner, Fanny7
Biskner, Florence7, 29
Biskner, Frances22
Biskner, George7
Biskner, Hattie7
Biskner, Helen7
Biskner, Henry7
Biskner, Jack7
Biskner, Jerry7, 27
Biskner, Jim7
Biskner, Joe7
Biskner, John7
Biskner, June7
Biskner, Larry7
Biskner, Liza7
Biskner, Lottie31
Biskner, Louis7, 10
Biskner, Louisa7
Biskner, Louise7, 24, 26
Biskner, Lucy7
Biskner, Maggie7
Biskner, Mary7
Biskner, Mathilda7
Biskner, Matilda12
Biskner, Muriel8
Biskner, Noah7
Biskner, Norman8
Biskner, Philmeon7
Biskner, Rita7
Biskner, Ruth7
Biskner, Samama7
Biskner, Sarah7
Biskner, Sealina10
Biskner, Shirley29
Biskner, Sophia7
Biskner, Steve7
Biskner, Supree7
Biskner, Thouphill7
Biskner, Victor7, 8
Biskner, Vilsie8
Biskner, William7.8
Biskner, Wilma7
Bisner, Tuff7
Bissonette, Joseph26
Bissonette, Loraine30
Bissonette, Lorena19
Bissonette, Marie30
Bissonette, Noah30
Bissonette, Vina LaClair18
Blanchard, Myrtle8
Boaz, unknown male11
Bodine, Joanne23
Bodine, John23
Bodine, Keith23
Bodine, Phillip23
Bodine, Thresa23
Bodine, Tina23
Bodine, Tom23
Boies, Noble21
Boike, Frank26
Boike, Melissa26
Boike, Renee26
Bollinger, Linda9
Bondy, Donald9
Bondy, Lee9
Bondy, Leo9
Bondy, Patrick9
Bondy, Rita9
Bondy, Teresa9
Bondy, William9
Bonnenwesth, Edna10
Bordeau subdivision9
Bordeau, Alfred28
Bordeau, Ann9
Bordeau, Ann8, 9
Bordeau, Archie8, 20
Bordeau, Bonnie9
Bordeau, Clare7, 9
Bordeau, Colleen9
Bordeau, Connie9
Bordeau, Daniel9
Bordeau, Donald9
Bordeau, Earl8, 9
Bordeau, Elizabeth8, 14
Bordeau, Emery8, 9
Bordeau, Emma8, 9
Bordeau, Ernest12
Bordeau, Frank8, 9
Bordeau, Gary9
Bordeau, Georgenia8
Bordeau, Georgina11
Bordeau, Gilbert7, 8, 11
Bordeau, Grandma8
Bordeau, Grandpa8
Bordeau, Ishmeal8, 22, 28
Bordeau, Iva22
Bordeau, Jack9
Bordeau, Jackie9
Bordeau, James7, 9
Bordeau, Joe27
Bordeau, John8
Bordeau, Joseph7, 22, 28
Bordeau, Kathy7, 9, 22
Bordeau, Larry9
Bordeau, Laura8
Bordeau, Lawrence22
Bordeau, Lillian8
Bordeau, Margaret (Margie)22
Bordeau, Margie27
Bordeau, Mark9
Bordeau, Mary8, 9
Bordeau, Mary Beth9
Bordeau, Matt9
Bordeau, Meada8
Bordeau, Michael22
Bordeau, Micheal9
Bordeau, Myrtle8
Bordeau, Nellie8, 9
Bordeau, Peter9
Bordeau, Raymond7, 9
Bordeau, Raymond Jr9
Bordeau, Renne9
Bordeau, Robert7, 9
Bordeau, Robert Jr9
Bordeau, Rose11
Bordeau, Teresa8, 9
Bordeau, Thomas7, 8, 9
Bordeau, Tom8, 9
Borushko, Mary20
Bouchard, Isadore13
Bourdou, Valerie16
Bowsher, Charles24
Bowsher, Joyce24
Bowsher, Lee24
Bowsher, Robert24
Bowsher, Viola24
Bowsher, Warren24
Brabo, Helen22
Brabow, Howard19
Bradley Farm7, 14, 26
Bradley lumber camps20
Bradley, Mr.8
Brancheau, Catherine27
Brashaw, Jill18
Brashaw, JoAnn18
Brashaw, Levi27
Brashaw, Sophia13
Brashaw, William18
Breauseau, Fannie10
Breauseau, Fanny7
Breen, James22
Brewer, Mr & Mrs P5
Bridge, Mabel23
Brien, Barbara7
Brien, Mary7
Brien, Patricia7
Brien, Stanley7
Briggs, Helen15
Brisbois, Floyd11
Brissette, Ada9, 30
Brissette, Alcid9, 16, 28, 30
Brissette, Alcid Jr9, 16
Brissette, Alice9
Brissette, Allen9
Brissette, Angela9
Brissette, Anita9
Brissette, Anna9
Brissette, April9
Brissette, Bernard9, 16
Brissette, Boy9
Brissette, Brenda9
Brissette, Brian9
Brissette, Bruce9
Brissette, Carl9
Brissette, Chris9
Brissette, Clare9, 16
Brissette, Clayton9
Brissette, Cora9
Brissette, Cynthia9
Brissette, Dale9
Brissette, David9
Brissette, Debbie9
Brissette, Dennis9
Brissette, Dolores (Lori)9
Brissette, Doloris18
Brissette, Donald9
Brissette, Dorene9
Brissette, Dorothy9, 16
Brissette, Edward9
Brissette, Emily9
Brissette, Ernest9, 30
Brissette, Federick9
Brissette, Federick (George)9
Brissette, Felix9
Brissette, Florence9, 16
Brissette, Fred28
Brissette, Frederick9, 16
Brissette, Gary9
Brissette, George9
Brissette, Grandma9
Brissette, Harry30
Brissette, Harry (Bud)9
Brissette, Harry (Buddy)9
Brissette, James9
Brissette, Janet9
Brissette, Jean9
Brissette, Jeff9
Brissette, Jennifer9
Brissette, Jerry9
Brissette, John9
Brissette, Joseph9
Brissette, Julie9
Brissette, Kenneth9
Brissette, Kent9
Brissette, Lawrence9
Brissette, Leo9, 30
Brissette, Leonard9, 16
Brissette, Leonard Jr9
Brissette, Loreen9
Brissette, Louella9
Brissette, Mabel9
Brissette, Marie9
Brissette, Marion9, 16
Brissette, Mark9
Brissette, Mary9
Brissette, Mary Bernadine9, 16
Brissette, Michael9
Brissette, Nancy9
Brissette, Patricia9
Brissette, Patsy9
Brissette, Penelope9
Brissette, Peter9
Brissette, Peter Jr9
Brissette, Phillip9
Brissette, Randy9
Brissette, Raymond9
Brissette, Rex9
Brissette, Robert9
Brissette, Rose Mary9
Brissette, Russell9
Brissette, Sheila9
Brissette, Shelly9
Brissette, Sherri9
Brissette, Susan9
Brissette, Tara9
Brissette, Ted9
Brissette, Ted Jr9
Brissette, Theresa9, 16
Brissette, Timothy9
Brissette, Tracie9
Brissette, Vernon9, 16
Brissette, William9
Brock, Randy23
Brown, Anna7
Brown, Arthur19
Brown, Betty24
Brown, Dorothy19
Brown, Frances19
Brown, Gladys19
Brown, Helen19
Brown, Jean19
Brown, Margaret16
Brownell, Gail17
Brownell, Grandpa and Grandma17
Brownell, Huron17
Brownell, Patricia17
Bryan, Robert12
Buffman, Ollie24
Buffman, Ollie24
Buffman, Dorothy24
Buffman, John24
Buffman, Wilfred24
Bugh, Dale19
Bugh, Wilson19
Bugh, Wilson28
Bukowiec, Agnes23
Bukowski, Joseph28
Bukowski, Thomas28
Burke, ?29
Burke, Bobby29
Burke, Donald29
Burke, Ella29
Burke, Jim23
Burnside, Gar7
Burtch, Ellen20
Bussinger, Cecilia9
Bussinger, Earl9
Bussinger, Joseph9
Bussinger, Margaret9
Bussinger, Mary9
Butler, Clayton10
Butler, Clayton28
Butler, Elizabeth14
Butler, George9, 10
Butler, Jim15
Butler, Lyle10
Butler, Maude10
Butler, Wilfred10
Butler, William J9
Byrne, Colleen26
Byrne, Dena26
Byrne, Pamela26
Byrne, Roween26
Byrne, Theresa26
Byrne, Virgil26
Byrnes, Lou11
Cabay, Dennis4
Cabay, Dorothy James4
Cabay, Hattie4
Cabay, Joseph4
Cabay, Lawrence4
Cabay, Lawrence28
Cabay, Mamie4
Cain, Harry31
Caldwell, Agnes14
Caldwell, Howard17
Caldwell, Ruth17
Callas, Mary25
Cameron house15
Cameron place on Worth Road10
Campbell, Amos6
Campbell, Andrew6
Campbell, Archie6
Campbell, Barbara6
Campbell, Bernard6
Campbell, Charles6
Campbell, Daniel6
Campbell, Edward6
Campbell, Gayle6
Campbell, George6
Campbell, John6
Campbell, June6
Campbell, Marilyn6
Campbell, Matilda6
Campbell, Medea6
Campbell, Minnie6
Campbell, Nellie6
Campbell, Richard6
Campbell, Sarah6
Campbell, Theresa6
Campbell, William6
Capp, Katie21
Carlman, Algot10
Carpenter, Gerald12
Carrette, unknown male12
Carrier, Carolyn23
Carrusthers [Carruthers?], Hazel3
Carruthers, Avis31
Carruthers, Nellie3
Carruthers, Ray28
Carruthers, Russell3
Carson, Brad9
Carson, Charles9
Carson, Cynthia9
Carson, David9
Carson, Doris9
Carson, Judy9
Carson, Larry9
Carson, Mildred9
Carson, Pamela9
Carson, Robin9
Carson, Ronnie9
Carson, Roy9
Carson, Shirley14
Carson, Steve9
Cartiar, Isabelle30
Cartiar, Noah30
Cartiar, Rose30
Cartier, Bella10
Cartier, daughter10
Cartier, Fred Joseph10
Cartier, Isabella10
Cartier, Joseph Fred10
Cartier, Noah10
Cartier, Roselyn10
Cartier, Theodore10
Castonguay, Barbara25
Castonguay, Charlotte25
Castonguay, Clare25
Castonguay, Faye25
Castonguay, Gregory25
Castonguay, James25
Castonguay, Mary Ann25
Castonguay, Paris25
Castonguay, Patrick25
Castonguay, Rogin25
Cavanaugh, Nettie LaClair18
Cavanaugh, Philip28
Ceray, Joy26
Chalker, Anna27
Chaltraw Barber Shop10
Chaltraw, Alice10
Chaltraw, Audrey10, 14
Chaltraw, Catherine17
Chaltraw, Charles6, 10, 31
Chaltraw, Helen16
Chaltraw, Joe7
Chaltraw, John31
Chaltraw, Katherine10
