INDEX TO 1941 Moffatt Township Assessment Roll

In Arenac County Historical Society Assessment Rolls

Copyright 2006 – ACHS | Indexed October 27, 2006


Moffatt Twp Assessment Roll 1941
Allen, C. B.4
Allen, Mrs. Marie17
Almus, Joe16
Almus, Joe16
Almus, Joe16
Almus, Joe17
Avran, Geo.5
Avran, Geo.5
Bacon, Mary E.15
Badgerow, John and Florence4
Beder, Katie7
Bial, Frank14
Bialiski, L.4
Bialobiski, L.11
Bialobiski, L.11
Bialobiski, L.17
Blair, C.15
Blair, C.15
Bliss, C. S.16
Bliss, C. S.17
Bliss, C. S.17
Bosero, Julia6
Boyer, John1
Bunting, C. N.15
Cadilac Stock Farm12
Cadilac Stock Farm12
Cadilac Stock Farm12
Cadilac Stock Farm12
Cadilac Stock Farm12
Cadilac Stock Farm12
Cadilac Stock Farm14
Cadilac Stock Farm14
Cernenak, Edw.10
Cernevak, Edw.18
Chenoski, Mrs. Mary11
Chernoski, Mrs. Mary18
Chesney, Johm16
Chesney, John16
Cole, John17
Consumer Power Company1
Consumers Power Company7
Consumers Power Company7
Consumers Power Company7
Consumers Power Company8
Consumers Power Company9
Consumers Power Company19
Consumers Power Company19
Consumers Power Company19
Consumers Power Company19
Consumers Power Company19
Consumers Power Company20
Consumers Power Company24
Consumers Power Company24
Consumers Power Company24
Consumers Power Company26
Consumers Power Company26
Cournans, L. P. Est.2
Daberlenski, J.18
Davis, E.19
Debrouski, A.11
Demorszey, P.23
Deno, Wm.8
Dixon, C.J.20
Draher, Paul E.25
Dresch, Charles2
Dresch, Ed.2
Dunn, Albert and Pearl25
Dunn, Albert and Pearl25
Dunn, Cecil13
Dunn, Dora11
Dunn, G. W.12
Dunn, J. W.3
Dunn, Mary and Williard13
Dunn, Mary and Williard13
Dunn, William H.13
Dureich, Matt2
Eisch, Felix4
Eisch, Mrs. Barbara and Alex2
Estes, C. V.3
Estes, Dora3
Feet, Bessie A.14
Feet, Edw.15
Feet, Edw.15
Fick, C.25
Fick, C.25
Fick, Chancey and Estes, Mrs. L.15
Fitzel, M.5
Fleseck, George8
Floreck, Jas. and Frank6
Floreck, Jas. and Frank6
Flowers, S.25
Ford, M. C.4
Franklin, Alfred and Mamie3
Fuller, S.15
Garrity, Raymond and Anna13
Garrity, Raymond and Anna13
Garrity, Raymond and Anna13
Halamar, Nick10
Halamar, Nick10
Halamar, Nick10
Halamar, Nick10
Halamar, Nick10
Halmer, John and Mary15
Hamilton, R.25
Hamilton, Robert and Bessie25
Hamilton, Wm.22
Henry, Mrs. Wm.8
Herb Restiner Gas Station26
Herzberg, Mrs. E.25
Hughes, J. and wife21
Hughes, James J.20
Hydro Land Company20
Hydro Land Company19
Hydro Land Company20
Hydro Land Company20
Jedreyizak, J.13
Jessmore, Wm.13
Joba, M.6
Jobo, Mike1
Johnson, V3
Kardesenski, K.17
Kiechle, B.19
Kindig, Arthur and Marietta11
Klenk, M.24
Kline, L.24
Koff, K23
Koff, K.19
Koff, K.22
Koff, K.22
Koff, K.22
Kosmider, Adam and Mae14
Kosmider, M.11
Kosmider, M.12
Kosmider, Mae11
Kosmider, Mae11
Kosmider, Mae16
Kosmider, Mae16
Kosmider, Mae and Adam25
La_______, C.E.5
Landowski, J21
