INDEX TO [WWII/DMRR/Misc] SCRAPBOOKS VOL 13-15 [1940s-50s]

In Arenac County Historical Society Miscellaneous Records

Copyright 2004 – ACHS | Indexed August 21, 2004

 This index covers three scrapbooks as described below. 

  • Vol 12: 14941-45 B79.43 – WWII Newspaper Clippings
  • Vol 14: 1940s-50s B79.44 – Miscellaneous Newspaper Clippings, including Detroit &Mackinac Railroad History 
  • Vol 15: 1950s B79.55 – Miscellaneous Newspaper Clippings


Arenac Co WWII DMRR Misc News Clippings 1940s-50s V 13-15 Scrapbook
Abel, Carol513
Adams, Patricia1513
Airoldi, Laura1413
Allen, Dan7914
Allen, Donald7014
Allen, Fred1413
Allen, Richard7014
Allen, Vaughn Mrs7914
Anderson (Mary) Joan3614
Anderson, Albin Mrs.2813
Anderson, Mary (Obit)1414
Ardis, Peggy2013
Arenac County Bank Robberies3413
Arenac County Independent1113
Arenac County Normal Class 19535514
Arenac County Pine River 19473313
Arenac County Rebakah's7314
Arenac County VFW Post 37246614
Arenac County War Dead2814
Arenac Eastern School Seniors 19535414
Arenac Eastern School Seniors 19543114
Armstrong, Norma3213
Armstrong, Thomas713
Armstrong, Virginia7314
Arnold, Russell3213
AuGres Boy Scouts7014
AuGres Fire (1948 ?)2713
AuGres Flower Show7914
AuGres Garden Club4514
AuGres Garden Club7914
AuGres Girl Scouts7014
AuGres Gould Drug Store Fire2213
AuGres High School Senior Trip 19535614
AuGres High School Seniors 19535514
AuGres High School Seniors 19543014
AuGres Hospital114
AuGres Lions Club3414
AuGres Mackinac Bar2513
AuGres Meeks Cabins6514
AuGres Methodist Church714
AuGres Onions113
AuGres Point AuGres Hotel fire2613
AuGres Pointe Flying Service2513
AuGres River Flood 19526514
AuGres School 18981314
AuGres School Accordion Band7614
AuGres School Accordion Band7714
AuGres School Accordion Band7814
AuGres School Band 19524614
AuGres School Band 19524714
AuGres School Donkey Basketball6914
AuGres School first Football Squad 19527014
AuGres School Seniors 19501413
AuGres School visits Circus2714
AuGres St Marks Catholic Church2314
AuGres St. Marks Catholic Church2214
AuGres State Bank714
AuGres Sugar Beet Harvest2814
AuGres VFW4514
AuGres VFW Post 82741-A13
Babcock, Mary Mrs7914
Badlwin, Judy813
Badour Dorothea2013
Badour, Albert Mr. & Mrs.2513
Badour, Carol513
Badour, Cecilia213
Badour, Dorothea2114
Badour, Family3413
Badour, Jude!!513
Badour, Ma13ine [Maxine?]213
Badour, Willard713
Baikie, Beverly313
Bain, Dick1314
Baldwin, Lois813
Bannick, Maynard2514
Baum, Ernest8214
Baum, Ernie3414
Baum, Ernie5614
Beardsley, Randolph2413
Beaton, Sylvester3513
Beauch, Merle513
Beauch, Rudolph2813
Bershaw, Marilyn513
Bessinger, Ed114
Bessinger, Ed5014
Bessinger, Ed5414
Bessinger, Francis5614
Bessinger, Francis8114
Bessinger, George (King)1614
Bessinger, Grace1714
Bessinger, Henry5414
Bessinger, Ladeema2114
Bessinger, Ladeema2214
Bessinger, Orion313
