In Arenac County Historical Society Scrapbooks

 Copyright 2006 – ACHS | Indexed October 11, 2006


Arenac County News Articles 1975-76 V 27 Scrapbook
Name / ArticlePage
A. H. Townsend Grocery Store23
Abbott, Rex46
Abel, Albert Obit11
Abel, Mr. and Mrs. August11
Adams, Virginia13
Adamski, Mrs. Helen4
Adrian, Mrs. Helen7
Albrecht, Connie36
Alexander, Frank26
Alger United Methodist Church48
Allen, Dick12
Allen, Hollace12
Allen, Mrs. Anna11
Almarc Tube Company65
Alotis, George28
Anderson, Edwin3
Anderson, Edwin3
Anderson, Emerson W. Obit3
Anderson, Florence Linderman3
Anderson, Howard3
Anderson, Mrs. Beatrice11
Andres, Mrs. Frances11
Antecliff, Mrs. Robert (Mary Ann)9
Arenac County Historical Society49
Arenac County Historical Society Bicentennial Day43
Arenac County Historical Society Bicentennial Day50
Arenac County Historical Society Bicentennial Day57
Arenac County Historical Society Elections50
Arenac County Historical Society Open House13
Armstrong, Mrs. Diane11
Armstrong, Mrs. Patricia4
Arndt, Clarence8
Arndt, Dennis8
Arndt, Earl8
Arndt, Leonard8
Arndt, Mrs. Minnie Obit8
Arndt, Paul8
Arquette, Burt3
Atkins, Thomas30
AuGres Bees CB Club61
AuGres Garden Club34
AuGres Harbor Days57
AuGres Harbor Days59
AuGres Harbor Dedication Celebration21
AuGres Post 8275 Ladies Auxiliary24
AuGres Senior Citizen Housing62
AuGres-Sims Athletic Awards38
Avram, David L.10
Avram, Eleanor Chapo10
Avram, Peter Obit10
Avram, Rose54
Ayres, Earl D.6
Ayres, Earl Obit6
Baikie, Mrs. Myrtle8
Baker (Pietrusznski) John Obit11
Baker, Donald11
Balck, DeLyla8
Balwinski, Rev. Fr. Gerald11
Barber, Mrs. Mary2
Barcia, Mrs. Jeanette6
Barkely, Audrey16
Barkely, Charity16
Barkely, Gerogeann16
Barr, Elder Stephen4
Barr, Leonard46
Barr, Stephen52
Barry, Thurlow59
Bartlett, Joy Goodman58
Bartrand, A.22
Baston, Betty8
Beardsley, Kenneth W.58
Beaton, Mrs. Lois Ann11
Beauch, Hilda24
BeBe, Mrs. Michael (Amelia)15
Behr, Mrs. Eldon A.40
Beier, William16
Beitz, Rev. Fr. William7
Beitz. Rev. Fr.11
Bekalarczyk, Mrs. Agnes4
Bell, Fred1
Bell, Hazel1
Bellavia, Adeline8
Bendzinski, Anthony28
Bennett, George30
Bennett, Mrs. Sophie4
Bergeron, Eva Obit8
Bergeron, Fred T.8
Bergeron, Milton33
Bergeron, William L.8
Bernthal, Victor O.58
Berry, Daniel4
Berry, Don4
Berry, Howard4
Berry, Howard Obit4
Berry, Janet32
Berry, Janet50
Berry, Marie Rose4
Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Robert17
Berry, Robin4
Bersano, Terry64
Berthiaume, Duane58
Berthiaume, Mrs. Lyle15
Berthiaume, Wendy36
Bessinger, August2
Bessinger, August Jr.2
Bessinger, Clara16
Bessinger, Francis6
Bessinger, George Obit6
Bessinger, Mrs. August Sr. Obit2
Bessinger, Orion6
Bessinger, Shelly6
Bessinger, Shirley6
Bester, Mrs. Bessie10
Bethlehem Lutheran Church Ladies Aid17
Beuchel, Mrs. Shirley2
Bickel, Mrs. Debra3
Bienawski, Rev. Fr. Boniface53
Bilacic, Mrs. Betty2
Bilacic, Mrs. Randy45
Bills, Clare1
Bills, Clifton Francis Obit1
Bills, Esther Wilson1
Bills, Irene VanAllen1
Bills, Junior1
Bills, Perry1
Bingle, Gary38
Bishop, 2nd Lt. Kelly61
Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred F.61
Bissonette, Judy26
Bissonette, Judy42
Black, Doug18
Black, Douglas53
Bland, Charles8
Bland, Charles (Eddie) Obit8
Bland, Edward8
Bland, Georgeann8
Blevins, Mrs. Elizabeth10
Blomberg, Mrs. Hattie11
Bluys, Dominick Jr.8
Bluys, Edward8
Bluys, Frank8
Bluys, John8
Bluys, Katherine Obit8
Bock, Barry58
Bock, Paul58
Bodine, Mrs. Claudine11
Boettner, Mrs. Llydia7
Bohiken, Daniel C.25
Bohiken, Sandra Bergstrand25
Bolen, Mrs. Harry11
Bollinger, Rev. C. Wm.3
Bollinger, Rev. C. Wm.6
Bollinger, Rev. William5
Bollinger, Rev. William6
Bollinger, Rev. William11
Bollinger, Rev. William30
Bollinger, Rev. Wm.4
Bollinger, Rev. Wm.5
Bollinger, Rev. Wm.11
Borushko, HM2 Robert W.16
Borushko, Mrs. Ann Marie5
Bouchard, Bernetta Beachem11
Bouchard, Harold W. Obit11
Bouchard, Louis H.11
Bouchard, William E.11
Bourdon, Rodney58
Bourjeous, Gus33
Bowen, Brenda26
Bowman, Bertha M. McAcker Obit3
Boyd, Mrs. Worthy T.40
Boynton, Mrs. Judy18
Bozwell, Sue50
Brabaw, Robert46
Bradd, Ezra D. Sr. Obit7
Bradd, Ezra Jr.7
Bradd, Margaret Ross7
Bradley, Helen8
Bragg, Mrs. Gladys7
Brannan, Marian L.6
Brashaw, Mr. and Mrs. William H.8
Brashaw, Mrs. Julia8
Brashaw, William G. Obit8
Bratfish, Herman7
Bratfish, John H. Obit7
Bratfish, Joseph7
Bratfish, Katie Poole7
Brennan, Mrs. Herb (Joyce)9
Brennon, Clare1
Brennon, Clare10
Brennon, Edwin B.1
Brennon, Ethal May Bell Obit1
Brennon, James M.10
Brennon, Leonard1
Brennon, Leonard C. Obit10
Brennon, Russel H.10
Brennon, Wayne1
Brennon, Wayne10
Bresette, Capt. Raymond J.25
Bresette, Leo25
Breu, Mrs. Paul (Geraldine)8
Brien, John S. Obit4
Brien, Mary Bauer4
Brien, Mary E.4
Briggs, Elizabeth9
Briggs, Mrs. Terry15
Briggs, Richard Obit9
Brinker, Jo46
Bristol, Mrs. Margaret10
Britts, Wanda9
Broadworth, Ed50
Brooks, James32
Brown, Bill28
Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest6
Brown, Mrs. Jimmie11
Brown, Peg41
Brown, Rev. Dale2
Bryan, Mr. and Mrs. Dan24
Bryja, Mrs. Caroline4
Bublitz, Helen Hastings58
Buczek, Mrs. Irene5
