In Arenac County Historical Society Scrapbooks
Copyright 2007 – ACHS | Indexed April 19, 2007
Arenac County Wedding Anniversaries 1975-82 V 40 Scrapbook
Name | Page |
Allen, Mrs. and Mrs. William C. "60" | 5 |
Allen, Ray | 5 |
Allen, Rex | 5 |
Allen, Robert | 5 |
Allen, Russell | 5 |
Badgerow, Ervin (Bill) and Belle "50" | 16 |
Bair, Phyllis | 15 |
Baker, Mrs. Robert | 10 |
Barry, Edythe | 2 |
Barshaw, Dan | 18 |
Barshaw, George - Deceased | 18 |
Barshaw, George and Emily "50" | 18 |
Bartlett, Grace | 5 |
Beier, Darlene | 16 |
Bergeron, Lester and Blanche "50" | 21 |
Bergeron, Rodney | 21 |
Bergeron, Roger | 21 |
Blakely, Lila | 9 |
Boley, Douglas | 17 |
Boley, Walter and Phyllis "50" | 17 |
Borushko, Margaret | 5 |
Bower, Susan | 17 |
Broadworth, Colin | 16 |
Broadworth, Mr. and Mrs. Ed "62" | 16 |
Brown, June | 19 |
Brownell, Huron and Charlotte "50" | 20 |
Bucholz, Eleanor | 15 |
Butler, Marie | 18 |
Carson, Mr. and Mrs. William "50" | 10 |
Caton, Linda | 3 |
Chilcote, Mrs. Gilbert | 18 |
Chriscaden, Mr. and Mrs. Alex "54" | 14 |
Cramer, Kenneth | 14 |
Cramer, Leo and Dorothy "50" | 14 |
Cramer, Robert | 14 |
Cummings, Chester J. and Marvel "50" | 9 |
Cummings, Chester V. | 9 |
Cummings, Frederick, V. | 9 |
Cummings, Wayne A. | 9 |
Curriston, Emory and Edith "50" | 3 |
Curriston, Emory and Edith "50" | 4 |
Curriston, Thorton | 3 |
Curriston, Thorton | 4 |
Daniels, Vera | 21 |
Davis, Carol | 6 |
Davis, Mrs. Robert | 15 |
Dean, Mrs. Gregory | 21 |
Delaney, Elaine | 3 |
DeLong, Brian | 18 |
DeLong, Edwin | 18 |
DeLong, Leon | 18 |
DeLong, Mr. and Mrs. Earl "57" | 18 |
DeLong, Virgil | 18 |
Demo, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred "50" | 20 |
Demo, Virgil | 20 |
Dereniak, Dr. Eustace | 15 |
Dereniak, Peter and Julia "50" | 15 |
Derocher, June | 18 |
Dever, Eleanor | 10 |
Dewald, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob "50" | 13 |
Dittenber, Arnold | 1 |
Dittenber, Edwin | 1 |
Dittenber, Mr. and Mrs. Philip "50" | 1 |
Dobler, Geraldine | 17 |
Doran, Peggy | 21 |
Dreyer, Charles and Hilda "60" | 14 |
Dubey, Mrs. Ben | 18 |
Dudek, Andy and Lottie "60" | 14 |
Elwell, Chester and Rebecca "60" | 3 |
Erickson, Henrietta | 19 |
Ervin, Marilyn | 18 |
Farver, Mr. and Mrs. William "65" | 13 |
Friday, Phyllis | 8 |
Garry, Colon | 5 |
Garry, Earl and Clara "50" | 5 |
Garry, Robert | 5 |
Goodrow, Glenn and Lorraine "50" | 5 |
Gordanier, Betty | 19 |
Griffith, Mr. and Mrs. Claud "60" | 3 |
Gunter, Madlyn | 9 |
Guoan, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. "50" | 6 |
Halloran, Geraldine | 15 |
Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Albert "60" | 1 |
Hasty, Albert | 9 |
Hasty, Albert K. | 7 |
Hasty, Bill | 9 |
Hasty, Henry | 9 |
Hasty, Henry K. | 7 |
Hasty, Mr. and Mrs. William Sr. "61" | 9 |
Hasty, William E. | 7 |
Hasty, William F. and Hazel S. "60" | 7 |