Bessinger, Orion7014
Bilacic, John Mr. & Mrs. (home)813
Bilacic, Rudolph513
Bill, Kenneth Rev.7014
Bissett, Maud1314
Black, Elizabeth2413
Black, Phyllis213
Blakely, J.L.8214
Bolen, Clara2113
Bolyard, Pat413
Bonito, Tony1614
Booth, Margaret313
Bordeau, Lawrence3513
Bratfish, Jack6614
Brazanou, Joseph2413
Brinkman, Barbara214
Brooks, C.D.713
Brooks, Glenda813
Brooks, John813
Brooks, Josephine (Duby)813
Brooks, Opal (Obit)2414
Brooks, Opal (Obit)3314
Brown, C. A. Home7614
Brown, Ernest J.1513
Brown, Norman2614
Brown, Pat213
Brown, Patricia1413
Brown, Wesley2113
Brownell, Pat513
Burr, Frank (Marvin)5314
Burrows, Helen613
Buttler, Freeman1513
Cameron, Charlotte2413
Cameron, Jess2413
Cameron, John2413
Cardinal, Mrs. Gene813
Carruthers, Bog3414
Carruthers, Jess6214
Carruthers, Jesse6614
Carruthers, Jesse6614
Carruthers, Robert2114
Castle, Myrna513
Castle, Sally513
Castle, Shirley513
Castoline, Angelo5414
Castoline, Angelo5614
Celustka, Robert J.1413
Chaffee, Bill214
Chaltraw, Louie6614
Chaltraw, Richard (Obit)4515
Chartier, Charles1814
Chartier, Frank214
Chartier, Frank & Mrs.114
Cholger Hedy513
Christie, Carlene1614
Christie, Florence914
Churilo, Arthur8114
Clairmont, Lorraine2013
Class, Albert713
Cliff, Charles713
Cole, H. A. Rev. and Mrs.113
Conley, Burley Mr. & Mrs. (home)813
Conley, Marie7014
Converse, Viola513
Cooper, Charles6614
Corey, Ted3914
Cousins, Howard1413
Crandall, Lulu2413
Craner, Luera213
D & M Railroad1-A13
Davis, Ida1314
Decker, Ida Mrs7914
Deering, Donald1413
Deleveau13, Mary Ann [Deleveaux?]213
Denise Ann, Fill3914
Denno, Betty Lou3213
DeVault, Jim Mrs7914
Dewald, Farol1614
Dewald, Gail1814
Dewald, Lila1413
Dickhausen, Elaine813
Dickhausen, Mary813
Dickhausen, Robert813
Dietzel, Donna3513
Dietzel, Donna3513
Dingeldein, Joyce214
Dittenber, Alice1214
Dittenber, Don1614
Dittenber, Kathy1614
Dittenber, LaVerne2214
Donnelly, John414
Dow, Barbara513
Downing, Parmer313
Doyle, Mary Adams3514
Draper, Inez1714
Dreyer, Charles1314
Dreyer, Charles6614
Dreyer, Robert1214
Drinkwine, Mary2013
Duby, Bill3914
Duby, Bill Sr,3914
Duby, Billy Jr3914
Duby, Harold514
Duby, Henry3914
Duby, Jim613
Duby, June1513
Duby, Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. (Home)513
Duby, Louis2514
Duby, Phyllis8114
Duby, Ruth313
Duby, Thelma1814
Eaton, Douglas313
Eaton, Douglas B.1413
Edgerton, Andrew. Dr.1013
Eichsteadt, Rudy3714
Eichsteadt, Ruth1614
Eichsteadt, William6614
Eickholt, Henry Father2214
Eisen, Margaret1314
Eisen, Peter1314
Ellis, George1114
Elwell, Arthur3814
Elwood, Meredith1814
Engelman, Conrad4214
Engleman, Conrad7414
Ennes, Annabell313
Ennes, Lincoln7414
Erickson, Pat5614
Esordi, Frank5614
Eymer, Grace3313
Fales, Erma2413
Farver, ??313
Farver, William1714
Felsing, Ervin Mr. & Mrs. (home)813
Felsing, Erwin Mrs.914
Felsing, Ricky914
Fields, Mr.713
Fill, Pat3914
Firth, Leona613