Budreau, Mrs. Clara1
Budz, Robert28
Buffman, Mrs. Carol3
Burlew, Grace Obit10
Bursien, Mrs. Hilda8
Burtch, Mrs. Dorothy11
Butch, Elizabeth38
Butkus, Francis (Samie)7
Butkus, Marie Lamson Obit7
Butkus, Marion7
Butler, Alfred E.2
Butler, Barry26
Butler, Berry32
Butler, Brenda42
Butler, Hazel12
Butler, Mrs. Jean30
Butler, Mrs. Jennie Obit2
Buttrick Major John29
Buttrick, Austin28
Buttrick, Austin29
Buttrick, Austin30
Buttrick, Ben29
Buttrick, Ben30
Buttrick, Hatley29
Cabay, Mrs. Minnie30
Caldwell, Agnes Cournyea4
Caldwell, George Obit4
Caldwell, Mrs. Agnes11
Campbell, Mrs. Viola4
Card, Charles23
Cardinal, Ardith Neiman7
Cardinal, James7
Cardinal, Jay E.7
Cardinal, John7
Cardinal, Joseph Obit7
Cardinal, Mrs. Genevieve7
Cardinal, R. John7
Cardinal, Richard7
Cardinal, Robert7
Cardinal, Stephanie Lyn7
Cardinal, William Jr.7
Carmon, Mrs. Ethel1
Carney, Mrs. Goldie4
Carnoske, Mrs. Shirley4
Carpenter, Mrs. Gloria4
Carroll, James (Claude) Obit10
Carroll, Sophie Kwiatkowski10
Carruthers, Ann Adrain10
Carruthers, Archie A. Obit10
Carruthers, Artice10
Carruthers, Kenneth10
Carruthers, Ladeema16
Carruthers, Mrs. Russell12
Carruthers, Ray28
Carruthers, Russell10
Carruthers, Victor10
Carruthers, Wayne10
Carson, Mrs. Thelma3
Caton, Mrs. Jay (Linda)39
Cay, Mrs. Lucy Cross8
Cederberg, Congressman21
Chaltraw, Jody46
Chaltraw, Mrs. Lousie11
Chamberlain, Harvey and Sarah5
Chappell, Rev. Lynn2
Chappell, Rev. Lynn4
Chappell, Rev. Lynn11
Chappell, Rev. Lynn48
Charbonneau, Mrs. Lillian3
Chatfield, Homer30
Chegwidden, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald39
Childers, Heather Miles2
Childers, Roy2
Childers, Roy D. Obit2
Childrers, Earl2
Chmura, Ron47
Christie, Donald8
Christie, Evin8
Christie, Iva14
Christie, Mr. and Mrs. William3
Christie, Mrs. James (Carolyn)41
Christie, Robert8
Christner, Albert Jr.6
Christner, Albert Obit6
Christner, Elmer6
Christner, Harold6
Christner, Steven6
City Coal27
Clandrie, Alex and Charlotte11
Clayton Township33
Clayton, Mrs. Nina3
Cline, Alvin3
Cline, Charlotte Fuller3
Cline, Chris3
Cline, Clarence Obit3
Cobb, Blanche11
Cobb, John E. Obit11
Cole, Claude4
Cole, Dennis18
Cole, Edna J. Wilins5
Cole, Fred5
Cole, George4
Cole, Harold4
Cole, James4
Cole, Julius F. Obit5
Cole, Nelson and Rose5
Coombe, Iva Mahar58
Cornell, Geraldine24
Cornell, Geraldine41
Cornish, George and Irma7
Cornish, James Brian Obit7
Cornish, Mr. and Mrs. John7
Corwin, Mrs. Bessie5
Cottens, Mrs. Virginia4
County Bicentennial Choir35
Cournyea, Donald11
Cournyea, Emma4
Cournyea, Ernest A. Sr. Obit11
Cournyea, Ernest Jr.11
Cournyea, Estelle Angers11
Cournyea, James11
Cournyea, Leonard11
Cournyea, Louis11
Cournyea, Mr. and Mrs. Peter11
Cournyea, Paul11
Cournyea, William11
Cournyea, William11
Cousineau, Chris38
Cousins, Mrs. Carolyn3
Crawford, Andrew7
Crawford, Joseph W. Obit7
Crawford, Josephine Gulvas7
Cryderman, William22
Cuningham, Mrs. Bernice10
Cuningham, Ralph10
Cunningham, Ken10
Cunningham, Mark10
Cunningham, Mrs. Elizabeth5
Cunningham, Ralph M. Obit10
Cunningham, Robert10
Curriston, Jill18
Curriston, Leota13
Curriston, Mr. and Mrs. Emory and Edith Rose Warren18
Curriston, Thorton18
Czerwinski, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Mary3
Daniel, Dennis8
Daniel, Frank8
Daniel, Frank Daniel Obit8
Daniel, Gary8
Daniel, Irene Spain8
Daniel, John8
Daniel, Kimberly8
Daniel, Michael8
Daniel, Peter8
Daniels, Laura50
Daniels, Laurie32
Dankert, Charlie2
Darby, Chris5
Darby, Jeff5
Darby, Mrs. Florence M. Shannon Obit5
Darby, Roxanne5
Darby, Steven5
Darby, Susan5
Datzko, Dan64
Datzko, Greg64
Datzko, John64
Datzko, Kevin64
Davidson, Randy52
Davis, Mrs. Edna2
Davis, Mrs. Lena Obit6
Davis, Sue60
Davis, Thomas6
Day, Harlan Obit7
Day, Maurice7
Dean, C.K. (Curly) Obit7
Dean, George41
Dean, Mike7
Delaney, Mrs. Roy (Elaine)39
Dembowski, Mrs. Mary Ann7
Denman, Dave64
Dennison, Mesilla LaBrosse58
Derosia, Edna LaBarge58
DeRosia, Sharon26
DeRosia, Sharon42
DeRosia, Sharon42
Detter, Marilyn50
Dew, Donna McCormick3
Dew, Eugene A. Obit3
Dew, Gerald3
Dew, James3
Dew, Ray3
Dibble, Mrs. Mary4
Dickey, Irene39
Dickson, Mrs. Esther4
Dickson, Mrs. Robert (Mildred)16
Dietrich, Mrs. Noel12
Dietrich, Shannon12
Digby, James30
Dijak, Leigh50
Dillon, Airman Gregory P.60
Dillon, George23
Dillon, Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.60
Dinco, Mrs. Belva11
Dittenber, Diane12
Dittenber, Dr. Brian48
Dittenber, Edwin15
Dittenber, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold15
Dittenber, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold48
Dittenber, Mr. and Mrs. Philip15
Dittenber, Mrs. Arnold12
Dittenber, Mrs. Carol11
Dittenber, Mrs. Carol17
Dittenbir, Mark38
Dittenbir, Mark43
Dittmer, Anne8
Dixon, Corky58
Dombroski, Mrs. Mary Obit7
Dombrowski, Edward7
Domries, Frieda8
Donahue, Clara DuFresne Obit5
Donahue, Edward19
Donahue, Frank5
Donnelly, Bill33
Donnelly, Mary58
Dood, Mr. and Mrs. John3
Dora, Jack64
Dorcey, Mrs. Norman (Nancy)11
Dotson, Mrs. Dorothy3
Dougal, Leonard9
Dougal, Mrs. Anna B. Dubassaas Obit9
Dougal, William9