Leinaar, Roy and Ruby9
Leinaar, Roy and Ruby9
Little, Samuel and Ida10
Little, Samuel and Ida10
Malnor, Joe5
Markle, E. L.2
Markle, T. K.3
Markli, C.21
Marx, Mrs. Valeria10
Mazey, S.4
McFarlan, Robert B. and wife Linden23
McIntosh, W. D.15
Muzey, S.3
Nagey, J. and Lydia6
Naglarski, J.18
Nickles, Wm.22
Nietslauf, P.24
Nimeth, Joe9
Oliver, Mrs. Bertha8
Oliver, Mrs. Bertha8
Olman, J.17
Pakos, J.9
Pakosz, John13
Pataky, John, Mary, Louis1
Pavelka, John1
Pavelka, John1
Peak, Clautt26
Pennock, Arza13
Pennock, C. B.2
Pierce, C, S.2
Pierce, C. S.2
Pierce, C. S.2
Polos, James11
Pragert, Wm.7
Pylinski, P.4
Radich, 'Sam8
Redmond, K.14
Redmond, K.14
Reinhart, J. W,19
Richter, A.20
Romany, Toney3
Rust Brothers1
Rust Land Company2
Sabo, M.7
Sakaly, Adam and Ester16
Sakely, Adam and Ester16
Seder, Dave5
Seder, Dave5
Seder, Edith5
Seder, Edith and Pete5
Selka, J.7
Shubel, K. P.18
Shubel, K.P.18
Singer, Henry17
Slunsavich, Mrs. A.2
Smith, F.L.2
Smith, F.L.2
Smith, F.L.2
Sokaly, Joe6
Sokaly, Joe and Ester16
Soklay, J.7
Soklay, J.7
Staller, Cora15
Startwick, J.11
Startwick, J.11
Startwick, J.11
State of Michigan1
State of Michigan2
State of Michigan2
State of Michigan8
State of Michigan8
State of Michigan9
State of Michigan9
State of Michigan18
State of Michigan18
State of Michigan18
State of Michigan19
State of Michigan19
State of Michigan19
State of Michigan19
State of Michigan20
State of Michigan20
State of Michigan20
State of Michigan20
State of Michigan21
State of Michigan21
State of Michigan21
State of Michigan21
State of Michigan21
State of Michigan21
State of Michigan21
State of Michigan22
State of Michigan22
State of Michigan22
State of Michigan22
State of Michigan22
State of Michigan22
State of Michigan22
State of Michigan22
State of Michigan22
State of Michigan22
State of Michigan22
State of Michigan23
State of Michigan23
State of Michigan23
State of Michigan23
State of Michigan23
State of Michigan23
State of Michigan23
State of Michigan23
State of Michigan24
State of Michigan24
State of Michigan24
Stizer, Julius3
Stoyiak, Mrs. V.10
Stoyiak, Mrs. V.10
Strohauer, T.8
Strohauer, T.8
Strohauer, T.25
Strohauer, T.25
Strohauer, T.25
Subyak, Joe16
Subyak, Joe17
Such, Elizabeth6
Surman, H.21
Surman, S.J.20
Swin__ski, Julius21
Szafram, H. M.22
Szafram, H. M.22
Szafram, H.M.22
Templin, Geo. and Olive25
Templin, W. C.15
Templin, W. C.16
Templin, W. C.16
Thorton, A.25
Tomplin, Wm. C.10
Tompson, J.21
Toth, Efm,2
Toth, Rosa and Mary3
Toth, Steve9
Toth, Steve Jr.10
Toth, Wm.8
Trenka, Mrs. T.1
Trenka, Mrs. T.6
Trenka, Mrs. T.6
U. S. Government21
U. S. Government21
U.S. Government21
Unak, P6
Unak, P.6
Unak, P.7
Unak, P.7
Utyck, A. SF.2
Vargo, T.21
Verb, John6
Verb, John8
Vowels, C. A.25
Vowels, C. A.25
Yarish, J.9
Yarish, J.9
Yarish, J.18