Chaltraw, Leonard10
Chaltraw, Louis10
Chaltraw, Mae14
Chaltraw, Mose16
Chaltraw, Richard10
Chaltraw, Wendell10, 28
Chamberlain, Elsie30
Chamberlain, Floyd2
Chamberlain, Hazel2
Chamberlain, Orris2
Chamberlain, Roy2, 24
Chamberlain, Roy Jr24
Chamberlain, Sadie31
Chamberlain, Sherley24
Chamberlain, Wilma2
Champagne, Gloria9
Chantiny, Adele10
Chantiny, Alphonsine11
Chantiny, Alphosine10
Chantiny, Alvina10
Chantiny, Beatrice11, 16
Chantiny, Bernard10
Chantiny, Carol10
Chantiny, Ernestine10
Chantiny, Eugenia10
Chantiny, George10
Chantiny, Israel10
Chantiny, Joseph10
Chantiny, Mary10
Chantiny, Truffle10
Chantiny, Victor10
Charbonneau, Isabel27
Charbonneau, Pat23
Charchan, Alan22
Charchan, Irene27
Charchan, Samual22
Charchan, Scott22
Charles Chaltraw Farm13
Chartrand, Anna10
Chartrand, Charles10
Chartrand, Francis10
Chartrand, Gabriel10
Chartrand, John10
Chartrand, Joseph10
Chartrand, Louis10
Chartrand, Nellie10
Chartrand, Odeal10
Chartrand, Treffley10
Chartrand, William10
Chase, Jean20
Cheeney, Jenny3
Cheeney, Sylvester3
Chovin, Haravey21
Chovin, Harve31
Chricer, Betty25
Cilley, Ruth Ann9
Cimer, Dorothy25
Clairmont, Lorraine25
Clark, David22
Clarkston, Florence16
Clement farm25
Clement, Alice10
Clement, Alice22
Clement, Ann10
Clement, James10
Clement, John10
Clement, Kathryn10
Clement, Margaret10
Clement, Thomas10
Cleveland Cox's8
Cloutier, Melvina17, 24
Clugston, Janice22
Clugston, Mark22
Clugston, Mary Jane22
Clugston, Scott22
Clugston, Tracy22
Cole, Ethyl26
Collick, Amy23
Collick, Chad23
Collick, Thomas23
Collick, Todd23
Colombe, Adell11
Colombe, Clarice11
Colombe, Clifford11
Colombe, Doris11
Colombe, Edna11
Colombe, Gladys11
Colombe, Helen11
Colombe, John11
Colombe, Leonard11
Colombe, Maribelle11
Colombe, Martin11
Colombe, Pho11
Colombe, Sanford10, 11
Compeau, Addison16
Compeau, Betty16
Compeau, Bob16
Compeau, Dale23
Compeau, Diane23
Compeau, Eileen16
Compeau, Emma16
Confer, Agnes9
Cook, Edith24
Cook, John24
Cook, John Jr24
Cook, Steven24
Cook, Thomas24
Corp, Clifford28
Cossin, Dale12
Cossin, Daryl12
Cossin, Dean12
Cossin, Dianne12
Cossin, Don12
Cossin, Donald12
Cossin, Donna12
Cossin, Sharon12
Coupie, Flossie7
Coupie, Iva29
Coupie, John11
Coupie, Maryliss29
Coupie, Mina31
Coupie, Nova29
Coupie, Patricia29
Coupie, Rose11
Courenya, Mary14
Courneya, Angeline10
Courneya, Catherine11
Courneya, Clucille11
Courneya, Ernest14
Courneya, Helena11
Courneya, Hortanse11
Courneya, Hortence30
Courneya, Kate18
Courneya, Lena11
Courneya, Mae11, 30
Courneya, Odeal14, 21, 22
Courneya, Peter11
Courneya, Peter Jr11
Courneya, Rose17
Courneya, Sophia Rashotte22
Courtemanche, Art28
Courtemanche, Arthur24
Courtemanche, George31
Courtemanche, Lorraine24
Courtemanche, Oscar24
Courtemanche, Oscar31
Courtemanche, Pearl10
Courtemanche, William28
Courtermanche, Edith30
Courtermanche, Walter30
Courtmanche, Arthur11
Courtmanche, Christopher11
Courtmanche, Dan11
Courtmanche, Eota11
Courtmanche, George11
Courtmanche, Grace11
Courtmanche, Jan11
Courtmanche, Lorena11
Courtmanche, Lou Ann11
Courtmanche, Oscar11
Courtmanche, Tom11
Courtmanche, Tuffield11
Courtmanche, Victor11
Cousineau, Clifford8
Cousineau, Dan8
Cousineau, Doris8
Cousineau, Gerty3
Cousineau, Harvey8
Cousineau, Kay8
Cousineau, Lester8
Cousineau, Lorraine8
Cousineau, Orville8
Cousineau, Richard8
Cousineau, Sally8
Cousineau, Sherwood8
Cousineau, Shirley8
Cousineau, Shirley Lee8
Couther, Annie17
Cox, Lee R28
Crandell, Clare MD15
Crandell, Robert15
Crandell, Roy30
Crandell, Vaughn15
Crandell, Willard31
Crawford, Joe14
Cross, Bert30
Cross, Myrtle30
Cross, Percy30
Crouson, Burgeron27
Crouterfield, Wilbur28
Cummings, Archie24
Cummings, Leonard24
Cummings, Marie24
D & M Railroad8, 10
Dalton, Catherine8
Dalton, Jerome8
Daniels, Amelia Emily13
Daniels, Bernard17
Daniels, Bertha17
Daniels, Dale24
Daniels, Darius24
Daniels, Darryl24
Daniels, Doreen24
Daniels, Ernest17
Daniels, Florence17
Daniels, Joseph17
Daniels, Julia17
Daniels, Marie17
Daniels, Michael17
Daniels, Pamela26
Darby, Christopher25
Darby, Clarence17
Darby, Jeffery25
Darby, Margaret25
Darby, Roxanne25
Darby, Stephen25
Darby, Susanne25
Darby, Warren25, 27, 28
David, Abraham4
David, Caleb4, 28
David, Daniel4
David, Johnson4
David, Joshua4
David, Maggie Isaac4
David, Peter28
Davidson, Dottie19
Davis, Darlene23
Davis, Emaline7
Davis, Janet22
Davis, Michael23
Davis, Sharron23
Davis, William23
Deadman, Carol21
DeBeau, Andrew13
Dehate, Fern24
DelBold, Anna17
DelBold, Kate17
Delgado, Dianne14
Demo, James22
Demo, Jonathon23
Demo, Joseph22, 23
Demo, Katherine22, 23
Demo, Lyle22
Demo, Mary Jane22
Demura, Kathy26
Derocher, June6
Derocher, Ronald6
DeRosia, Albert12
DeRosia, Amelia12
DeRosia, Augustus (Gus)12
DeRosia, Carrie12
DeRosia, Catherine13
DeRosia, Don27
DeRosia, Donald28
DeRosia, Donald29
DeRosia, Genevieve12
DeRosia, Henry12
DeRosia, Isabel12, 20
DeRosia, John7, 12
DeRosia, Joseph12
DeRosia, Josephine12
DeRosia, Leo4, 12, 30
DeRosia, Leo home4
DeRosia, Leona12
DeRosia, Louise12
DeRosia, Mary Dell12
DeRosia, Nora12
Derusha, Art11
Derusha, Catherine11
Derusha, Joe11
Derusha, Marie11
DeShias, Daina19
DeShias, Mark19
DeShias, Matthew19
Dew, Mandy26
Dew, Melinda26
Dew, Melissa26
Dew, Ray26
DeWale, Medea7
Dibble, Thelma3
Didier, Ralph8
Dikos, Anna3
Dikos, Mary3
Dillon, Ed24
Dinse, Pearl7
Dion, James25
Dion, Laura25
Dion, Melessa25
Dion, Nicole25
Dion, Susann25
Dittenber, Dale19
Dittenber, Jeffery19
Dittenber, son19
Dittenber, Teresa19
Dixon, Delphine16
Dixon, Delphine LaLonde17
Dixon, Eleanore17
Dixon, Yvonne17
Dobson, Agnes Telfor10
Dolsen, William20
Donnelly, Kathleen31
Donnelly, Lois17
Dora, Rose12
Dotson, Cristine10
Dotson, John10
Dotson, John Jr10
Dotson, Maxine10
Dowd, Doris20
Doyle, Cherri9
Doyle, Danial9
Doyle, Georganna9
Doyle, Georgieanne14
Doyle, Larry9
Doyle, Patricia9
Doyle, Percy9
Dressler, lena7
Drinkwine, Albert8
Drinkwine, Angus8
Drinkwine, Archie8
Drinkwine, Arthur8
Drinkwine, Arthur8
Drinkwine, Benjamin8
Drinkwine, Bert8
Drinkwine, Bert22
Drinkwine, Charles8
Drinkwine, Claudette22
Drinkwine, Cora8
Drinkwine, Dora8
Drinkwine, Edna8
Drinkwine, Edna8
Drinkwine, Ella8, 22
Drinkwine, Emily23
Drinkwine, Ernest8
Drinkwine, Frank8
Drinkwine, Hazel22
Drinkwine, Irma22
Drinkwine, Joseph8
Drinkwine, Lee22
Drinkwine, Lillian8
Drinkwine, Mae8
Drinkwine, Mary22
Drinkwine, Myrtle8
Drinkwine, Ophelia26
Drinkwine, Paul8
Drinkwine, Richard22
Drinkwine, Robert22
Drinkwine, Rose22
Drinkwine, Sallymae26
Drinkwine, Traffley8
Droptiny, Carla22
Droptiny, Carol8
Droptiny, Carol Reno22
Droptiny, Mark22
Droptiny, Michael22
Drouillard, George7
Drouillard, Joe7
Drouillard, Sam7
Dubey, Cecilia24
Dubiel, Richard26
Duchame, Hazel7
Dulec, Tersea7
Dummond, Bid31
Dumond, Betty7, 14
Dumond, Bid26
Dumond, Emma14
Dumond, Louis7, 8, 14
Dumond, Mary14
Duncan, Rebecca26
Dunnigan, Marion21
Duprie, Christina20
Duprie, Jeannine20
Duprie, Leo20
Duprie, Lyle20
Duprie, Marvin20
Duprie, Viola20
Dupuis, Gerald11
Dupuis, Marie24
Duret, Louise21
Dworek, Adelia11
Dworek, Carole11
Dworek, David11
Dyrer, Carol17
Easton, Brown5
Easton, Elaine22
Easton, Ray5
Edgely, Ed15
Ellis, Helen25
Ellis, Nettis11
Elwell, Ruth19
Engel, Sharon22
Ensign, Adline23
Ensign, Henry23
Ensign, Medley23
Ensign, Percilla23
Erdman, Mae18
Ervin, Anne7
Ervin, Betty12
Ervin, Catherine10, 12
Ervin, Clara12, 22
Ervin, Denise6
Ervin, Dennis12, 28
Ervin, Elizabeth12, 22
Ervin, Emily12, 30