Fisher, Barbara8514
Fisher, Corrine8514
Fisher, Iva Mrs7914
Fisher, Mrs8514
Flori, George (Obit)1514
Flowers, Chester213
Fo13 [Fox?], Barbara8514
Frank, Dan1314
Frank, Don1714
Frank, Dorothy3213
Frank, Eva1314
Frank, Harry Mrs3614
Frank, Jack1314
Frank, Lawrence C.1714
Frank, Mrs. Harry213
Frank, Mrs. Harry213
Freehling, Fritz3414
Freehling, Harold214
Freehling, Margaret513
Freehling, Robert214
Freehling, Roger8114
Gager, Robert H.2114
Gamble, Pat1314
Gamble, Ruby1314
Gamble, Wilbert1314
Gannon, Duke Mr. & Mrs.2613
Gehman, Richard (Obit)1414
George, Mike (Obit)1-A13
Gettel, Marilyn1614
Gingerich, Erma313
Gingerich, Katie114
Glasure, James414
Godfrey, Wright2413
Good, Ben6614
Goodrich, Harold3313
Gordon, Ira3914
Gordon, Jim1314
Gordon, John3914
Gordon, Will1314
Gottschalk, Bette Ann513
Graver, Warren Mr. & Mrs.1113
Graves, Warren Mr. & Mrs.1913
Gravlin, Gail3914
Greanya, Irene2413
Greanya, Orville2413
Greenhoe, Pete713
Gregg, Elaine7914
Gregg, Robert7914
Gregory, W. A. Pastor714
Hagen, Wally2413
Hahn, Larry Mr. & Mrs. (home)813
Hahn, Nancy Lee814
Harding, Margaret2413
Hardy, Floyd1614
Hardy, Howard1614
Hardy, Jimmy1614
Hardy, Vernon1614
Harper, W. W. Dr.214
Harris, Clara2714
Hartney, Fred2413
Hartney, Nelson2413
Hasselbring, B. G. (Obit)1514
Hasty, Edgar514
Hasty, W. H.414
Hatcher, Audrey1814
Hatcher, Audrey1814
Hatcher, Jim8214
Hatcher, Leona1413
Head, Mabel1314
Head, Margaret1314
Head, Rebey1314
Head, Tom1314
Heinrich, Alvin2113
Heinrich, Arnold2013
Heinrich, Cindy214
Heinrich, Connie214
Heinrich, Grace213
Heinrich, Philip Jr. Mrs4514
Heinrich, Phillip Mrs.814
Heinrich, Roddy214
Heinrich, Ross214
Hemenway, Bessie513
Hemenway, Jake2013
Hemenway, Julia (Obit1414
Hendershot, Harry1513
Henderson, James3213
Hendren, Nancy813
Henry, H. G. Dr.214
Herman, Mr.713
Herman, Tena1314
Herstein, Jacob (Obit)1514
Hester, Earl1613
Hill, Glenn1814
Hoffman, Albert214
Hoffman, Mrs.214
Hoppe, Henry Mr. & Mrs.1614
Hoppe, Henry Mr. & Mrs.2614
Hoppe, Merle6614
Huber, Della2114
Huber, Della3614
Huber, Margaret313
Hughes, Carroll & Hilda6114
Hughs, Carroll Mr. & Mrs.2613
Hughs, Hilda413
Hull, Emma2413
Hull, Floyd3513
Hull, Norton2113
Ingles, Lottie1314
Ireland, Ida Mae513
Ireland, Nelson2413
Irgang, Frank7414
Jacobs, Walter6614
Jantzi, Helen3714
Jarsey, Captola1814
Jennings, Charles814
Jennings, Fred8214
Jennings, Harry Mrs.914
Jennings, Harry Mrs.4514
Jennings, Harry Mrs.8214
Jennings, Helen914
Jennings, Wallace8214
Jennings, William3614
Johannes, John414
Johnston, Bryon713
Johnston, Mary814
Jones, Donald7014
Jordan, Mutt5614
Jurek, Stan6614
Kallos, George2713
Kateta, Leona Mrs7914
Kelly, Marilyn2013
Keltner, Rena May3313
Kennedy, Keith713
Kent, Arthur713
Keppan, Louise6314
Kerr, Clark2713
Ketchner, Dorothy513
Kijewski, Edward1214
Kijewski, Joe1214
Kijewski, Joseph1214
Kijewski, Joseph, Mrs.1214
