In Arenac County Historical Society Scrapbooks

 Copyright 2009 – ACHS | Indexed July 8, 2009


Holland Irene News Clippings Various Years V 49 Scrapbook
April Sucker Festival112
Area Historical Places72
Arenac County K9 Dog93
Arenac Eastern Consolidation102
Arenac Eastern Football45
AuGres Area Summer Guide49
AuGres City Park66
AuGres Kiwanis40
AuGres Sims Athletic Boosters40
AuGres Sims Bands42
AuGres Sims Football45
AuGres Sims Police Board46
AuGres Sims School District38
AuGres United Methodist Church29
AuGres Water Storage Tank109
AuGres Winterfest27
Ayre, Jim83
Backus, Pat70
Bean, Undersheriff Duane83
Bennett, Alan Lee94
Bessinger Pickle Co.40
Bilacic Trucking and Excavating27
Birch, Gwendolyn78
Boetefuer, Tom70
Bootz, Corrections Officer Dennis59
Brechtelsbauer, Walter F.46
Brindley, Chuck85
Brown, Tonya84
Burnside, Brad83
Burnside, Rodney83
Butz, Terry106
Butz, Terry111
Charbonneau, Gail30
Charbonneau, Marion30
Charbonneau, Rachel30
Christie, Janell42
Chudej, Marvin112
Claerhout, David100
CMI Equipment and Engineering40
Cook, Kim70
Created For Caring50
Crump's new bridge71
Davidson, Trevor36
Davis, Horatio64
Davis, Horatio68
DeKett, Arnold44
DeLano, Eddie70
Dewald, Cheryl111
Dijak, Roma68
Dittenber, Alvina44
Dittenber, Alvina105
Dittenber, Candace44
Dittenber, LaVern104
Dittenber, LaVern105
Dittenber, Randy47
Ennes, Lincoln104
Farver, Coach Tom45
Federated Garden Clubs46
Forward Corporation106
Franco, Dr. Rey87
Gauthier, Judy50
George, Cheryl35
Gettel, Raymond114
Gordon, Elizabeth35
Gordon, Holly85
Granton Inn Super Bowl Party98
Graves, Dr. John35
Graves, John P.112
Hall, Kandy50
Haller, George42
Harmon, Jim104
Heinrich, Herb79
Heinrich, Tom40
Heinrich, Tom44
Hinds, Sallie41
Holland's IGA1
Holland's IGA2
Holland's IGA3
Holland's IGA4
Holland's IGA5
Holland's IGA7
Holland's IGA8
Holland's IGA9
Holland's IGA10
Holland's IGA11
Holland's IGA12
Holland's IGA13
Holland's IGA14
Holland's IGA15
Holland's IGA16
Holland's IGA17
Holland's IGA18
Holland's IGA19
Holland's IGA20
Holland's IGA21
Holland's IGA22
Hopkins, Leanor30
Illig, Jeff107
Isaac, Chief Leonard82
J & C Food Mart26
Jablonski, Shirley85
Jimco Fire Protection Co.40
Johnson, Lee64
Johnson, Lee67
Killing beck, Patricia27
Killing beck, Patricia104
Kiwanis Club44
Kowalczyk, Jill115
Lammy, Rachel67
LaPorte Insurance Agency95
LaPorte, Daniel95
LaPorte, Daniel96
Larson, Ro Anne36
Lawn Service of AuGres27
Lezotte, Judy86
Lezotte, Ted86
Lincoln, John35
Lindblom, George42
Linton, Dick80
Lowe, Jerry80
Macaulay, Robert80
Mapes, Kay70
Maybee, Michael44
McFarlan, Mark112
McGuire, Francine78
McTaggert Wholesale106
McTaggert, Lyle111
McTaggert, Lyle and Helen106
McTaggert, T. R.111
Miller, Greg101
Mitchell, Bob78
Mosciski, J I m66
Mosciski, Jim63
Mosciski, Jim64
Mosciski, Jim65
Mosciski, Jim67
Mosciski, Jim68
Mosciski, Jim69
Mosciski, Jim112
Mosciski, Sheriff Jim58
Mosciski, Sheriff Jim60
Mosciski, Sheriff Jim61
Mosciski, Sheriff Jim114
Nelson, Edward Craig101
Nixon's Coin Operated Laundry86
Northland Area Federal Credit Union39
Nowak, Lyndsay47
O;Dell, Wesley101
O'Dell, George Edward101
Ogaucawning Church82
Omer City's Water System113
Omer Masonic Hall73
Omer Senior Citizen Center56
Osier, Cliff104
Pelton, Dr. Kevin51
Pelton, Dr. Kevin52
Pelton, Dr. Kevin53
Pelton, Dr. Kevin54
Pelton, Dr. Kevin55
Pendred, Noreen85
Perrot, Louis44
Pinconning Schools34
Prescott IGA81
Raymond, Richelle106
Raymond, Richelle111
Reed's Foodliner23
Reed's Foodliner24
Reed's Foodliner25
Revord, Amy47
Richards, Rev. Lillian29
Ridenour, Merle Everett36
Rifle River Drifting76
Rivers, Lynn37
Rockwell, Rick68
Romanark, Mike112
Saganing Indian Church77
Sagatoo, Mary Henderson Cabay77
Sagatoo, Peter77
Save Our Standish40
Schaffer, Peggy44
Schlagel, Julie35
Schnell, Matt112
Schutte, Harold79
Schwab, Marvin80
Selle, Myrtle46
Sheill, Fred, Day Lily King48
Smith, Melinda Carol51
Socia, Ken35
Spresny, Don62
Sproull, Neil E.78
Standish Chamber of Commerce97
Standish Community Hospital103
Standish Elementary School Fire91
Standish Fire Department80
Standish Lions Club35
Standish Prison110
Standish Sterling Consolidation102
Stanley, Dennis43
Stanley, Mike43
Stanley, Pete43
State Bank of Standish Robbery91
State Bank of Standish Robbery92
Stodolak, Mike67
Supernaw, Deputy Dave93
Swartz, JoAnn75
Swartz, Olen85
Swift, Howard83
Tigner, Ashlee30
Tillen, Bill40
Tillen, Bill44
Trudell, Jack and Lynn33
US 23 Beautification28
US 23 Expansion Plan57
US 23 Expressway90
US 23 Widening89
US 23 Widening Project74
Vane, Jim85
Weishuhn, Dennis67
White, Det. Gerald114
Whitney Twp. Park6
Williamson, Janice44
Wright, Linda and Patrick Movie99
Zimmerman, Vickie86