In Arenac County Historical Society Assessment Rolls

Copyright 2009 – ACHS | Indexed June 18, 2009

NOTE on Dog Tax: Legislated on 12 May 1846, if an owner could be found for a dog, the owner was assessed a tax of “not more than one dollar” and “not more than two dollars” for each additional dog. The fees went into a fund to cover “the destruction of sheep by dogs.” If a dog remained unclaimed or if required fees were not paid, the dog could be destroyed. — From Green, S., 1846. The Revised Statutes of the State of Michigan, passed and approved May 18th, 1846. Detroit: Bagg & Harmon, p.201. Online book. ( : accessed 18 May 2022).


Whitney Twp Assessment Roll 1901
NameDog LicensesPage
Agens, Wm.28
Alabaster Co.26
Andrews, Richard33
Andrews, RichardDog License2
Arno, Samuel22
Arno, SamuelDog License2
Badour, Abe6
Badour, AbeDog License2
Badour, Abraham36
Badour, AngusDog License2
Badour, Lavina6
Badour, Mrs. Annie17
Badour, Mrs. Annie19
Badour, Paul P.6
Badour, Wesley6
Badour, WesleyDog License2
Bailey, Fred6
Barton, Frank34
Becker, O. C.2
Becker, O. C.2
Besnick, Wm.Dog License1
Beutel, Robt.20
Bliss, A. G.28
Bliss, A. T.28
Boer, Frank23
Boer, FrankDog License2
Bomiea, Jno.10
Bond, Chas.5
Bond, Chas.8
Bond, Chas.24
Bond, Chas.26
Bond, Chas.31
Bond, Chas.31
Bond, Chas.32
Bond, Chas.40
Borden, Otto23
Borden, Otto33
Bothwell, Milton19
Bowers, Fred23
Braba, Leander9
Bradley and Peltier9
Bradley, John E.15
Bradley, John E.Dog License2
Bradley, Mrs. Louisa16
Bradley, Mrs. Louisa19
Brennan, James37
Brenner, E. C.1
Brenner, JasDog License1
Brenner, JohnDog License1
Bridge, CenusDog License1
Bridge, Jessie8
Bronson Bros.24
Brown Bros.20
Brown Bros.21
Brown, Thomas18
Brown, Thos. Dog License2
Burger, Isaac34
Burger, L.33
Burger, LanenceDog License2
Camman, Helen F.4
Campbell, H.8
Campbell, Wm.7
Campbell, Wm.Dog License2
Chapman, M. R.Dog License2
Cole, E. G.6
Cole, E. G.7
Cole, E. G.22
Cole, E. G.Dog License2
Cole, E. G.7
Cole, E. G.10
Cole, E. G.27
Cole, E. G.38
Con_r_re, Elida1
Cook, James E.33
Cook, James E.39
Cook, Jas.Dog License2
Cook, Jas. A.32
Courtright, Day33
Crane, Mr.3
Cullip, Walter40
Cullip, Wm.38
Cullip, Wm.40
Daugherty, Thomas39
Davis and Co.31
Davis and Co.32
Davis Lumber Co,21
Davis Lumber Co.5
Davis Lumber Co.25
Davis Lumber Co.26
Davis Lumber Co. Ltd.25
Davis S. Co.26
Davis, Clifford36
Davis, CliffordDog License2
Davis, Elmer39
Davis, John37
Davis, Wm.34
Day, S. L.29
Day, SulviniousDog License2
Delano, Ezra34
Delano, Ezra40
Diendorfer, Geo.3
Dingman, JohnDog License2
Disett, John J.24
Dittmar, Louis1
Doan, W. C.38
Doane, WesleyDog License1
Dougherty, Chas.7
Draper, GeorgeDog License2
Drizebky, GeorgeDog License1
Edmonds, O. B.29
Edmonds, O. B.30
Edmunds, O. B.31
EmmeryDog License1
Emory Estate25
Ennis, Beecher36
Erwin Estate36
Fertan, J.8
Fowler, E. M.28
Fowler, E. M.29
Fowler, E. M.30
French, Mrs. W. A.37
French, W. A.27
French, W. A.7
French, Wm.35
Frey, JohnDog License2
Frey, John G.34
Frey, Wm.38
Frudo, Alson10
Gardner Peterman and Co.22
Gates and Collins5
Gates and Collins8
Gates and Collins23
Gates and Collins26
Gates and Collins29
Gates and Collins36
Gates and Collins38
Gates and Collins39
Giles, Frank H.5
Gilmore, Jas.10
Glazier, Charles (Estate)28
Goth, Erwin33
Goth, ErwinDog License2
Goth, Wm.33
Griffith, D. M.34
Griffith, DealtonDog License2
Griffith, RileyDog License2
Grimore and Ross24
Grimore and Ross27
Grimore and Wheeler27
Grimore and Wheeler31
Grimore and Wheeler40
Grimore, James24
Grimore, James27