Ervin, Gladys12
Ervin, Katherine8
Ervin, Leo12, 28
Ervin, Margie12
Ervin, Marie22
Ervin, Marilyn6, 7
Ervin, Michael6
Ervin, Roy12
Ervin, Thelma12
Ervin, Thomas12
Ervin, Tom30
Ervin, Walter7, 12, 22
Ervin, Walter Jr22
Ervin, William12
Ervin, Wilma12, 22
Erway, Ruth Ann18
Estes, Charles14
Estes, Zackery14
Etchinson, Mr16
Etchison, Mr9
Fales, Cynthia26
Faunce, Dale22
Faunce, Dale Jr22
Faunce, Donald22
Fedder, Carolyn13
Fedder, Charlotte13, 18
Fedder, Edward13
Fedder, Emma13
Fedder, John13
Fedder, John Jr13
Fedder, John Sr13
Fedder, Mrs John22
Fedder, Myrtle13
Fedder, Seraphine13
Fedder, unknown [baby daughter]13
Fedder, Zelda13
Fedor, Ed3
Fedor, John3
Fedor, Johnny3
Fedor, Pauline3
Felski, Lena31
Fenwick, Leroy15
Ferris, L A [railroad/express agent]5
Ficker, Clara15
Fiddler, Betty24
Fiddler, Celeste25
Fiddler, Charlotte24
Fiddler, Christopher25
Fiddler, Darwin24
Fiddler, Gail24
Fiddler, Judith19
Fiddler, Leonard27
Fiddler, Marvin24
Fiddler, Michelle25
Fiddler, Ray24
Fiddler, Ray27
Fiddler, Raymond25, 28
Fiddler, Timothy25
Fillmore, Alice7
Fillmore, Eunice7
Fillmore, William7
Filmore, ?27
Filmore, Doris27
Filmore, Glenn27
Finch, Earl12
Finch, Jane12
Firth, James31
Fisher, Minnie Fostin13
Fisher, Will13
Fisker, Clara30
Florence, Mary11
Flynn, Cind24
Flynn, Mike24
Foco, Alicia22
Foco, Annabelle29
Foco, Annette17
Foco, Art22
Foco, Brian22
Foco, Christi26
Foco, Christy22
Foco, Cindy23
Foco, Dennise23
Foco, Diane22
Foco, Gerald22, 23
Foco, Hortense22, 23
Foco, Keith17
Foco, Kelly22
Foco, Kimberly22
Foco, Kris23
Foco, Larry22
Foco, Lawrence26
Foco, Leonard22
Foco, Levi17
Foco, Michael22, 26
Foco, Pam23
Foco, Pat17, 22
Foco, Rita29
Foco, Ronald22
Foco, Roy28
Foco, Scott17
Foco, Terry22
Foco, Wendy17
Foets, Gene18
Foets, Lula18
Forbing, Georgia16
Forgette, Christine14
Forgette, Gus12
Fostin, Agnes13
Fostin, Amelia12, 14
Fostin, Elizabeth13
Fostin, Fred13
Fostin, Gerald13
Fostin, Gladys13
Fostin, Henry13
Fostin, Jayne13
Fostin, Jen13, 14
Fostin, Marchie13
Fostin, Minnie13
Fostin, Peter13
Fostin, Victoria13
Fostin, Willie12, 13, 14
Fouchia, Amelia13
Fouchia, Ben6, 13
Fouchia, Benjamin13
Fouchia, Catherine13
Fouchia, Elizabeth10
Fouchia, Fedoria10
Fouchia, George10, 13
Fouchia, Josephine12, 13
Fouchia, Lena18
Fouchia, Louise8, 10
Fouchia, Mary6, 13
Fouchia, Namos13
Fouchia, Nelson10, 13
Fouchia, Sophia13
Fouchia, Theresa10
Fought, Elisa15
Fournia, Donna17
Fournia, Jane30
Fournier, Adell11
Fournier, Adrian12
Fournier, Amelia12
Fournier, Amelia13
Fournier, Andrew12
Fournier, Charles24
Fournier, Filomen12
Fournier, Grandma12
Fournier, Jane12
Fournier, Minnie12
Fournier, Philmen12
Fournier, Raliegh12
Fournier, Rose12
Francis, Adam Jason23
Francis, Bertha22
Francis, Brent23
Francis, David23
Francis, Floyd19
Francis, Floyd22
Francis, Harry22
Francis, Joel23
Francis, Joyce Ann23
Francis, Natalie23
Francis, Nellie23
Francis, Rosemary22, 23, 26
Francis, Shawn23
Francis, Timothy23, 28
Francis, Timothy Floud23
Fredette, Agnes6
Freeburn, Mary Ann7
Friday, Robert12
Fritts, Bessie31
Frost, Larry13
Gamble, Donald9
Gamble, William9
Garrent, Rose10
Gauthier, Adeline14
Gauthier, Edward14
Gauthier, Kate10
Gauthier, Mae10
Gauthier, Richard10, 14
Gauthier, Xavier14
Gawne, George M28
Gaworski, Mary25, 26
Gendron, Lydia8
Geno, Beverly25
Gibbons, Bruce15
Gibson School25, 27
Gibson Township3
Gibson, Albert5, 14, 28
Gibson, Art28
Gibson, Charles5, 14
Gibson, Donald28
Gibson, Edmund31
Gibson, Faye29
Gibson, Hazel30
Gibson, John14
Gibson, Kathleen23
Gibson, Libby30
Gibson, Mary Joe25
Gibson, Pete14
Gibson, Raymond28
Gibson, Rollie30
Gibson, Stella14, 15
Gilbert, Frederick9
Gilbert, Paul9
Gilbert, Paul Jr9
Gilbert, Rita9
Girardeau, Phillip23
Goodroe, Adell11
Goodroe, Celina11
Goodroe, Claudine11
Goodroe, Ed11
Goodroe, Frances11
Goodroe, Glenn24
Goodroe, Mary11
Goodroe, Myrtle11
Goodroe, Pearl11
Goodroe, Rose11
Goodroe, Walt11
Gordon, Ray9
Goretcki, Wallace28
Goss, Evelyn25
Goulah, !seral (Slim)14
Goulah, Catherine14
Goulah, Dennis14
Goulah, Felix14
Goulah, Joseph14
Goyer, Angelina3
Goyer, Celina3
Goyer, Marian3
Grandmason, Irma7
Granton Township5
Grareratte, Julia4
Grashaw, Maxine19
Greanya, Arlene31
Greanya, Bert7
Greanya, Fred13
Greanya, Garold7
Greanya, Harold7
Greanya, Joe7
Greanya, Joseph7
Greanya, Marchie Fostin13
Greanya, Maude31
Greanya, Tom7
Greenewald, Cyrilla17
Grier, Alan18
Grier, Debbie18, 19
Grier, George28
Grier, Gwen18
Grier, Irma27
Grier, James18, 19
Grier, Janice18
Grier, John18
Grier, Mark18
Grier, Michael18, 19
Groff, Sally8
Grogan, Cathy14
Gubody, Gerald22
Gubody, Micheal22
Gubody, Robert22
Gubody, Robert Jr22
Guerin, Dolphus28, 31
Guerin, George31
Gulvas, Al24
Gulvas, Albert14
Gulvas, Aloysius14
Gulvas, Aloysius Jr14
Gulvas, Andrew14
Gulvas, Angela14
Gulvas, Anna3, 14
Gulvas, Annie14
Gulvas, Beverly14
Gulvas, Bob14
Gulvas, Carolyn14
Gulvas, Christie14
Gulvas, Coleen14
Gulvas, Dan24
Gulvas, David14
Gulvas, Diane24
Gulvas, Dick14
Gulvas, Evely14
Gulvas, Frances14
Gulvas, George14, 17, 28
Gulvas, George Jr28
Gulvas, Jerry14, 28
Gulvas, Joe28
Gulvas, John14
Gulvas, Joseph14
Gulvas, Josephine14
Gulvas, Kevin14
Gulvas, Leonard14
Gulvas, Marcella14
Gulvas, Mark14
Gulvas, Mary14, 24
Gulvas, Monte14
Gulvas, Ray14
Gulvas, Rena Ann14
Gulvas, Richard9, 24
Gulvas, Rob14
Gulvas, Robert8
Gulvas, Tom14
Gulvas, Tommy3
Gulvas, Tressa3, 14
Gulvas, Wendy14
Guoan, Alfred7
Guoan, Carol7
Guoan, Joe14
Guoan, Katherine14
Guoan, Lila7
Guoan, Mae7
Guoan, Mary Joyce7
Guoan, Paul14
Guoan, Winora7
Guzowski, Frank3
Guzowski, Helen3
Haas, Christine14
Haas, Curt14
Haas, Dora (Logan)31
Haas, Keith14
Haas, Larry8
Hager, M Anna Mary19
Hager, Mary3, 19
Hagley, Helena11
Half-Way House11
Hamlin, Bill9
Hamlin, Jesse A [general store]5
Hamlin, Mabel9
Hamlin, Margaret9
Hamlin, Maria9
Hamm, Ray30
Hanson, Kathleen20
Hanson, Leretta Henry4
Haranda, Cecelia18
Harcharik, Anna14
Harper, Nick12
Hartman, Esther25
Hartman, Joanna18
Hartman, John8
Hartman, Russell6
Hasting, Harold3
Hastings, Herbert3
Hawk, Browyn18
Hayes, Jim23
Hemphill, Harold23
Hemphill, Liana23
Henderson, Bernice3
Henderson, Jane19
Henderson, LeRoy28
Henderson, Mary4
Henderson, Ralph3
Henry, Elijah4
Henry, Elwood4, 29
Henry, George4
Henry, Harrison4, 28.29
Henry, Jacob27
Henry, Jake29
Henry, John21
Henry, Lawrence4, 29
Henry, LeEtta29
Henry, LeRoy4
Henry, Rose4
Heppner, Al8
Hertzberg, Margaret19
Heska, Shery24
Hess, Donald23
Hess, Michelle23
Hewitt, Allison18
Hewitt, Bill27
Hewitt, David18
Hewitt, Dewey18
Hewitt, Diane18
Hewitt, Elizabeth (Libby)18
Hewitt, Eric18
Hewitt, Karen18
Hewitt, Leland (Lee)18
Hewitt, Mark18
Hewitt, Mary18
Hewitt, Robert18
Hewitt, Sandra18
Hewitt, Susan18
Hewitt, William18, 28
Hibner farm15
Hibner, Mr and Mrs10
Hicks, Janette19
Hicks, Leonard19
Hicks, Rhonda19
Hicks, William19
Hignite, James19
Hignite, Michelle19
Hildebrandt, Lydia14
Hodger, Nancy23
Hodgins, Issac7
Hoernlein, Kenneth26
Holbrook, Joe24
Honey, Charles6
Hoobler, Louise31
Hooper, Hazel16
Houck, Harriet27
Houghteling, Bessie21
Houghteling, Carol21
Houghteling, Irwin21
Houghtelings, Irwin8
Houvinen, Randy17
Howard, Lela31
Howard's Marina17
Howard's Marina22
Howden, Maud31
Hubbard, Dorothy9
Huber, Oscar8
Hudson, Maggie7
Hull, Bill7
Hull, Sophia13
Hunthries, Iva7
Hura, Paul18
Husak, Alex24
Huss, Veronica12
Ice, Evelyn Johnson4
Illikman, Elsie10
Indian Church4
Ingram, Karen12
Ireland, Dennis23
Isaac, Cecil4