Dougherty, Tom and Nicki62
Driver, John21
Drouse, Anita26
Drouse, Anita42
Dryer, Mrs. Hilda55
Drzewiecki, Mrs. Marie11
Dubay, Arthur6
Dubay, Lloyd6
DuBay, Mr. and Mrs. Roger L.36
Dubay, Mrs. Donna10
Dubay, Mrs. Elizabeth Smith Obit7
Dubay, Peter7
DuBay, Pvt. Roger L.36
Dubay, Rose Obit6
Dubay, Vernon6
Dubay, Virgil6
Dubey, Angela W. Obit10
Dubey, Bradley10
Dubey, Charity10
Dubey, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy10
Dubey, Mr. and Mrs. William10
Duby, Mabel Cross58
Duby, Mrs. Bernice5
Duncan, Mrs. Myrtle7
Duncil, Mrs. Hazel5
Dunec, Alex Obit1
Dunec, Paul1
Dunec, Peter1
Dunec, Rose Grybb1
Dupree, David J. Sr. Obit2
Dupree, David Jr.2
Dupree, Ruby2
Duprey, Bertha Kraszewski5
Duprey, J. Frank Obit5
Duprey, Mrs. Bertha8
Durbin, Glen3
Durbin, Mrs. Margaret Reed Obit3
Dygert, Mr.45
Dziuban, Bertha Landon1
Dziuban, John1
Dziuban, John J. Obit1
Dzuiban, Arnold1
Dzuiban, David1
Dzuiban, Deanne1
Dzuiban, Janet1
Dzuiban, Joe1
Dzuiban, Joe1
Dzuiban, John1
Dzuiban, Lillian1
Dzuiban, Stanley1
Ecker, Judy2
Edgette, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald45
Eichstaedt, Jim38
Eilif, Mrs. Nick (Leona)9
Ellery, Bob64
Ellery, Bob64
Ellis, Jeff46
Ellison, Carrie15
Ellison, Ervin M.15
Ellison, Henry18
Elwell, John Arthur7
Elwell, John Obit7
Erickson, Mrs. Lynn12
Erks, Mrs. Eva4
Ervin, Mrs. Ray10
Eyrich, Florence Lucas58
F. J. Stevens Boarding House23
Fales, Mrs. Mary7
Fay, Mr. and Mrs. Jack39
Federspiel, Jacob33
Federspiel, Jesse5
Federspiel, Leslie5
Federspiel, Neil5
Federspiel, Randy58
Fegan, Bob39
Fidler, Mrs. Selma11
Fields, Rev. Frank39
Firskher, Norman23
Firth, Alma Rowe45
Firth, Arthur58
Fisher, Mrs. Linda17
Fisher, Or17
Fitzgerald, Don38
Flegel, Eric, Scott and Kellene64
Flegel, Mrs. Gertrude64
Flick, Joyce26
Fochia, Mrs. Elaine2
Foress, Constance5
Forshee, Alphia50
Forsyth, Bob52
Forsyth, Robert5
Forten, Mrs. Violet3
Forward Oil Company29
Forward Oil Company27
Forward, Austin28
Forward, Austin29
Forward, Leona29
Forward's Oil Company28
Fowler, Aldora Rose Brashaw5
Fowler, Charley47
Fowler, Leslie Obit5
Fox, Mrs. Pearl11
Fox, Mrs.Jeri7
Francek, Mrs. Marie4
Francis, Archie9
Francis, Iva9
Francis, Joseph9
Francis, Ned Obit9
Frank, Fred9
Frank, Mrs. Harry24
Frank, Robert9
Franklin, Alt65
Franklin, Marc65
Frawley, Rev. Fr. James H. Obit3
Frayer, Mrs. Joy Milne Obit5
Frey, Rev. Theodore3
Frey, Rev. Theodore4
Friday, Mrs. Phyllis24
Friday, Pam59
Galazin, Mike26
Galazin, Mike32
Garmyn, Rev. Fr,8
Garmyn, Rev. Fr.4
Garmyn, Rev. Fr. George6
Garmyn, Rev. Fr. George11
Garrett, Fred E.21
Gath, Mrs. Minnie7
Gawne, Mrs. Rose11
Gawryk, Mrs. Alice1
Geiger, Debbie26
Geiger, Debbie27
Geiger, Mr. and Mrs. Clark26
Geiger, Mr. and Mrs. Clark27
Geister, Staff Sgt. Robert and Mrs. Marion15
Gendron, Edward3
Gendron, Mrs. Hattie A. McMann Obit3
Gibbon, Tanya6
Gibbon, Thomas E.6
Gibbon, Thomas M. Obit6
Gibbon, Todd6
Gibbon, Victoria Bukowski6
Gibson, Gerald64
Gilewski, Mrs. Anna3
Gillete, Gene45
Gillings, Dave58
Gillings, Harlow58
Gillman, Mrs. Carol Ann1
Gingerich, Katie57
Givers, Mrs. Sarah8
Gliniecki, Ann4
Gliniecki, Ann10
Gliniecki, Claude4
Gliniecki, Claude E. Obit10
Gliniecki, Marian10
Gliniecki, Marion4
Godiewski, Mrs. Genevieve4
Good, Ben28
Goodman, Annabell50
Goodman, Jo Ann4
Goodman, Mrs. Joann10
Goodman, Mrs. John13
Goodman, Mrs. John49
Goodroe, Martin19
Goodroe, Mrs. Edna5
Gorashko, John51
Gordon, Debbie41
Gordon, Richard8
Goretcki, Mike64
Goretcki, Rod64
Gorgol, Mrs. Gertrude9
Gorsline, James19
Goyer, Mrs. Kathleen8
Goyette, Mrs. Evelyn11
Grabow, George13
Gracik, Barb38
Greanya, Harold8
Great American Horse Race27
Griffar, Wallace11
Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. Claud18
Grosser, Betty9
Grosser, Henry E. Obit9
Groszek, Mrs. Sophie7
Groszek, Mrs. Sophie7
Groszek, Rev. Fr. Richard53
Groszek, Wally26
Gryniewicz, Mrs. Kathryn4
Guerin, Clarence6
Guerin, Louis6
Guerin, Mrs. Veronica6
Gulau, Dennis15
Gulau, Jere15
Gulau, Mrs. Allan (Joann)15
Gulau, Ronald15
Gulliat, Rev. Ralph3
Gulvas, George26
Gulvas, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard5
Gulvas, Mrs. Delphine11
Gulvas, Mrs. Genevieve5
Gulvas, Mrs. Genevieve8
Gulvas, Wendy46
Gurd, Mrs. Diane1
Gut, Mrs. Eleanor Sadiak Peltak Obit4
Gut, Stanley4
Haas, Mrs. Eleanor7
Haas, Mrs. Susan8
Haas, Mrs. Viola2
Haas, Mrs. Viola8
Hadd, Mark55
Hager, Carrie42
Hagopian, Mrs. Eileen11
Hahn, Charlie13
Hahn, Mrs. Edwin (Gonilda)4
Hakes, Rev.13
Hakes, Rev.43
Haley, Linette50
Hall, Damian Wayne12
Hall, Mrs. Dorothy12
Hall, Pauline34
Hall, Rev.18
Hall, Sheldon41
Hamm, Rev. William C.8
Harder, Mr. and Mrs. Claude15
Hardy, Robert41
Hardy, Robert F.59
Harmon, Jim56
Harper, Jim13
Harris, Albert Obit4
Harris, Don38
Harris, George4
Harris, Hazen4
Harris, James4
Harris, John4
Harris, Lydia Burlew4
Harris, Mrs. Marian1
Harrison Sam37
Harrow, John41
Harrow, John46
Harrow, Sandy18
Hart, Rev. Fr. Harry J.8
Hartwick, Byron8
Hartwick, Donald8
Hartwick, Everett8
Hartwick, Everett58
Hartwick, Everett58
Hartwick, Glen8
Hartwick, John8
Hartwick, Lois33
Hartwick, Mrs. Agnes C. Christie Obit8
