Index to Scrapbook of Arenac County News Articles Vol 22 [1965-71]

In Arenac County Historical Society Scrapbooks

 Copyright 2006 – ACHS | Indexed September 5, 2006


Arenac County Local News Articles 1965-71 V 22 Scrapbook
Name / ArticlePage
A and B Custom Tube Company40
Abbott, Dr. Frank E.40
Adams, John43
Aldrich, H. J.8
Alger Depot57
Alger Development5
Alger Hardware5
Alger Passenger House5
Alger Passenger House57
Alger United Methodist Church4
Alger, Russell A.57
Allen, Clyde4
Allen, Clyde5
Allen, Mae41
American Central Development Company5
Anderson, Joseph22
Anderson, Mrs. Howard'56
Anderson, Selena22
Andwignavy, Frank20
Angus, Peter M.24
Area Indian History2
Arenac County Historical Society1
Arenac County Historical Society58
Arenac Farm Land52
Armstrong and Funk Shingle Mill47
Ashley, Mrs. Merle14
Asman, Mrs. Harriet Freeland17
AuGres Centennial26
AuGres Centennial News24
AuGres Centennial Plans55
AuGres Electric23
AuGres Fire 194823
AuGres First Radio Band25
AuGres Garden Club56
AuGres Muck Land8
AuGres Onion Festival8
AuGres Post Office Centennial54
AuGres Post Office Dedication25
AuGres River, East Branch11
AuGres St.John's Congregational Church33
AuGres State Bank16
AuGres Tip-Up Bridge36
AuGres Vacationland9
AuGres Veterans of Foreign Wars Hall53
AuGres-Sims Consolidated Schools55
Badour, "Grandma"20
Badour, Gus36
Badour, Mrs. Wesley17
Badour, Paul33
Baikie, Myrtle Wubbena22
Bailkie, Mrs. James (Etta)37
Baker and Sherman Stave and Hoop Mill47
Barrett, William36
Barry Building23
Barshaw, Mrs. George (Emily)58
Beauch, Harvey53
Beauch, Hildred1
Beauch, Hildred1
Beauch, Mrs. Harvey17
Beauch, Mrs. Hildred1
Beauch, Norman17
Beier, William53
Beil, Kenneth33
Bender, Conrad Obit17
Bender, Conrad obit41
Bender, Irene41
Bender, Lloyd41
Bennett, Ira52
Big Fire of 191437
Bilacic Harry obit41
Bilacic, Catherine41
Bilacic, Edward41
Bilacic, John41
Bilacic, Michael41
Billings. Albana G.36
Black, Clara Elizabeth Oliver41
Black, Francis41
Black, Rowland41
Black, Sutherland41
Black, William'41
Block, Lorna Stone22
Bradley, Edward54
Briggs, Mrs. Elizabeth41
Britt, Luella37
Broadworth, Dell50
Broadworth, Ed19
Broadworth, Mr. and Mrs.42
Brooks. Louis36
Brooks. Owen36
Brown, Ernest23
Buczek, Joe55
Buehl, Lilla37
Bum Drain36
Buttrick, Austin51
Buttrick, Ben51
Cameron, Larry42
Cameron, Larry42
Camp Al-Gon-Quian, Burt Lake13
Carruthers, Robert51
Carruthers, Wayne42
Carscallen, Mrs. George37
Caverly, Alex22
Chick Museum36
Chippewa Indians52
Christie, Florence23
Clayton, Alta Staebler22
Clukey, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph47
Cole and Grimore16
Cole, Blanche16
Cole, E. G.16
Collins, Becky57
Collins, John5
Collins, Mr. and Mrs. John57
Conroy, Mrs. Anna Sweetman17
Coon, Jim20