Grimore, James28
Grimore, James29
Grimore, Jas.7
Haltiner, Jno.9
Haltiner, John25
Haltiner, John32
Hamilton, Jos.7
Hannan, Mrs. S. J.12
Hannan, S. J.Dog License2
Hannan, S. J.11
Hartwick, John13
Hartwick, JohnDog License2
Heately, Mrs. Margaret16
Heately, Mrs. Margaret17
Higgins, Ella9
Hobson and Son4
Hodgins, Chas.34
Howling, HarryDog License1
Howling, Harry37
Hudson, Mrs. Annie10
Hummel, Frank40
Humphrey, Samuel32
Igle, Mrs. Emil6
Judson Bros.2
Keplar, Walter8
Kohl, Wm.Dog License2
Landry, Alex23
Landry, R.27
Lee, Chas. Jr.3
Legeness, Wm.28
Liggett, W. M.9
Lincoln, Chas.8
Lincoln, Wm.39
Lincoln, Wm.Dog License2
Lobes, Henry36
Loggers Boom Co.20
Malon, C. E.4
Manville, Peter23
Marble, Howard29
Marble, Nelson29
Mathews, Peter7
Matt, Frank39
Matt, FrankDog License2
Mattinson, Jos.7
Matz, Wm.38
McBride, O. J.Dog License2
McDonald, D. A.Dog License1
McDonald, D.A.8
McGregor, John J.19
McGregor, Mrs.4
McGregor, Mrs. Thomas9
McKnight, Alva35
McKnight, Emery38
McKnight, Wm.38
McLean, Pat7
McLean, Pat8
McLean, PatrickDog License2
McLean, Wm.6
McLean, Wm.15
McLean, Wm.Dog License2
Mclntrye, GabrielDog License1
McNight, EmmeryDog License2
McPhail, James37
McPhaul, Jas.10
Miliken, Geo.9
Miller Estate35
Milligan, GeorgeDog License1
Mitty, Chas.37
Monville, PeterDog License2
Mutart, L. R.11
Noble, Robert8
Noble, Robt.24
Noble, Robt.Dog License1
O"Connors, Wm.3
Oakes and Shepard5
Oakes and Shepard8
Oakes and Shepard9
Oakes and Shepard27
Oats, Jos.25
Oats, Wm.25
O'Brien, John14
Parent, Joseph37
Parent, JosephDog License2
Peltier, Delphine7
Peltier, Peter6
Pendred Estate5
Pendred, Chas.Dog License1
Perkins, Jas.Dog License1
Perrin, Daniel40
Perrin, Donald6
Perrin, Regnor6
Personeus, IsaacDog License2
Personeus, Isaac12
Petty, John35
Proulx, Ferdinand8
Proulx, Gilbert16
Proulx, Isadore5
Proulx, IsadoreDog License1
Reed, Clarence38
Reichle, Chas.6
Reichle, Chas.40
Reid, ClarenceDog License2
Reynolds, James13
Reynolds, Jas.Dog License2
Roberts, Wm.30
Roberts, Wm.Dog License1
Rose, Harry34
Rose, HarryDog License2
Russell and Leighton2
Sage Estate5
Sage Estate6
Sage Estate7
Sage Estate8
Sage Estate23
Sage Estate26
Sage Estate30
Sage Estate31
Sage Estate32
Sage Estate33
Sage Estate35
Sage Estate36
Sage Estate37
Sage Estate40
Sandry, AlexDog License2
Schroeder, Henry28
Scram, Edward15
Scram, James16
See,Dog License2
See, Frank25
Seram, Robert16
Sheldon, Jane6
Sheldon, Jane Ann16
Shotwell, Geo.10
Sibley, Ebin39
Sibley, Josiah39
Sibley, JosiahDog License1
Smith, C. R.34
Smith, C. R.Dog License2
Smith, Elias38
Smith, GeorgeDog License2
Smith, L. C.2
Snayze, AustinDog License1
Solms Bros.2
Stanlake, Thos.38
Sterling Mfg. Co.20
Sterman, Chas, W.34
Sterman, Chas.35
Stoutenburg, AlbertDog License2
Stoutenburg, Mrs.34
Stowell, Bert22
Sweetman, R.6
Sweetman, RichardDog License2
Tillman, Herl37
Trombley, JewelDog License2
Trumble, Ebon30
Trumble, OscarDog License2
Tuttle, John14
Walker, Frank and Simon5
Warner, Wm.5
Warner, Wm.Dog License1
Webster, Thomas35
Webster, Thos.Dog License2
Weed, John A.Dog License1
Wentworth, J. and G. K.22
Wentworth, J. and G. K.27
Wentworth, J. and G. K.21
Wentworth, J. and G. K.30
Wentworth, J. and G. K.35
Western Plaster Co.24
Western Plaster Co.25
Western Plaster Co.26
Wetmore, Jacob S.21
White, Guy B.24
White, John H.24
Whitman, Merton33
Whitman, MertonDog License2
Whitman, V.33
Wilkerson, Howard (Estate)30
Williamson, Edward22
Williamson, Edward29
Williamson, EdwardDog License2
Wollmar, Theodore22
Woodcock, Henry39
Wright, H. M.9