Hartwick, William8
Hasty, Margaret34
Hayden, Margaret10
Hayden, Robert Obit10
Hayes, Donna9
Hazeltine, Lori16
Hazeltine, Lori26
Hazeltine, Lori32
Hazeltine, Lori42
Hazeltine, Mrs. Mary16
Hegeman, Mrs. Bernice11
Heinrich, Alvin and Clara11
Heinrich, Carol11
Heinrich, David11
Heinrich, Henry Sr.14
Heinrich, James and Barbara14
Heinrich, John and Gertrude14
Heinrich, Kevin Obit11
Heinrich, Philip14
Heinrich, Phillip11
Heinrich, Robert and Norine14
Hejnosz, Frances3
Herer, Mrs. Cordelia11
Herow, Mrs. Catherine11
Heska, Richard56
Hewitt, Mrs. Jenny1
Hicks, Lenny44
Hill, Lilly45
Hill, William A. and Sarah Ann45
Hilton, Mrs. Linda6
Hinkley Charles23
Hinkley, Clark1
Hinkley, Clark S. Obit1
Hinkley, Frances1
Hinkley, Mr. and Mrs. Clark15
Hock, Mary Jane11
Hoffman, Bernard11
Hoffman, Freddy11
Hoffman, Mrs. Shirley6
Hoffman, Richard C. Obit11
Hoffman, Roy11
Hoffman, Vivian11
Holland, B.S.17
Holland, Pat41
Holland's IGA41
Hollister, George H.23
Hollister, Matilda24
Holms, Dora8
Holton, Cecil25
Holton, Danny25
Holton, Donald E.25
Holton, Tom25
Hopp, Mr. and Mrs. Harry and Martha (Hincka)15
Hoppe, Mrs. Wilber (Louise)41
Horn, Airman Michael A.61
Horn, Karen50
Horn, Mr. and Mrs. K. E.61
Horten, Dexter Obit8
Horton, Bryson D. and Bessie (Bouslogue)8
Horton, George D.8
Horton, Julia8
Horton, Miss Jean E.8
Hossler, Lysander Obit2
Houghteling, Benjamin5
Houghteling, Hattie Obit5
Houghteling, Irwin5
Houghteling, Mrs. Bessie9
Houghteling, Robert5
Howell, Mrs. Elaine7
Howes, Mrs. Russell30
Hribek, Mary33
Hribek, Mary35
Hribek, Mrs. Stella7
Hubart, Peg16
Hubbell, Daniel27
Hubbert, Peg50
Hull, Arlene R.N.48
Hulyk, William51
Humerickhouse, Mrs. Joan5
Hunt, Mrs. Muriel9
IIlig, June43
Ingle, Darren58
Ingram, Mrs. Eva8
Inman, Maxine51
Isetts, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Sr.5
Isetts, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jr.5
Isetts, Richard5
Isetts, Robert Obit5
James, Mr. and Mrs. William Sr.2
James, Stephanie2
James, William L. Jr. Obit2
Janish, Jeff58
Janish, Mary47
Jankowski, Bernice3
Jankowski, Mary A.11
Jansen, En. I William Charles48
Jaroszyk, Mrs. Lee17
Jasmund, Clara Landrie Obit11
Jedrzejek, Irene3
Jeds, Mrs. Helen8
Jendzeski, Lottie33
Jendzeski, Lottie35
Jenkins, Diann32
Jennings, Charley16
Johns, Rev. Albert2
Johns, Rev. Albert3
Johns, Rev. Albert3
Johnson, Bob38
Johnson, Mrs. Rosilyn5
Johnson, Vern28
Johnsons, Joseph23
Joziwak, Mrs. John11
Judd, Mr. and Mrs. John G. and Anna (Skodak)13
Judd, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Jr.13
Judd, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth13
Judd, Mr. and Mrs. Robert13
Judd, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas13
Jull, Bernadine2
Jull, Frank E. Obit2
Jull, Richard2
Jump, Rev. Herman4
Jurek (Gliniecki), Gloria Obit4
Kaszubowski, Joseph2
Kaszubowski, Mary E. Obit2
Kautenberg, Lillian14
Kearns, Donald5
Kearns, James5
Kearns, Mary Beaton5
Kearns, Rev. Fr. Joseph4
Kearns, Rev. Fr. Joseph4
Kearns, Rev. Fr. Joseph5
Kearns, Rev. Fr. Joseph5
Kearns, Rev. Fr. Joseph7
Kearns, Rev. Fr. Joseph8
Kearns, Rev. Fr. Joseph10
Kearns, Rev. Fr. Joseph10
Kearns, Rev. Fr. Joseph11
Kearns, Robert5
Keefer, Mrs. Tim45
Keeney, Gala E. Obit3
Keeney, Harold3
Keeney, Isaac W.3
Keeney, Russell3
Keipinger, Brent8
Keipinger, Goldie E. Greanya Obit8
Keipinger, Nile8
Keipinger, William8
Kelly, Clare Patrick Obit7
Kelly, George22
Kelly, George23
Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Harry7
Kemp, Mrs. Amelia2
Kemp, Mrs. Amelia8
Kendall, Mrs. Elsie5
Kesler, Ray and Edna39
Kielpinski, Renee50
Kinder, Mrs. Charlotte4
King, Margaret26
King, Margaret42
King, Margie8
King, Mrs. Cora1
Kittle, Elwin Obit1
Kittle, Maude1
Kitzman, Mr. and Mrs. Otto10
Kitzman, Mrs. Emma10
Klein, Mrs. Bernice8
Kleinhans, Rose44
Kleinhans, Rose47
Klenk, Jack3
Klesper, Mrs. Mae11
Klimek, Mrs. Marjorie10
Kneeshaw, Mrs. Lottie8
Knight, Ethel Obit7
Knight, John7
Knight, Keith7
Knight, Percy7
Knochel, Mike64
Knoodle, Mrs. Clara4
Kocot, Edward B.10
Kocot, Edward Obit10
Kocot, Eileen Robinson10
Kocot, Ray46
Koelsch, Dorothy32
Koelsch, Dorothy50
Koelsch, Dr. William P.37
Koelsch, Mrs. Doris10
Kohn, Jim64
Kohn, Ray27
Kohn, Ray46
Koi, Blanche Szymaniak11
Koin, Douglas11
Koin, Kathy11
Koin, Victor F. Obit11
Kolevar, Joseph3
Kolevar, Joseph23
Kopaczewski, Mrs. Mary8
Kosciolek, Mrs. Rose8
Kovacs, Don54
Kowalchuk, Mrs. Blanch5
Kowalski, Mrs. Roberta1
Kozma, Steve64
Kraatz, Adam Jr.24
Kraatz, Mr. and Mrs. Adam and Lena Schwerin24
Kraatz, Virgil and Betty24
Kramer, Mrs. Ellen1
Kraszewski, Raymond5
Kraus, Herbert8
Kraus, John2
Kraus, John Obit8
Kraus, Lawrence2
Kraus, Lawrence A. Obit2
Kraus, Lillian Haas8
Kraus, Mrs. Sophie Dankert Obit2
Kraus, Sophia Dankert2
Kraus, Vernon8
Krause, James9
Krause, Thomas9
Krause, William9
Kraushaar, Mark32
Krazewski, Raymond Obit8
Kremhelmer, Michael10
Kremhelmer, Raymond Obit10
Kremhelmer, Richard10
Kremhelmer, Shirley10
Krivy, Andy16
Krol, Mrs. John (Lone)8
Krol, Mrs. Rose6
Krzyzaniak, Caroline Dubiel5
Krzyzaniak, Joseph5
Krzyzaniak, Louis C. Obit5
Kuhle, Erven4