Cornell, Robert D.53
County Normal School Building14
Crawford, Alta22
Crawford, Edward24
Cross, Nettie36
Cuddahee, Susan18
DaFoe, Mrs. W.6
DaFoe, Rev. Wesley6
Dalmer, Amelia33
Daniels, Mr. and Mrs. Michael E.14
Daugherty, Charles13
Davis, Harold53
Dean "Curley"40
Delano Community Church6
Delano Methodist Church6
Delano School1
DeReamer, Charles47
Dikos, Mrs. Eleanor41
Dingman, Mrs. Gertrude36
Dittenber, Elizabeth33
Dittenber, George33
Dittenber, LaVerne31
Dittenber, Mr. and Mrs. Charles51
Dittenber, Olinda33
Dittenber, Peter Jr.33
Dittenber. Philip33
Divine, Andy27
Doan, John G. Obit18
Dodge, Roy L.5
Dodge, Roy L.39
Dodge, Roy L.40
Dodge, Roy L.46
Dodge, Roy L.47
Donnelly, William28
Doran, Mr. and Mrs. George14
Dragomer, Anna25
Dravey, Bonnie55
Dryer, Hilda37
Drzewiecki, Mrs. Adeline41
Duby, Ernest L.17
Duby, Myrtle Obit17
Dugart, "Boney"32
Durbin, Mrs. Margaret48
Early Sims Pioneers33
East Twining School38
Elliott, Mrs. Esther17
Ellison, Hattie McDonell18
Ennes, Alice25
Ennes, Cal3
Ennes, Cal8
Ennes, Cal10
Ennes, Cal12
Ennes, Cal18
Ennes, Cal20
Ennes, Cal24
Ennes, Cal32
Ennes, Cal33
Ennes, Cal58
Ennes, Calvin1
Ennes, Calvin10
Ennes, Calvin11
Ennes, Calvin49
Ennes, Calvin54
Ennes, Calvin55
Ennes, Charles12
Ennes, Lincoln53
Ennes, Lucy25
Ennes, Mark25
Ennes, Mrs. Elsie41
Ennes, S. B.36
Ennis, Vera Harris36
Erwin, Mrs. Robert29
Erwin, Rhea23
Eureka Coal Company52
Eymer, Myron47
Farm Bureau 30th Anniversary42
Farver, Bill21
Fashion Show Winners23
Felsing, John Sr.33
Fillmore, Charles L.6
Fillmore, Mrs. Elizabeth6
Folcik, Mrs. Virginia41
Forest Lake5
Forest Lake Real Estate Office5
Forest Lakes Development5
Founel, Rev. Fr.52
Fox and Son Notion Store23
Francis Hahn47
Frank, Dan Sr.13
Frank, Ida Stone37
Frank, Leonard53
Franks, Howard25
Franks, Ida22
Freehling, Katherine33
Freeland, Henry20
Freeland, Lon17
Fuehr, August32
Garry, Earl2
Garvey, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis17
Gawne, Gordon37
Gess, Daisy53
Giffith, Mrs. Claude56
Gleason, Ida37
Golden's Cafe47
Grace Chapter No. 41, Order of The Eastern Star22
Grace Chapter of the Eastern Star No. 4137
Graham, Mrs. Mae17
Green, Governor Fred50
Greenbird, Amos20
Gregg Steven Trio53
Gregory, Mrs. W.A.56
Griffieth, Mrs. Zella6
Griffith, Ralph32
Guerincy, James31
Gugin, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest47
Gulvas, Angela26
H. W. Rickel Company44
H. W. Rickel Company45
Hahn, Fire Chief Charles47
Hahn, Harold and Herman47
Hahn, Larry25
Hahn, Lawrence54
Hahn, Mathias47
Hahn's Equipment Company47
Hall, Mr. and Mrs. John17
Hamlin, Jess40
Hardy, Diane42
Haslip, Mrs. Minnie41
Hatcher, Myrtle Warren22
Hauser, Gene42
Heinrich, Dave42
Heinrich, Donna23
Heinrich, Eileen23
Heinrich, Linda23
Heinrich, Mrs. Phillip56
Hemmenway, Lillian25
