In Arenac County Historical Society Assessment Rolls

Copyright 2007 – ACHS | Indexed August 21, 2007


Standish Twp Assessment Roll 1877
_______, George 1
_______, John1
_______, Joseph 1
_______, William1
_______, William1
_____, Eliza 2
____sha, Benjamin2
___eely, Leander2
_aitt, Robert 2
_ear, Robert 1
Ahweusaun, Peter32
Akey, Peter13
Alexander, Mary11
Allen, Frank13
Allen, James13
Allen, William19
Allen, William Jr.17
Allen, William W.26
Angus, P. M.34
Ashman, Chas.40
Aud wig nabe, Andrew23
Aud wig nabe, Andrew24
Aud wig nabe, Paul28
Bar______e, Joseph17
Bartholomew and Son21
Berdsley, George11
Biskner, __ston1
Biskner, Jerry2
Biskner, Jerry2
Biskner, Joseph3
Biskner, Louis2
Biskner, Tuffield2
Bisnett, John34
Bourasso, B. F.15
Bourasso, B. H.32
Bourasso, B.F.16
Bourasso, Nazarius14
Bourdo, Gilbert9
Bourdo, Lisbon4
Bowes, William2
Bradley and Sons41
Bradley, A. B. and Sons37
Bradley, A. B. and Sons39
Bradley, N. B. and sons3
Brewer, A. R.37
Brown, John32
Buffman, John1
Burnett, Hiram, R.7
Burnside, Moses F.14
Burrows and Rust41
Burshaw, Richard13
Butter, Benjamin9
Butter, Ernest9
Cabay, Daniel30
Cabay, Elizabeth32
Cabay, Elliot20
Cabay, Elliot21
Cabay, Peter34
Cabay, Thomas33
Cambell, Archie9
Cameron and Wells16
Cameron, Peter B.16
Ch____, Harvey2
Chaltraw, Gabriel2
Chamberlain, E. H.13
Chorri_, Charles7
Cloud, Thomas30
Columb, John18
Cook, Archibald1
Coon, Julia13
Coufee, John25
Cournyea, Paul8
Cournyea, Peter17
Cournyea, Ranyea8
Courtermiche, Chris25
Courtermiche, Tuffield25
Courtermiche, Victor25
Cross and Angus37
Cross and Walker35
Cross, Geo. F.35
Davis, Emiline19
De__nd, Louis2
DeGraff, J. H.40
Derosia, Anna26
Derosia, Joseph2
Dillion, Edward8
Eddy and Bros38
Felyaw, Peter3
Filmore, Eunice19
Frazald, John34
Fredet, Gus18
Fuller, Edward32
Gardner, Joseph40
Garrien, Fred1
Gates and Collins41
Gendron, Louis4
Gibson, John8
Goodroe, Edward18
Gouley, Ezra13
Gr____ky, Simeon28
Grashaw, Thomas4
Grashaw, Thomas9
Gray, John H.16
Greenbird, Peter28
Greenleaf, Louis4
Grefore, Andrew27
Grefore, Theadore26
Hall, Edmund37
Hall, J. R.1
Hall, J. R.41
Havens, M. R. and A. _. 19
Henry, Jane24
Hessling, Garret M.13
Hibner, Henry16
Hoobler, S. R.25
Howden, John8
Isaac, Daniel28
J. L. and S. R.R. Co.36
Jack, Frank8
Jack, Frank14
Jackson, Sarah27
James, Louisa30
Jennings, Ida41
Jennings, Silas7
Jennings, William G.5
Jennings, William G.6
Jennings, William G.7
Johnson, Edwin33
Johnson, Thomas27
July, John8
July, Joseph17
Ka_l gig na bee, John22
Kerr, Joseph34
Kewash, John31
Killmer, Charles10
Killmer, Orson10
King, Felix9
King, Jule13
King, Moses10
La________ey, Moses 13
La______ey, Antoine13
Labarge, Louis8
LaClair, Thomas18
Lalone, Joseph3
Lalone, Joseph P.2
Lalone, Joseph P.19
Lang, Samuel14
Lang, Samuel29
Langdon, Gordon18
Lange, Francis8
Lantz, John Sr.18
Lentz, John Jr.11
Lentz, John Sr.11
Lentz, John Sr.11
Lerntz, George11
Loyd, Robert13
Loyd, William13
Machinena, John38
Machiuena, John33
Mahoney, Michael12
Mahoney, Michael20
Matt, Frank3
McClure, Caroline34
McSpaden Estate18
Melcher and _erreter41
Meyet, Emery2
Miller, Dominick9
Mills, M. B.36
Monaqua, Peter4
Morse, Jess15
Morton, William17
Myers, Mary22
Near, William4
Nickless, John19
Non Resident38
Non Resident39
Non Resident40
Non Resident42
Noonday, David33
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.25
Null, Sanford3
Oliver, James20
Paul, Joseph8
Pel____, Issac 1
Philips, B. M.30
Phillips, B. M.14
Phillips, J. P.18
Pitts and Cranage41
Preston, Mark16
Prill, Tyler17
Randall, Hiram4
Rashott, Charles8
Rashott, Joseph18
Raymond, Jerome1
Raymond, Thousant1
Richardson, D. M.37
Rightenburgh, Bart10
Roberts, James27
Rye, Richard32
Sagatoo, John31
Sagatoo, Peter29
Sagatoo, Thomas29
Sage, H. W. and Leo34
Sampson Estate27
Sampson, Isaac27
Savage, Osia9
Savoy, John34
Shantney, Trifley9
Shaw, Richard26
Shawnois Estate34
She bog ge _hicks22
She bog ge skick, E.28
Shultz, Frederick10
Silas, Sarah28
St. Peters, Margritt16
Thompson, Frank9
Thompson, Jacob9
Tiler, D. E.40
Twining, Patrick20
Valley, Joseph3
Valley, Maggie3
Vernor, Paul3
View, Isaac8
Visnau, Albert34
Walker, A. D.33
Walker, Julia32
Weaver, Newton10
Wheeler, J. R.1
Wheeler, James1
White, Harriet3
White, Mary28
Willet, Charles25
Williams, Henry28
Wilson, Anna3
Yawkey, W. C.36
Yawkey, W. C.37
Zanna, Charles8
Zanna, George8