Kiley, Dennis2413
King, Donald213
Kinney, George Family8114
Knight, Ellen5214
Knoll, Guy1614
Knoll, Vivian2114
Koelsch, Jerry2013
Kopaczewski, Tommy6614
Kraatz, Adam6614
Kraus Charles3513
Krause, Donald1814
Kubovich, Mrs. Stephen2813
Kubovich, Stephen Mrs8314
Kucinski, John Father8314
Kucinski, John Rev. Father2813
Kus, Frank5414
Kutz, Joseph6614
Labory, Father Golden Jubilee3214
LaClair, Julius514
LaCroi13, Hank [LaCroix?]1214
LaLonde, Ruth2413
Lammy, Sam6614
Lee, Anita3313
Lee, Kenneth3213
Lemmer, Joan513
Lenehan, Mildred2413
Lentz, Bill713
Lentz, Bill3914
Lentz, Frances2113
Leonard, George A.513
Lieber, Doris3614
Lince, Bessie513
Lincoln, Dessie114
Lincoln, John3714
Lincoln, Martin1714
Lincoln, Rosella1513
Livingston, John L.,3314
Lockwood, Harold313
Lohr, Juanita513
Lohr, Marshall313
Luecke, Bob713
Lumsden, Wildred6614
Luplow, Bill1614
Machulis, Stanley313
Mackey, Angeline (Obit)5314
Maden, Charles2413
Mahoney, Jim713
Manee, Dean214
Manee, Paul214
Manor Cletus8214
March, Anna4914
Marsh, Harry Mrs.4514
Maser, Clinton1014
Maser, Corrine1714
Maser, John1014
Maser, John Henry (Obit)1514
Maser, Martha914
Maser, Pete8214
Maser, Peter5614
Maser, Peter Mrs.4514
Maser, Phil8214
Matuzak, Harry Mrs7914
Matzas, James2214
Mc Dougall, Mrs. (AuGres)1213
McAllister, Carol1814
McCeckeroa, Mark2413
McClain, Virgil513
McCord, Edna513
McCorrey, Frank2413
McCourt, Ale13 [Alex?]814
McCourt, Arthur1314
McCready Archie7414
McCready, Archie2813
McCready, Bob713
McCready, Ralph (home)6814
McDougold, Ale13 [Alex?]1314
McDougold, Flora1314
McDougold, John1314
McGuire, Neil3714
McKinder, Rose114
McLavy, Merrit Mr. & Mrs.2514
McLean, Henry L. (Obit)1614
Meeks Cabins6514
Metiva, Daniel5414
Metiva, Shirley6414
Michigan Central Rail Road2413
Michigan, Alpena bus crash4114
Michigan, Alpena bus crash8014
Michigan, Governor Williams4014
Miller, Patricia1814
Milne, Mary1413
Moat, Beldora4614
Monroe, Bay7914
Moore, Audrey1214
Moore, Lillian513
Morgan, Helen2614
Mudge, Gloria813
Mudge, Roger813
Myal, Clara3313
Nelson, Emma1214
Newvine, AI5414
Newvine, Al5614
Newvine, Sandra213
Ni13on [Nixon?], Carol513
Nigl, Betty813
Nigl, Carol813
Nigl, Oscar (Obit)5815
Nigl, Ruth813
Nigl, Tommy813
Noggle, Floyd213
Noggle, Floyd1413
Norris, Judy513
Norton, Frank613
Norton, Frank3414
Norton, Frank5614
Norton, Lloyd3714
Nowak, John1114
Nowak, John Mrs1114
Nowak, Julian3414
Nowak, Julian5614
Nowak, Walter2013
Nuttall, Howard6614
Nuttall, Howard6614
O' Neil, Roy Mr. & Mrs.2713
Ole13 [Olex?], Elizabeth Joan213
Oliver, Muriel913
Omer Rebekah Lodge3614
Omer Rebekah Lodge4514
Omer Rifle River Dam and Bridge6914
O'Neil, Roy2513
Orland, Donald E.3513
Osborne, Morley7314
Osier, Robert Mrs3914
Ostrander, Dorothy1814
Ostrander, Mabel (Obit)2414
Ostrander, Merl5614
Ostrander, Robert4914
Owens, Shirley (Queen)1614
Packard, Ruth7314
Papp, Edward Dr Family6914
