In Arenac County Historical Society Assessment Rolls

Copyright 2013 – ACHS | Indexed February 18, 2013


Arenac Twp Assessment Roll 1918
Adamski, Joseph38
Alley, William45
Angle, Sherman35
Arenac County17
Arenac County Poor Farm28
Arnold, William25
Audeiozeczk, Barney40
Auditor General43
AuSable Electric Company1, 3, 14, 20, 34, 35, 40
Averil, Emily1
Averil, George1
Baikie, David24
Baikie, David E.8, 24
Baikie, Ella C.13
Baikie, James P.4, 10, 22
Baikie, John4, 10
Barr, James5
Bates, H. M.13
Bay City District F. M. Campgrounds43
Bay Grange 59741
Beaton, Donald C.42
Beaudry, Joseph46
Beaver, Adelaide11, 22
Bechtel, Samuel D.16
Bell, Alex2
Bell, Edward E.37
Berry, William31, 33
Beudziuski, Eddie39
Biligrin, John22, 27
Blasgkiewicg, Ignaty6
Blohm, Eleanor2
Bokerity, Peter39
Bondy, Gabriel45
Boots, Preston25
Boroski, Mike17, 18
Brandall, S. S.6
Brautt, Fred J.39
Brautt, John39
Brazon, John25
Britton, John19, 20
Brown, Catherine15
Bugh, Henry D.44
Campbell, William11
Carroll, William26, 28
Carscallen, ElIlen10
Cascallen, Geo.20
Casscallen, Catherine17
Cavanaugh, Philip39
Chappell, John M.17
Chase, J. R.29
Chase, Leslie29
Choynacka, Frank25
Ciegan, Frank18
Cook, Jay13
Corn iel, Frank44
Cranagr, Thomas4
Cummings, Mrs.4
Curry, William38
Curtis, Alice R.4
Curtis, Jesse E.12
Curtis, W. C. and A. R.12
Curtis, William C.12
Davis, George E.46
Davis, Stace47
Dawson, Henry40
Defoe, Frank46
Derkisch, Mike24
Devine, John12
Dickenson, N.30
Diskell, William5
Dubiel, Thomas37
Dudick, Suneou37
Dufke, Karl26
Duza, Alex39
Edmonds, Joseph39
Elwood, John26
Enheaurn, James6
Felska, Gustave13
Ficker, Edward P.22
Forsyth, Alex6, 7, 30, 31, 32
Fostin, Henry41
Foukovic, Andrew9
Frederick, Emily9
Fulcher, Robert38
Furgeson, William22
Gall, Adam2
Gasicrety, Joseph38
Geudrou, Edward26
Gillis, Edward1
Gleason, Edward12
Glover, Frank44
Glover, Owen S.29
Golumbuski, Frank26
Golumbuski, Josphene26
Goodchild, John10
Goodchild, William3
Greak, Anthony8
Greanya, Arthur46
Greanya, Bert45
Greanya, Elmer46
Greanya, Fred45
Greanya, Joseph45, 46
Green, Louis34
Griffin, Mr. J.1
Grosc, James19
Gruski, Frank25
Guiski, Frank24
Gulvas, J. L.13
Gusiecki, Anthony24
Hagley, Albert27, 34, 35
Hagley, William35
Hajuk, Stanley35
Haldeman, James16
Harder, James12
Harding, C.22, 40
Harris, Adelbut25
Harris, James H.2
Harris, Wallace J.2
Hayse, Catherine36
Heath, A. M.14
Heath, Charles A.4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 30
Henry, David18, 19
Hess, Kerry3
Hintermeister, R.23, 24
Holden, C. R.25
Hutchinson, George H.16
Idstrour, Oscar12
Jase, Percy13
Javislok, Steven7
Jazwiak, John13, 15
Jennings, Mark41, 43
Johnson, Elizabeth19
Johnson, Harvey38
Johnson, James S.29
Johnson, W. H. A.38
Johnston, James17
Jones, Andrew28
Jose, Emily15
Joss, Leslie13
Kavan, George D.2
Keeley, William38
Kelsey, Eva E.41
Keltner, Eli33
Kenny, Harvey8
Kent, Andrew10, 25, 30
Kent, Robert27
Kinch, Irwin35
Kinch, Stuart35
King, Ora38
Kinmane, John E.16
Kinney, Jay28
Kolenski, Jacob26
Kourgawski, Joseph38