Kuhle, Ruth M (Reay) Obit4
Kuhn, Mrs. Gwendolyn6
Kulp, Mrs. Rosette7
Kurtz, John28
Kutchuk, Mrs. Yvonne7
Kutz, Joseph5
Kutz, Joseph8
Kutz, Mrs. Genevieve10
Labadie, Gladys1
LaBean, Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey Jr.48
LaBean, Mrs. Dorothy8
Labory, Fr. E. P.1
LaBrosse, Hazel Greanya58
LaCount, Carmen7
LaFata, Mrs. Lorrene3
LaLonde, Clarence47
LaLonde, Earl J.23
LaLonde, Joseph E.23
LaLonde, Kim50
LaLonde, Lawrence G23
LaLonde, Samuel Joseph23
LaMoria, Arlene4
LaMoria, Cryilla Gruinwald10
LaMoria, Earl L. Obit10
LaMorie Saloon23
Lanczak, Chris58
Landrie, Jim11
Lang, Mr. and Mrs. Robert13
Langworthy, Mrs. Mary5
LaPan, Charlotte W. Lockhart Obit9
LaPan, Harold9
LaPan, William9
LaPan, William Jr.9
LaPonsey, Mrs. Joan10
LaPorte, Donald P.11
LaPorte, Henry K.11
LaPorte, Hortense Cournyea58
LaPorte, Hortense Cournyea Obit11
LaPorte, Leon64
LaPorte, Leon J.11
LaPorte, Mrs. Ellen4
Lareau, Mr. and Mrs. Modest J. and Dorothy Hart64
Lashbrook, Gus and Mabel7
Latrielle, Lee32
Lauria, Lorraine33
Lauria, Marc33
Lauzon, Mrs. Veronica10
LaVoie, Hazel6
Lawson, Dana9
Lawson, James9
Lawson, Joe9
Lawson, Macyl Grenthouse9
Lawson, Seward L. Obit9
Leatham, Don30
Lebon, Miss Agnes1
Lees, Rev., James W.14
Lehmann, Mrs. Laura3
Lemmer, Rick46
Lentner, Kenneth39
Lentner, Larry39
Lentner, Mr. and Mrs. Alois and Bernice Schrader39
Lentz, John L. Obit2
Lentz, Mary2
Leonard, Mrs. Irene15
Leonard, William III15
Leslie, Bob38
Lewandowski, Mrs. Helen5
Lewandowski, Mrs. Josephine5
Lieblong, Larry9
Lilliberg Store22
Lilliberg, William23
Lincoln, Mrs. Dessie57
Linda, Mrs. Victoria10
Lindsey, Lex43
Lingg, Mr. and Mrs. Edward5
Linstrom, Charles22
Lions Club Sports Awards43
Liss, Mrs. Emily1
Little, Alice Obit5
Little, Archie E.5
Little, Mrs. Blanch5
Lockhart, Daniel J.9
Lockhart, George9
Logas, Mr. and Mrs. Tony40
Loomis, Mrs. Mathilda11
Loper, Peggy26
Loper, Ricky58
Loper, Ron58
Lorenc, Bob64
Lucas, Earl58
Lucas, Neil9
Lucia, Keith33
Ludwig, Mrs. Claud9
Lynch, Chuck64
Lynch, Gary64
Lynch, Tony64
Macduff, Martha Krause58
Macelmary, W. J.22
Mackender, Ruby49
MacKinder, Rose57
Mackinder, Ruby50
MacLeod, Mrs. Roberta3
MacVicar, Ruth Vogel45
Maidment, Mrs. Alice11
Major Auto Company9
Major, David9
Major, Ervin Obit9
Major, Ethel Lucas9
Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Verl and Dorothy Kussro41
Mann, Robert41
Mann, Ronald41
Manor, Mark38
Marc, Jody26
Marker, Mrs. Ruth5
Marrantette, Mrs. Myrtle10
Marsh, Clara15
Marsh, Harry and Mabel17
Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. Harry16
Marshall, Mary and Lee14
Martin, Mrs. Barbara4
Martin, Mrs. Elizabeth12
Martin, Mrs. Marilyn1
Martin, Mrs. Viola4
Martindale, J. B.17
Martynek, Mrs. Rose2
Maser, Lore38
Maser, Mrs. Geri45
Mason, Ann44
Mason, Carol4
Mathe, Stephen42
Mathe, Steve26
Mathe, Steve32
Mathews, Mrs. Evelyn1
Mathews, Mrs. Helen10
Matthews, James2
Maupin, Mrs. Agnes2
Maupin, Mrs. Marion2
McAlister, Jennie42
McCall, Dr. N. J.22
McCarthy, Connie8
McCready, Allan22
McCready, Archie58
McCready, Betty Ann9
McCready, John22
McCready, Michael23
McCullough, Bernice Flaws58
McCullough, Russ34
McCurdy, PFC Joseph Lynn48
McKenzie, Mrs. Mary7
Mclllarey, Mrs. Irene11
Mclntrye, Lottie Hollister23
Mclntrye, Mrs. Patricia5
McMann, William3
McMillan, Luciel5
McPherson, Mrs. Inez3
McQuarter, Mike64
McTaggert, Terry28
McVey, Rev. F. L.10
Mee, Billy9
Melita Ball Park33
Metiva, Marilyn17
Metiva, Marilyn18
Metiva, Marlin37
Metiva, Mrs. Eleanore11
Mew, Nina Gidley58
Meyers, John42
Meyette, Albert3
Meyette, Emery3
Meyette, Felix Jr.3
Meyette, Felix Sr.3
Meyette, Kenneth J.3
Meyette, Mrs. Clara Obit3
Meyhew, Linda44
Michalski, Anthony J. Obit3
Mielke, Dorothy4
Mielke, Ray58
Mikalski, Mrs. Anna Dziukala3
Milaicki, Mrs. Mary4
Miller Group43
Miller, Bill26
Miller, Bill42
Miller, Bill42
Miller, Charles M.6
Miller, Chris38
Miller, Jeff42
Miller, Mary Jo6
Miller, Mrs. Jane2
Miller, Mrs. Jessie Obit6
Miller, Roger47
Miller, Sarah E. Obit9
Millington, Mrs. Bernice6
Mindo, Mrs.22
Miracle, Richard12
Misiner, Mrs. Betty9
Moat, Arlene24
Molnar, Cindy35
Molter, Rev. Raymond2
Moore, Anna Clement2
Moore, Harley Obit2
Moore, Mrs. John48
Morely, Mrs. Ellen5
Morin, Donna36
Morin, Harold J. Obit2
Morley, Diane28
Morre, John Lindy48
Mosciski, Mrs. Paul (Phyllis)15
Mowbray, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence7
Mowbray, Mrs. Thomas4
Muckenthaler, John13
Muckenthaler, John55
Muehlenbeck, Linda Dirker5
Muehlenbeck, William J.5
Muehlenbeck, William Obit5
Munford, Dale14
Mutch, Mary Firth45
Mutch, Otis45
Near, Albert1
Near, Martin H. Obit1
Near, Rosellen1
Near, Violet1
Neeper, Kenneth19
Nehls, Carl7
Nehls, Charles7
Nehls, Mrs. Erna E. Buschell Obit7
Neiman, Mattie17
Neiman, Mrs Zeda5
Nelson, Mrs. Barbara4
Nelson, Mrs. Barbara10
Newman, Wilma Kittle45
Nicholas, Edna Bartlett58
Nichols, Betty51
Nichols, Gertrude Obit9
Nichols, Harold9
Nichols, Rev. Merle7
Nichols, Rich38
Nielson, Agnes10
Nielson, Eugene Obit10
Nigl, Elsa17
Niser, Albert9
Nitschke, Kay37
Nitschke, Mr. and Mrs. Shirley37
Nizer, Mrs. Ethel9