Paradise, Bert713
Paradise, Millie1214
Partlo, Burton3614
Patterson, Lois2013
Patterson, Naomi613
Pawlaczyk, Helen2614
Payea, Rebecca2113
Payne, Carl3914
Peigles, Donald1814
Pendred, Beverly1814
Pendred, Charles Mr & Mrs7014
Pendred, Pauline1814
Pendred, Phyllis3714
Pendred, Ted3414
Penings, William2813
Perlberg, Edward J.1613
Perlberg, Floyd6614
Perrin, John713
Perrin, Ross514
Peters, Doris2013
Peterson, LeRoy213
Petri, Bernard (Obit)1713
Petty, Hannah5614
Petty, Violet114
Pfeiffer, Charles R. Jr.513
Philip, Kelly7014
Piorkowski, Rose3714
Poison, Harold J. Mrs.7014
Poole, Everett, Mrs.7414
Poole, Naomi2013
Porter, Oliver713
Pratt, W. Sr.713
Pratt, William Jr713
Prell, Geraldine2013
Proul13 [Proulx?], Arlene1513
Proul13 [Proulx?], Ennis513
Proul13 [Proulx?], Eva113
Proul13 [Proulx?], Eva Mrs.4514
Proul13 [Proulx?], Family3413
Proul13 [Proulx?], Frederick5614
Proul13 [Proulx?], Gilbert2514
Proul13 [Proulx?], H. A.2013
Proul13 [Proulx?], Harry3614
Proul13 [Proulx?], Helen213
Proul13 [Proulx?], Helen914
Proul13 [Proulx?], Helen7014
Proul13 [Proulx?], Irene1214
Proul13 [Proulx?], James313
Proul13 [Proulx?], Louie214
Proul13 [Proulx?], Richard2013
Proul13 [Proulx?], Shirley5614
Raidson, Neta7914
Rainsberger, Helen2114
Rainsberger, Marjorie213
Rakestraw, Donald W.3513
Ramirez, Delphine (Obit)1414
Raymond, Florence2913
Raymond, Lawrence J.51-B15
Redmond, Edward Mrs.2614
Reed, Fred713
Reichle, Carl7014
Reichle, Don7014
Reichle, Lillian313
Reichle, Lillian K.1413
Reichlie, Margie7014
Reid, Alice1813
Reid, Owen413
Reid, Owen1613
Reid, Robert Sr.1214
Reinger, Alta2413
Reno, Carol Ann814
Reynolds, Betty213
Reynolds, Ethel1314
Rigg, Gene813
Ripenbark, Ted A.3513
Rittenberg, Gerald2113
Ritzenheim, Joseph6614
Ritzenhein, Joe6614
Rogers, Charles1814
Rogers, Charles1814
Rohn, Barbara813
Rohn, Marilyn813
Rohn, Theodore Mrs.813
Rohosz, Andrew J.3513
Rose, Richard913
Roth, Charles Mrs7914
Sadlik, Robert3614
Saginaw Bay Storm5114
Saginaw Bay Storm 19516214
Sample, Lester (Obit)1414
Sanders, Nancy813
Sanford, Family7814
Sanford, Seymour6614
Sauve, Douglas613
Savage, Carol6814
Schell, Lewella513
Scheule, James M. Dr.1013
Schmitz, Evelyn2414
Schneider, Richard1513
Schneirla, Edwin1814
Schonmier, Vilotet3714
Schrader, Elton5614
Schrader, Henry, Mr, & Mrs.2513
Schrader, Lottie1-A13
Schrader, Naomi (Paradise)4914
Schuele, James Dr.114
Schultz, William Mrs7914
Schutte, Joyce1814
Schutte, Mable3614
Schutte, Mable3714
Scott, Helen3213
Secord, Erwin (obit)3113
Seder, Inez313
Seder, Lester2113
Selle Family 67th Anniversary1314
Selle, Henry Mr. & Mrs.1613
Selle, Les3414
Selle, Lester613
Selle, Lester5414
Selle, Otto1314
Selle, Rudolph1314
Shaffer, Edgar414
Shaffer, Edgar8214
Sharol, George114
Sharp, lone613
Shaw, Joseph, Rev.1013
Shearer, Charles113
Sheff, Shari Lee513
Sherman, Donna214
Sherwood, Bob613