Henry, Donald and Betty37
Henry, Jennie MacKenzie37
Herholz, R.E.33
Herman, Anna23
Hertzler, Helen22
Hild, Albert33
Hill, William A.36
Hoag, Bill13
Hoag, Mr. and Mrs. Hoag13
Hollister, Charles46
Hollister, George46
Hoyt, Glen37
Hribek, Mrs. Mary41
Hunt, Florence17
Independent Telephone Company54
Indian History of AuGres20
Irelan, Evelyn23
Irwin, Mrs. Rachel41
Iva's Chicken Dinners36
Iva's Chicken Dinners40
Jendzeski, Joseph S. obit41
Jenning's Mart8
Jennings, Charley43
Jennings, Harry25
Jennings, Mrs. Harry56
Jennings, William20
Jewett Motor Car Company32
Jobin, Paul39
Johnson, Leland14
Johnson, Leland38
Johnson, Leland'39
Johnson's Bar and Restaurant23
Johnston, Grace Jose37
Jose, Mr. and Mrs. John37
Jozwiak, Ponnee8
Kaitschuk, Emil33
Kammerzell, Betty26
Kelly and Whitehouse Store47
Kelly, Phil47
Kish, Louis47
Kline, Earl22
Knerr, Richard33
Knight, Ethel Gallagher44
Knight, John44
Knight, Keith44
Knight, Nathan and Ella44
Knight, Percy H.44
Knight's Mill44
Knight's Mill45
Knight's Pallet Mill40
Knowles, Dave36
Knowles, David Obit13
Knowles, George21
Kochan, Kathleen53
Kopacsewski, Tom42
Kopacz, Frank38
Koster, W.33
Kraushaar, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis and Irene49
Kraushaar, Mrs. Lela Whipple49
Kus, Frank8
Lamont, Mrs. Bernice48
Lappe,Mrs. Anna41
Larry, Mrs. William17
Laundrie Settlement1
Laundrie, Clara1
Laundrie, Matilda1
Laundriie, Jim1
Lavigne, Mrs. Addie36
Lawrence, Golden47
Lentz, John52
Lincoln, Dessie1
Lincoln, Dessie3
Lincoln, Mrs. Dessie1
Little, Frank53
Loughlin, Mrs. Martha17
Luenberger, Harvey42
Lutz, Kenneth2
Lyons, Marjorie22
MacKenzie, Elizabeth22
MacKenzie, Elizabeth37
MacKenzie, Lilliam37
MacKenzie, Lillian22
MacKenzie, Vera37
MacLean, Harriet25
Maddy, Dr. Joseph25
Mann, Veri40
Manor, Judy23
Manor, Linda23
Manor, Terry23
Marsh, Harry36
Marsh, Mrs. Harry56
Maser, Barbara33
Maser, Elsie23
Maser, Helen1
Maser, Mrs. P.A.56
Maser, Thelma1
Massey, Cliff22
Mayer, Mrs. Charles14
McCourt, Nina22
McCready, Anna46
McCready, Archie19
McCready, Archie53
McCready, James19
McCready, Mrs. Alma41
McCready, Mrs. Anna47
McCready, William19
McDougal, John18
McEwan, Mrs.36
McGregor, Joe13
McLean, Kenneth53
McLean, Pat18
McLean, Patrick18
Mclntrye, Hugh46
Mclntrye, Hugh A.49
Mclntrye, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh and Family1
Mclntrye, Mrs. H.A.17
McNair, Frank50
Mertins, C.A.33
Michigan Avenue Bridge31
Michigan Cooperage Company47
Michigan Onion King8
Miller, Chris23
Miller, Chris31
Miller, Frances23
Milne, Mrs. Burdette42
Miscisin, Joe51
Miscisin, Mike51
Miscisin, Sam51
Moat, Beldora22
Moffet, Frances1
Moffett, Frances58
Moore, Barbara23
Morehouse, E. B.40
Morgan, Harry11
Morris, Marti26
Morro Castle36
Mudge, Uri24
Muller, Herman33
Munro, Bay22
