In Arenac County Historical Society Assessment Rolls

Copyright 2012 – ACHS | Indexed April 8, 2012


Arenac Twp Assessment Roll 1917
Adamski, Joseph36
Alley, William (estate)43
Andecozeczk, Barney38
Angell, Sherman33
Arenac Co. Poor Farm26
Arnold, Wm. H.23
AuSable Electric Co.1, 3, 13, 14, 18, 26, 32, 33, 38
Averille, Elmer13
Averille, Emily1
Averille, George1
Baikie, David8, 22
Baikie, James10, 20
Baikie, John4, 10
Bannater, E. D.31
Barr, Caleb5
Bates, H. M.13
Bay Grange #59739
Beaton, Donald40
Beaudry, Joseph44
Beaver, Adelaide11, 20
Bechtel, Samuel15
Belegrin, John25, 20
Bell, Alex2
Bell, Edward35
Berry, William29, 31
Blohm, Eleanor2
Bokovitz, Peter37
Bondy, Gabriel43
Boroski, Michael16
Borovsky, Mike16
Boyer, Joseph Sr.10
Brandt, C. J.37
Brandt, Fred37
Brazon, John23
Britton, John17, 18
Brown, Catherine14
Budzinski, Eddie37
Bugh, Henry42
Campbell, William11
Carroll, William24
Carscallen, Catherine16
Carscallen, Ellen (estate)10
Cascallen, George (estate)19
Cavanaugh, Philip37
Chappell, John16
Chase, J. R.27
Chase, Leslie27
Choynaska, Frank23
Cigau, Frank16
Coates, Preston23
Comeil, Frank42
Cook, Bert30
Cook, Jay13
Crauage, Thomas4, 5, 6
Craudall, S. S.6
Culver, J. L.13
Cummings, Mrs.4
Curry, Hoyt-Ed41
Curry, William36
Curtis, Alice12
Curtis, Alice R.4
Curtis, Jesse12
Curtis, W. C. & A. R.12
Curtis, William12
Davis, George44
Dawson, Henry (estate)38
Defoe, Frank44
Derkesch, Mike22
Devine, John12
Dickinson, W.28
Diskell, William5
Dubill, Thomas35
Dudick, Simeon35
Dupke, Karl24
Duza, Alex37
Eastman, Oscar43
Edgell, James13
Edmonds, Joseph37
Elwood, John (estate)24
Fall, Adam2
Felska, Gustave13
Ferguson, William20
Ficker, Edward20
Forsyth, Alex7, 28, 29, 30, 44
Forsyth, Alexandre6
Fostin, Henry39
Frederick, Emily9
Fulsher, Robert36
Gasiciety, Joseph36
Gendron, Edward24
Gillis, Edward1
Gleason, Edward12
Glover, Frank and wife42
Glover, Owen27
Golambuski, Frank24
Goodchild, John10, 12
Goodchild, William3
Gorrie & Carscallen19
Greak, Anthony8
Greanya, Arthur44
Greanya, Bert43
Greanya, Elmer44
Greanya, Fred43
Greanya, Joseph43, 44
Green. Louis (estate)32
Griffin, M. J. (Estate)1
Grose, James18
Grueski, Frank23
Grueski, Josephine24
Gruiecki, Anthony22
Gruiecki, Frank22
Hagley, Albert32, 33
Hagley, Albert and wife25
Hajuk, Stanley33
Halderman, James15
Haller, Louis9, 25
Harder, Janas12
Harding, M. C.20, 38
Harris, Adelbert23
Harris, James H.2
Harris, Wallace J.2
Hayes, Catherine34
Heath, A. M.13
Heath, Charles5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 28
Henry, David17
Hess, Henry3
Holder, C. R.23
Huiterwiester, R. (estate)21, 22
Hutchinson, George15
James & Mann (estate)6
Jennings, Mark39, 41
Johnson, Elizabeth18
Johnston, Harvey36
Johnston, James16, 27
Johnston, W. H. A.36
Jones, Andrew26
Jose, Emily14
Joznich, John13, 14
Kavau, George D.2
Keeley, William36
Kelsey, Daniel39
Kelsey, Eva39
Keltner, Eli31
Kent, Andrew13, 23, 28
Kent, Robert25
Kewey, Harvey (estate)8
Kinch, Ervin33
Kinch, L_vie44
Kinch, Stuart33
King, Ora36
Kinneau, John15
Kinney, Jay26
Koleuski, Jacob (estate)24
Komrgawski, Joseph36
Krabut, John (estate)36
Krol, Joseph33
Kroylkowski, F. & M.37
Krozeiski, John34
L_dstrum, Oscar 12
LaFord, Albany E.6
Lalone, Major Ed38