Heierman, Mr. and Mrs. Herman "50" | 7 |
Heinrich, James | 3 |
Heinrich, John and Gertrude "50" | 3 |
Heinrich, Robert | 3 |
Heming, Dorothy | 12 |
Hilderbrand, Howard and Sylvia "50" | 5 |
Hinds, Sallie | 14 |
Hoyle, Riva | 12 |
Hungerford, Barbara | 15 |
Iverson, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham "50" | 6 |
Jeskey, Mr. and Mrs. Steve "60" | 18 |
Jester, Mary Jane | 21 |
Johns, Jay Dee Sr. | 17 |
Johns, Nancy | 15 |
Johns, Rev. and Mrs. Albert B. "50" | 17 |
Johns, Timothy | 17 |
Johnson, Donald | 19 |
Johnson, Gerald | 19 |
Johnson, Mildred M. | 19 |
Johnson, Perry C. and Mildred E. "60" | 19 |
Johnson, Perry C. Jr. | 19 |
Johnson, Simeon | 19 |
Kammerzell, Ed | 2 |
Kammerzell, Jake and Molly "50" | 2 |
Kammerzell, John, Jr. | 2 |
Kennedy, Mrs. William | 20 |
Kirchgessner, Mary | 19 |
Koelesch, Mr. and Mrs. Peter "65" | 5 |
Kolesch, Harry | 15 |
Kolesch, Kenneth | 15 |
Kolesch, Mr. and Mrs. Philip "65" | 15 |
Kraatz, Adam Jr. | 8 |
Kraatz, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sr. "60" | 8 |
Kraatz, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sr. "63" | 16 |
Kraatz, Virgil | 8 |
Kramarz, John and Genevieve "50" | 13 |
Kramarz, Ronald | 13 |
LaBean, Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey "50" | 9 |
LeFebvre, Oscar and Rose "50" | 5 |
Lehman, Ernest | 12 |
Lehman, Mr. and Mrs. William "50" | 12 |
Leinaar, Edward | 5 |
Leinaar, Loyal L. and Marie "50" | 5 |
Leinaar, Roy | 5 |
Lentner, Alois and Bernice "50" | 3 |
Lentner, Kenneth | 3 |
Lentner, Larry | 3 |
Lentz, Mr. and Mrs. Harold "50" | 19 |
Lentz, Robert | 19 |
Lentz, William | 19 |
Lovell, Ann | 13 |
MacKinder, Mr. and Mrs. Francis "50" | 12 |
MacKinder, Robert G. | 12 |
Manor, Beverly | 5 |
Mardon, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred "50" | 23 |
Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. Harry "60" | 2 |
Marsh, Mr. and Mrs. Harry "65" | 21 |
Marshall, Mary | 3 |
Martin, Mrs. John | 15 |
Maser, Edward | 9 |
Maser, Henry and Molly "50" | 9 |
Maser, Mr. and Mrs. Pete "50" | 13 |
McCormick, O. E. and Ruth "50" | 9 |
McCormick, Ralph | 9 |
McCormick, William | 9 |
McKee, Alton | 15 |
McKee, Mr. and Mrs. Omer "50" | 15 |
Meeks, Rev. and Mrs. Steve "58" | 19 |
Mielke, Kenneth | 11 |
Mielke, Norman | 11 |
Mielke, Raymond | 11 |
Mielke, Rudy and Bertha "50" | 11 |
Miller, Carolyn | 2 |
Mitchelson, Diane | 15 |
Mitrzyk, Jane | 20 |
Mitrzyk, Robert | 20 |
Monticello, Gayle | 18 |
Moore, John and Bonnie "50" | 6 |
Moore, Ronald | 6 |
Mutch, Claire | 21 |
Mutch, Harry | 21 |
Mutch, J. Otis and Mary W. "60" | 21 |
Myal, Michael | 21 |
Myal, Michael and Frances "66" | 24 |
Myal, Mr. and Mrs. Michael "65" | 21 |
Nankee, Barbara | 18 |
Nelson, Delores | 13 |
Norton, Colleen | 21 |
Norton, Elwood | 20 |
Norton, Elwood | 21 |
Norton, Lloyd and Thelma "50" | 21 |