Noeske, Carol3
Noeske, Charles3
Noeske, Gertude3
Noeske, Gladys3
Noeske, Margarette3
Noeske, Pauline W. Klenk Obit3
Noffsinger, Kevin36
Norton, Jennie Lucas58
Norton, Terry50
Nowak, Chuck43
Nowak, Mrs. Irene30
Nowakowski, Mrs. Betty7
Nuttall, W. Ralph58
Oaks, Dennis28
O'Keefe, John64
O'Keefe, S. J.28
Olar, Denny38
Olexa, Mrs. Stella17
Onen, Mr. and Mrs. Ray18
O'Rafferty, Mrs. Julia5
Orr, Mrs. Ruth3
Ortenburg, Mr. Dennis1
Osborne, Ellsworth, W. Obit8
Osborne, Mrs. Nellie8
Ostroski, Mr. and Mrs. Joe42
Ostroski, Tim26
Ostroski, Tim42
Ott, Mrs. Peg5
Ouelette, Kelly37
Ousterhout, Cora Obit2
Ousterhout, Traverse2
Packard, Dale59
Paddock, Mrs. Augusta3
Pafford, Gladys Lutze45
Page, Alta Bruner6
Page, James20
Page, James Obit6
Page, William6
Papenguth, Belle Hunt58
Papiernik, Mike58
Pardee, Lon23
Parker, Michael3
Parkinson, Mrs. Leland (Juunita)15
Partlo, Mrs. Alva1
Pasco, Navy Seaman Cary L.46
Patten, Mrs. Helen2
Patten, Mrs. Linda2
Patterson, Bob and Kay15
Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. William15
Patterson, Mrs. Naomi Griffar Obit11
Patterson, Robert11
Patterson, William Jr.11
Patterson, William Sr.11
Paulsen, Joanne2
Paulsen, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J.2
Paulsen, R. Alan Obit2
Pavelka, Andrew2
Pavelka, Bertha Gombar2
Pavelka, Frank Obit2
Pavelka, John2
Pavelka, Margaret2
Pavelka, Michael2
Pavelka, Steve2
Pavelka, Thomas2
Pavelka, Victor2
Pavelock, Mathias16
Payne, Mrs. John15
Payne, Mrs. Maxine11
Peas, Mrs. Mable7
PeIcher, Isaac30
Pelton, Merle58
Pelton, Ruth McGrady58
Pendred, Mr. and Mrs. Walter15
Pendred, Ted21
Penn Central Railroad27
Penzien, Rev. Lee48
Perlberg, Adah58
Perlberg, Ruth55
Perlberg, Ruthy17
Pestrue, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer33
Pestrue, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph33
Pestrue, Mrs. Margarette9
Peters, Mrs. Margaret2
Peterson, Julie36
Peterson, Mrs. Helena3
Petri, Mrs. Frank2
Petri, Mrs. Lillian2
Pett, Jan38
Pettit, Frances58
Petty, Mr. and Mrs. Ross16
Petty, Ross10
Petty, Ross49
Petty, Ross50
Petty, Violet49
Petty, Violet50
Petty, Violet57
Pfeiffer, Mrs. Ronald (Judy)14
Phelps, Gene38
Phetteplace, Mrs. Cora9
Phillips, Mrs. Wilma2
Phillips, Mrs. Wilma2
Pickering, Rev. Leo9
Pickvet, Scott64
Pilat, Frank11
Pilat, Joseph11
Pilat, Mary S. Pastula Obit11
Pilat, Stanley11
Pilat, Walter11
Pilot, Jim42
Piotrowski, Ed and Cathy47
Pisarkiewicz, John Joseph3
Pisarkiewicz, John Obit3
Pisarkiewicz, Joseph3
Pisarkiewicz, Stanley3
Plachta, Benjamin7
Plachta, Brian7
Plachta, Frank7
Plachta, John7
Plachta, Joseph W. Obit7
Plachta, Karol7
Plachta, Maureen7
Plachta, Mike18
Plachta, Stanley7
Plachta, Thomas J.7
Plachta, Toni42
Plachta, Tony7
Plachta, Walter7
Platt, Bruce J. Obit3
Platt, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin3
Platt, Wendy3
Polaski, Shirley50
Polites, Mrs. Bernice11
Pollock, Mrs. Mary1
Pomerville, Todd35
Pomery, Mrs. Glee3
Pony League Championships58
Portus, Mrs. Susanne4
Post, Dana32
Potts, Clarence Obit5
Potts, Kathleen35
Potts, Kristen35
Prescott, George36
Proderut, Beverly3
Proderut, Henry3
Proderut, John G. Obit3
Proderut, Kathy3
Proderut, Kim3
Proulx, Eva16
Proulx, Eva24
Rabish, Mrs. Alex (Phyllis)53
Rader, Carl T.16
Rajewski, Jim64
Ramsey, Mrs. Woodrow (Marion)11
Rancourt, Mrs. Doris9
Ransier, Pat26
Rashott, Mrs. Mabel8
Rashotte, Albert11
Rashotte, Gilbert11
Rashotte, Patrick11
Rashotte, Robert D. Obit11
Rashotte, Simon11
Rawley, Gordon E.5
Rayburn, Don9
Raynak, Cindy26
Raynak, Cynthia42
Raynak, Mark A.18
Raynak, Mr. and Mrs. Paul18
Raynak, Tim18
Rebischke, Karen26
Rebishke, Karen42
Reed, Chuck38
Reed, Craig36
Reed, Harry65
Reed, Jeff46
Reed, Mrs. Julia11
Reed, Owen46
Reed's IGA46
Reeves, Bernard28
Reeves, Carrie44
Reeves, Clyde43
Reeves, John36
Reeves, Rev. Fr. Robert7
Reeves, Rev. Fr. Robert7
Reeves, Rev. Fr. Robert7
Reeves, Rev. Fr. Robert9
Reeves, Rev. Robert3
Reh, Rev. Fr. Francis F.1
Rehberg, Edwin7
Rehberg, Elma Eppler Obit7
Reid, Frank3
Reid, Margaret46
Reid, Mrs. Mary Lou5
Reid, William H.22
Reimer, Linda50
Reimer, Lori26
Reimer, Lori32
Reimer, Lori37
Reimer, Lori42
Reimer, Marlene17
Reimer, Mr. and Mrs. Walter C.42
Reinstadler, Mrs. Mary Jane1
Remyszewski, Betty13
Rench, Mrs. Fern5
Reynolds, Rev. Lyle5
Rezmer, Bernard Obit10
Rezmer, Darlene10
Rezmer, Delphine Dominowski10
Rezmer, Gary10
Rezmer, Harry10
Rezmer, Katherine10
Rezmer, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph10
Rhodes, Frances6
Rhodes, L. H. "Dusty"19
Rice, Arthur1
Rice, Charlie1
Rice, Clayton1
Rice, Clyde Obit1
Rice, Edna M. Rich1
Rice, Gerald1
Rice, Junior1
Rice, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald37
Rice, Robert26
Rice, Robert37
Rider, Teri7
Ries, Mrs. Alberta3
Riopelle, Chelsea46
Riopelle, Mark46
Riske, Rev. John25
Ritchie, Mrs. Gertrude8
Rittenburg, Gloria6
River Aux Sables Chapter DAR40
Rivers, Bridgette16
Rivers, Lynn16
Roberts, Homer40
Robinson, Anthony10
Robinson, Mrs. Claire1
Robinson, Mrs. Lucy4
Rockafellow, Allen5
Rockafellow, Douglas5
Rockafellow, Edward5
Rockafellow, Edward Obit5