Siegrest, Adolph3213
Silas, John Rev.7014
Sims, Frank (Obit)1514
Size, W. A. Dr.214
Smith, Clinton5014
Smith, Connor D. Dr.2913
Smith, Ilene3614
Smith, Ray J.3313
Snyder, Pete713
Southward, Carl8214
Sprague, Roy Mr. & Mrs.1714
Sproule, Quintin Mrs.914
St. John, Ledger2413
Staebler, Marion313
Staebler, Naomi913
Staley, Hugh Dr Home Christmas Season2814
Stamm, Lloyd2114
Standish Episcopal Church6314
Standish Michigan Central Rail Road2413
Standish Rebekah's2714
Standish Rebekah's1-A13
Standish School Chemestry Class2013
Standish Theta Tho Club513
Standish Trading Post Restaurant8314
Steihl, Bob613
Sterling High School Seniors 19543114
Stevenson, John713
Stiehl, Bob3414
Strauss, Janet1513
Sullivan, Blanche3213
Suminski, Walter2114
Swartz, Ann313
Swartz, Ann2114
Swartz, Gladys1613
Swartz, Mary1613
Sweeney, James2413
Sweeter, Charles2114
Sweeter, Charles3614
Tarnosky, Ed5414
Tarnosky, John5414
Tatro, John214
Tatro, Marylee214
Tekson William3614
Terry, W.713
Thaut, Rose Mae513
Thurston, Addie7314
Timerick, William713
Topp, Bill4614
Torode, John6614
Trombley, Allene (Obit)1514
Trombley, Elmer2114
Trudeau, Bernard513
Tucholski, Ed6614
Tucholski, Eddie6614
U. S. Army Amphibian Ducks614
U.S. Coast Guard Mackinaw23 & 2515
Uhlman, Harry214
Ullman, Mamie1314
Unger, Dan7014
Urbanski, Bernice1614
Vallad, Harold2913
Van Driessche, George1613
Van Driessche, Harold1613
Vander Weyden, Richard3213
Varadi, Boldie913
Varty, Betty2013
Viola, Elaine3714
Vollmer, Maribelle3614
Wade, Nancy513
Wagner. Warren1813
Wahr, Pearl1214
Waidelich, Carl813
Waidelich, Marena813
Waidelich, Susan813
Walker, Emma613
Walker, William3714
Warren Roscoe Mrs7914
Warren, Richard913
Warren, Richard3513
Webber, William3614
Weed, Irvin3313
Weishuhn, Bruce1814
Weishuhn, Darl713
Weishuhn, Richard213
Weitfle, Jack313
Welch, Robert1513
Wheeler, Si2413
Wheeler, Walter2413
Whipple, Esther813
Whipple, L. Esther3614
White, Kathryn2413
White, Lloyd6614
Whitehouse, Fred613
Whitehouse, Walter613
Whitehouse, Walter6214
Whiting, Jean Mary1613
Whittemore High School Seniors 19533014
Widmayer, Gottlieb K. Rev.(Obit)1414
Willet, Ernest1813
Willett, Ale13 [Alex?] Mr. & Mrs.2513
Willett, Marlene513
Willette, Ale13 [Alex?] Mr. & Mrs.1813
Williams, Frank1814
Williams, Howard2714
Willis, Lloyd213
Willis, Roy (Obit)1813
Wilson, Joy913
Wilson, Joy913
Wilson, Lois1513
Wolf, Carl1314
Wolf, Frank1314
Wolf, Henry1314
Wood, Leonard1613
Woods, Larry1814
Woolover, Betty3914
Woolover, Bob3914
Wright, Dorothy1814
WWII Bay County men16-1915
WWII Clippings, news and pictures of war1-1315
WWII DeFoe Shipbuilders Bay City20-2215
WWII Michigan USCG & Bay County men1415
WWII news and Bay County men1515
WWII news clippings & Bay County men24-5915
WWII training in Saginaw Bay2315
Yenior, Dora2413
Young, Perry1214
Zanell, Al3313
Zapytowski, Joseph Superintendent914
Zier, David6214