Isaac, Harold4
Isaac, John4
Isaac, Juanita4
Isaac, Mabel Williams4
Isaac, Solomon4
Isaac, Solomon Otto4
Isetts, Beverly14
Ives, Laura LaClair18
Jakubiec, Francis18
James, Betty4
James, Celia4, 27
James, Elizabeth4
James, Eva4
James, Harrison4
James, Island4
James, Lane A4
James, Leslie4, 28
James, Liza4
James, Loren M4
James, Marce4
James, Mary Moaes4
James, Russell4
James, Shirley William19
James, Thomas4
James, Tom27
James, Vickey17
James, Wesley31
James, William23
Janssen, Bernard20
Janssen, Chester20
Janssen, Christopher20
Janssen, Dan20
Janssen, David20
Janssen, Frank20
Janssen, Isabell20
Janssen, Isabell (Sue)16
Janssen, Joanna20
Janssen, Kathleen20
Janssen, Lannis20
Janssen, Leo16, 20
Janssen, Loretta20
Janssen, Mary20
Janssen, Melina16
Janssen, Pamela20
Janssen, Patricia20
Janssen, Russell20
Janssen, Sheryl20
Janssen, Sylvester20
Janssen, Telena20
Janssen, William20
Jasman, Amy14
Jasman, Christine14
Jasman, David14
Jasman, Delma14
Jasman, Emery14
Jasman, Evangelist14
Jasman, Joe14
Jasman, Julia14
Jasman, Leo14
Jasman, Louis14
Jasman, Manual14, 24
Jasman, Morris14
Jasman, Nancy14
Jasman, Nora14
Jasman, Oscar14
Jasman, Pete14
Jasman, Tom14
Jasura, Pauline22
Jaworski, John28
Jaynes, Erwin31
Jean, Pearl23
Jenkins, Stella7
Jennings and Butler25
Jennings, Allen24
Jennings, Bryan15
Jennings, Caroline24
Jennings, Carrie15
Jennings, Connie24
Jennings, Ed24
Jennings, Edward15, 28, 29
Jennings, Kathy24
Jennings, Mary15
Jennings, Nina15, 21, 31
Jennings, Raymond24
Jennings, Rex15, 30, 31
Jennings, Ron24
Jennings, Silas15
Jennings, W G9
Jennings, William21
Jennings, William Georg14
Jenny Bridge at Pine River5
Jeske, Karen19
Jesky, Sophie25
Jodway, Fred8
Joelle, Dorothy9
Joelle, Peggy9
Johnson, Donald28
Johnson, James4
Johnson, Leland25
Johnson, Leland Jr25
Johnson, Regina25
Johnson, William4
Johnston, Alva10
Johnston, Alva15
Johnston, Alva farm15
Johnston, Blanche7
Johnston, Donald15
Johnston, Ella24
Johnston, Emily15, 29
Johnston, Sam15
Jones and Chapel!3
Jose, Ervin12
Jose, Grace15
Jozef, Franz25
July, Albert9
July, Bert30
July, Claudine93,030
July, Clayton9
July, Delphine16
July, Doris9
July, Julius9
July, Russell9
July, Tim30
July, Timothy9
July, Una9
Jurek, Yvonne26
Kahn, Janet26
Kandal, Brian17
Kandal, Cherri17
Kandal, Ernest17
Kandal, Rose Mary17
Kandal, Tracy17
Kaplenski, Lynne Trombley22
Kaplinski, Cari26
Kaplinski, Carrie22
Kaplinski, Lynn26
Karnia, Katherine24
Kellogg, Maude9
Kelly, Don19
Keltner, Ora28
Kempf, Jason23
Kempf, Michael23
Kempf, Michael Jr23
Kent, Gerald23
Kent, Lillian15
Kent, Ronald23
Kent, Thomas23
Kerr, Clark30
Kerr, Ilene23
Keyes, Doris15
Kielpinski, Mary Ellen Easton5
Kielpinski, Robert (Bob)5
Kiley, Grace25
Kiley, Margaret26
Kiley, Mildred (Midge)19
Kinch, Ed21
King, Daniel25
King, Darwin25
King, David25
King, Dean25
King, Deborah25
King, Dennis25
King, Douglas25
King, Drew25
King, Joan16
King, John25
King, Louis16, 25
King, Mary Lou16
Kirby, George19
Kirch, Catherine3
Kirchgessner, Catherine19
Kirchgessner, David19
Kirchgessner, John19
Kirchinger, Gus26
Kirsch, Barbara3
Klenk, Boyd23
Klenk, Robert23
Klump, Bruce21
Klumpp, Alana21
Klumpp, Berry21
Klumpp, David21
Klumpp, Raymond21
Knoll, Angela14
Koelsch, Vernon26
Kohn, Clifford27
Kohn, Clifton27
Kohn, Gail27, 28
Kohn, Jean27
Kohn, Ray27
Kolevar, Irene28
Kolevar, Mary Ann28
Kolevar, Michael28
Konwinski, Ruth Ann Easton5
Kopaczewski, Tom26
Kopasczewski, Thomas28
Kosnik, Joseph24
Kossick, Jim15
Kotz, Gloria14
Kowalczyk, Catherine7
Kowalczyk, Constance18
Kowalczyk, Robert7
Kowalczyk, Stanley7
Kowalski, Pat25
Kozlow, Pat23
Kozlow, Sonia17
Kraus, Herbert22
Kraus, Ronald22
Kraus, Sam22
Kraushaar, Bill15
Kraushaar, Carol15
Kraushaar, David15, 19
Kraushaar, Donald15
Kraushaar, Edward15
Kraushaar, Eleanor15, 27
Kraushaar, Ernest15
Kraushaar, Ferrolyn15
Kraushaar, Frank15
Kraushaar, Harold15
Kraushaar, Jan15
Kraushaar, Karen15, 19
Kraushaar, Kathryne15, 19
Kraushaar, Kevin15
Kraushaar, Kim15
Kraushaar, Lawrence15, 27
Kraushaar, Lewis15, 19
Kraushaar, Linda Marie15
Kraushaar, Marianne15, 19
Kraushaar, Mark15
Kraushaar, Mary15
Kraushaar, Michael15
Kraushaar, Mike15
Kraushaar, Muriel15
Kraushaar, Ned15
Kraushaar, William15
Krocaleski, Jack9
Krupa, B J28
Krupa, Ben28
Krysinski, Sophie21
Kutz, Bertha3
Kutz, Chester3
Kutz, Geneiva3
L????, Mary11
LaBarge, ?30
LaBarge, Albert16
LaBarge, Amelia15, 22
LaBarge, Bert30
LaBarge, Burt15
LaBarge, Captain Joseph15
LaBarge, Charles15
LaBarge, Cheryl16
LaBarge, Clarence15, 16
LaBarge, Denise16
LaBarge, Donald15
LaBarge, Edna15, 16
LaBarge, Elcid15
LaBarge, Ernest5, 8, 15
LaBarge, Ethel15, 16
LaBarge, Faith18
LaBarge, Felix15
LaBarge, Frances18
LaBarge, George15
LaBarge, Georgianna15
LaBarge, Harold15
LaBarge, Harriet15
LaBarge, Irma18
LaBarge, John Baptist15
LaBarge, John Jr15
LaBarge, Joseph15, 24
LaBarge, Joseph (Joe)18
LaBarge, Joseph Marie15
LaBarge, Kate15
LaBarge, Leo15, 16, 22
LaBarge, Leonard15, 16, 30
LaBarge, Lillian15, 30
LaBarge, Louis15
LaBarge, Mae18
LaBarge, Marge16
LaBarge, Marilyn16
LaBarge, Mary15
LaBarge, Michele16
LaBarge, Mildred15
LaBarge, Nine18
LaBarge, Norman18
LaBarge, Oza J18
LaBarge, Peter15
LaBarge, Randall16
LaBarge, Richard18
LaBarge, Robert15, 16
LaBarge, Russell15, 16
LaBarge, Russell Jr16
LaBarge, Sharon16
LaBarge, Stella14, 15
LaBarge, Suzanne16
LaBarge, William16
LaBean, Annette7
LaBrenz, Darryl15
LaBrenz, Donald15
LaBrenz, Sherry15
LaClair, Alfred19
LaClair, Amice18
LaClair, Andy19
LaClair, Arbella19, 23
LaClair, Armon18, 30
LaClair, Armond19
LaClair, Bernadette18
LaClair, Carol19
LaClair, Chawndel19
LaClair, Cheryl18, 19
LaClair, Clayton19
LaClair, Corrine16
LaClair, Cristene19
LaClair, Danny19
LaClair, David19
LaClair, Dennis19
LaClair, Desiree19
LaClair, Donald19
LaClair, Duane19
LaClair, Ed18
LaClair, Edmund18
LaClair, Edmund Jr19
LaClair, Elmer18
LaClair, Holly Lynn19
LaClair, Irene19
LaClair, James III19
LaClair, James Jr19
LaClair, Jean19
LaClair, Jim (Omar)18
LaClair, John19
LaClair, John Jr19
LaClair, Josephine18, 24
LaClair, Judith18
LaClair, Julius18, 21
LaClair, Kari19
LaClair, Katharine19
LaClair, Keith19
LaClair, Kenneth19, 28
LaClair, Kimberly18
LaClair, Lane19
LaClair, Laura18
LaClair, Lawrence16, 19, 28
LaClair, Leo19, 28
LaClair, Leona19
LaClair, Leonard19
LaClair, Louis18
LaClair, Margaret18, 19
LaClair, Mary18, 19
LaClair, Michelle19
LaClair, Nelson18, 19
LaClair, Nettie16
LaClair, Norman19
LaClair, Omar18
LaClair, Omar (Jim)18, 19
LaClair, Owen19
LaClair, Paul18, 26
LaClair, Paul Jr18
LaClair, Pauline18
LaClair, Raymond19
LaClair, Richard19
LaClair, Roger18
LaClair, Ronald19
LaClair, Ruth25, 30
LaClair, Solomon18
LaClair, Steven18
LaClair, Tara Ann19
LaClair, Thomas19, 28
LaClair, Tracy Ann19
LaClair, Vivian18
LaClair, Wanda19
LaClair, Wilfred18, 19, 28, 30
LaFave, Amy22
LaFave, Anita22
LaFave, Bob22
LaFave, Chris22
LaFave, Clifford22, 28
LaFave, Clifford Jr22
LaFave, Craig22
LaFave, David22
LaFave, Debbie22
LaFave, Dennis22, 26
LaFave, George22
LaFave, Geraldine22
LaFave, Gilbert22, 26
LaFave, Gladys22
LaFave, Grace22, 26
LaFave, Janet22, 26
LaFave, Jean22, 24
LaFave, John22, 26
LaFave, Linda22, 26
LaFave, Robert22, 26
LaFave, Robert Jr26
LaFave, Roy22
LaFave, Scott22
LaFave, Tammy22
Lahar, Bernard21
Lahar, Julie27
Lahar, Leo8
Lahar, Michael21
Lahar, Patricia21
Lahar, Robert21
LaLonde Road16
LaLonde, Adelaid29
LaLonde, Adelaide16