Rockafellow, Emory5
Rockafellow, Mrs. Catherine5
Rockafellow, Victor5
Rockwell, Rick64
Roeder, Divor11
Roeder, William E. Obit11
Rogers, Mrs. Dennis (Betty)9
Rokosz, Pam42
Rose, Mrs. Joyce M.8
Rose, Mrs. Maude1
Rosiek, Denise26
Rosiek, Denise42
Ross, Floyd4
Ross, Mrs. Mabel1
Ross, Orville4
Rosser, Mrs. Darlene2
Roth, Charles18
Roth, Gary18
Roth, Linda18
Roth, Mr. and Mrs. Donald18
Roth, Mrs. Dick18
Roth, Mrs. Donald18
Roth, Patti Jo18
Roth, Perry18
Rrety, Mrs. Bertha1
Rudow, Rick64
Ruse, Clara16
Rutledge, Mrs. Myrtle5
Ryar, Mrs. Joanne8
Rytlewski, Mrs. Avis5
Sabo, Michael11
Sabo, Mrs. Johanna Szilogy Obit11
Sadiak, John4
Sadiak, Louie4
Sadiak, Steve4
Sadiak, Walter4
Saganing Indian Mission Church32
Saganing Indians30
Saganing Indians31
Sagatoo, Mrs. Mary32
Sanders, Mrs. Joyce6
Sanford, Anna L. Obit7
Sanford, Seymour7
Sanford, Ted7
Sanford, William7
Sanfors, Mr. and Mrs. S. O.22
Sauer, Allan5
Sauer, Emma L. Obit5
Sauer, Ronald5
Saunders, Mrs. Beatrice3
Scannell, Ed13
Schacht, Ella Daley45
Scheid, Allan11
Scheid, Dorothy Maday11
Scheid, Gerald11
Scheid, James11
Scheid, James W. Obit11
Scheid, Leonard11
Scheid, Mrs. Mary11
Scheid, Ray11
Scheid, Robert11
Scheid, Ronald11
Scheid, Shane35
Scheid, Thomas11
Schindorf, Mrs. Crescentia11
Schlagel, Janet37
Schlagel, Mrs. LeRoy (Elsa Jane)16
Schlagel. Mrs. and Mrs. Robert37
Schmelzer, Mrs. Bertha3
Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy10
Schneider, Kevin41
Schneider, Mrs. Janet8
Schnell, Mrs. Ruby2
Schnetzler, Bryan26
Schonmeier, Mrs. Mollie15
Schott, Mrs. Clara10
Schult, Florice8
Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. Richard39
Schutte, Fred2
Schutte, Fred Sr. Obit2
Schutte, Katherine Petri2
Schutte, Mr. Richard3
Schutte, William2
Schwab, Dr. Ronald37
Schwab, Jeffrey37
Schwab, Jenny37
Sciple, Carl21
Scott, Lawrence Obit9
Scott, Mrs. Joy8
Scott, Virginia Degg9
Scovill, Stacey18
Selle, Alvin14
Selle, Clinton14
Selle, Herbert14
Selle, Lydia14
Selle, Myrtle14
Selle, Robert14
Selle, Rosemary14
Sensabaugh, E. F.22
Senske, Ben58
Senske, Ken46
Senske, Mrs. Sophie10
Senske, Nellie Angers58
Seymour, Benjamin9
Seymour, Benjamin Obit9
Seymour, Henry9
Seymour, Ronald9
Seymour, Winifred9
Shaffer, Debra44
Shannon, Dennis5
Shannon, Mr. and Mrs. Martin5
Sheltrown, Mrs. Connie10
Shirkey, Mrs. Edna4
Shoe, Guy6
Shoe, Mrs. Edna5
Shotwell, Alyce Jacoby4
Shotwell, Harlan G.4
Shotwell, Merrick Obit4
Shukait, Mrs. Steve6
Shupe, Mrs. John24
Silas, Mrs. Estella Obit6
Silas, Rev. John B.6
Silverthorn, Larry64
Sky, Daniel Green31
Slmith, Mrs. J.8
Slusser, Patti51
Smith, Brian34
Smith, Dawn50
Smith, Deborah11
Smith, Doug38
Smith, Floyd16
Smith, Linda51
Smith, Mark38
Smith, Mark43
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. George E. and Gladys Mae Smith16
Smith, Mrs. Dorothy9
Smith, Mrs. Hannah2
Smith, Mrs. Helen11
Smith, Mrs. Jennie9
Smith, Richard C.16
Smith, Scott41
Smock, Carolyn42
Smogy, Mrs. Elizabeth17
Snyder, Larene38
Sobczak, Mrs. Antoinette4
Sobol, Mrs. Madaline7
Somagy, Mrs. Elizabeth11
Southworth, Greg58
Southworth, Mrs. Bernice7
Sowinski. Mrs. Hedwig11
Spalenka, Rev. Gordon5
Spencer, Clarence Obit6
Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. William6
Sproule Dan45
Sproule Hardware Company45
Sproule, Donald10
Sproule, Herb45
Sproule, Ida Catherine Obit10
Sproule, Mrs. Iva45
Sproule, Mrs. Marye10
Sproule, Quinton and Mary45
Sproule, Terry10
St. James, Mr. and Mrs. Octave and Margaret Goupil39
St.John the Baptist Catholic Church1
Stagray, Donna26
Staley, William Jr. and Tena46
Standish Ambulance62
Standish Elementary School Demolition56
Standish High School Classes 1915 through 191858
Standish Kiwanis Club32
Standish Lumber and Manufacturing Company27
Standish Men's Softball League64
Standish Township Bicentennial Celebration65
Standish-Sterling Cheerleaders50
Standish-Sterling Sports Banquet42
Stanley, Fred5
Stanley, Gary64
Stanley, Henry5
Stanley, Herbert5
Stanley, Luella4
Stanley, Mary A. Obit5
Stanley, Pat58
Stanley, Patrick5
Stanley, William5
Steinbauer, Adeline Nitschke6
Steinbauer, Earl6
Steinbauer, Erwin6
Steinbauer, Larry6
Steinbauer, Otto F. Obit6
Sterling 4-H Forest Preserve19
Sterling Bicentennial63
Sterling Class of 191245
Sterling United Methodist Church63
Stevenow, Irene8
Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. F. J.22
Stewart, Bill32
Stivers, Mrs. Sophie4
Stodalak, Miranda Obit7
Stodalak, Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.7
Stodalak, Mr. and Mrs. Richard P.7
Stodalak, Mrs. Arlene7
Stodolak, Ron5
Stokoszynski, Irene9
Stone, Clara B.9
Stone, Mary Obit9
Stoner, Jack17
Stoner, Mabel Schneider16
Strauss, Dr. Andries M.8
Strauss, Dr. Andries M.8
Strauss, Dr. Paul K.8
Strauss, Grace Wubbena Obit8
Strawn, Tim26
Strawn, Tim42
Streeter, Mrs. Joanne3
Strelecki, Walter17
Stroebel, Fredia50
Stuart, George10
Stuart, John10
Stuart, Joseph10
Stuart, Mrs. Julia10
Stutzman, Debbie53
Styka, Patty32
Styrk, Scott58
Suchodolski, Donna Hugo8
Suchodolski, Eugene L. Obit8
Suchodolski, Kenneth8
Sutliff, Charles6
Sutton, Helen4
Swanson, Tim42