Munro, Harold C.38
Munro, Harold C.39
Musser, Helen37
Mutart, Louis24
Myal, Michael14
Myal, Mr. and Mrs. Michael C.14
Neiman, Mrs. Margaret17
Nixon, Mr. and Mrs. Harold42
Nixon, Mrs. Gladys42
Noeske, Amelia33
Noggle, Clarence22
O'Connor, James31
Ogemaw State Forest5
O'Keefe, Judge Dennis31
Old Turner"47
Oliver, Emma41
Oliver, Frank41
Oliver, Hugh41
Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. James41
Omer Spring Sucker Run54
Ousterhout, Earl36
Ousterhout, Mrs. Iva36
Owen, Ivan45
Packard, Dale25
Page Rexall Drug Store49
Parker, Mrs. James56
Pendred, Ellen1
Pendred, Judy23
Pendred, Lousia6
Pendred, Mrs. Ruth23
Pendred, Mrs. Walter56
Pendred, Mrs. Walter G.1
Pendred, Roger23
Pendred, Ted31
Pendred, Vic27
Pendred, Walter32
Pendred, Zella1
Pendred, Zella1
Pendred, Zella3
People's Hardware Company47
Perlberg, Ed48
Perrin, Gertrude48
Peters, Miss24
Pieper, Rev. Walter C.16
Pioneers of Arenac18
Plains Rural School34
Polish National Catholic Church34
Porter, Rev. Robert41
Post, Jack42
Price, Nellie Pagel22
Proulx, Mrs. Eva17
Pula, Walter22
Pumpkin Center39
Quinn, Michael36
Rainsburger, Helen6
Rainsburger, Mrs. L.14
Rainsburger, Mrs. Luther6
Ralph, Kenneth51
Rancourt, Erma37
Randall, Mr., son of Clara Laundrie1
Raymond, Dorcas and Eva10
Reichle, Alma25
Reichle, Charles33
Reichle, Irvin43
Reichle, Irvin55
Reichle, Irwin33
Reichle, Marie23
Reichle, Paulina13
Reichle, Theodore33
Reichle, Theodore43
Reinbold, Rudolph42
Rhodes, Orlie8
Richards, George3
Richards, Mildred3
Rifle Miller Mills37
Rifle River Canoe Camp40
Rifle River Mills54
Rifle River Railroad Crossing Bridge57
Rob, Dr.32
Robert, William32
Roberts, Michael Harold14
Roberts, Mrs. James T.14
Robichaud, Frank39
Robinson, Estekka22
Robinson, John T.17
Rockweiler, Marion25
Romney, George10
Roth, Charley22
Rowes, Russell42
Rudolph, John53
Ruttan, Edward40
Sagining Indian Reservation52
Sank Indians52
Schaeffer, Lowell F.38
Schlasser, S. D.52
Schrader, Mrs. Naomi28
Schrader, Naomi23
Schultz, Rev. Fr. John41
Schutte, Harold23
Schutte, Kay42
Schutte, Vivian23
Schwab, Marvin42
Schweiger, Mrs. Matthew56
Seebeck, Michael47
Seil, Rev. H.33
Selle, Edna25
Selle, Henry43
Selle, Mrs. Alvin42
Selle, Mrs. Charles17
Serens, Ida37
Seymour, Emily Mrs.13
Shanks, Mrs. Virginia27
Shay, John18
Shirkey, Dorothy25
Shotwell, George18
Shotwell, George33
Sibley, Kate1
Sibley, Kate3
Sims Ranch32
Sims Ranch50
Sims Ranch House Fire50
Sims Ranch House Fire51
Sims Township Veterans of Foreign Wars Memorial32
Sims, Betty McNair obit50
Sims, David50
Sims, Edwin Jr.50
Sims, Edwin W.32
Sims, Edwin, Sr,50
Sims, Frank50
Sims, Frank S.50
Sims, Sherry50
Singing Bridge Grocery and Dairy Bar46
Skeleton Found in AuGres2
Skrabut, Mrs. Genevieve41
Small, Gov. of Illinois'50
Smith, Frank J. Obit13