LaLonde, Alene27
LaLonde, Anna16, 29
LaLonde, Arleen24
LaLonde, Arlene17
LaLonde, Bob16
LaLonde, Burnetta16
LaLonde, Celia16
LaLonde, Charles17
LaLonde, Clarence17, 24
LaLonde, Clarence Jr17
LaLonde, Clifford17, 24
LaLonde, Dale17
LaLonde, Dannis17
LaLonde, Dean17
LaLonde, Debbie17
LaLonde, Deloise17
LaLonde, Delphine16
LaLonde, Dolph16
LaLonde, Donald16, 17, 24
LaLonde, Donald Jr17
LaLonde, Doris17
LaLonde, Dorothy16
LaLonde, Earl17
LaLonde, Edward16
LaLonde, Elizabeth16
LaLonde, Emma16
LaLonde, Esther16
LaLonde, Eugene16
LaLonde, Francis16
LaLonde, Fred16
LaLonde, Gary17
LaLonde, Geraldine17
LaLonde, Harold16
LaLonde, Helen16
LaLonde, Helen16
LaLonde, Jack17
LaLonde, Janet17
LaLonde, Jerry17
LaLonde, John16, 17
LaLonde, Joseph9, 16, 17
LaLonde, Joyce16, 17, 24
LaLonde, Kim17
LaLonde, Landon7
LaLonde, Laura16
LaLonde, Lawrence26
LaLonde, Leah16
LaLonde, Leona16
LaLonde, Leonard16
LaLonde, Lillian16
LaLonde, Lional26
LaLonde, Lisa26
LaLonde, Loretta16
LaLonde, Lori26
LaLonde, Lucy16
LaLonde, Margaret16
LaLonde, Marie16
LaLonde, Marion16
Lalonde, Mary29
LaLonde, Mary Ann9, 16
LaLonde, Maxine16
LaLonde, Michael17
LaLonde, Mose16, 17
LaLonde, Moses24
LaLonde, Nancy17
LaLonde, Pam17
LaLonde, Randy26
LaLonde, Ray16
LaLonde, Raymond26
LaLonde, Raymond Jr26
LaLonde, Richard17
LaLonde, Robert17, 26
LaLonde, Rodney26
LaLonde, Ronald17
LaLonde, Rose16
LaLonde, Ruth16
LaLonde, Sam16
LaLonde, Sharon17
LaLonde, Shirley16, 17
LaLonde, Stephen17
LaLonde, Sybil16
LaLonde, Theresa16
LaLonde, Tim17
LaLonde, Valerie16
LaLonde, Wilfred16
Lalone, Aileen26
LaLone, Allene11, 16, 31
LaLone, Beatrice10
LaLone, Clarence16
LaLone, Clinton16
LaLone, Delbert11, 16
LaLone, Gerald28
LaLone, Harry16
LaLone, Hazen16
LaLone, Jerry16
LaLone, Joseph16
LaLone, Karen20
LaLone, Laeder20
LaLone, Lori Michelle16
LaLone, Mary27
Lamoria, Albert17
Lamoria, Bessie17
LaMoria, Carrie12
Lamoria, Clara17
LaMoria, Delia12
LaMoria, Earl17, 28
Lamoria, Flossie (Koegel)17
Lamoria, George17
Lamoria, Josephine17
Lamoria, Lillian17
LaMoria, Mary11
LaMoria, Mose11
Lamoria, Myrtle17
Lamoria, Nelson17
LaMoria, Paul12
Lamoria, Pearl (Jean)17
LaMoria, Peter12
LaMoria, Thomas28
Lamoria, Tom17
Landis, Joe29
Landis, Stacy11
Landsburg, Alex19
Landsburg, George19
Landsburg, Loria Ann19
Langdon, Earl27
Langdon, Verna27
Lange, Frank10
Lanthier, Gene10
Lanthier, John10
Lanthier, Louis10
Lanthier, Louis Jr10
LaPorte, Blanche31
LaPorte, Donald11, 29
LaPorte, Henry11
LaPorte, Leon11
LaPorte, Virginia14
Larocque, Felix28
LaRoque, Flevin26
LaSage, Clemance9
LaSage, Mary15
LaSanche, Josephine26
Latoski, Mary9
Lau, Barbara24
Lau, David24
Lau, Dean17
Lau, Debbie17
Lau, Donald24
Lau, Donna24
Lau, Ed24
Lau, Edward17
Lau, Ernie24
Lau, Gary17
Lau, Irene24
Lau, Jim24
Lau, Judy24
Lau, Lawrence24
Lau, Leslie17
Lau, Linda24
Lau, Lori17
Lau, Marge24
Lau, Mary24
Lau, Myrna24
Lau, Robert24
Lau, Robin24
Lau, Ron24
Lau, Sharon24
Lau, Wade17
Lauzone, Margaret9
LaValley, Teresa11
LaValley, unknown male11
Lazuerwicz, Stanley28
Leaby, Sarah31
Leahy, Colleen26
LeChevelair, Kaydon12
LeClair, John28
Lee, Clifford8
Lee, Donald8
Lee, Leona8
Lee, Nelson8
Lee, Patricia8
Lefebvre Discount Store16
Lefebvre, Oscar16
Lefebvre, Rose16
Lefebvre, Rose LaLonde17
LeFevbre, Fr25
LeFevre, Medius24
Leivo, Ronald23
Leivo, Terry23
Leivo, Thomas23
Leivo, Tom23
Lenniman, Achim13
Lentz home7
Lentz property9
Lentz, Allen19
Lentz, Ann Barbara19
Lentz, Bob19
Lentz, Carol19
Lentz, Charles19
Lentz, Danny19
Lentz, Earl19
Lentz, Eleanor19
Lentz, Ella19
Lentz, Elwell19
Lentz, Emma19
Lentz, Estey19, 26
Lentz, Frances19
Lentz, Frank19
Lentz, Frank J (Buzz)19
Lentz, Gail19
Lentz, George19
Lentz, Harold19
Lentz, Harold (Nubby)19
Lentz, Helen19, 27
Lentz, Hila19
Lentz, James19
Lentz, Jeannette19
Lentz, John3, 19
Lentz, John [general store/hotel/sawmill]5
Lentz, John C19
Lentz, John Sr15
Lentz, Judy19
Lentz, Kenneth19
Lentz, Lee19
Lentz, Leo19
Lentz, Leonard19
Lentz, Margaret19
Lentz, Mark19
Lentz, Mary19, 26
Lentz, Mary Alexander19
Lentz, Mary Ann19
Lentz, Mary P19
Lentz, Mildred (Kiley)31
Lentz, Minnie19
Lentz, Paul19
Lentz, Richard19
Lentz, Scott19
Lentz, Thelma19
Lentz, Thelma23
Lentz, unknown23
Lentz, Wallace19
Lentz, Walter19
Lentz, Will17
Lentz, William19
Leonard, Lou Ann24
LeSage, Clemince9
LeSage, John12
LeVeque, Elizabeth16
Leveque, Margaret16
LeVert, David14
LeVert, David Sr14
LeVert, Eva24
LeVert, Geraldine14
LeVert, JoAnn14
LeVert, Joseph10
LeVert, Karen14
LeVert, Katherine14
LeVert, Margaret14
LeVert, Marie14
LeVert, Mary14
LeVert, Richard14
LeVert, Ronald14
Lincoln Township3
Little, Frank8
Littler, George21
Littleton, Clarice25
Looker, Betty24
Lorene, Oline19
Luberda, Flossie6
Lucas, Florence16
Ludyjon, John26
Lynch, Roberta Amley5
Lynch, William26
MacPherson, [mother of Matilda Campbell]6
MacQuarter, Agner10
Madison, Laura26
Mahoney, Ann Marie17
Mahoney, Anna17
Mahoney, Barbara17
Mahoney, Bill14
Mahoney, Carol17
Mahoney, Catherine17
Mahoney, Charlene17
Mahoney, Charles17
Mahoney, Charlotte17
Mahoney, Clecta17
Mahoney, Deborah17
Mahoney, Edward17
Mahoney, Elizabeth17
Mahoney, Florence17
Mahoney, Francis17
Mahoney, Frank17
Mahoney, George17
Mahoney, George (Buddy)14
Mahoney, Gerald17
Mahoney, Harold17
Mahoney, Harvey28
Mahoney, Harvy17
Mahoney, Jackson14
Mahoney, James17
Mahoney, Janet14
Mahoney, Jim27
Mahoney, John14, 17
Mahoney, Kathleen17
Mahoney, Kathryn17
Mahoney, Kenneth17, 28
Mahoney, Margaret17
Mahoney, Marilyn17
Mahoney, Matt17
Mahoney, Maureen17
Mahoney, Melissa17
Mahoney, Merril17, 27
Mahoney, Merrill14
Mahoney, Micheal17
Mahoney, Michelle17
Mahoney, Mike14
Mahoney, Nancy17
Mahoney, Pamela17
Mahoney, Pat14
Mahoney, Ronald17
Mahoney, Ronald17, 28
Mahoney, Shawn17
Mahoney, Stephanie14
Mahoney, Steven17
Mahoney, Sue14
Mahoney, Thomas17, 28
Mahoney, Timothy17
Mahoney, Tom10
Mahoney, Tony17
Major, Angaliax24
Major, Arvilla16
Major, Harriet10
Major, William [land looker/logger]5
Major, William [postmaster]5
Malcolm, Judy24
Maloney, Edna James4
Manor, Archie16
Marantette, Henry26
Marsh, Evaline Mae15
Martin, Connie21
Martin, Jim21
Martin, Kenneth21
Martin, Kris21
Martin, Sandy21
Martin, Wilfred21
Marwick, Mary [teacher]3
Maser, Lillian14
May, Betty9
May, Gladys23
Mayer, Corrine26
Mayer, Delia16
Mayer, Lawrence28
McAlister, Carol18
McAlpine, Lily9
McBride, Brian7
McBride, Carol7
McBride, Kathy7
McBride, Pat7
McCauley, Arnold14
McCauley, Ruth14
McClain, Iva L James4
McClarty, Jeannette12
McClauey, Katherine6
McConnell, Randy26
McCormick, Beatrice20
McCormick, Bert20
McCormick, Lyle20
McCormick, Margaret20
McCourtin, Dale23
McCourtin, George23
McCourtin, Irene23
McCourtin, James23
McCourtin, June23
McCourtin, Pat23
McCracken, Kim23
McCready, Ernest25
McCready, Kelly25
McCready, Lois25
McCready, Mary Beth25
McCready, Robert25
McCready, Robert Jr25
McCready, Stacy25
McDonald, Betty22
McGuirre, Mary14
McKeoun, Albert23
McKeoun, Donald23
McKeoun, Vincent23
McLarty, Archie18, 31
McLarty, Dougal18
McLarty, Effie18
McLarty, John18
McLarty, Maggibell18
McLarty, Mrs A18
McLarty, Nettie18, 31
McLarty, Orville18
McLean, Lourene15
McQuarter, Charles17
McQuarter, Edward17
McQuarter, Glen17
McQuarter, Helen16
McQuarter, Helen LaLonde17
McQuarter, Judy14
McQuarter, Lillian17
McQuarter, Margaret17
Mehl, Leonard19
Mehl, Steve19
Metevia, Agnes20
Metevia, Andrew19, 20
Metevia, Anna20
Metevia, Edward20