Krabut, John S38
Krajlkowsky, F39
Krol, Joseph35
Krozeiski, John J.36
Lafout, Albany E.6
Lalone, Major40
Langdon, Gordon42, 44
Langdon, Mary A.44
Lentz, Earl and Esty31, 32
Lentz, Frank46
Lentz, William46, 47
Lincoln, Lansing E.22
Little, Semour25
Littleton, George26
Littleton, Joseph26
Littleton, Thomas26
Lockheart, William12
Lukshady, Joseph24
Lyvere, J. C.29
Manchester, Thomas38
Marshall, William1
Masters, Mrs.5
Maun, James7
Mausfield, I. H.8
Maygar, Andrew7
McDonnell, Angus28
McDouell, Angus10, 13
McDowell, James1
McGurk, Robert20
McKay, Gilbert15
McKay, J. H.16
McKenzie, John D.25, 26
McKenzie, Stuart26
McKenzie, William J.36
McKinzie, John25
McKuown, Owen23
McMann, William26
McSpaden, Alex34
McSpaden, John34, 42
Mead, Justin K.10
Merta, Anthony37
Messuer, Jacob43
Michigan Paving Brick Company9
Mitchell, Clark and Guy5
Mudge, David34
Mudge, Hazen34
Muench, William28
Munroe, A. C.41
Murench, John21
Murray, Luke40
Needham, Clara M.8
Niel, Andrew15
Nowak, Frank31, 32, 46
Oatley, George H.29
Omer Mill and Elevator Company21
Oroc, Steve40
Orr, J. W.2
Orr, William15
Orreal, Cornelius2
Osborn, Morley E.34
Osiborne, S. O.34
Osier, Eligh27
Parent, Emily L.10
Pareut, Joseph10
Pareut, Noah6
Pareut, Toussant J.6
Parker, Miles2, 3
Payea, Bert31, 32, 33
Payea, Frank R.34, 35
Payea, Joseph40, 44
Pearsall, Frank31, 32, 33
Pearsall, William33
Perkins, Philo E.6
Pestrue, Martin32
Petwoski, Peter36, 37
Pinkos, Adolph and Mary23
Poquette, Louis12
Pula, Frank26
Reed, Bert12
Reed, Leland1
Reese, Thomas33
Restrainer, R. C.33
Rittenberg, Edward30
Roberts, S. L.17
Robinson, William1, 15
Roe, Charles45
Rossman, C. H.19, 29
Saboleski, Anthony25
Sanford, S. O.1
Sayles, G.8
Schlauger, Harry15
Schram, Hattie27
Schutty, Fred39
Schutty, Otto C.15, 28
Schutty, William22
Semore, J. B.29
Serens, Guy34
Setlak, Albert36, 38
Sevic, Michael39
Sharpe, Leo13
Shauahan, Mr. J.7
Shaw, Fred C.41
Shaw, Sarah34
Shirky, Charles47
Sitlak, Jacob39
Skirlo, Edwin4
Skirlo, John4
Sliwa, Albert34
St. Clair, Howard J.34
Stace, Joseph36
Stahl J. E. and Reus, Earl5
State of Michigan6, 15, 29
Steepe, Earnest16, 30
Steepe, William H.30, 33, 34
Steinhart, Rudolph28
Stevens, Clyde9
Stevenson, Wallace28
Stevenson, William33
Stockwell, Herbert25, 37
Stofka, John23
Stover, Joseph44
Stuart, John41, 45, 46, 47
Stuma, Charles40
Suiski, Henry38
Symons, S. E.47
Taylor, Frank36
Taylor, Hiram37
Taylor, Turis37
Thildy, John18
Toff, William21, 2
Tomasczyk, Albert35
Town Hall Lot20
Tremble, Lewis31
Tremble, Theophlius31, 32
Tulloch, James23, 26
Tulloch, John23
Tulloch, William26
Tyler, James W.5
Upton, Claude36
Upton, Eugene36
Vannater, E. D.33
Vincent, Florian22
Vincent, Fred L.17
Vraiga, Joseph39
Wells, A.H.37
Wells, Arthur H.25, 27, 37
White, John36, 37
Willett, Alex47
Williams, Arthur33
Williams, James45
Williams, Oliver44
Williams, Ray and Walter45
Willis, Edward15
Wilson, Albert36
Wolf, Chris37
Wood, Clara A.8, 23, 24
Wyatt, Joseph35
Wyatt, Maurice35
Wyatt, Thomas40
York, Rupert E.4
Youngman, John40
Zurek, Kezmier25