Langdon, Gordon40, 42
Langdon, Mary42
Layman, Samuel2
Lentz, Earl and Estey29
Lentz, Frank44
Lentz, William44
Leslie, Joseph13
Lgnatz-Blasqkiewicz (estate)6
Lincoln, Lansing (estate)20, 21
Little, Seymour23
Littleton, George25
Littleton, Joseph24
Littleton, Thomas24
Lockhart, William12
Luitz, Earl and Estey30
Lukshadys, Joseph22
Lutz, William45
Lyevere, J. C.27
Manchester, Thomas36
Mansfield, T. H. (estate)8
Marshall, Wm.1
Masters, Mrs.5
Maygar, Andrew7
McDonald, James1
McDonell, Angus10, 26
McGurk, Robert19
McKay, J. H.15
McKinzie, John24
McKinzie, John and wife23
McKinzie, Stuart24
McKinzie, William35
McMann, William24
McSpader, Alex (estate)32
McSpader, John32
McSpader, John40
Mead, Justin10
Meneuch, John19
Merta, Anthony35
Messner, Jacob41
Mich. Paving Brick Co.9
Milliman, George31
Mitchell, Clark and Guy5
Monroe, A. C.39
Moseciski, Alexandre24
Mudge, David32
Muench, Wilhelm26
Murray, Duke38
Needham, Clara8, 9, 21
Neil, Andrew14
Nowak, Frank29, 30, 44
Oatley, George27
Omer Mill & Electric Co.19
Oroc, Steve38
Orr, J. W.2
Orr, Wm. J. (trustee)14
Osborne, Morley32
Osborne, S. O.32
Parent, Emily6, 10
Parent, Henry10
Parent, Joseph10
Parent, Noah6
Parker, Miles2,3
Payea, Bert29, 30, 31
Payea, Frank and wife33
Payea, J. T.42
Payea, Joseph38, 42
Payea, Mrs. J. F.38
Payea, Norman and wife32
Pearsall, Frank30, 31
Percy, Jose13
Perkins, Philo (estate)6,9
Pestrue, Martin30
Petwoski, Peter34, 35
Pinkos, Adolph & Mary21
Pocquette, Joseph (estate)27
Pocquette, Louis12
Pula, Frank24
Queal, Cornelius2
Reed, Bert12
Reed, Leland1
Reese, Thomas31
Restainer, R. C.31
Rittenberg, Ed28
Roberts, S. L.16
Robison, William1, 14
Roe, Charles43
Rossman, C. H.27, 18
Saboleski, Anthony23
Sanford, S. O.1
Sayles, G. C.8
Schalauger, Mrs. Harry14
Schram, Hattie25
Schram, James25
Schultz, Fred37
Schultz, Otto14, 26
Schultz, William20
Setlak, Stanley26
Settak, Albert34, 36
Settak, Joseph37
Sevic, Michael37
Seymour, J. B.27
Shanahan, M. J. (estate)7
Sharpe, Leo13
Shaw, Fred39
Shaw, Sarah32
Shirkey, Charles45
Sinski, Henry36
Skirlo, Edwin4
Skirlo, John4
Sliva, Albert32
Sorens, Guy (estate)32
St.Clair, Howard32
Stace, Joseph34
Stahl, J. E. & Reus, Earl5
Steepe, Earnest28
Steepe, William28
Steepe, William (estate)31, 32
Steinhart, Rudolph26
Stevens, Clyde9, 10
Stevenson, William (estate)31
Stevison, Wallace26
Sticma, Charles38
Stiva, Charles38
Stockwell, Herbert23, 35
Stopka, John21
Stover, Joseph42
Stuart, John39, 43, 44, 45
Symons, S. E.45
Taylor, Frank34
Taylor, Hiram35
Taylor, Tunis35
Thilde, John16, 18
Tomarczyk, Albert33
Tonkovic, Andrew9
Topp, William Jr.26
Topp, Wm. (estate)19
Toussant-J. Parent6
Trumble, Lewis and wife29
Trumble, Theophlius29, 30
Tullock, James21
Tullock, Mrs. John24
Tullock, Wm.24
Tyler, James5
Upton, Claude34
Upton, Eugene and wife34
Vience, Florian20
Vincent, Fred16
Vraiga, Joseph37
Welles, Arthur23, 25, 35
White, John34, 35
Willett, Alex45
Williams, Arthur31
Williams, James43
Williams, Olive (estate)42
Williams, Ray and Walter43
Williard, Thomas29, 31
Willis, Edward14
Wilson, Albert34
Wolf, Chris35
Wood, Clara8, 21, 22
Wyatt, Joseph32
Wyatt, Maurice33
Wyatt, Thomas38
York, Rupert12
York, Rupert E.4
Youngman, John38
Zavislok, Steven7