Metevia, Helen20
Metevia, Isadore20
Metevia, John19
Metevia, Joseph20
Metevia, Ramey27
Metiva, Alferd8
Metiva, Andrew30
Metiva, Arthur8
Metiva, Benjamin8
Metiva, Benjamin Jr8
Metiva, Betty8
Metiva, Charles8
Metiva, Claude8, 28
Metiva, Corrine8
Metiva, Dale8, 28
Metiva, Dania!8
Metiva, Daniel8, 25, 28
Metiva, Darwin8, 28
Metiva, Darwin Jr8
Metiva, Debbie8
Metiva, Denise8, 25
Metiva, Ernest8
Metiva, James8
Metiva, Jan8
Metiva, Janice8
Metiva, Jeanneva8
Metiva, Lisa8, 25
Metiva, Lorri8
Metiva, Marlin8, 25
Metiva, Marty8, 25
Metiva, Mary8
Metiva, Michael8, 25
Metiva, Raymond8
Metiva, Rene28
Metiva, Susan8
Metiva, Tina8
Metiva, Todd8
Metiva, Tracy8
Metivia, Andrew6
Metivia, Anna Theresa6
Metivia, Elizabeth6
Metivia, Isadore10
Metivia, Isidore6
Metivia, Joseph (Puss)6
Metz, Joyce9
Metz, Melvin16
Metz, Patricia16
Metz, Phyllis16
Metz, Richard16
Metz, Vernon16
Mew, Lela19
Mew, Vivian19
Meyer, Irma23
Meyette, Albert20
Meyette, Albert28
Meyette, Clara20
Meyette, Dorothy20
Meyette, Emery20, 29
Meyette, Felix7, 20, 28, 29
Meyette, Felix Jr20
Meyette, Georgina20
Meyette, Hilda20
Meyette, Kenneth20
Meyette, Louie20
Meyette, Louise20
Mezey, Leonard6
Miller farm26
Miller, Alvin20
Miller, Anthony20, 28
Miller, Antivin20
Miller, Arthur20, 24, 28
Miller, Arthur Jr20
Miller, Avilish20
Miller, Bradley20
Miller, Carol20
Miller, Daniel20
Miller, David20
Miller, Dominic26
Miller, Donimic20
Miller, Donimic (Livernois)20
Miller, Donna18
Miller, Doris20
Miller, Doris30
Miller, Feliza20
Miller, Greg19
Miller, Harvey20
Miller, Isabel!20
Miller, Isabelle30
Miller, James20
Miller, Jean Anne9
Miller, Jeffrey20
Miller, Karen16
Miller, Karen20
Miller, Lee20
Miller, Leo16
Miller, Mary20
Miller, Melina20
Miller, Moses20
Miller, Mynard12, 20
Miller, Napoleon20
Miller, Patricia20
Miller, Peter20, 28, 30
Miller, Richard20, 28
Miller, Robert18
Miller, Rosea20
Miller, Russell20, 30
Miller, Sofy Dory Bell20
Miller, Vernon20
Miller, Vincent20
Miller, William20
Milne, Alma30
Milne, Burdette24
Milne, Robert28
Moffett, Linda18
Moffett, Russell18
Monroe, A C [grocery]5
Moore, Elaine10
Moore, Greg13
Moore, Harley10
Moore, Lynette9
Moore, Lynn13
Moore, Margaret10
Moore, Orion J13
Moore, Oscar9
Moore, Pam13
More children4
Morin, Madeline21
Morris, Bee31
Morris, Bob7
Morris, Daniel18
Morris, Harry18
Morris, Kelly18
Morris, Lisa18
Morris, Ray31
Morris, Russell18
Morse, George31
Moses, Elias4
Moses, Isaac4
Moses, Nancy4
Moses, Peter4
Mudge, Gladys12
Mudge, Gladys's son12
Mudge, Gloria13
Mudge, Raymond13
Mudge, Roger13
Mundy, Darrell18
Mundy, Gary18
Mundy, Gay18
Mundy, Kenneth18
Murphy, Anna17
Murphy, Thomas17
N B Bradley and Sons6
Nallett, Leonard9
Nallett, Richard9
Nankee, Barbara7
Nankee, Sarah7
Nankee, William7
Nanker, Barbara6
Navidonski, Aloysius14
Navidonski, Joe14
Neal, Dorothy10
Neal, Irving10
Neal, Mariam10
Neal, William10
Near, Earl30
Near, Wilber Jr9
Nehls, Helen31
Neid, Lillian8
Nelson, Jacob or Henry4
Nelson, Ken14
Nelson, Kendra14
Nelson, Kenneth14
Neview, Sophronia23
Newlove, Elsie May15
Nickless, Lula30
Niedzwiecki, Ignatius16
Niedzwiecki, Myron24
Nieman, Edith17
Noffsinger family15
Noffsinger, Dwilda29
Noffsinger, Edith21
Noffsinger, Ethel21
Noffsinger, Fred21
Noffsinger, Fred O28
Noffsinger, Jacob15
Noffsinger, Jan15, 21
Noffsinger, Kevin21
Noffsinger, Kisha21
Noffsinger, Laurice Owen28
Noffsinger, Mary21
Noffsinger, Nina29, 31
Noffsinger, Owen15, 21, 29, 31
Noonday, Amos4
Noonday, Julia lone Moses4
Noonday, Julia Peters4
North, Alice20
North, Art21
North, Arthur20
North, Carrie20
North, Floyd20
North, Frank20
North, Greta21
North, Ira20, 28, 31
North, John20
North, Kenneth21
North, Lawence21, 23
North, Maggie21
North, Nina21
North, Otto20
North, Ralph20
North, Robert21
North, Roberta21
North, Ronald21
North, Sandra21
North, Sheryl21
Nowak, Adam7
Nowak, Irene31
Nowakowski, Charles (Butch)19
Nowakowski, Hubert19
O'Grady, Patrick [grocery and saloon]5
O'Neal, Edward11
Oats, Jack22
Old Center House, Bay City3
Old Worth Store2
Olepa, Debbie21
Olepa, John21
Olszewski, Joseph28
Orr, Janice19
Orr, Robert19
Orr, Robert Jr19
Osier, James9
Ott, Charlene24
Ott, George24
Ott, George Jr24
Otto, Charles28
Otto, Nora and Charles4
Ouilette, Bob8
Ouillette, Bob26
Ouillette, Jeanine26
Paine, Alice19
Paine, Mable19
Palmer, Burton11
Palmer, Burton27
Palmer, Cheryl Ann12
Palmer, Dick12
Palmer, Edwin11, 27
Palmer, Gaylord12
Palmer, H11
Palmer, Harriet11
Palmer, Herbert11
Palmer, Perry12
Palmer, Richard12
Palmer, Robert William12
Palmer, Rose12
Parker, Lucy13
Paul, Peter24
Payne, Frances20
Payne, Jean26
Peabody, Jeanne18
Peining, Carol26
Peining, David26
Peining, Lawrence26
Pelky, Frederick28
Peltier, Lois18
Pendergraff, Frank24
Pendred, Bobbi19
Pendred, Laura19
Pendred, Maureen19
Pendred, Paul19
Pendred, Victor19
Pentkowski, Charley21
Pentkowski, Felix21
Pentkowski, Walter21
Pentskowski, John21
Pentskowski, John Jr21
Pentskowski, Josephine21
Pepena, ?30
Peppers, Randy23
Pestrue, Darryl19
Pestrue, Harry19
Pestrue, Hila19
Pestrue, John19
Pestrue, Ruth19
Peters, Mr5
Pevrou, Carrie Ann18
Pevrou, Deborah18
Pevrou, Gerald18
Phettaplace, Evelyn9
Pias, Amy31
Piening, Mary Lentz19
Pienozek, John17
Piersall, Gladys31
Pierson, Anna Mary23
Pierson, Betty29
Pierson, Bill29
Pierson, Bob29
Pierson, Charles18
Pierson, Connie23
Pierson, Deane15
Pierson, Debra23
Pierson, Elizabeth23
Pierson, Ethel23
Pierson, Fred23, 29, 31
Pierson, Jeff23
Pierson, Judy23
Pierson, Katie31
Pierson, Kenneth23
Pierson, Leith23, 29
Pierson, Marie23
Pierson, Marlene15
Pierson, Max23
Pierson, Robert23
Pierson, Rodney23
Pierson, Ronald23
Pierson, Shannon23
Pierson, Susan23
Pierson, Terry15
Pierson, Walter15
Pierson, William23, 26
Pierson, William (Bud)23
Pietrusinski, Delphine14
Pine River3, 5
Pine River Elevator18
Pine River School27
Pines, Edith24
Plachta farm8
Plotniak, Stella9
Point Wenonah8
Poirer, Jospeh10
Polance, Anthony20
Polance, Harold20
Polaski, Darlene Easton5
Polaski, Donna Mae Easton5
Polley, Marie3
Pomeroy, Beulah Tong7
Pommerville, Rita23
Porter, Oliver28
Poster, Kathleen27
Pounds, Walters Betts4
Pressman, Elaine18
Primeau, Dalla24
Prohaska, Anthony22
Prohaska, Anton26
Prohaska, Diane26
Prohaska, Elsie (Helen)26
Prohaska, Helen14
Prohaska, Thomas28
Prohaska, Tony26
Pross, Bernadine8
Pross, Diana8
Proulx, Alphonse15
Proulx, Dean24
Proulx, Leo3
Proulx, Marcella15
Proulx, Marybelle3
Proulx, Maxine15
Proulx, Ronald15
Proulx, Vincent15
Proulx, Virgil15
Pupa, Stella10
Rabish, Carol9
Rabish, James9
Rabish, Paul9
Rabish, Victoria9
Rae-Scott, Agnes Fostin13
Rageot de Beau Rivage21
Rageot, Gilles21
Rageot, Issac21
Rajotte, Rev Father Alphonse21
Ransier, Deidra25
Ransier, Michael25
Ransier, Patricia25
Ransier, Russell25
Rashott, Bridget22
Rashott, Donald28
Rashott, Patrick28
Rashott, Ted28
Rashott, Theodore Jr22
Rashotte, Addie22
Rashotte, Albert23
Rashotte, Alice22
Rashotte, Alphonse22
Rashotte, Arthur22
Rashotte, Baselice19
Rashotte, Basiless8
Rashotte, Baslice21, 22, 23
Rashotte, Beatrice23
Rashotte, Bernadette8, 21, 22, 30
Rashotte, Bernice23, 27
Rashotte, Bosalice26
Rashotte, Bridget23
Rashotte, Bun30
Rashotte, Charlene22
Rashotte, Charles12, 21, 22
Rashotte, Cindy23
Rashotte, Claudine23
Rashotte, Clemaus12, 21, 22
Rashotte, Courtney23
Rashotte, Dennis22, 23
Rashotte, Donald23
Rashotte, Dorothy10
Rashotte, Edward22
Rashotte, Elaine21
Rashotte, Elizabeth22
Rashotte, Ethel23