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ray, J.14
Smith, Mrs. Clifford6
Smith, Mrs. June17
Sonnevil, Mrs. Ruth17
Sovigny, Jack24
Spencer, Mary6
Sproul, Ida54
Sproule, Elizabeth23
Sproule, Ida24
Sproule, Ida36
Sproule, Mrs. Elizabeth56
Sproule, Mrs. Ida56
Sproule, Rob43
Square Timber Days18
St. Joseph's Mission (Catholic)4
St. Mark's Church18
Standish Hardware49
Standish Sewer Plant55
Standish, John24
Stange, Mrs. Lois42
Stanley, Darlene27
Stepczynski, Rev. Fr. Boleslaw34
Stepczynski, Victoya34
Sterling Centennial40
Sterling Hotel and Bar40
Sterling Nursing Home40
Sterling Poultry Farm and Chick Hatchery40
Steward, Oliver22
Stone, Mabel22
Stone, Mabel37
Stone, Mary22
Stone, Orton22
Stone, Orton37
Stountenburg, Mrs. Ella6
Stoutenburg, A.17
Strehschaim, O.33
Strohauer General Store5
Swafield, Henry40
Swafield, William H.40
Sweetman, Mr. and Mrs. Richard17
Tawas City Liars Club15
Tawas Sugar Company16
Templin, Mrs. Pearl40
Thaut, Bernard53
Thaut, Rose25
The Deep River Coal Company52
The Old Brooks Store36
The Twining Siftings39
Thiel, Augusta16
Thorntan, Candic23
Thornton, Candy26
Thornton, Neil57
Tip Up" Bridge24
Tolgo, George27
Townes, William36
Troyer, Mrs. Ammon41
Trudell, Mr. and Mrs. Peter14
Turner and Lewis Lumber Company47
Turner Bar47
Turner Elevator47
Turner Farm Area47
Turner Lumber and Manufacturing Company47
Turner Post Office46
Twining Baptist Church39
Twining Facelift54
Twining Latter Day Saints Church39
Twining Methodist Church39
Twining Progressive Village39
Twining, Fred'47
Twining, Fred L.16
Twining, Fred L.54
Twining, Herbert H. Sr. Obit13
Twining, Herbert Hill13
Twining, Mr. and Mrs. Fred L.13
Twining, Sarah16
U. S. 23 Construction58
Umphrey, Mrs. Mildred Stoutenburg17
Unger, Agnes Serens37
Urbanski, Andrew14
Utter, Mrs. Lucille40
Van Horn, C.J.6
Van Horn, Mary6
Vogal, Mathias'40
Vogal, Stanley40
Vowel's Market5
Warner, Mrs. Louis17
Warren, Rachel22
Warren, Rachel37
Warren, Rachel41
Warren, Roscoe22
Webster, Arthur14
Webster, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas14
Webster, Mrs. Thomas6
Webster, Thomas15
Webster, Willie14
Weed, John18
Weigandt, John33
Weigandt, Margaret33
Weishuhn, Edith48
Wells Creek5
Wheeler, Bessie8
Wheeler, Sid8
Whipple Brothers Lumber Company40
Whipple Frank8
Whipple, Frank49
Whipple's Photofinishing49
White, Jerry40
Whitman, Mary E.6
Whitman, Mrs. Diantha6
Widmayer, G.K.33
Wilcox, Tom36
Wild, Mrs. Ellen41
Wilk, Rose25
Wilks, Sophia25
Wiltse, Don51
Winslow, Maurice55
Wisniewski, Lottie41
Withey, B.A.8
Witzke, Mrs. Edward56
Wolfe, Elizabeth Schultz37
Woloszyk, Fr. Ignatius41
Woods, George J.53
Wright, Dorothy6
Wright, Elaine6
Wright, Mr. Henry6
Young, Mrs. Bernice39
Youngs, Elwood22
Zariski, Gerald5
Zuidema, Mrs. Albert56