Norton, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd "50" | 20 |
Norton, Norma | 21 |
Norton, Terry | 20 |
Norton, Terry | 21 |
Nowak, Charles | 21 |
Nowak, Gerald | 21 |
Nowak, Mr. and Mrs. Adam "50" | 21 |
Nowak, Richard | 21 |
Oates, Irene | 16 |
Olepa, Winnora | 6 |
Onen, Mrs. Ray | 3 |
Osier, Edward | 17 |
Osier, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph "60" | 17 |
Osier, Virgil | 17 |
Ousterhout, Allen | 10 |
Ousterhout, Marshall and Vera "50" | 10 |
Pace, Gerry | 12 |
Palovick, Margaret | 9 |
Perrin, Dan | 11 |
Perrin, Mr. and Mrs. Ross "50" | 11 |
Perrin, Russ | 11 |
Pfeiffer, Judy | 2 |
Podleski, Mrs. and Mrs. Roman "50" | 17 |
Poirier, Joann | 20 |
Powlus, Bert and Nora "50" | 5 |
Powlus, David A. and Nora "50" | 7 |
Prell, Edwin and Drusella "50" | 12 |
Putman, Rita | 18 |
Rainwater, Mary Lou | 12 |
Raymond, Lila Mae | 6 |
Rickettes, James and Erma "50" | 20 |
Rickettes, James and Erma "50" | 21 |
Ridley, Charlotte | 19 |
Rokosz, Peter J. and Stella "50" | 23 |
Rokosz, Richard | 23 |
Roth, Helen | 5 |
Roth, Janice M. | 4 |
Roth, Maxine | 4 |
Roth, Mrs. Dick Roth | 3 |
Roth, Mrs. Donald Roth | 3 |
Ruple, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart R. "50" | 12 |
Russell, Colleen | 20 |
Savage, Mrs. Charles | 16 |
Schlink, Louis and Gertrude "60" | 18 |
Schock, Wilma | 10 |
Schuipeman, Helen | 5 |
Schultz, Ronald | 10 |
Schultz, William C. and Dorothy "50" | 10 |
Schutte, Marie | 9 |
Scott, Harry J. Jr. | 13 |
Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Sr. "61" | 13 |
Secquer, Paul and Nettie "50" | 15 |
Senske, B. J. (Ben) and Nellie "60" | 23 |
Sequer, Dick | 15 |
Shannon, Martin and Grace "60" | 14 |
Sharp, Mary Joyce | 6 |
Sheehan, Carol | 19 |
Shepard, Geraldine | 15 |
Simpson, Joyce | 23 |
Smith, Clara | 21 |
Southworth, Mr. and Mrs. Roland "50" | 10 |
Steel, David O. | 8 |
Steel, S. Orion and Lydia "50" | 8 |
Stevens, Grace | 19 |
Strauss, Ruth | 19 |
Stutzman, Esther | 2 |
Suave, Betty | 12 |
Swartz, Art | 2 |
Swartz, Mr. and Mrs. Henry "50" | 2 |
Swartzentruber, Henry Jr. | 2 |
Swartzentruber, Wilma | 2 |
Sweet, Margaret | 19 |
Taygart, Marilyn | 17 |
Tolgo, Farol | 2 |
Treichel, Emma | 10 |
Tremble, William and Viola "50" | 2 |
Tremble, William Jr. | 2 |
Tressler, Ken | 9 |
Tressler, Melvin | 9 |
Tressler, Melvin and Alma "50" | 9 |
Tressler, Wes | 9 |
Vander Laan, Margaret | 2 |
Van-Deusen, Jean | 6 |
Vaughn, Lois | 3 |
Voss, Joseph and Anna "50" | 20 |
Voss, Karl | 20 |
Walters, Norma | 20 |
Werth, Thresa | 12 |
Whitney, Beulah | 8 |
Wilkins, Harold and Olitha "50" | 16 |
Wilkins, Roger | 16 |
Wilson, Donald | 19 |
Wilson, Earl | 19 |
Wilson, James and Thelma "50" | 19 |
Wilson, Richard | 19 |
Wilson, Robert | 19 |
Winchester, Andrew E. and Marie H. "50" | 7 |
Yeager, Garnet and Alice "50" | 23 |
Ziembo, Alice | 19 |