Rashotte, Ethyl26
Rashotte, Faye22
Rashotte, Felix22
Rashotte, Filliman22
Rashotte, Francis12, 21, 22
Rashotte, Geraldine22
Rashotte, Gilbert23, 26
Rashotte, Greg21
Rashotte, Henrietta17
Rashotte, Hortense22
Rashotte, Jeanette22, 23
Rashotte, Jill21
Rashotte, John22
Rashotte, Joseph22, 23, 26
Rashotte, Kathy23
Rashotte, Laurie23
Rashotte, Louis21
Rashotte, Madaline22, 23
Rashotte, Margaret22
Rashotte, Marguerite21, 23
Rashotte, Margurite22
Rashotte, Marjorie23
Rashotte, Marvin21, 29
Rashotte, Mary18, 21, 22, 23
Rashotte, Mathilda23
Rashotte, Michael22, 23
Rashotte, Mitch30
Rashotte, Mitcheal22
Rashotte, Mitelda30
Rashotte, Mose17, 22, 23
Rashotte, Nelson22, 23
Rashotte, Noe22
Rashotte, Norma21, 29
Rashotte, Patrick23
Rashotte, Paul21
Rashotte, Paul Jr21, 22
Rashotte, Paul Sr21, 22
Rashotte, Pauline22, 23
Rashotte, Peter10, 21, 22, 23
Rashotte, Regina22, 23
Rashotte, Robert23
Rashotte, Roger21
Rashotte, Rose Marie22
Rashotte, Ruth23
Rashotte, Ruth Ann22
Rashotte, Sheila22
Rashotte, Shirley22
Rashotte, Simon18, 22, 23
Rashotte, Simon Jr22
Rashotte, Simon Jr23
Rashotte, Sophia22, 23, 30
Rashotte, Stella22
Rashotte, Thelma21
Rashotte, Theodore22, 23
Rashotte, Theodore Jr23
Rashotte, Timothy22, 28
Rashotte, Tina21
Rashotte, Verna23
Rashotte, Vickie23
Rashotte, Victoria23
Ray, June8
Raymond, Amanda23
Raymond, Angelina24
Raymond, Annabelle24
Raymond, Art24
Raymond, Carl7
Raymond, Cecelia8
Raymond, Clarence23, 26
Raymond, Clyde23
Raymond, Dan23
Raymond, Dean24
Raymond, Dorcas24
Raymond, Earl30
Raymond, Eddie23
Raymond, Elaine7, 24
Raymond, Fedora7
Raymond, Florence24
Raymond, Floyd24
Raymond, Gary23, 24
Raymond, George23
Raymond, Gerald23
Raymond, Gladys24
Raymond, Harold7
Raymond, Ida24
Raymond, Irene24
Raymond, James23
Raymond, Jerome7, 23, 24
Raymond, Jim7
Raymond, Joanne24
Raymond, Josie8, 23
Raymond, Karen23
Raymond, Kimberley24
Raymond, Kristine24
Raymond, Leroy7
Raymond, Margaret7, 23, 24
Raymond, Marie24
Raymond, Mark Baliff24
Raymond, Marlette23
Raymond, Mary Ann23
Raymond, Mathilda23
Raymond, Maxine24
Raymond, Melanie24
Raymond, Mitchell24
Raymond, Monica24
Raymond, Paulette23
Raymond, Phoebe23, 24
Raymond, Roger24
Raymond, Rollie7, 23
Raymond, Ronald23
Raymond, Roy24
Raymond, Ruby7
Raymond, Ryan24
Raymond, Scott24
Raymond, Stanley24
Raymond, Terry23
Raymond, Thousant23
Raymond, Tressa7
Raymond, Yvonne24
Raynak, David23
Raynak, Debbie23
Raynak, Gary23
Raynak, James23
Raynak, John23, 25
Raynak, Leonard23
Raynak, Mary23
Raynak, Sharon23
Reeves, Alden3
Reeves, Bernard5, 8
Reeves, Clarence3
Reeves, Levi8
Reeves, Mildred3
Reid, Cynthia25
Reid, Elizabeth25
Reid, Frank25
Reid, Margaret25
Reid, Mark25
Reid, Robert25
Reid, Roberta25
Reinhardt, Laura25
Reisinger, Eva11
Reno, Alcid24
Reno, Barbara22
Reno, Carolyn24
Reno, Cathy Jo24
Reno, Cherie18
Reno, Chris24
Reno, Cindy18
Reno, Cristie18
Reno, Dale8, 18
Reno, David18
Reno, Deane24
Reno, Deborah24
Reno, Donald24
Reno, Edith24, 30
Reno, Ernest8, 18, 24
Reno, Eva24
Reno, Florence24
Reno, Gerald9, 18, 28
Reno, Gerald Jr9, 18
Reno, Giullaume24
Reno, Harvey24
Reno, Janet24
Reno, Jeffery24
Reno, Jennifer9, 18
Reno, John24
Reno, Julie22
Reno, Lenis22
Reno, Lisa24
Reno, Mamie24, 26
Reno, Mary Ann24
Reno, Mary Lou24
Reno, Nancy24
Reno, Patricia24
Reno, Paul24
Reno, Peter24
Reno, Peter Jr24
Reno, Phoebe24
Reno, Pierre Sr24
Reno, Richard18
Reno, Ronald24, 28
Reno, Sandy22
Reno, Sarah24
Reno, Sharon22
Reno, Theodore24
Reno, Theodore Jr24
Reno, Viola20
Restz, Bernard14
Restz, Elaine14
Restz, James14
Restz, Max14
Restz, Timothy14
Revit, Harriet27
Rheim, Sophie20
Rhodes, Mr15
Richard, Ed3
Richardson Road9
Ricown, Treca19
Rifenbark, Janice23
Riopelle, Kathy26
Ritchie, Ken11
Ritchie, Nina20
Rivard, Elizabeth20
Rivard, Peter20
Rivard, Tressa17
Robior, Harriet15
Roe, Nellie16
Roe, unknown male13
Roebel, Don26
Rohn, Theodore Jr28
Rohn, Vernon28
Rokosz, Andrew15
Rokosz, Carl14
Rokosz, Ceil Ann14
Rokosz, Daniel14
Rokosz, Denise14
Rokosz, Irene15, 22
Rokosz, Jean14
Rokosz, Joe14
Rokosz, John14
Rokosz, Karen14
Rokosz, Sophie15
Rokosz, Tom14
Roll Aways17
Rossen, Constance18
Rossen, David18
Rossen, Diana18
Rossen, Suzanne18
Rossen, William18
Rossen, William Jr18
Rounk, David8
Rounk, Edward8
Ruegsegger, Sarah15
Russell, John [shoemaker]5
Ruszala, Christine14
Ruszala, Louie14
Sacks, Mr9
Sadlik, Dawn19
Sadlik, Dean19
Sadlik, Debra19
Sadlik, Denise19
Sadlik, Dwayne19
Sadlik, Dwight19
Sadlik, Robert19
Saganing2, 4
Saganing Store2
Sagatoo, Alice6
Sagatoo, Julia4
Sagatoo, Mary4, 6
Sagatoo, Peter4
Sage, Henry24
Sanborn, Edith15
Sauve, Elaine24
Sauve, Emery24
Sauve, Gladys24
Sauve, Harvey24
Sauve, Jacqueline22
Sauve, Janice22
Sauve, Judith22
Sauve, Kenneth22, 24
Sauve, Leonard24
Sauve, Margaret22
Sauve, Rita24
Savage, Agnes24
Savage, Alice25
Savage, Arilla18
Savage, Arthur24
Savage, Aurilla24
Savage, Beelinee24
Savage, Carol25
Savage, Emery24
Savage, Emma11, 24
Savage, Eva24
Savage, Henry7
Savage, Irene7
Savage, Israel10
Savage, Loraine30
Savage, Lorraine24
Savage, Pearl24, 30
Savage, Robert25
Savage, Roddie25
Savage, Roy24, 30
Savage, Sadie24
Savage, Theresa24
Savage, William24, 25
Sayles, Maude17
Schank, Cathy13
Schank, Charlene13
Schank, Charles L13
Schank, James13
Schank, Lana13
Schied, Andy11
Schmidt, Allen24
Schmidt, Dale24
Schmidt, Dale Jr24
Schmidt, Denise24
Schmidt, Jeanine24
Schmidt, Lyle24
Schmidt, Michael24
Schmidt, Robert17
Schmidt, William24
Schnetzler, Jay24
Schoeb, Viola12
Schrieber, August28
Schrieber, Chester28
Schrier, Charlene9
Schultz, Fred blacksmith5
Schultz, Geraldine9
Schultz, Maria15
Schwartz, Marie Moses4
Scott, unknown male13
Sczespanski, Robert12
Sears, Erwin15
Sears, Marcia15
Sears, Merrie Ann15
Sears, Mike15
Sedar, Leona6
Seder, Edith26
Seniff, Candy23
Senske, Amelia25
Sequin, Emma14
Setlak, Bernice24
Setlak, Patricia20
Setlak, Tessie21
Sevener, Carol20
Shaffer, Albert14
Shaffer, Gary14
Shaffer, Mark14
Shaffer, Patrick14
Shaffer, Robert14
Shaffer, Wayne14
Shannon, Allan25
Shannon, Anthony25
Shannon, Beatrice25
Shannon, Bridget25
Shannon, Bridget Ford25
Shannon, Bruce25
Shannon, Chris25
Shannon, Colleen25
Shannon, Conrad25
Shannon, Dallas25
Shannon, Daniel25
Shannon, Deborah25
Shannon, Dennis25
Shannon, Dennis Jr25
Shannon, Diane25
Shannon, Eleanor25
Shannon, Florence25
Shannon, Gladys25
Shannon, Gregory25
Shannon, Henry25, 30
Shannon, Janet25
Shannon, Jerry25
Shannon, John25
Shannon, Jonni25
Shannon, Judy25
Shannon, Kathleen25
Shannon, Kelly25
Shannon, Leo25
Shannon, Lesa25
Shannon, Loretta25
Shannon, Lori25
Shannon, Marie25
Shannon, Marily25
Shannon, Marilyn8
Shannon, Mark25
Shannon, Martin25
Shannon, Martin II25
Shannon, Mary25
Shannon, Mary30
Shannon, Mary Lou25
Shannon, Maureen25
Shannon, Michael Sr25
Shannon, Nadine25
Shannon, Pamela25
Shannon, Patrick25, 27
Shannon, Randall25, 28
Shannon, Robert25
Shannon, Rosalie25
Shannon, Rosilyn25
Shannon, Ruth25
Shannon, Ruth LaClair18
Shannon, Sandra25
Shannon, Sheila25
Shannon, Shoan25
Shannon, Teresa25
Shannon, Thomas25
Shannon, Thomas Jr25
Shannon, Tom30
Shannon, Wallace25, 28
Shannon, Wayne25, 28
Sharpe, C L physician5
Sharrow, Joseph13
Sheehan, Michael19
Sheehan, Robert19
Sheehan, Thomas19
Sheehan, Timothy19
Sheffield, Emily6
Shelphada, Mary30
Shephard, Diane23
Sherwood, Marie31
Shirkey, Marcella7
Shoultes, Pamela20
Shuttles, Janet26
Side!, Lena9
Silas, John (Rev)4
Simelkosky, Patricia8
Simpon, Bill4