Swartz, Rev. Alvin1
Swoszowski, Kathy40
Swoszowski, Mr. and Mrs. Casimir40
Szotak, Mrs. Ann7
Taggert, James22
Tanner, Judith9
Tarnosky, Ed21
Taylor, Dr. Charles Forbes21
Thatcher, Marilyn6
Thomas, Eli30
Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Robert5
Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Robert5
Thompson, Dawn10
Thompson, Leo W. Obit10
Thompson, Mrs. Marilyn7
Thompson, Pat64
Thomson, Leonard21
Tolgo, Mr. and Mrs. George17
Tomaszewski, Delores53
Tomaszewski, Eugene53
Tomaszewski, Mr. and Mrs. Dominic and Sophie Groszek53
Tomkins, Dr, Dana Obit4
Tompkins, Amy4
Tompkins, Angela4
Tompkins, Dan4
Tompkins, Jessica4
Tompkins, Mr. and Mrs. James4
Tompkins, Mrs. Idamae5
Tompkins, Staff Sgt. James4
Topp, William17
Town, Nellie Woolheiser58
Tracy, Arthur8
Tracy, Mrs. Onie V. Obit8
Trask Don58
Trask, Mike58
Traynor, Ardell4
Traynor, Ed M. Obit4
Traynor, Gerlad4
Traynor, Thomas4
Treichel, Mrs. Ruth8
Treichel, Zelda, E.3
Tremble, Mr. and Mrs. William and Viola Bugh14
Tremble, William Jr.14
Trepkowski, John T. Obit1
Trepkowski, Mr. and Mrs. Robert1
Trombley, Gilbert9
Trombley, Joseph9
Trombley, Kenneth9
Trombley, Leonard9
Trombley, Louis Obit9
Trombley, Robert9
Trombley, Vivian9
Troz, Katherine2
Trudell, Jeffrey3
Trudell, Mrs. Evelyn11
Tucholski, Chet18
Tucholski, Chet46
Tucker, Anne18
Tucker, Anne60
Tucker, Lois9
Tupper, Rev, Fr.16
Tupper, Rev. Fr. John2
Tupper, Rev. Fr. John18
Turner Bicentennial Activities54
Turner, Mrs. Nellie4
Twining Bicentennial Weekend13
Twining Trains22
Twining, Fred45
Twining, Fred L.22
Uhlmann, Mrs. Irvin (Emily)9
Umphrey, Earl3
Umphrey, Elder John2
Umphrey, John3
Umphrey, John Obit3
Umphrey, Mark58
Umphrey, Muriel Lehman3
Unger, John47
Urko, Anna16
Utych, Albert4
Utych, Anthony4
Utych, Sophia Srama Obit4
Valeck, Helen8
Vallad, Julie44
Valley, Judy50
Van Noord, James11
Vance, Margaret Obit10
Vander-Laan, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey17
VanHorn, David15
VanHorn, Dennis58
VanHorn, Elsie16
VanHorn, Floyd15
VanHorn, Frank15
VanHorn, James15
VanHorn, Jerry15
VanHorn, Kenneth15
VanHorn, Laurance15
VanHorn, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest and Irene Blair15
VanHorn, Ron58
VanHorn, Ronald15
VanHorn, Roy15
Vaugh, Carl6
Vaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Gary (Lois)39
Vaughn, Arthur and Altha6
Vaughn, Evah Williams6
Vaughn, Gladys6
Vaughn, Murlin6
Vaughn, Ray Harold Obit6
Verbosky, Mrs. Mary11
Viola, Charles3
Viola, Charles3
Viola, Henry3
Walker, Betty Jean36
Walker, Sheree38
Walworth, Mike58
Wanyee, Craig26
Ward, Pete47
Warmington, Blanche Larocque Obit5
Warner, Cindy38
Warner, Cindy43
Warr, Mr. and Mrs. Roy16
Warr, Patti L.16
Warren, Mrs. Ida16
Waters, Mrs. Ruth4
Watson, Mrs. Eileen2
Waynee, Craig32
Webb, Mrs. Cecil11
Weber, Rev. Fr. John2
Weekly, Mrs. Frances4
Weigand, Marie14
Weishuhn, Edith Bolt58
Weishuhn, Mrs. Joyce2
Welcome, Gordon28
Welcome, Marie Oetting58
Welthers, Mrs. Kenneth (Dorothy)15
Werne, Lynn7
Weyrowski, Mrs. Martha5
Whelton, Troy41
White, Avis Obit1
White, Bob14
White, E. F.22
White, Elder Edward3
White, Elder Fred3
White, Jim1
Whiteman, Earl60
White's Beach47
Whitney, Mrs. Beulah24
Whittemore Speedway Winners47
Whittemore-Prescott Tennis Team38
Whittlesey, Mrs. Miriam L.8
Wickes, Mrs. Dorothy4
Wideman, Mrs. J. C.22
Wilk, Rev. James2
Wilk, Rev. James2
Wilk, Rev. James6
Wilk, Rev. James7
Wilk, Rev. James7
Wilk, Rev. James8
Wilk, Rev. James8
Wilk, Rev. James10
Wilk, Rev. James17
Wilk, Rev. James25
Wilk, Tony38
Wilkinson, Mrs. Gladys3
Willette, Karis15
Willette, Kenneth Jr.15
Willette, Mrs. Kenneth15
Willette, Shelley15
Williams, Charles A. Obit4
Williams, Clarence and Helen18
Williams, Clarence H. Obit4
Williams, Clifford4
Williams, Dolly4
Williams, Harmon34
Williams, Howard4
Williams, Jack4
Williams, Mariam Pearce4
Williams, Mrs. Mary10
Williams, Richard4
Williams, Roger and Pearl Drake4
Williams, Silas30
Williams, Silas31
Wilson, Fannye32
Wilson, Fannye33
Wilson, Fannye Federspiel58
Wilson, Mrs. Dorothy5
Wilson, Mrs. Fannie5
Wilson, Thomas22
Wiltse, Mrs. Donna2
Winters, Mrs. Mary8
Witty, Mrs. Loretta15
Wodek, Mrs. Marie11
Wolner, Michael34
Wolner, Michael II34
Wolner, Michael III34
Wolner, Michael IIII34
Wolner, Michael Sr.34
Woloszyk, Rev. Fr. Ignatius1
Woloszyk, Rev. Fr. Ignatius3
Woloszyk, Rev. Fr. Ignatius5
Woloszyk, Rev. Fr. Ignatius7
Woloszyk, Rev. Fr. Ignatius8
Wood, Mrs. Marvel3
Woodruff, Mrs. Laura1
Woodruff, Mrs. Marjorie3
Woodsworth, Mrs. Patricia4
Woolhiser, Harold23
Woolhiser, Paul8
Woolhiser, Teresa V. McKay Obit8
Worden, Debbie46
Wright, Rev. Raymond8
Wubbena, Charles and Myrtle8
Wubbena, Mrs. Jeannette3
Yankee, Mrs. Casper (Iva)15
Yarger, Mrs. Eva5
Yarger, Ralph d. Obit5
Yarger, Sam5
Yates, Mrs. Joann2
Yenior, Charles34
Yenior, Sue48
Yenna, Mr. and Mrs. John16
Yenna, Rhonda50
York Jack30
Young, Mrs. Judy10
Young, Pat18
Young, Robert21
Young, Shirley13
Youngberg, Iry38
Zeller, Bill56
Zellmar, Rev. Nelmar25
Zettel, Mrs. Marie11
Ziembo, Mary15
Zimmerly, Grace8
Zygiel, Dave58
Zylka, Chris46
Zylka, Lydia50