Simpon, Mary Williams4
Simpson, Lucy16
Simpson, Lucy LaLonde17
Sivier, Al Sr18
Skidgel, Barbara7
Smith, Mabel30
Smith, Marible31
Smith, Patricia20
Smuzeski, Raymond28
Snodgrass, Karen19
Sny, Sophronia7
Snyder, Bob26
Sonsmith, Edward7
Sonsmith, Henry7
Sonsmith, Henry Jr7
South Branch School3
Spencer, Betty9
Sprung, Helen19
Spycher, Al Mrs8
Squier, John18
Squier, Theodore Jr18
Squier, Theodore L18
St Bernard, Roselee27
St John the Baptist Catholic Church22
St Pierre, Delores30
Stadler, Frederick18
Stadler, Frederick Jr18
Stadler, Kathryn18
Stadler, Melanie18
Stadler, Teresa18
Staley, Joanna20
Staley, Robert15
Staley, son15
Staley, Telena20
Standish Township3
Stanton, Colonel23
Stark, Mable15
Stefanski, Celia12
Stefanski, John19
Stevens, Agnes4
Stevens, Edna4
Stevens, Eva4
Stevens, Richard4
Stevens, Richard and Marie4
Stevens, Roger4
Stock, Caroline3
Stock, Dorothy3
Stock, Ellen3
Stock, Leo3
Stock, Ruth3
Stock, Willy3
Stodolak, Antoinette26
Stodolak, Antoinette Liska25
Stodolak, David24
Stodolak, Dennis26, 28
Stodolak, Donald24
Stodolak, Frank25, 26
Stodolak, Jack26
Stodolak, Jacob25, 26
Stodolak, James26
Stodolak, Jean26
Stodolak, Jerry24
Stodolak, John25, 26
Stodolak, Joseph25, 26
Stodolak, Josephine25
Stodolak, Linda24
Stodolak, Mary25, 26
Stodolak, Michael25, 26
Stodolak, Paul7, 25, 26
Stodolak, Robert26
Stodolak, Scott24
Stodolak, Terri24
Stodolak, Tonja24
Stokoszynski, Stanley10
Stone, Laura22
Stowowy, Helen17
Straub, Andrew13, 22
Straub, Andrew Jr22, 28
Straub, Andrew Sr28
Strelecki, Carolyn8
Strutto, Kathy23
Sturman, Blanche8
Sturman, Bob8
Sturman, Florence8
Sturman, Rubin8
Suchodolski, Kim27
Suchodolski, Steve27
Sunny Cove8
Supernaw, David23
Supernaw, Deborah23
Supernaw, Dennis23
Supernaw, Dennis Jr23
Supernaw, Donald23
Supernaw, Ethel23
Supernaw, Jay23
Supernaw, Lance23
Supernaw, unknown23
Swartz, Frank25, 26
Swartz, Josephine25, 26
Sweet, Carol Ann19
Sweet, David19
Sweet, Joe14
Sweet, John19
Sweet, Martin14
Sweet, Marty14
Sweet, Ron19
Sweet, Roy3
Sylvester, Lois17
Sylvester, Shirley26
Taylor, Christal15
Tebeadeau, Vernie23
Thelan, Antoinette26
Thorpe, Irma7
Thorpe, Una14
Tibedeau, Georgina8
Tomaczewski, Marilyn20
Tong, Sud7, 26
Treichel, Sharon26
Tremble, Connie23
Trepkowski, Robert25
Trombley, Allen26
Trombley, Annette26
Trombley, Antoinette26
Trombley, Arthur26
Trombley, Barbara26
Trombley, Bernice26
Trombley, Bob27
Trombley, Cheryl26
Trombley, Clare26
Trombley, Connie26
Trombley, Corrine26
Trombley, DeeDee26
Trombley, Donna23, 26
Trombley, Doreen26
Trombley, Edmund24, 26
Trombley, Edmund R26, 28
Trombley, Edsel26, 28
Trombley, Estey26
Trombley, Eva30
Trombley, Florence26
Trombley, Floyd26
Trombley, Gary26, 28
Trombley, Gerald M26
Trombley, Gertrude22, 26, 27
Trombley, Gilbert26
Trombley, Gladys26
Trombley, Harriet23, 26
Trombley, Harry26
Trombley, Isabella26
Trombley, Isabelle19
Trombley, James26
Trombley, Jean26
Trombley, Jeffrey26
Trombley, Joan26
Trombley, Joe26
Trombley, Joseph26
Trombley, Josephine18
Trombley, Judy26
Trombley, Julie26
Trombley, Karen26
Trombley, Kate27
Trombley, Kathleen23, 26
Trombley, Kathy26
Trombley, Ken23
Trombley, Kenneth16, 26
Trombley, Kevin26
Trombley, Leonard23, 26, 27, 28
Trombley, Lewis26
Trombley, Lisa26
Trombley, Lois26
Trombley, Lori26
Trombley, Louis26
Trombley, Lynn26
Trombley, Marie26, 27
Trombley, Marie Caroline20
Trombley, Mark26
Trombley, Michael26
Trombley, Michelle26
Trombley, Nancy26
Trombley, Noah26
Trombley, Noreen26
Trombley, Olive Ann (Eva)26
Trombley, Penny26
Trombley, Robert26
Trombley, Robert Jr26
Trombley, Ronald26
Trombley, Ronda26
Trombley, Rosemary Francis26
Trombley, Sharon26
Trombley, Steven26
Trombley, Susan26
Trombley, Terry26
Trombley, Theodore (Yogie)26
Trombley, Thomas26
Trombley, unknown son16
Trombley, Vincent26
Trombley, Wendy26
Trombley, Yvonne26
Troxell, Bunny12
Troxell, Effie31
Troxell, Jessie31
Troxell, Mott31
Troxell, Noah31
Troxell, Tom31
Trudeau, Cora14
Trudeau, Mary2
Trudell, Anthony10
Trudell, Chad21
Trudell, Sandra23
Trudell, Tom21
Turmell, Blanch15
Umphrey, Albert26
Umphrey, Dale26
Umphrey, Geneva26
Umphrey, Mike26
Unknown, Lloyd12
Utter, Eristine30
Vallad, Anna27
Vallad, Cletus27
Vallad, Cletus28
Vallad, Cletus29
Vallad, Deanna27
Vallad, Denise24
Vallad, Fred6, 21, 27
Vallad, Gerald27, 28, 29
Vallad, Gregory27
Vallad, Harold24, 27, 29
Vallad, Harriet27
Vallad, Isadore27
Vallad, Janet27
Vallad, Joanne27
Vallad, Julie27
Vallad, Lorest27, 28
Vallad, Marcia27
Vallad, Mary16, 27
Vallad, Preston27
Vallad, Randall27
Vallad, Roselee St Burnor27
Vallad, Shelly27
Vallad, Ula Marie27
Valley, Archie13, 26
Valley, Ardith7
Valley, Bob31
Valley, Clarence26
Valley, Clarence J28
Valley, Ed26
Valley, Elmer31
Valley, Emma7
Valley, Ernest24
Valley, Eva7
Valley, Flevin26
Valley, George24, 26
Valley, Hilda26
Valley, Ida31
Valley, Jeanette7
Valley, Jim7
Valley, Joe26
Valley, John26
Valley, Josie7
Valley, Lena24
Valley, Lola26, 31
Valley, Louis26
Valley, Louis Jr26
Valley, Louise7
Valley, Mary26
Valley, Medea7
Valley, Mildred26
Valley, Myrtle21
Valley, Obline26
Valley, Peter26
Valley, Ray7
Valley, Robert20, 26
Valley, Silas26
Valley, Stella7
Valley, Tom26
Valley, Tom Mrs7
Valley, Yvonne14
Vane, Linda8
Vanvorst, Sandra19
Varadi, Goldie19
Vater, Margaret23
Venichi, Patricia24
Venus, Sue17
View, Alex30
View, Earl30
View, Josephine14
View, Lucy30
View, Nancy7
Viola, Charles13
Viola, Charluss13
Viola, Gene26
Visnaw, Leon7
Visnaw, Margaret Hall7
Visnaw, Ted7
Visnaw, Warren7
Vizdja, Rose8
Wade, Dorothy26
Wagner, Charlotte10
Waidelich, Jacqueline12
Waite, Charles27
Walker, Betty31
Walther, Minnie9
Watz, Julie18
Wau, Jeff24
Wauva, Ingeborg18
Wegner, Patricia26
Weishuhn, Char14
Weishuhn, Darl14
Weishuhn, Edie Anne14
Weishuhn, Greg14
Weishuhn, Henry14
Weldon, Becheer11
Welles Addition grocery store5
Wenonah Conference8
Wheatly, Carol13
Whipple, Barbara19
Whipple, Charles19
Whipple, Edith19
Whipple, Edna19
Whipple, Emma19
Whipple, Ester19
Whipple, Esther19
Whipple, Frank19
Whipple, Gertrude (Trudy)19
Whipple, Herman19
Whipple, Herman (Butch) Frank19
Whipple, Irene15, 19
Whipple, Lela Mew15
White, Alex27
White, Anthony27
White, Blanche31
White, Charles5, 27
White, Deliah31
White, John27
White, John Jr27
White, Levi7
White, Levina27
White, Mary5, 27
White, Mildred10
White, Mose27
White, Rosalie27
White, Rosalie (LaBlanc)25
White, Sophia27
White, Steven27
White, Vincent31
Whitman, Betty18
Whitman, Merrill J18
Whitman, Walda18
Whitman, Walter18
Whitney, Ronald19
Whittum, Connie17
Whyte, Aileen9
Wieten, Christy7, 20
Wieten, Laura7
Wieten, Robert7
Wieten, Sharon6
Wietzel family8
Wilcox, Marie17
Wilhite, Gene15
Wilhite, Linda Marie15
Wilkins, Mr31
Wilkins, Mrs31
Williams, Amos4
Williams, Bernice4
Williams, Diane13
Williams, Harley13
Williams, Jacob4
Williams, Jen Fostin13
Williams, Jerome4
Williams, Joshua4
Williams, Lucy [Jacob's wife]4
Williams, Silas4
Willman, Dorothy9
Wilson, Douglas15
Wilson, Duane15
Wilson, George7
Wilson, Ivy3
Wilson, J F [general store/feed mill/elevator]5
Wilson, Lori15
Wilson, Richard15
Wilson, Teri15
Wiltsie, Dennis23
Wolfe, Frank18
Wolfe, Mae LaBarge18
Wolfe, Winifred18
Wood, Louise23
Wood, Zawisha23
Woods, Sarah13
Worden, Gerry17
Worth Bar23
Wurm, Judy24
Wurm, Judy24
Yenna, Charles27
Zadonia, Christine14
Zaskep, Theresa10
Ziaya, David22
Ziaya, Donald22
Ziaya, Stanley22
Ziaya, Stanley Jr22
Zuchnik, Tony10